Ultimate Questions


Pastor Colin explores some of the most profound and personal questions posed by Jesus, encouraging listeners to examine their faith and relationship with God. Pastor Colin begins each sermon by urging the congregation to shift their focus from the questions they have for God to the questions God has for them. Through a series of poignant biblical narratives and thoughtful expositions, he addresses how these divine questions challenge our personal and spiritual lives.

The series culminates with practical applications, urging listeners to remove conditions and comparisons from their faith journey, and instead embrace a life wholeheartedly devoted to following Christ.

Linked resources

Have you ever pondered the mysteries of God, awaiting a day when all will be clear? Listen and discover Jesus' ultimate question: Where is your faith?

Colin Smith

Jesus directs at each of us: "Who do you say I am?" As we journey through the compelling dialogue of culture, belief, and personal conviction, prepare to confront this pivotal question head-on.

Colin Smith

Explore the eternal significance of Jesus' question: "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?" Tune in to reflect on the seven worlds we strive to gain and how we can truly safeguard our souls.

Colin Smith

Join us and explore Jesus' profound question about worry, revealing insights on faith, parental concern, and divine guidance.

Colin Smith

Discover how Jesus' profound question, "What do you want me to do for you?" can transform your spiritual journey from vague generalities to specific, life-changing requests.

Colin Smith

Explore Jesus' poignant question, "Why are you sleeping?" We confront this vital question that challenges us in our battle against temptation.

Colin Smith

Discover the marvellous privilege of truly knowing God as your Heavenly Father and embracing the transformative power of His spirit in your life.

Colin Smith

Dive deep as we explore critical questions posed by Jesus, challenge our faith, and seek a life without conditions or comparisons. Join us for an enlightening journey that promises to answer not just your questions for God, but His for you.

Colin Smith

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