A collection of articles, broadcasts, series and more inviting you to immerse yourself in God's Word.



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Think about the tide on the ocean—the tide comes in and tide goes out. In the same way there are times when the level of spiritual life among God’s people rises, and there are times when it goes into decline. The book of Ezra is about a spiritual movement in which God stirred the hearts

Colin Smith

What does it mean to be a man after God’s own heart? Where can a woman find a satisfying life that is pleasing to the Lord? God said that David was a man after his own heart, but David committed adultery. Being a man after God’s heart does not mean being perfect. Find out what it does mean and how you can become one. The Proverbs 31 woman is intimidating to many, but she doesn’t have to be. Find out how she can help you find rest and freedom in a world that holds up stifling or schizophrenic feminine models.

Colin Smith

Is there a difficult person in your life? Have you ever wondered how to deal with someone who is unreasonable, demanding, deceptive, and sometimes downright hostile?

Colin Smith

What do you need to know to properly care for your soul? Pastor Colin opens up the Bible’s teaching on what the human soul is, what Jesus says about the value of your soul, how your soul can be saved or lost, and the basics of caring for your soul.

Colin Smith

No chapter in the Bible shows more clearly why Jesus came into the world. No chapter explains more fully what Jesus accomplished. Isaiah 53 is an invitation to look at the Lord Jesus Christ. This chapter was written hundreds of years before the time of Jesus, but it describes in detail what happened in His

Colin Smith

Hebrews 11 is an exposition of faith. It begins with a definition, and then gives us models of men and women who exercised faith. The series ‘Living By Faith’ looks at 10 of them to learn what it means for us to live by faith today.

Colin Smith

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