Battles from the Boardroom of the Soul

this is the featured image of the Battles from the Boardroom of the Soul series

There’s a battle going on in the boardroom of your soul. Meet the six members of the board. Their names are Mind, Heart, Will, Conscience, Memory, and Imagination. They meet in secret to hammer out the great issues of your life, and the outcome will determine your future.

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Pastor Colin extends an invitation for a seven-week journey into the exploration of the soul. He shares that many people have never deeply examined their soul, a significant aspect of their spiritual life. The sermon highlights that the Bible references the soul nearly 500 times, indicating its importance. Pastor Colin discusses the creation story, where God breathed life into man, making him a living soul, underscoring the soul's infinite value.

Colin Smith

Pastor Colin turns our attention to our own souls, urging us to consider if we've ever been surprised by our own spiritual shallowness and coldness of heart. The good news, he says, is that our souls can grow. The faculties of our soul can be renewed and revitalised by the Spirit of God.

Colin Smith

Pastor Colin addresses the concept of money and its influence on the soul. He clarifies that the church is not in any financial crisis, but discusses the biblical perspective on money because it significantly affects one's inner life. Money, as noted in scripture, can either become a tyrant over the soul or be mastered and used to strengthen devotion to God.

Colin Smith

"Learning How to Hate", a message grounded in Romans 12:9, where the Apostle Paul urges believers to hate what is evil and cling to what is good.

Colin Smith

We delve into the profound struggles faced by the human soul, using Psalm 130 as a reference. Exploring the concept of the soul's inner life as a boardroom with members: mind, heart, will, conscience, memory, and imagination, Pastor Colin explains how these elements work together to determine one's future direction. Upon coming to faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit enters this 'boardroom' and provides new direction, offering hope and guidance through difficult times.

Colin Smith

Pastor Colin addresses is how to find rest for one’s soul amidst turmoil and internal conflicts.

Colin Smith

Pastor Colin urges us to engage entirely with our faith, employing every aspect of our soul's. Pastor Colin emphasised that true conversion isn't just about believing in Jesus to secure a "passport to heaven" but about establishing a deep and genuine relationship with Him.

Colin Smith

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