Learning How to Hate

Romans 12
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“Learning How to Hate”, a message grounded in Romans 12:9, where the Apostle Paul urges believers to hate what is evil and cling to what is good.

Pastor Colin explains that hate, rightly directed, is vital for a successful Christian life. He illustrates how the love for something inherently brings a hatred for its destruction, citing examples like loving nature while hating its defacement or hating an illness that harms a loved one. He highlights the insincerity in love that does not involve hatred for what destroys its object, using Judas’ betrayal of Jesus as an example.

He moves on to discuss the nature of taking sides as Christians, explaining that true love demands a stand against what is destructive. He contrasts this with indifference or dispassion and notes that Christianity calls for deep commitment, loving God and one’s neighbour wholeheartedly.

Pastor Colin uses an analogy of the soul as a boardroom with six members—mind, heart, will, conscience, memory, and imagination. He presents a scenario of a man facing temptation, illustrating the internal struggle and emphasising that learning to hate evil is essential in overcoming sin. This includes training the mind, heart, will, and memory to align with God’s hatred for sin.

The sermon underlines the importance of immediate, decisive action against temptation and highlights the danger of letting internal debates over sin drag on. He advises that resolving to hate what is evil within all parts of the soul, and remembering how sin led to Jesus’ suffering, helps strengthen the resolve to avoid sin.

1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:06,940 You’re listening to a sermon from Pastor Colin Smith of Open the Bible. 2 00:00:06,940 –> 00:00:14,920 To contact us, call us at 1-877-open-365 or visit our website openthebible.org. 3 00:00:14,920 –> 00:00:17,780 Let’s get to the message. 4 00:00:17,780 –> 00:00:19,639 Here is Pastor Colin. 5 00:00:19,639 –> 00:00:24,959 I expect this morning’s title might raise a few eyebrows, at least I hope so if you 6 00:00:24,959 –> 00:00:27,100 are awake this morning. 7 00:00:27,139 –> 00:00:31,139 If someone asks you tomorrow what you did on Sunday, you can tell them that you went 8 00:00:31,139 –> 00:00:36,500 to church and you heard a sermon on learning how to hate. 9 00:00:36,500 –> 00:00:41,259 It will confirm all of their worst suspicions. 10 00:00:43,060 –> 00:00:51,459 Scripture is very, very clear about the obligation on Christian people to love their enemies. 11 00:00:51,740 –> 00:01:01,820 But I wonder if we have understood the obligation that also lies on Christian believers to hate 12 00:01:01,820 –> 00:01:03,599 their sins. 13 00:01:03,599 –> 00:01:13,739 I want to show you from the Bible this morning that the ability to hate, rightly directed, 14 00:01:13,739 –> 00:01:18,459 is actually critical to living a successful Christian life. 15 00:01:18,739 –> 00:01:24,620 In fact, one of the reasons why many people never make progress in their spiritual journey 16 00:01:24,620 –> 00:01:31,779 is that they have never learned the art of holy hatred. 17 00:01:31,779 –> 00:01:36,059 I want you to turn to one text in the New Testament building on the Scripture that has 18 00:01:36,059 –> 00:01:38,580 been read from the Old. 19 00:01:38,580 –> 00:01:44,660 Romans in chapter twelve and verse nine, and it’s our focal text this morning. 20 00:01:44,660 –> 00:01:51,180 Romans and chapter twelve and verse nine. 21 00:01:51,180 –> 00:01:55,500 The apostle Paul writes these words for us. 22 00:01:55,500 –> 00:01:59,820 Love, he says, must be sincere. 23 00:01:59,820 –> 00:02:02,860 Romans, twelve, nine. 24 00:02:02,860 –> 00:02:05,019 Well, we all agree with that, no doubt. 25 00:02:05,019 –> 00:02:11,720 But then he goes on to explain what it means for love to be sincere. 26 00:02:11,740 –> 00:02:16,300 Here’s what sincere love looks like, he’s saying. 27 00:02:16,300 –> 00:02:22,240 Hate what is evil and cling to what is good. 28 00:02:22,240 –> 00:02:28,139 Now, the apostle is announcing this powerful principle that hate is in fact always the 29 00:02:28,139 –> 00:02:31,679 flipside of love. 30 00:02:31,679 –> 00:02:36,479 If I love something, I will hate that which destroys it. 31 00:02:36,479 –> 00:02:45,759 If I love the countryside, I will hate billboards that desecrate it as I’m driving through it. 32 00:02:45,759 –> 00:02:53,179 If someone I love is suffering from an illness, I will hate that illness because of what it 33 00:02:53,179 –> 00:02:57,740 is doing to the person I love. 34 00:02:57,740 –> 00:03:03,880 If I am indifferent to it, then my love for that person is not sincere. 35 00:03:04,779 –> 00:03:09,539 In other words, the Bible is making clear to us that a love that knows nothing of hate 36 00:03:09,539 –> 00:03:12,279 has no substance. 37 00:03:12,279 –> 00:03:17,580 If you do not know what it is to hate that which is destroying the object of your love, 38 00:03:17,580 –> 00:03:21,720 you do not understand what it is to love. 39 00:03:21,720 –> 00:03:25,580 And of course, if you think of it in terms of the Bible story, that is precisely the 40 00:03:25,580 –> 00:03:27,820 point of the story of Judas. 41 00:03:27,820 –> 00:03:33,520 If you asked him, he would have told you that he loved Christ. 42 00:03:33,559 –> 00:03:38,580 But he did not hate what is evil, and so his love collapsed. 43 00:03:38,580 –> 00:03:41,520 It amounted to nothing substantial. 44 00:03:41,520 –> 00:03:48,880 There was no strength in it, so he betrayed the Son of Man, with all things, with a kiss. 45 00:03:48,880 –> 00:03:55,339 Now, says the Apostle, love can’t be like that. 46 00:03:55,339 –> 00:03:57,899 It must be sincere. 47 00:03:58,559 –> 00:04:04,940 And the evidence of a sincere love is that you hate what is evil. 48 00:04:04,940 –> 00:04:11,539 In other words, love takes sides, and if you want to avoid taking sides, then you need 49 00:04:11,539 –> 00:04:15,720 to restrain love and indeed avoid commitment. 50 00:04:15,720 –> 00:04:19,839 And there are more and more people in our culture who are moving in that direction. 51 00:04:19,839 –> 00:04:27,000 They have noticed that when you take sides you open yourself up to all kinds of inner 52 00:04:27,839 –> 00:04:28,880 struggles. 53 00:04:28,880 –> 00:04:35,880 Ask any bears fan, or any cubs fan, or any bulls fan. 54 00:04:36,739 –> 00:04:41,359 This is a miserable city these days, is it not? 55 00:04:41,359 –> 00:04:45,619 And there are those who observing the struggles of commitment say, you know, it is better 56 00:04:45,619 –> 00:04:48,160 to be dispassionate. 57 00:04:48,160 –> 00:04:53,760 It is better for me to be the neutral observer of life. 58 00:04:53,779 –> 00:04:58,279 It is better for me not to give my heart because when I give my heart, my heart will end up 59 00:04:58,279 –> 00:05:01,880 being hurt. 60 00:05:01,880 –> 00:05:07,019 Actually that is the heart of Buddhism, which is rising astronomically in a westernized 61 00:05:07,019 –> 00:05:09,959 form in its popularity in our culture. 62 00:05:09,959 –> 00:05:16,839 That the way to avoid suffering is not to give your heart. 63 00:05:16,839 –> 00:05:22,880 That the way to kill pain is to destroy relationships. 64 00:05:22,880 –> 00:05:27,839 To stand at a distance from them, to remain dispassionate. 65 00:05:27,839 –> 00:05:35,920 Now Christianity takes you precisely in the opposite direction. 66 00:05:35,920 –> 00:05:40,640 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all 67 00:05:40,640 –> 00:05:46,959 your strength . That means take sides with the Living God, who created you in an act 68 00:05:46,959 –> 00:05:51,359 of commitment that involves the whole of your soul. 69 00:05:51,399 –> 00:05:54,739 Understand love your neighbor as you love yourself. 70 00:05:54,739 –> 00:05:56,600 Take sides with your neighbor. 71 00:05:56,600 –> 00:06:00,920 That means that you’re going to feel instinctively against anything that would be destructive 72 00:06:00,920 –> 00:06:07,239 to your neighbor—destructive to his or her soul. 73 00:06:07,239 –> 00:06:09,200 God himself models this for us. 74 00:06:09,200 –> 00:06:15,640 He takes sides against all that would destroy us. 75 00:06:15,640 –> 00:06:17,079 That is what love is all about. 76 00:06:17,119 –> 00:06:22,100 This is why Jesus Christ has come into the world. 77 00:06:22,100 –> 00:06:27,000 And as we saw last week the scripture gives to us this very clear challenge—no one can 78 00:06:27,000 –> 00:06:28,880 serve two masters. 79 00:06:28,880 –> 00:06:35,160 At the end of the day, in this world in which God the Creator and a world in rebellion are 80 00:06:35,160 –> 00:06:44,100 in conflict together, you must sooner or later take sides. 81 00:06:44,220 –> 00:06:51,399 Now we are using the analogy of the soul, or your inner life, as being like a boardroom 82 00:06:51,399 –> 00:06:57,459 with six members—mind, heart, will, conscience, memory, and imagination. 83 00:06:57,459 –> 00:07:04,000 And we are seeing that in our inner lives what happens secretly but regularly is that 84 00:07:04,000 –> 00:07:11,619 these members of the inner board of our souls meet to debate the issues of our life. 85 00:07:11,619 –> 00:07:18,059 The decisions that they make will determine the future direction you take. 86 00:07:18,059 –> 00:07:24,079 Now I want you to imagine as we pursue this inner life of the soul and think about its 87 00:07:24,079 –> 00:07:34,500 struggle to take sides, I want you to imagine a man whose business takes him on the road. 88 00:07:34,500 –> 00:07:42,940 He checks into a hotel and at the end of a long and rather boring day he finds that his 89 00:07:42,940 –> 00:07:51,619 hotel has a channel that offers pornographic films. 90 00:07:51,619 –> 00:07:57,359 It’s been a long day and rather dull, and the same old predictable routine and there 91 00:07:57,359 –> 00:08:02,459 has hardly been anything in the whole day that has been of interest to his imagination 92 00:08:02,679 –> 00:08:07,980 And so imagination calls a meeting of the board. 93 00:08:07,980 –> 00:08:19,459 Look fellows, says imagination, to others, I’m tired, I’m lonely, I’m bored, and what’s 94 00:08:19,459 –> 00:08:20,959 more, I’m hungry! 95 00:08:20,959 –> 00:08:23,779 I’d enjoy watching a film! 96 00:08:23,779 –> 00:08:31,140 Oh, I can’t go along with that, says conscience, this is a Christian soul and I hope the rest 97 00:08:31,140 –> 00:08:37,099 of you members of the board are going to give me some support on this one! 98 00:08:37,099 –> 00:08:43,760 But mind is tired and frankly doesn’t want to attend yet another meeting at the end of 99 00:08:43,760 –> 00:08:44,760 a long day. 100 00:08:44,760 –> 00:08:46,299 Is this really an issue? 101 00:08:46,299 –> 00:08:49,859 He says that requires the attention of the whole board. 102 00:08:49,859 –> 00:08:56,739 I’m not sure it’s that big a deal, I think it is, says conscience. 103 00:08:56,739 –> 00:09:01,099 Well maybe you do, says mind, but frankly, I’m not that interested in talking about 104 00:09:01,219 –> 00:09:02,260 it right now. 105 00:09:02,260 –> 00:09:09,940 Well I am, says will, I find myself drawn in two directions and this is rather fascinating. 106 00:09:09,940 –> 00:09:15,479 I would actually like to hear the views of the other members of the board before I reach 107 00:09:15,479 –> 00:09:16,479 a decision. 108 00:09:16,479 –> 00:09:19,580 I’m in no hurry, we have some time, not much else to do, I think that it will make 109 00:09:19,580 –> 00:09:24,280 quite an interesting little debate. 110 00:09:24,280 –> 00:09:27,599 Memory is looking perplexed. 111 00:09:27,599 –> 00:09:33,080 He recalls a time when the same situation was faced before. 112 00:09:33,080 –> 00:09:39,000 And he remembers guilt, but he also remembers pleasure. 113 00:09:39,000 –> 00:09:44,280 So he finds it difficult to know which way to vote on this one. 114 00:09:44,280 –> 00:09:47,880 And it’s the same with heart, who is drawn to pleasure, which makes him want to vote 115 00:09:47,880 –> 00:09:52,599 with imagination, but at the same time he hates the thought of pain, which makes him 116 00:09:52,599 –> 00:09:57,500 inclined to vote with conscience, so he doesn’t know what to do either. 117 00:09:57,500 –> 00:10:05,700 So now you have a board with six members, one voting yes, one voting no, one who is 118 00:10:05,700 –> 00:10:11,099 not interested in the discussion and three who can’t decide which way to vote. 119 00:10:11,099 –> 00:10:17,739 So begins a great tussle within the soul. 120 00:10:17,739 –> 00:10:24,219 The problem is that it is extremely difficult for us to hate something which part of the 121 00:10:24,219 –> 00:10:27,179 soul find attractive. 122 00:10:27,179 –> 00:10:32,020 This is of course an inherent attraction in all sin. 123 00:10:32,020 –> 00:10:38,219 Now the issues of your temptation may be very, very different but the principles and the 124 00:10:38,219 –> 00:10:44,900 pattern of the struggle will usually be the same and here’s the principle. 125 00:10:44,900 –> 00:10:51,580 If you are going to prevail over temptation then mind and heart and will and memory and 126 00:10:51,719 –> 00:10:58,619 imagination must learn what it is to hate evil. 127 00:10:58,619 –> 00:11:04,080 And it may be that if you found yourself on any particular issue of temptation in a pattern 128 00:11:04,080 –> 00:11:11,080 of repeated failure, it may be that you have, despite being sorry, never learned to hate 129 00:11:15,119 –> 00:11:17,960 what is evil. 130 00:11:17,960 –> 00:11:24,960 You were sorry for what you had done, but the love of it lingered within your soul, 131 00:11:26,419 –> 00:11:29,719 and so before long the pattern was repeated. 132 00:11:29,719 –> 00:11:36,719 I remember some years ago, a very honest conversation with a man I knew well. He had on a business 133 00:11:37,380 –> 00:11:44,380 trip been lured into an affair, a one night stand as the world says. He had confessed 134 00:11:59,539 –> 00:12:06,539 and had sought the forgiveness of God. He said to me, Colin, you know what really worries 135 00:12:06,760 –> 00:12:13,760 me? I think if I was in the same position, I might do the same thing again. 136 00:12:18,979 –> 00:12:25,979 Now, what he was expressing was the difficulty of repentance. He had not yet reached the 137 00:12:30,159 –> 00:12:35,359 point where, despite some sorrow for what he had done, he had come to the point where 138 00:12:35,359 –> 00:12:41,539 he had really seen the hatefulness of it to such an extent that there was a defense within 139 00:12:41,539 –> 00:12:48,539 his soul, should temptation arise again. And I’m suggesting to you from the Scriptures 140 00:12:49,320 –> 00:12:56,320 that if we are to prevail in this inner struggle of the soul against the fierce power of temptation, 141 00:12:56,700 –> 00:13:03,700 we must learn the holy art of hating what is evil. Love must be sincere, says the apostle, 142 00:13:05,739 –> 00:13:12,739 and here’s what that means. It means that you hate what is evil and you cling to what 143 00:13:13,780 –> 00:13:20,780 is good. Now, where the members of the board of the soul are struggling to hate what is 144 00:13:21,780 –> 00:13:28,780 evil, there is only one way forward. Each of the members of the board must learn, individually 145 00:13:30,500 –> 00:13:37,500 as it were, to hate what they used to love. So, let’s talk for a few moments with the 146 00:13:40,979 –> 00:13:47,979 individual members of the board. Learn to hate what is evil. There is only one way forward. 147 00:13:51,099 –> 00:13:56,500 Vacate evil with your mind. With your mind. 148 00:13:56,500 –> 00:14:02,059 Now, in a postmodern world, that is one of the most difficult things for us to do, but 149 00:14:02,059 –> 00:14:08,919 it is also the most important. You may have seen from the newspapers that, back in England, 150 00:14:08,919 –> 00:14:15,919 Prince Harry is in trouble these days. Just a few days ago I watched an interview on Larry 151 00:14:16,119 –> 00:14:21,599 King, where he had a discussion on this issue with various royal watchers, both here and 152 00:14:21,599 –> 00:14:28,599 also back in Britain. The discussion was, thankfully, appropriately compassionate regarding 153 00:14:29,359 –> 00:14:36,359 the pressures that the young prince has faced in his life. But then one of the members 154 00:14:36,440 –> 00:14:42,080 of the panel took the discussion in a whole new direction. 155 00:14:42,080 –> 00:14:44,400 This is what he said. 156 00:14:44,400 –> 00:14:46,640 I actually think he said. 157 00:14:46,640 –> 00:14:53,640 That this is a good thing. I am encouraged to know that the prince is experimenting. 158 00:14:55,799 –> 00:14:57,559 That’s normal. 159 00:14:57,559 –> 00:15:03,940 I think that it will do the royal family a great deal of good because people will see 160 00:15:03,940 –> 00:15:06,880 that they’re the same as everybody else. 161 00:15:07,739 –> 00:15:11,219 Now, you see what he’s done? 162 00:15:11,219 –> 00:15:13,239 This has nothing to do with compassion. 163 00:15:13,239 –> 00:15:16,659 There was compassion coming from all of those who were commenting. 164 00:15:16,659 –> 00:15:20,539 In fact, this is the denial of compassion. 165 00:15:20,539 –> 00:15:27,539 What this is to do is to take what is evil and to call it good, to make a complete inversion 166 00:15:30,099 –> 00:15:33,640 of the values that God has given to us. 167 00:15:34,119 –> 00:15:38,479 It is one of the clearest signs of our society going bankrupt. 168 00:15:38,479 –> 00:15:44,599 And, of course, it is one of the oldest strategies that our enemy has. 169 00:15:44,599 –> 00:15:51,460 You remember that right back in the Garden of Eden he came to Eve, and she had been given 170 00:15:51,460 –> 00:15:54,359 a clear definition of good and evil. 171 00:15:54,359 –> 00:15:59,520 God had precisely defined where the boundaries lie and there was a tree that was not to be 172 00:15:59,520 –> 00:16:01,320 touched. 173 00:16:01,400 –> 00:16:06,039 What the evil one does is he appeals first to the mind to say, you know, what you’ve 174 00:16:06,039 –> 00:16:16,239 been told is evil could actually be quite interesting, and if he can subvert the mind 175 00:16:16,239 –> 00:16:21,760 to feel that what God has said is evil could actually be quite interesting, maybe even 176 00:16:21,760 –> 00:16:26,479 mind broadening, very enjoyable for you, you could be like God. 177 00:16:26,479 –> 00:16:33,580 If he can invert the value and call what is evil good, and persuade the mind, at least 178 00:16:33,580 –> 00:16:40,000 in some degree, to be open to this possibility that what God calls evil may actually be good, 179 00:16:40,000 –> 00:16:49,700 then he is well down the road to dragging the whole soul into succumbing to temptation. 180 00:16:49,719 –> 00:16:58,400 I was very interested, just this week, to see that back in England, a children’s author 181 00:16:58,400 –> 00:17:06,619 has been awarded a significant literature prize for a work in which the roles of God 182 00:17:06,619 –> 00:17:14,060 and Satan are inverted, reversed from the Garden of Eden onwards. 183 00:17:14,060 –> 00:17:20,520 So that the story begins with a man and a woman who are imprisoned by a great ogre, 184 00:17:20,520 –> 00:17:25,359 and then someone comes into the garden to set them free. 185 00:17:25,359 –> 00:17:34,060 You see, it’s taking good and calling it evil, and it’s taking evil and it’s calling 186 00:17:34,060 –> 00:17:36,859 it good. 187 00:17:36,859 –> 00:17:43,319 And that’s the first way in which the enemy seeks to lower the defenses of your soul. 188 00:17:43,339 –> 00:17:48,579 The world loves this kind of thing, it finds it endlessly fascinating, it awards it literature 189 00:17:48,579 –> 00:17:52,599 prizes. 190 00:17:52,599 –> 00:17:58,900 And when Eve yielded her mind to another definition of evil she found that a divided mind left 191 00:17:58,900 –> 00:18:03,560 her vulnerable to temptation. 192 00:18:03,560 –> 00:18:08,520 Now God has revealed a very simple definition of good and evil to us that is at the very 193 00:18:08,520 –> 00:18:11,380 core of Christian faith. 194 00:18:11,459 –> 00:18:13,959 What God says is good is good. 195 00:18:13,959 –> 00:18:17,199 What God says is evil is evil. 196 00:18:17,199 –> 00:18:22,079 That’s why we read from the book of Proverbs a few moments ago where we’re told quite specifically 197 00:18:22,079 –> 00:18:23,800 some things that God hates. 198 00:18:23,800 –> 00:18:25,619 This is of course why we’re given the ten commandments. 199 00:18:25,619 –> 00:18:32,339 God is telling us where the boundary lines actually lie so that our mind will know. 200 00:18:32,339 –> 00:18:36,160 There are six things that God hates, seven that are detestable to Him. 201 00:18:36,160 –> 00:18:38,900 That’s a way of saying, by the way, this is not an exhaustible list. 202 00:18:38,900 –> 00:18:41,060 You could add an 8th a 9th or a 10th. 203 00:18:41,060 –> 00:18:44,500 But here are some specific examples of what God hates. 204 00:18:44,500 –> 00:18:49,079 Haughty eyes, that’s a person who thinks of themselves something great. 205 00:18:49,079 –> 00:18:52,140 A lying tongue, think of that. 206 00:18:52,140 –> 00:18:55,400 God hates lies. 207 00:18:55,400 –> 00:18:59,660 Hands that shed innocent blood, here’s someone who uses their power to destroy someone else. 208 00:18:59,660 –> 00:19:04,780 A heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, that is 209 00:19:04,780 –> 00:19:09,979 the person who looks for an opportunity to push beyond the boundaries every time the 210 00:19:10,099 –> 00:19:12,859 boundaries of the will of God. 211 00:19:12,859 –> 00:19:17,739 A false witness who pours out lies, someone who seeks to destroy others. 212 00:19:17,739 –> 00:19:22,339 And a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. 213 00:19:22,339 –> 00:19:26,859 The reason God hates these things is that in their very nature, they are destructive 214 00:19:26,859 –> 00:19:29,319 to those he loves. 215 00:19:29,319 –> 00:19:37,739 And God models for us that kind of love that is expressed in a hatred of that which destroys 216 00:19:37,839 –> 00:19:40,400 the objects of His love. 217 00:19:40,400 –> 00:19:45,699 Now, transformation and victory over temptation begins in the mind. 218 00:19:45,699 –> 00:19:52,699 Be transformed, the Bible says, by the renewing of your mind, for as a man thinks, that is 219 00:19:53,660 –> 00:19:57,099 how he actually is. 220 00:19:57,099 –> 00:20:04,099 So, when some proposal comes to the boardroom of my soul, the Spirit of God has a question 221 00:20:04,099 –> 00:20:09,040 for me, for you. 222 00:20:09,040 –> 00:20:14,380 Does God according to the Bible love this? 223 00:20:14,380 –> 00:20:20,660 Or does God according to the Bible hate this? 224 00:20:20,660 –> 00:20:27,660 And if I choose to love what God hates, then I am taking sides against Him. 225 00:20:30,180 –> 00:20:32,099 That’s what James says in his letter. 226 00:20:32,099 –> 00:20:37,300 What James says in his letter, if you choose friendship with the world, you are expressing 227 00:20:37,300 –> 00:20:42,520 hatred towards God. 228 00:20:42,520 –> 00:20:49,520 If I express love towards God, it will be reflected in hatred towards what He says is 229 00:20:51,040 –> 00:20:53,060 evil. 230 00:20:53,060 –> 00:20:55,859 That begins in the mind. 231 00:20:55,859 –> 00:21:02,859 But you know God only has one word to speak to those who call evil good and good evil, 232 00:21:03,380 –> 00:21:08,180 and that word is woe. 233 00:21:08,180 –> 00:21:09,959 Woe. 234 00:21:09,959 –> 00:21:16,959 You find it in Isaiah 520, woe to those who call evil good and good evil. 235 00:21:17,599 –> 00:21:22,319 That is a word to our culture today, is it not? 236 00:21:22,339 –> 00:21:26,359 Woes to those who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet 237 00:21:26,359 –> 00:21:32,920 and sweet for bitter, for when you do that, you take sides against God and when you take 238 00:21:32,920 –> 00:21:39,920 sides against God, you are heading down a path that leads to destruction. 239 00:21:40,979 –> 00:21:46,719 Learn to hate what God hates in your mind. 240 00:21:46,859 –> 00:21:53,239 Secondly, learn to hate what God hates in your heart. 241 00:21:53,239 –> 00:21:56,160 Now, you say, oh, well, that’s my struggle. 242 00:21:56,160 –> 00:21:59,479 How can I hate evil from my heart? 243 00:21:59,479 –> 00:22:04,520 I may be able to get to the point where, in submission to the Word of God, I recognize 244 00:22:04,520 –> 00:22:07,040 His truth and submit my mind to it. 245 00:22:07,040 –> 00:22:12,900 I can see that, but, oh, it’s such a struggle to really hate what is evil from my heart. 246 00:22:13,400 –> 00:22:15,859 Well, here’s a key. 247 00:22:15,859 –> 00:22:23,060 There is a love that drives every hatred. 248 00:22:23,060 –> 00:22:29,020 In fact, one of the best ways to tell what a man loves is to ask what he hates. 249 00:22:29,020 –> 00:22:34,780 And you can be confident that he loves the opposite of what he hates. 250 00:22:34,780 –> 00:22:38,319 Jesus spoke about this, you remember, in John’s gospel in chapter 3. 251 00:22:38,479 –> 00:22:44,099 Everyone who does evil hates the light, Jesus said. 252 00:22:44,099 –> 00:22:47,599 Now, what would drive a person to hate the light? 253 00:22:47,599 –> 00:22:49,739 Well, Jesus expresses it very clearly. 254 00:22:49,739 –> 00:22:54,959 Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness because their deeds were evil. 255 00:22:54,959 –> 00:22:57,579 That’s why they hate the light. 256 00:22:57,579 –> 00:23:02,880 In other words, the driving force behind the hatred of light is the love of darkness. 257 00:23:02,880 –> 00:23:07,800 There is always a love that drives every hatred. 258 00:23:07,800 –> 00:23:09,619 Satan hated God. 259 00:23:09,619 –> 00:23:10,959 Why? 260 00:23:10,959 –> 00:23:15,040 Because he loved himself and wanted to usurp the throne of God. 261 00:23:15,040 –> 00:23:24,239 Now, what then will ignite, what love will ignite a hatred for evil? 262 00:23:24,239 –> 00:23:29,760 The answer to that is very simple, a love for Christ. 263 00:23:29,760 –> 00:23:35,079 There’s a Scottish preacher over 100 years ago who coined a brilliant phrase that’s worth 264 00:23:35,079 –> 00:23:36,800 recalling. 265 00:23:36,800 –> 00:23:43,380 When he talked about the expulsive power of a new affection, think about that. 266 00:23:43,380 –> 00:23:48,800 The expulsive power of a new affection. 267 00:23:48,800 –> 00:23:55,119 You watch a guy who’s busy and then falls in love, you’ll be amazed at how much time 268 00:23:55,119 –> 00:23:56,119 he’s got. 269 00:23:56,119 –> 00:23:57,459 It’s incredible. 270 00:23:57,459 –> 00:23:59,520 Priorities change. 271 00:23:59,520 –> 00:24:02,760 New energy is discovered, even bad habits begin to change. 272 00:24:02,760 –> 00:24:03,760 Why? 273 00:24:03,880 –> 00:24:07,599 Whereas a new affection and it has an expulsive power. 274 00:24:07,599 –> 00:24:14,300 It pushes away things that formerly occupied the space. 275 00:24:14,300 –> 00:24:18,400 Now how is hatred for what is evil to be generated within the heart. 276 00:24:18,400 –> 00:24:25,719 The answer is, it is generated and driven out of the love for Jesus Christ. 277 00:24:25,719 –> 00:24:31,560 When the love of Christ takes root within your heart, it increasingly begins to expel 278 00:24:31,560 –> 00:24:32,560 other loves. 279 00:24:32,880 –> 00:24:38,180 That is the whole point of Jesus’ conversation with Peter when he is being restored from 280 00:24:38,180 –> 00:24:41,680 his terrible failure when he denied Christ. 281 00:24:41,680 –> 00:24:45,800 And Jesus asks him one question, do you love me? 282 00:24:45,800 –> 00:24:49,060 Do you love me? 283 00:24:49,060 –> 00:24:52,160 Do you love me? 284 00:24:52,160 –> 00:24:57,140 Yes, Lord. 285 00:24:57,140 –> 00:25:00,520 You know that I love you. 286 00:25:01,040 –> 00:25:04,160 I’ll go and feed my sheep then. 287 00:25:04,160 –> 00:25:07,359 Going to be all right. 288 00:25:07,359 –> 00:25:15,560 Not going to go down that track again because the love for Christ will drive the hatred 289 00:25:15,560 –> 00:25:18,479 of evil. 290 00:25:18,479 –> 00:25:24,400 And when you find that which is wrong beginning to consume your heart, ask this question. 291 00:25:24,400 –> 00:25:26,640 How’s your love for Christ? 292 00:25:27,400 –> 00:25:34,280 Take time to cultivate that love, for as you feed the mind and inform it from God’s truth, 293 00:25:34,280 –> 00:25:40,920 so you warm the heart with the cultivation of the love and the worship of Jesus and it 294 00:25:40,920 –> 00:25:49,920 strengthens the soul in the battle against the pervasive powers of temptation. 295 00:25:49,920 –> 00:25:56,140 Thirdly, learn to hate evil in your will. 296 00:25:56,140 –> 00:26:01,359 Now, if you remember from our scenario a few moments ago, the will was very happy to have 297 00:26:01,359 –> 00:26:11,780 a long conversation going on in the soul, and be very careful about that. 298 00:26:11,780 –> 00:26:21,140 Temptation builds its power over time, and the longer the soul debates its response to 299 00:26:21,140 –> 00:26:25,180 temptation, the more likely it is that the soul will concede. 300 00:26:25,180 –> 00:26:29,699 Temptation’s rather like a battery charger. 301 00:26:29,699 –> 00:26:34,180 The longer that it’s left connected, the longer that it’s running, the greater the current 302 00:26:34,180 –> 00:26:35,180 that it generates. 303 00:26:35,180 –> 00:26:40,260 Or to change the analogy, it’s rather like a spring, the more you wind the spring up 304 00:26:40,500 –> 00:26:44,420 the greater the energy that it can discharge. 305 00:26:44,420 –> 00:26:47,619 Temptation gains power over time. 306 00:26:47,619 –> 00:26:54,020 Now, if you want to turn to one other cross-reference this morning, you’ll find it in James 1, verse 307 00:26:54,020 –> 00:26:55,020 14. 308 00:26:55,020 –> 00:27:01,819 A very, very fascinating scripture about the process by which temptation gains power over 309 00:27:01,819 –> 00:27:03,660 many people. 310 00:27:03,660 –> 00:27:07,219 James 1 in verse 14. 311 00:27:07,300 –> 00:27:16,500 Each one, says James, is tempted when by his own evil desire he is dragged away and enticed. 312 00:27:16,500 –> 00:27:19,900 So, there’s this thing he’s saying called, Desire in all of us. 313 00:27:19,900 –> 00:27:20,900 You can’t avoid that. 314 00:27:20,900 –> 00:27:22,640 It pulls you in different directions. 315 00:27:22,640 –> 00:27:25,800 That’s the very stuff of temptation itself. 316 00:27:25,800 –> 00:27:30,760 It can pull you in the direction of pride, or cowardice, or lust, or greed, or any one 317 00:27:30,760 –> 00:27:33,359 of a number of other directions. 318 00:27:33,359 –> 00:27:36,619 So here is this thing called desire, and it’s pulling around. 319 00:27:36,619 –> 00:27:38,540 It’s operating. 320 00:27:38,540 –> 00:27:40,000 But then notice what James says. 321 00:27:40,000 –> 00:27:51,020 Verse 15 – After desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin. 322 00:27:51,020 –> 00:27:58,420 In other words, in all this activity of desire, there may come a moment, he says, where desire 323 00:27:58,420 –> 00:28:00,800 conceives. 324 00:28:00,800 –> 00:28:03,079 Think about that picture. 325 00:28:03,079 –> 00:28:08,719 A moment where the soul brings life to desire. 326 00:28:08,719 –> 00:28:15,380 A moment where the members of the board, as it were, cast their vote when the soul responds 327 00:28:15,380 –> 00:28:20,859 to desire that its members have been debating. 328 00:28:20,859 –> 00:28:27,400 And when desire has conceived, there is no stopping it. 329 00:28:27,439 –> 00:28:34,119 But comes a moment where the soul acquiesces in it, and its momentum pushes you over the 330 00:28:34,119 –> 00:28:36,699 edge. 331 00:28:36,699 –> 00:28:43,199 And the longer you allow the soul to debate with sin, the more likely it is that you will 332 00:28:43,199 –> 00:28:47,540 reach that point and that you will capitulate to it. 333 00:28:47,540 –> 00:28:52,619 I guess we’ve all been in board meetings when a discussion’s gone on way too long. 334 00:28:52,619 –> 00:28:56,300 Anyone not been in such a meeting? 335 00:28:56,300 –> 00:29:00,140 And eventually someone says, oh call the question. 336 00:29:00,140 –> 00:29:05,060 We’ve gathered information? 337 00:29:05,060 –> 00:29:09,180 Consider the feelings of the heart. 338 00:29:09,180 –> 00:29:16,699 Now when you face temptation, the sooner you call the question, the better. 339 00:29:16,699 –> 00:29:22,180 The longer you allow the issue to go unresolved within the soul, the more you are setting 340 00:29:22,180 –> 00:29:23,260 yourself up for disaster. 341 00:29:23,640 –> 00:29:31,640 There are probably folks here who have unresolved debates going on in the soul right now. 342 00:29:31,640 –> 00:29:37,500 And the longer you leave it running, the weaker your position against that temptation that’s 343 00:29:37,500 –> 00:29:39,579 working within you. 344 00:29:39,579 –> 00:29:45,420 The nearer you’re getting to the point where desire will conceive and then it will give 345 00:29:45,420 –> 00:29:46,420 birth to sin. 346 00:29:46,420 –> 00:29:48,500 The time to act is now. 347 00:29:48,500 –> 00:29:50,099 Call the question. 348 00:29:51,079 –> 00:29:54,420 That’s what will has to do. 349 00:29:54,420 –> 00:29:57,199 That’s his role within the soul. 350 00:29:57,199 –> 00:30:04,020 There’s a very powerful picture of temptation recorded for us in Proverbs in chapter 7. 351 00:30:04,020 –> 00:30:08,260 Solomon was writing the book of Proverbs when he looked out of his window. 352 00:30:08,260 –> 00:30:12,079 “‘And he saw a youth who lacked judgment,’ he says. 353 00:30:12,079 –> 00:30:16,380 He saw how this man was confronted by temptation in the form of a particular woman who came 354 00:30:16,380 –> 00:30:18,199 out to meet him.’ 355 00:30:18,199 –> 00:30:26,000 The conversation, as Solomon observed it, develops, and a plan is discussed.’ 356 00:30:26,000 –> 00:30:28,020 This goes on for some time. 357 00:30:28,020 –> 00:30:33,939 And then in Proverbs chapter 7 and verse 22, Solomon observed something very significant. 358 00:30:33,939 –> 00:30:40,660 “‘All at once,’ Solomon says, he followed her.” 359 00:30:40,660 –> 00:30:44,319 “‘All at once,’ he followed her.” 360 00:30:44,319 –> 00:30:47,180 Do you see what’s happening here? 361 00:30:47,180 –> 00:30:52,560 Here is this man and he’s in this situation, and he’s drawn and he’s attracted, and he 362 00:30:52,560 –> 00:30:57,540 stays there, and he allows the debate to continue. 363 00:30:57,540 –> 00:31:02,920 And the more the debate continues, the stronger the pull to his soul. 364 00:31:02,920 –> 00:31:08,560 At first he thinks, ah, just talk a little. 365 00:31:08,560 –> 00:31:13,660 But eventually, it reaches a point whereby, staying there so long, he has weakened his 366 00:31:14,219 –> 00:31:18,859 The power of temptation has increased to such a point that, like a pack of cards collapsing, 367 00:31:18,859 –> 00:31:25,859 suddenly, there’s this collapse of the soul all at once. 368 00:31:25,859 –> 00:31:28,180 And it was done. 369 00:31:28,180 –> 00:31:35,199 Desire conceived and gave birth to sin. 370 00:31:35,199 –> 00:31:41,760 Don’t let the power of temptation build within your soul. 371 00:31:41,900 –> 00:31:46,800 Heaven’s early response, call the question. 372 00:31:46,800 –> 00:31:55,520 The longer you leave the debate to continue, the more difficult it will be for you to resist 373 00:31:55,520 –> 00:31:58,079 sin’s proposal. 374 00:31:58,079 –> 00:32:01,319 Learn to hate what God hates in your mind. 375 00:32:01,319 –> 00:32:04,959 Learn to hate what God hates in your heart. 376 00:32:04,959 –> 00:32:07,439 Learn to hate what God hates in your will. 377 00:32:07,739 –> 00:32:16,560 Fourthly and finally, learn to hate what God hates in your memory and in your imagination. 378 00:32:16,560 –> 00:32:21,439 There is a subtle power by which past sins can hold their own attraction even in the 379 00:32:21,439 –> 00:32:23,280 memory. 380 00:32:23,280 –> 00:32:26,319 Sin can be pleasurable to the memory. 381 00:32:26,319 –> 00:32:33,420 I shouldn’t really have said what I did, but boy I stuck it to him, you know? 382 00:32:34,040 –> 00:32:40,479 Well when memory looks back and feels good about what God said was bad, you know you’re 383 00:32:40,500 –> 00:32:44,619 in danger of making the same choice again. 384 00:32:44,619 –> 00:32:50,900 How can you therefore hate what is evil, in the memory and in the imagination? 385 00:32:50,900 –> 00:32:56,699 By the way please notice that imagination is a much more powerful member of the board 386 00:32:56,699 –> 00:32:59,339 than most people realize. 387 00:32:59,339 –> 00:33:04,160 Most of our highest achievements and many of our greatest disasters begin there, imagination 388 00:33:04,160 –> 00:33:09,719 has an enormous capacity for good or for ill. 389 00:33:09,719 –> 00:33:18,319 How can I begin to hate what is wrong in the memory and in the imagination? 390 00:33:18,319 –> 00:33:25,000 Remember what it did to Jesus. 391 00:33:25,000 –> 00:33:33,560 Use the power of imagination to connect the temptation with which you’re confronted to 392 00:33:33,560 –> 00:33:40,959 the suffering of Jesus for sin on the cross. 393 00:33:40,959 –> 00:33:49,319 Think about Christ crucified, think about him nailed to the cross. 394 00:33:49,920 –> 00:33:56,119 That’s what pride did. 395 00:33:56,140 –> 00:33:59,199 Think about his head crowned with thorns. 396 00:33:59,199 –> 00:34:05,319 That’s what lust did. 397 00:34:05,319 –> 00:34:08,139 Think about the spear driven into his side. 398 00:34:08,139 –> 00:34:11,939 That’s what greed did. 399 00:34:11,939 –> 00:34:18,239 See, when we say Jesus died for sin, we mean that he had to go to the cross because of 400 00:34:18,280 –> 00:34:22,520 specific things that God hates that are the very things that you’re going to tussle with 401 00:34:22,520 –> 00:34:25,179 this week. 402 00:34:25,179 –> 00:34:26,659 The connection is that real. 403 00:34:26,659 –> 00:34:27,760 It is that strong. 404 00:34:27,760 –> 00:34:34,219 It was for these things that he suffered and that he died. 405 00:34:34,219 –> 00:34:39,360 Do you believe that? 406 00:34:39,360 –> 00:34:41,919 Come and weep. 407 00:34:41,919 –> 00:34:50,600 Come and mourn for your sins that pierced him there. 408 00:34:50,600 –> 00:34:57,280 Your sins that were much deeper than the wounds of a thorn or a nail. 409 00:34:57,280 –> 00:35:05,219 All our pride, all our greed, all our fallenness, and all our shame, and the Lord has laid the 410 00:35:05,219 –> 00:35:09,040 punishment on him. 411 00:35:09,040 –> 00:35:14,060 We worship at your feet where love and mercy meet, and a guilty world is washed of love’s 412 00:35:14,060 –> 00:35:16,179 pure stream. 413 00:35:16,179 –> 00:35:22,780 For us He was made sin, oh help me take it in, deep wounds of love, cry out father forgive. 414 00:35:22,780 –> 00:35:29,939 I worship the lamb who was slain. 415 00:35:29,939 –> 00:35:31,459 Love must be sincere. 416 00:35:31,459 –> 00:35:34,600 And here’s what sincere love for Christ looks like. 417 00:35:35,560 –> 00:35:39,520 Learn to hate what is evil. 418 00:35:41,760 –> 00:35:45,939 In our analogy we’ve pictured six members of the board sitting around a polished oak 419 00:35:45,939 –> 00:35:52,580 table, and one vacant chair reserved for the spirit of God who may come to the soul of 420 00:35:52,580 –> 00:35:53,979 a man or a woman. 421 00:35:53,979 –> 00:36:00,580 That’s what conversion is all about when God himself begins to take up direction within 422 00:36:00,580 –> 00:36:02,419 your own soul. 423 00:36:03,360 –> 00:36:10,639 I want you to imagine that after the discussion about imagination’s suggestion, the board 424 00:36:10,639 –> 00:36:15,139 adjourned for a while, and during the adjournment the Spirit of God has been talking with the 425 00:36:15,139 –> 00:36:16,780 members of the board. 426 00:36:16,780 –> 00:36:24,979 Now the board meets again, and the Spirit of God is in the chair. 427 00:36:24,979 –> 00:36:27,620 There was some business left over from the last meeting. 428 00:36:27,620 –> 00:36:29,659 A suggestion that was made. 429 00:36:30,040 –> 00:36:33,260 Members have the board of a time to consider the matter at hand. 430 00:36:33,260 –> 00:36:36,159 Let’s hear your conclusions. 431 00:36:37,280 –> 00:36:45,159 I find myself pulled in many directions, says Hart, but as I have pondered, one pull is 432 00:36:45,159 –> 00:36:48,699 stronger than all the others. 433 00:36:48,699 –> 00:36:59,379 I love Christ, and I cannot do what will grieve Him. 434 00:36:59,540 –> 00:37:07,260 Yes, says mind, I cannot support what God hates. 435 00:37:08,300 –> 00:37:14,899 I made my original suggestion, says imagination, but I have been talking with memory, and He 436 00:37:14,899 –> 00:37:21,280 has reminded me of what this kind of thing did to Christ. 437 00:37:21,280 –> 00:37:24,979 I’ve been picturing what that was like. 438 00:37:24,979 –> 00:37:31,179 I can’t enjoy what did that to Him. 439 00:37:31,179 –> 00:37:35,280 We’ve been discussing this long enough, said conscience. 440 00:37:35,280 –> 00:37:41,600 I move that we refuse the suggestion and that we note the decision as the commitment of 441 00:37:41,600 –> 00:37:48,419 the whole soul for future reference for any times in which such an issue may arise again. 442 00:37:48,459 –> 00:37:52,159 All the questions, says Will. 443 00:37:52,159 –> 00:37:54,639 The motion was carried unanimously. 444 00:37:54,639 –> 00:38:01,139 Let’s pray together. 445 00:38:01,139 –> 00:38:05,060 Some of us in your presence want to confess right now that though we’ve been sorry for 446 00:38:05,060 –> 00:38:12,899 many things we’ve done, we’ve not really known too much of what your word calls repentance. 447 00:38:13,139 –> 00:38:21,899 You’ve not really learned to hate what is evil, we’ve just talked about loving you. 448 00:38:21,899 –> 00:38:28,419 And yet your spirit has planted a love for Christ within our hearts and we want that 449 00:38:28,419 –> 00:38:34,080 that love should be sincere. 450 00:38:34,080 –> 00:38:39,379 Make this mind captive to your Word. 451 00:38:39,379 –> 00:38:45,239 That in a post-modern culture where people decide good and evil for themselves, this 452 00:38:45,239 –> 00:38:57,760 mind will be captivated by your Word, and call what you declare good to be good 453 00:38:57,760 –> 00:39:05,239 and call what you declare to be evil to be evil. 454 00:39:05,239 –> 00:39:13,360 Light the flame of love within this heart, O God, the flame of love for Christ, a stronger 455 00:39:13,360 –> 00:39:21,139 passion for the saviour than any other pool that operates upon the well springs of the 456 00:39:21,139 –> 00:39:22,360 soul. 457 00:39:22,419 –> 00:39:31,040 Grant a readiness of this will to take action, to call the question, to respond quickly to 458 00:39:31,040 –> 00:39:35,959 the suggestions of desire that would conceive. 459 00:39:35,959 –> 00:39:45,939 Grant that before that time decisively our soul may take its stand. 460 00:39:45,939 –> 00:39:50,560 And for some who may have come here even this morning with an unresolved tussle still going 461 00:39:50,560 –> 00:39:55,399 on in the soul and with a mind, a heart, and a will open to the possibility of what you 462 00:39:55,399 –> 00:40:04,300 call evil, may that be resolved in this moment, oh God. 463 00:40:04,300 –> 00:40:16,840 Most of all we ask that, because we know what sin meant for Jesus as He died on the cross. 464 00:40:16,939 –> 00:40:26,000 And when we contemplate that everlasting love that took its stand with us, we want to take 465 00:40:26,000 –> 00:40:34,739 with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, our stand with our savior, to hate what is 466 00:40:34,739 –> 00:40:43,840 evil, to cling to what is good, and so with all that is within us. 467 00:40:43,840 –> 00:40:52,419 To live for your glory and your honor through Jesus Christ our Lord. 468 00:40:52,419 –> 00:40:55,979 Amen. 469 00:40:55,979 –> 00:40:59,600 You’ve been listening to a sermon with Pastor Colin Smith of Open The Bible. 470 00:40:59,600 –> 00:41:04,780 To contact us, call us at 1-877-OPEN-365 471 00:41:04,780 –> 00:41:07,399 or visit our website, openthebible.org.


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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There’s a battle going on in the boardroom of your soul. Meet the six members of the board. Their names are Mind, Heart, Will, Conscience, Memory, and Imagination. They meet in secret to hammer out the great issues of your life, and the outcome will determine your future.

Colin Smith



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