Discover Colin Smith's books

Books and booklets to help people explore faith, grow in faith and learn how to lead.

Have you ever experienced that thrill of looking out the window of a plane? The beauty of the mountain, the vastness of the water, the lights of the city--it all just looks so amazing from above. You might be familiar with the area, but you've never seen it like this. You think to yourself: This. Is. Stunning. That's what it's like to Fly Through the Bible.
You wouldn’t say that you have faith in Jesus, but you wouldn’t say that you have rejected Him either. You’re somewhere in between. If this describes you, or someone you know, you might be surprised by what you find in the new booklet from Pastor Colin called What Jesus Says to Skeptics.
If you’ve ever tried to navigate restless nights, dark valleys, or dangerous enemies by yourself, then Psalm 23 is for you. You don’t have to wander through life on your own. There is a Good Shepherd who is ready to lead you, protect you, and walk with you today.
What if you woke up one morning knowing that it was your last day on earth? That’s what happened to the thief on the cross, who died a few feet from Jesus. Heaven, How I Got Here is his story, told in his own words, as he looks back from Heaven on the day that changed his eternity, and the faith that can change yours.
The day you die may come this week, this month, this year, or it may be a long way off, but nothing is more certain... it will come. One day you will wake up, and whether you realise it or not, it will be your last day on earth. What will happen to you then?
Judas, who betrayed Jesus, and Peter, who denied Jesus, both hit a low point in their lives when it looked as if they were done with Jesus forever.

Jesus was crucified at 9 in the morning. He died at 3 in the afternoon. What happened during these 6 hours changed the world.

When Pastor Colin Smith found himself counseling grieving couples in his church, he turned to the book of Lamentations for help. What unfolded is recorded in this book.
Facing an assignment equivalent to being sent to warn notorious terrorists of God’s anger with them, perhaps it was no wonder that Jonah ran away – certainly portrayed in Scripture as no “super saint”, he avoided God and his call on his life.
The Beatitudes are not telling you how to become a Christian—they tell you what a true Christian looks like.
The perfect guide for highlighting the significance of the Bible's story for our everyday lives
Though the Bible is the perennial best-selling book, many people don't know where to begin. Open the Bible in 30 Days is a comprehensive and engaging tool that gives you an overview of God's Word.
Christ is the crux of the entire Bible story, from the first page to the last. Volume 4 encourages and strengthens readers to discover the life-changing realities found in the New Testament.
You wouldn’t say that you have faith in Jesus, but you wouldn’t say that you have rejected Him either. You’re somewhere in between. If this describes you, or someone you know, you might be surprised by what you find in the new booklet from Pastor Colin called What Jesus Says to Skeptics.
If you’ve ever tried to navigate restless nights, dark valleys, or dangerous enemies by yourself, then Psalm 23 is for you. You don’t have to wander through life on your own. There is a Good Shepherd who is ready to lead you, protect you, and walk with you today.



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