100:00:00,040 –> 00:00:01,400Music200:00:04,080 –> 00:00:07,200Satan may come by the picket fence one day and say,300:00:07,200 –> 00:00:09,960you’re nothing more than a squatter.400:00:10,640 –> 00:00:13,720What kind of Christian do you think you are?500:00:14,680 –> 00:00:19,360You tell him in Christ I am clean.600:00:19,799 –> 00:00:22,559Welcome to Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith.700:00:22,600 –> 00:00:26,000I’m David Pick. Glad you could be with us today and Colin.800:00:26,000 –> 00:00:31,000I think many of us would own up to feeling that we’re not living as we should sometimes900:00:31,000 –> 00:00:33,200and that we’re not being genuine.1000:00:33,279 –> 00:00:36,520But would you say that this is a great way to answer that doubt?1100:00:36,520 –> 00:00:37,520Yeah, that’s right.1200:00:37,560 –> 00:00:40,959And the voice of the accuser, who’s always trying to do us down1300:00:41,000 –> 00:00:43,720and to tell us how could you possibly be a Christian.1400:00:43,959 –> 00:00:46,000You know, there are many failures in your own life.1500:00:46,000 –> 00:00:48,360Of course, that’s true of every Christian.1600:00:48,400 –> 00:00:50,599None of us is yet what one day we will be.1700:00:50,799 –> 00:00:54,919And we’re going to look specifically today at how to answer1800:00:54,919 –> 00:00:58,360the accusations of Satan when he comes against us1900:00:58,360 –> 00:01:01,520and he brings all of his lies2000:01:01,520 –> 00:01:05,120in order to try and undermine our confidence in Christ.2100:01:05,120 –> 00:01:08,519And we’re able to answer them because our stand in Jesus Christ2200:01:08,519 –> 00:01:10,120is based on truth.2300:01:10,120 –> 00:01:12,120And truth is always stronger than lies.2400:01:12,120 –> 00:01:14,120So let’s see how we can do that.2500:01:14,120 –> 00:01:17,720We’re in the First Corinthians in chapter 1.2600:01:17,720 –> 00:01:20,720As we continue the message, you are clean.2700:01:20,720 –> 00:01:21,879Here’s Colin.2800:01:21,879 –> 00:01:23,919Two things for us to grasp from this verse,2900:01:23,919 –> 00:01:27,360I hope you have it open at 1 Corinthians chapter 1 in verse 303000:01:27,360 –> 00:01:28,919Number one.3100:01:28,919 –> 00:01:33,919Paul says Christ is your righteousness.3200:01:34,919 –> 00:01:36,080Notice it is because of him,3300:01:36,080 –> 00:01:37,360that’s because of God the father3400:01:37,360 –> 00:01:41,440that you are in Christ Jesus3500:01:41,440 –> 00:01:43,680who has become for us wisdom from God3600:01:43,680 –> 00:01:46,919that is our righteousness, holiness and redemption.3700:01:48,279 –> 00:01:50,279Christ3800:01:50,279 –> 00:01:51,760is3900:01:51,760 –> 00:01:53,199your righteousness.4000:01:55,080 –> 00:01:58,180It’s not your faith that makes you right with God,4100:01:58,180 –> 00:02:00,820it is not your repentance4200:02:00,820 –> 00:02:03,440and the amount of it that makes you right with God.4300:02:03,440 –> 00:02:06,959It is not your performance in the Christian life4400:02:06,959 –> 00:02:08,080that makes you clean,4500:02:08,080 –> 00:02:09,639it is not your service,4600:02:09,639 –> 00:02:10,860it is not your ministry,4700:02:10,860 –> 00:02:12,899it is not anything else that you offer to God,4800:02:12,899 –> 00:02:14,419it is Christ4900:02:15,360 –> 00:02:17,639who is your righteousness.5000:02:18,720 –> 00:02:21,899Let me ask you this question.5100:02:21,899 –> 00:02:25,600what would you want God to examine on the last day?5200:02:25,600 –> 00:02:27,940It’s a multi-choice question, nice and easy.5300:02:27,940 –> 00:02:30,460What would you want God to examine5400:02:30,460 –> 00:02:34,940on the last day when you stand before him in the judgment?5500:02:34,940 –> 00:02:38,800Would you want God to examine your faith?5600:02:38,800 –> 00:02:42,179Would you want God to examine your repentance?5700:02:42,179 –> 00:02:45,779Would you want God to examine your Christian life?5800:02:45,779 –> 00:02:48,179Would you want God to examine your ministry?5900:02:49,259 –> 00:02:53,259Or would you want God to examine your savior?6000:02:55,160 –> 00:02:56,759This is a no-brainer for me.6100:02:58,559 –> 00:03:02,800My faith is genuine, but it’s far from perfect.6200:03:02,800 –> 00:03:05,339I don’t wanna base my entrance into heaven on that6300:03:05,339 –> 00:03:07,679because there’s all kinds of holes in my faith.6400:03:08,740 –> 00:03:12,059My repentance is real, but it’s not yet complete.6500:03:12,899 –> 00:03:14,220It’s a work going on.6600:03:15,979 –> 00:03:18,820My Christian life is a work in process.6700:03:20,740 –> 00:03:24,059My ministry has its failures as well as its successes,6800:03:24,059 –> 00:03:27,160its neglected duties and its missed opportunities.6900:03:28,779 –> 00:03:31,139We all have to give account to God for these things,7000:03:31,139 –> 00:03:33,979but I don’t want my eternity, my standing,7100:03:33,979 –> 00:03:37,119my very identity to be tied up in that.7200:03:38,940 –> 00:03:42,580Augustine once said, the great Christian believer,7300:03:42,580 –> 00:03:46,619he said, I do not dare to commend to you7400:03:46,619 –> 00:03:49,559the work of my hands,7500:03:49,559 –> 00:03:54,000lest you find in them more sins than merits.7600:03:55,399 –> 00:03:56,940Is he understood how flawed7700:03:56,940 –> 00:03:58,759even our best efforts really are?7800:04:00,660 –> 00:04:04,160Now if my hope rested on anything that I offer to God,7900:04:04,160 –> 00:04:05,960then it would soon melt away,8000:04:05,960 –> 00:04:07,559but here is the wonderful thing,8100:04:07,559 –> 00:04:09,839for those who are in Jesus Christ,8200:04:09,839 –> 00:04:13,139what gets examined on the last day8300:04:14,039 –> 00:04:15,759is not your faith, it’s not your repentance,8400:04:15,759 –> 00:04:17,739it’s not your Christian life, it’s not your ministry.8500:04:17,739 –> 00:04:19,559It’s your Saviour,8600:04:20,859 –> 00:04:23,660and he is righteous.8700:04:25,000 –> 00:04:28,220There is no fault in him,8800:04:28,220 –> 00:04:33,220and when God sees you, He sees you in His righteousness.8900:04:35,760 –> 00:04:37,540So, God is not kind of picking away9000:04:37,600 –> 00:04:40,600as he looks at you at the limitations of your faith,9100:04:40,600 –> 00:04:42,559the partiality of your repentance,9200:04:42,559 –> 00:04:44,600the incompleteness of your service9300:04:44,600 –> 00:04:46,700or of your offering of yourself to God.9400:04:46,700 –> 00:04:48,920And on the last day,9500:04:48,920 –> 00:04:53,339the issue will be not how righteous Christ has made you,9600:04:54,519 –> 00:04:58,880the issue will be how righteous Christ is in Himself.9700:04:58,880 –> 00:05:00,260This is very important.9800:05:00,260 –> 00:05:03,500Christ has become our righteousness.9900:05:04,600 –> 00:05:06,720See, some teachers have developed the idea10000:05:06,720 –> 00:05:09,760that the really important thing10100:05:09,760 –> 00:05:12,279is how righteous we have become.10200:05:13,600 –> 00:05:15,339And a picture of that might be,10300:05:15,339 –> 00:05:17,339if you put sugar into tea,10400:05:18,500 –> 00:05:23,500sugar imparts its sweetness to tea and makes the tea sweet.10500:05:25,480 –> 00:05:27,540Now, in the same way these teachers say10600:05:27,540 –> 00:05:30,820Christ imparts His sweetness,10700:05:30,820 –> 00:05:33,640His righteousness to us,10800:05:33,640 –> 00:05:36,320and they say that this is the thing10900:05:36,320 –> 00:05:37,980that God is really looking at.11000:05:39,000 –> 00:05:40,160Now, of course, there is a sense11100:05:40,160 –> 00:05:42,459in which it’s true that the likeness of Christ11200:05:42,459 –> 00:05:45,299is formed in the life of a Christian believer11300:05:45,299 –> 00:05:48,440but if your entrance into heaven or mine11400:05:48,440 –> 00:05:52,820depended on the degree to which you had become like Jesus,11500:05:53,720 –> 00:05:55,880you would be on very shaky ground, indeed.11600:05:57,040 –> 00:05:59,700It’s not your likeness to Christ11700:05:59,700 –> 00:06:02,000that is your righteousness.11800:06:02,000 –> 00:06:06,679It is Christ who is your righteousness.11900:06:06,679 –> 00:06:11,679The righteousness lies in him, not in you.12000:06:12,559 –> 00:06:14,179And if I can push that analogy,12100:06:14,179 –> 00:06:15,760the issue on the last day12200:06:15,760 –> 00:06:18,760will not be the sweetness of your life,12300:06:19,799 –> 00:06:22,540it will be the sweetness of Jesus.12400:06:23,359 –> 00:06:25,239It’ll not be how righteous you are,12500:06:25,239 –> 00:06:27,380it’ll be how righteous he is12600:06:27,380 –> 00:06:28,839and we already know the verdict12700:06:28,839 –> 00:06:30,679of God the Father on that issue12800:06:30,700 –> 00:06:33,500because God the Father raised him from the dead.12900:06:34,720 –> 00:06:35,619That is what Paul is getting at.13000:06:35,619 –> 00:06:37,700It’s the very heart of the gospel13100:06:37,700 –> 00:06:40,040in Philippians in Chapter 313200:06:40,040 –> 00:06:44,119where he says, we glory in Jesus Christ13300:06:44,119 –> 00:06:47,940and we put no confidence in the flesh.13400:06:47,940 –> 00:06:50,279Jesus said, the flesh profits nothing.13500:06:50,279 –> 00:06:53,220The flesh is never gonna get you into heaven.13600:06:54,500 –> 00:06:56,640And that’s why Paul says, I want to be found in Christ,13700:06:56,640 –> 00:06:58,760not having a righteousness of my own13800:06:58,760 –> 00:06:59,839that comes by the law.13900:06:59,880 –> 00:07:02,019In other words, by what I do,14000:07:02,019 –> 00:07:03,820but that is through faith in Christ14100:07:03,820 –> 00:07:07,980a righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.14200:07:09,299 –> 00:07:14,299So I am not resting my hope of everlasting life14300:07:15,839 –> 00:07:19,040in what Christ has done in me,14400:07:19,040 –> 00:07:22,600but in who Christ is for me.14500:07:23,519 –> 00:07:27,600He is your righteousness.14600:07:28,540 –> 00:07:32,179It’s where your righteousness lies in him.14700:07:34,200 –> 00:07:37,040Now let me remind you of two wonderful benefits14800:07:37,040 –> 00:07:38,799that follow from this when we grasp it.14900:07:38,799 –> 00:07:40,540Number one, you can’t foul it up,15000:07:41,480 –> 00:07:43,079I mean you just can’t foul it up.15100:07:44,200 –> 00:07:46,200If your righteousness was in you,15200:07:46,200 –> 00:07:47,600you could foul it up at any time.15300:07:47,600 –> 00:07:50,640I mean, quite honestly you might go out from the sanctuary15400:07:50,640 –> 00:07:53,140and someone will step on your toe out in the fire15500:07:53,140 –> 00:07:55,720in the crush there, then you might fly at them15600:07:55,720 –> 00:07:57,119and you blow on your righteousness just like that.15700:07:57,540 –> 00:07:59,980You’re gonna start all over again, hopeless.15800:07:59,980 –> 00:08:01,239Happen at any moment.15900:08:02,239 –> 00:08:05,320If your righteousness is in you,16000:08:05,320 –> 00:08:06,920you could blow it at any moment,16100:08:08,899 –> 00:08:11,559but if your righteousness is in Christ,16200:08:11,559 –> 00:08:13,040nothing can touch it.16300:08:14,320 –> 00:08:16,160Nothing you can do or fail to do16400:08:16,160 –> 00:08:18,239can make Jesus less righteous,16500:08:18,239 –> 00:08:20,480and if your righteousness is in him,16600:08:20,480 –> 00:08:22,899it is absolutely secure.16700:08:22,899 –> 00:08:24,040And let me put it this way16800:08:24,040 –> 00:08:26,559because this is huge for some people,16900:08:27,959 –> 00:08:32,359nothing that happens to you17000:08:34,280 –> 00:08:39,280can violate your purity in him.17100:08:42,340 –> 00:08:46,159If your purity just lies in yourself,17200:08:46,159 –> 00:08:47,520I wouldn’t be much purity anyway,17300:08:47,520 –> 00:08:48,640would it for any of us,17400:08:49,859 –> 00:08:50,919but if you think of your purity17500:08:50,919 –> 00:08:52,239as just lying in yourself,17600:08:52,239 –> 00:08:53,359there are things that can happen17700:08:53,359 –> 00:08:56,200in the sordid world that would violate your purity.17800:08:58,039 –> 00:09:00,840but if your purity is in Christ17900:09:00,840 –> 00:09:02,719and you have grasped that,18000:09:02,719 –> 00:09:04,880you will begin by the grace of God18100:09:04,880 –> 00:09:08,200to see that nothing that happens in this world18200:09:08,200 –> 00:09:11,960can violate your purity in him.18300:09:17,479 –> 00:09:19,919Not only can it not be fouled up,18400:09:22,039 –> 00:09:23,979you can’t boast about it either,18500:09:23,979 –> 00:09:24,820it’s a wonderful thing.18600:09:24,820 –> 00:09:25,820Course this is the application18700:09:25,859 –> 00:09:28,900that Paul makes in verses 29 in verse 31.18800:09:28,900 –> 00:09:29,739You’ll see it there.18900:09:29,739 –> 00:09:31,059Nobody’s got anything to boast of19000:09:31,059 –> 00:09:33,940because our righteousness, our justification,19100:09:33,940 –> 00:09:36,859our cleansing is in Jesus.19200:09:38,080 –> 00:09:40,059C.H. Spurgeon once said19300:09:40,059 –> 00:09:43,919that our justification is entirely of God’s grace.19400:09:44,940 –> 00:09:48,880He said, I didn’t lend the help of one little finger.19500:09:49,739 –> 00:09:51,219And then he said, that’s just as well19600:09:51,219 –> 00:09:52,739because if God had let me do that19700:09:52,760 –> 00:09:54,059I would have given all the glory19800:09:54,059 –> 00:09:56,039to the one little finger.19900:09:57,500 –> 00:09:59,559Christ is your righteousness.20000:10:00,919 –> 00:10:02,820You’re listening to Open the Bible20100:10:02,820 –> 00:10:04,500with Pastor Colin Smith20200:10:04,500 –> 00:10:07,099and a message called You Are Clean.20300:10:07,099 –> 00:10:09,700Part of a series, be yourself.20400:10:09,700 –> 00:10:11,340And if you ever missed one of the series20500:10:11,340 –> 00:10:13,940or if you want to go back and listen again20600:10:13,940 –> 00:10:15,960you can come online to our website20700:10:15,960 –> 00:10:18,679openthebible.org.uk20800:10:18,679 –> 00:10:20,659and there you’ll find all the messages20900:10:20,659 –> 00:10:22,880which have already been broadcast.21000:10:22,880 –> 00:10:25,440You can also find pastor Colin’s messages21100:10:25,440 –> 00:10:26,400as a podcast.21200:10:26,400 –> 00:10:28,979And those are on all the main podcast sites.21300:10:28,979 –> 00:10:31,400Search for Open the Bible UK21400:10:31,400 –> 00:10:35,599and subscribe if you want to receive regular updates.21500:10:35,599 –> 00:10:36,599Well, Open the Bible21600:10:36,599 –> 00:10:39,320is entirely supported by our listeners.21700:10:39,320 –> 00:10:40,799It’s your generosity21800:10:40,799 –> 00:10:43,820that keeps Pastor Colin’s messages online21900:10:43,820 –> 00:10:45,440and on the radio.22000:10:45,440 –> 00:10:47,320So thank you if you’re ready to give22100:10:47,320 –> 00:10:49,159to support this work.22200:10:49,159 –> 00:10:51,520If you’re thinking about doing that in the future22300:10:51,520 –> 00:10:53,479why not listen later on in the programme22400:10:53,479 –> 00:10:56,799to Colin talking about this month’s free gift22500:10:56,799 –> 00:10:58,179which we’d love to send you22600:10:58,179 –> 00:11:01,159if you’re able to set up a new direct debit22700:11:01,159 –> 00:11:03,239to the work of Open the Bible this month22800:11:03,239 –> 00:11:06,619in the amount of five pounds per month or more22900:11:06,619 –> 00:11:10,039or a one-off donation of 50 pounds or more.23000:11:10,039 –> 00:11:11,559Full terms and conditions23100:11:11,559 –> 00:11:12,919and to give online23200:11:12,919 –> 00:11:17,039come to our website openthebible.org.uk.23300:11:17,359 –> 00:11:19,179And as I say I’ll be talking to Colin23400:11:19,179 –> 00:11:21,719about that special offer later in the programme23500:11:21,719 –> 00:11:23,479so I hope you’ll stay with us.23600:11:23,479 –> 00:11:24,580Back to the message now23700:11:24,580 –> 00:11:27,280we’re in 1 Corinthians chapter one23800:11:27,280 –> 00:11:30,260as we continue the message you are clean.23900:11:30,260 –> 00:11:31,679Here’s Colin.24000:11:31,679 –> 00:11:34,380Christ is your righteousness.24100:11:34,380 –> 00:11:38,359Christ’s righteousness is yours.24200:11:38,359 –> 00:11:40,119And there’s two things you’ve gotta grasp24300:11:40,119 –> 00:11:42,239if you’re to really get hold of what it means to be clean.24400:11:42,239 –> 00:11:44,880Number one, Christ is your righteousness24500:11:44,880 –> 00:11:46,380it lies in him not in you24600:11:47,479 –> 00:11:48,900and you can’t follow it up.24700:11:49,820 –> 00:11:52,780It’s total, it’s complete and it’s perfect.24800:11:52,780 –> 00:11:54,559But secondly and equally important24900:11:54,559 –> 00:11:56,799Christ’s righteousness is yours.25000:11:56,799 –> 00:11:58,799You see, it’s not something out there,25100:11:58,799 –> 00:12:01,200you are in Christ.25200:12:02,460 –> 00:12:05,679He has become for us,25300:12:06,640 –> 00:12:08,539righteousness.25400:12:08,539 –> 00:12:12,580He is our righteousness.25500:12:13,559 –> 00:12:16,919This righteousness never ceases to be his,25600:12:17,820 –> 00:12:22,820but because you are in him it actually truly becomes yours.25700:12:27,219 –> 00:12:30,460Imagine for a moment that you are living as a squatter25800:12:31,460 –> 00:12:33,700in a derelict building.25900:12:33,700 –> 00:12:36,000You’ve been sleeping in appalling circumstances26000:12:36,000 –> 00:12:38,619on top of a pile of magazines that have strewn on the floor.26100:12:38,619 –> 00:12:41,780The derelict building has been condemned by the village.26200:12:41,820 –> 00:12:43,159It will soon be pulled down.26300:12:43,159 –> 00:12:44,219You’re bankrupt.26400:12:44,219 –> 00:12:45,619You have nowhere to go.26500:12:47,340 –> 00:12:49,940One day you meet a man who has compassion on you.26600:12:51,000 –> 00:12:52,900He tells you that he owns a home26700:12:52,900 –> 00:12:55,340and that he would like to offer it to you.26800:12:56,179 –> 00:12:59,239He tells you the address and he gives you the key.26900:13:00,460 –> 00:13:02,659You tell him you have no money to pay the rent,27000:13:02,659 –> 00:13:04,520but he tells you there is no rent.27100:13:05,460 –> 00:13:07,000You ask how long you can stay27200:13:07,000 –> 00:13:09,380and he tells you that the invitation is open-ended,27300:13:09,380 –> 00:13:11,179you can stay there all your life.27400:13:11,179 –> 00:13:12,859You can live there as if that home27500:13:12,859 –> 00:13:14,739were your own.27600:13:14,739 –> 00:13:16,580He tells you that he has several homes27700:13:16,580 –> 00:13:18,780and that each day he comes by to clean the home27800:13:18,780 –> 00:13:20,159and to tend the garden.27900:13:20,159 –> 00:13:21,599You won’t see me, he says.28000:13:21,599 –> 00:13:24,099I only come by when my tenants are away,28100:13:24,099 –> 00:13:27,059but I maintain that which I give.28200:13:29,020 –> 00:13:32,979When you find the house, you are absolutely overwhelmed.28300:13:32,979 –> 00:13:33,859It is beautiful.28400:13:34,780 –> 00:13:35,960The garden is perfect.28500:13:35,960 –> 00:13:39,460The lawn is lush green like a deep pile carpet,28600:13:39,500 –> 00:13:42,219the picket fence around the edge of the garden28700:13:42,219 –> 00:13:44,780is freshly painted, and inside the house28800:13:44,780 –> 00:13:47,380there is everything that you need for life.28900:13:49,020 –> 00:13:50,780It is the home of your dreams,29000:13:52,299 –> 00:13:54,059but it is also your home.29100:13:56,739 –> 00:13:59,200You are not a squatter.29200:14:00,440 –> 00:14:02,940It is not your home by right,29300:14:04,280 –> 00:14:07,799but it is your home by grace.29400:14:08,799 –> 00:14:10,780You walk in the garden,29500:14:11,700 –> 00:14:14,539you sit in the lounge, you eat at the table,29600:14:14,539 –> 00:14:17,440you sleep in the bed, and every day29700:14:17,440 –> 00:14:20,479you see the evidence of His presence.29800:14:20,479 –> 00:14:23,659The grass is cut, the rooms are cleaned,29900:14:23,659 –> 00:14:26,039the fridge is replenished.30000:14:27,500 –> 00:14:31,099Christ’s righteousness,30100:14:31,099 –> 00:14:33,299His own righteousness30200:14:33,400 –> 00:14:36,179actually becomes yours.30300:14:36,179 –> 00:14:38,140You live in it,30400:14:38,140 –> 00:14:41,539so enjoy.30500:14:42,719 –> 00:14:43,880Enjoy.30600:14:44,900 –> 00:14:47,960Why live under a continuing burden of guilt30700:14:47,960 –> 00:14:50,500when the righteousness of Christ is yours?30800:14:50,500 –> 00:14:54,500Why walk around like a kind of ex-squatter,30900:14:54,500 –> 00:14:57,900ashamed of yourself, unable to forgive yourself,31000:14:57,900 –> 00:15:01,460saying how did I get to be a squatter in the first place?31100:15:01,940 –> 00:15:04,780You have been brought into a whole new position.31200:15:04,780 –> 00:15:06,960Live in it.31300:15:06,960 –> 00:15:09,419Rejoice in it.31400:15:09,419 –> 00:15:12,059Stop talking about yourself and what went wrong,31500:15:12,059 –> 00:15:15,380start looking to him and what he’s given to you,31600:15:15,380 –> 00:15:18,059what he has brought you into,31700:15:20,020 –> 00:15:22,679what you are in him.31800:15:25,679 –> 00:15:27,179And as you see what he has done for you31900:15:27,179 –> 00:15:29,440and as you see what he’s brought you into,32000:15:29,440 –> 00:15:32,119you will begin to love him.32100:15:33,219 –> 00:15:35,880You’ll begin to think much less about yourself32200:15:35,880 –> 00:15:37,659and what went wrong in your former life32300:15:37,659 –> 00:15:40,239and to see how he’s lifted you32400:15:40,239 –> 00:15:42,000and what grace really means32500:15:42,000 –> 00:15:44,239and that you’ve been brought into a new position32600:15:44,239 –> 00:15:49,239in which you are, in fact, clean in him.32700:15:49,280 –> 00:15:51,780And you don’t need to be hiding from God,32800:15:51,780 –> 00:15:54,020you don’t need to be apologizing for yourself,32900:15:54,020 –> 00:15:56,080you don’t need to be dragging your head33000:15:56,080 –> 00:15:57,559or your feet in shame,33100:15:57,559 –> 00:15:58,799you don’t need to spend the rest33200:15:59,299 –> 00:16:01,099of your life trying to impress God33300:16:02,940 –> 00:16:05,479because you’re already in the house,33400:16:05,479 –> 00:16:07,440grace has reached you33500:16:08,640 –> 00:16:11,500and it’s changed your entire experience.33600:16:12,559 –> 00:16:14,200You don’t have anything to prove.33700:16:15,479 –> 00:16:18,059You don’t have anything you need to hide.33800:16:19,219 –> 00:16:22,099God knows who you are in yourself33900:16:23,539 –> 00:16:26,919and he knows who you are in Christ34000:16:26,919 –> 00:16:31,919and in his love for you, he views you in Christ.34100:16:32,159 –> 00:16:34,359You are not a squatter,34200:16:34,359 –> 00:16:37,919you’re the guest of the Son of God34300:16:39,979 –> 00:16:42,599and Satan may come by the picket fence one day34400:16:42,599 –> 00:16:45,599and say, you’re nothing more than a squatter.34500:16:48,140 –> 00:16:50,400What kind of Christian do you think you are?34600:16:53,280 –> 00:16:56,179And you tell him, in Christ I am.34700:16:57,239 –> 00:16:58,080Lean.34800:16:59,500 –> 00:17:02,640When Satan tempts me to despair34900:17:02,640 –> 00:17:06,339and tells me of the guilt within, what do I do?35000:17:07,319 –> 00:17:09,939Upward I look and see him there35100:17:09,939 –> 00:17:12,619who made an end of all my sin.35200:17:13,719 –> 00:17:16,239Because the sinless savior died,35300:17:16,239 –> 00:17:19,439my guilty soul is counted free35400:17:19,439 –> 00:17:22,719for God the just is satisfied35500:17:22,719 –> 00:17:26,699to look on him and pardon.35600:17:27,280 –> 00:17:28,099Me.35700:17:28,900 –> 00:17:31,260And you know, Satan can convince you35800:17:31,260 –> 00:17:33,959by the picket fence that you’re just a sinner.35900:17:35,040 –> 00:17:36,880He’ll make you believe that nothing’s more natural36000:17:36,880 –> 00:17:39,040in the world for you than to go on sinning.36100:17:40,000 –> 00:17:41,000And one of the greatest things36200:17:41,000 –> 00:17:42,959that you need is to begin to see yourself36300:17:42,959 –> 00:17:44,760in a whole new way.36400:17:44,760 –> 00:17:46,439I mean, very practically, when my desk36500:17:46,439 –> 00:17:49,359has a pile of papers on it and it’s trashed,36600:17:49,359 –> 00:17:50,760I throw more papers on it.36700:17:51,619 –> 00:17:54,000When it’s clean, I don’t do that.36800:17:54,000 –> 00:17:55,880If you think of your life fundamentally36900:17:56,020 –> 00:17:59,400as being a mess, you’ll live a mess.37000:17:59,400 –> 00:18:01,540If you realize in the depth of your being37100:18:01,540 –> 00:18:03,780that the most fundamental reality about you37200:18:03,780 –> 00:18:05,920is that in Christ you are clean,37300:18:07,319 –> 00:18:09,719you will begin to live in a whole new direction.37400:18:10,719 –> 00:18:14,979In fact, you’ll begin to be who you are.37500:18:17,119 –> 00:18:19,560And that’s the heart of this whole series.37600:18:19,560 –> 00:18:22,199Recognize what God has done for you in Christ,37700:18:22,199 –> 00:18:24,359what he’s brought you into in Jesus Christ,37800:18:24,400 –> 00:18:28,400and be who you are.37900:18:31,719 –> 00:18:33,760There is after all something faintly ridiculous38000:18:33,760 –> 00:18:35,760about trying to be something you’re not.38100:18:36,880 –> 00:18:38,420Our family went out clothes shopping,38200:18:38,420 –> 00:18:40,239we were in Kohls on Friday night38300:18:41,160 –> 00:18:42,920and we’re all trying some stuff on.38400:18:43,760 –> 00:18:45,560And I get teased a lot in the family38500:18:45,560 –> 00:18:47,359about dressing too straight.38600:18:47,359 –> 00:18:48,199I just have to tell you38700:18:48,199 –> 00:18:49,359that that’s just how it is.38800:18:49,359 –> 00:18:51,500What a burden I have to bear.38900:18:51,500 –> 00:18:55,479So just for fun, I went and got a shirt39000:18:55,479 –> 00:18:59,780way outside my style zone.39100:19:01,300 –> 00:19:02,319Went into the fitting room,39200:19:02,319 –> 00:19:03,400we’re all trying some stuff on39300:19:03,400 –> 00:19:05,459and then came out, said a card to the boys,39400:19:05,459 –> 00:19:06,939what do you think?39500:19:08,660 –> 00:19:13,439And the response was, Dad, you look ridiculous.39600:19:14,900 –> 00:19:18,359And then they said, be who you are.39700:19:18,459 –> 00:19:23,079No use you’re trying to be cool, Dad, you’re not.39800:19:26,900 –> 00:19:30,800They’re right, be who you are39900:19:30,800 –> 00:19:33,199and there is something faintly ridiculous40000:19:33,199 –> 00:19:35,859about the guy who tries to be something that he’s not.40100:19:38,739 –> 00:19:43,099Think about it, Abraham receives the promises of God40200:19:43,099 –> 00:19:45,140and then lies to the king of Egypt.40300:19:45,140 –> 00:19:47,839Abraham, that’s not who you are,40400:19:49,280 –> 00:19:52,339David has made the king over God’s people40500:19:52,339 –> 00:19:54,459and then goes and cheats on his wife.40600:19:54,459 –> 00:19:57,619David, that’s not who you are.40700:19:59,339 –> 00:20:01,599Jonah’s called into ministry40800:20:02,479 –> 00:20:05,000and goes running away from the call of God.40900:20:06,099 –> 00:20:09,359It’s enough to make a whale sick, isn’t it?41000:20:09,359 –> 00:20:12,699Jonah, that’s not who you are.41100:20:14,439 –> 00:20:17,780You harboring resentment, that’s not who you are,41200:20:17,780 –> 00:20:20,060you sitting in front of that film on the television41300:20:20,060 –> 00:20:21,260you know you shouldn’t be watching,41400:20:21,260 –> 00:20:23,900that’s not who you are.41500:20:23,900 –> 00:20:27,339You living in fear when your life is in the hand of God,41600:20:27,339 –> 00:20:29,339that’s not who you are.41700:20:29,339 –> 00:20:32,219You walking around as if you carry the guilt41800:20:32,219 –> 00:20:34,079of the world on your shoulders,41900:20:34,079 –> 00:20:37,219that’s not who you are.42000:20:39,599 –> 00:20:40,900In Christ42100:20:42,140 –> 00:20:43,579you42200:20:43,579 –> 00:20:44,680are42300:20:44,680 –> 00:20:45,599clean.42400:20:46,439 –> 00:20:50,140Be who you are.42500:20:50,140 –> 00:20:52,719Be yourself.42600:20:52,719 –> 00:20:54,380That’s the heart of what it means42700:20:54,380 –> 00:20:55,800to live the Christian life,42800:20:55,800 –> 00:20:59,180to be the person you are in Jesus Christ,42900:20:59,180 –> 00:21:02,599to grasp the most fundamental reality about yourself.43000:21:03,339 –> 00:21:04,920And if you’re saying right now,43100:21:04,920 –> 00:21:07,819boy I wish I was clean,43200:21:07,819 –> 00:21:11,760then the invitation to you to be in Jesus Christ,43300:21:11,760 –> 00:21:13,579whatever you have done,43400:21:14,540 –> 00:21:15,420is open today.43500:21:15,420 –> 00:21:16,939Come.43600:21:16,939 –> 00:21:18,819Be washed,43700:21:18,819 –> 00:21:20,640so that in Christ,43800:21:20,640 –> 00:21:22,319you too,43900:21:22,319 –> 00:21:23,839will be clean.44000:21:25,060 –> 00:21:27,640A reminder there from Pastor Colin Smith that44100:21:27,640 –> 00:21:31,579if we are in Christ we just need to be who we are.44200:21:31,579 –> 00:21:34,300The people God has made us to be.44300:21:34,300 –> 00:21:36,540As we begin that relationship with Him,44400:21:36,540 –> 00:21:38,839He makes us a new creation.44500:21:38,839 –> 00:21:40,959And he makes us clean.44600:21:40,959 –> 00:21:43,300That’s the message we’ve been hearing today.44700:21:43,339 –> 00:21:44,719The message was entitled,44800:21:44,719 –> 00:21:49,079You Are Clean and it’s part of our series Be Yourself.44900:21:49,079 –> 00:21:51,380And if you’ve missed any of the series so far45000:21:51,380 –> 00:21:53,640or if you want to go back and listen again,45100:21:53,640 –> 00:21:56,459you can always do that by coming online to our website45200:21:56,459 –> 00:21:58,920openthebible.og.uk.45300:21:58,920 –> 00:22:00,699There, you’ll find all the messages45400:22:00,699 –> 00:22:02,579which have already gone out on air.45500:22:02,579 –> 00:22:03,619Also on our website,45600:22:03,619 –> 00:22:05,819you’ll find our Bible study course,45700:22:05,819 –> 00:22:07,619Fly Through the Bible.45800:22:07,619 –> 00:22:10,300This short, simple journey through the Bible story45900:22:10,300 –> 00:22:12,719can be enjoyed on your own with a friend46000:22:12,760 –> 00:22:14,040or as a group.46100:22:14,040 –> 00:22:15,939For each of the 15 sessions,46200:22:15,939 –> 00:22:17,920you can watch a short video,46300:22:17,920 –> 00:22:20,119then work through the questions.46400:22:20,119 –> 00:22:22,560If you want to do a more detailed Bible study,46500:22:22,560 –> 00:22:24,560a guide is available for you to use46600:22:24,560 –> 00:22:27,359in small groups or one-to-one.46700:22:27,359 –> 00:22:29,280To make the most of Fly Through the Bible,46800:22:29,280 –> 00:22:31,500we recommend buying the book.46900:22:31,500 –> 00:22:32,979There is also a free app47000:22:32,979 –> 00:22:35,839that can be used alongside all the materials.47100:22:35,839 –> 00:22:37,760To find Fly Through the Bible,47200:22:37,760 –> 00:22:38,900go to our website,47300:22:38,900 –> 00:22:41,800openthebible.org.uk47400:22:41,839 –> 00:22:43,920and click on Courses.47500:22:43,920 –> 00:22:47,160At Open the Bible we welcome contact with our listeners.47600:22:47,160 –> 00:22:50,160If you have been blessed by Pastor Colin Smith’s teaching47700:22:50,160 –> 00:22:52,180and you’d like to reach out to us,47800:22:52,180 –> 00:22:54,060there are several ways you can do that.47900:22:54,060 –> 00:22:55,680You can write to us at48000:22:55,680 –> 00:23:00,680Open the Bible PO Box 1420 Cheltenham GL50 9PG48100:23:03,760 –> 00:23:08,660or you can phone us at 0330 335-8089.48200:23:11,800 –> 00:23:14,000If we’re not available when you call,48300:23:14,000 –> 00:23:16,819leave a message for us and we’ll return your call.48400:23:16,819 –> 00:23:20,119And you can find all those contact details on our website,48500:23:20,119 –> 00:23:23,619OpenTheBible.org.uk.48600:23:23,619 –> 00:23:27,000Open the Bible is supported financially by our listeners.48700:23:27,000 –> 00:23:28,819We do depend on people like you48800:23:28,819 –> 00:23:31,239to keep Pastor Colin Smith’s messages48900:23:31,239 –> 00:23:33,359on the radio and online.49000:23:33,359 –> 00:23:36,319So if you already support us in that way,49100:23:36,319 –> 00:23:38,199thank you so much.49200:23:38,199 –> 00:23:39,760If that’s something you’re considering49300:23:39,800 –> 00:23:41,500beginning to do this month,49400:23:41,500 –> 00:23:44,479if you’re able to set up a new direct debit49500:23:44,479 –> 00:23:46,859of five pounds per month or more49600:23:46,859 –> 00:23:49,359or a one-off gift of 50 pounds,49700:23:49,359 –> 00:23:50,760we’d love to say thank you49800:23:50,760 –> 00:23:54,439by sending you a copy of Pilgrim’s Progress,49900:23:54,439 –> 00:23:58,079John Bunyan’s classic allegory of the Christian life50000:23:58,079 –> 00:24:01,719which so many have enjoyed and benefited by reading,50100:24:01,719 –> 00:24:05,079along with a specially printed Open The Bible bookmark50200:24:05,079 –> 00:24:07,839and an Open The Bible pen.50300:24:07,859 –> 00:24:10,640Colin, many people may have heard of this book50400:24:10,640 –> 00:24:13,319but not really know what it’s all about.50500:24:13,319 –> 00:24:14,920Oh well, Pilgrim’s Progress50600:24:14,920 –> 00:24:17,479is a classic of Christian literature50700:24:17,479 –> 00:24:19,219that was written by John Bunyan50800:24:19,219 –> 00:24:21,339in the 17th century.50900:24:21,339 –> 00:24:23,540Bunyan’s one of my heroes of the faith,51000:24:23,540 –> 00:24:25,180he was a preacher of the gospel51100:24:25,180 –> 00:24:28,300and he was arrested for preaching the gospel51200:24:28,300 –> 00:24:30,880during a time when there were real restrictions51300:24:30,880 –> 00:24:33,040on believers in England51400:24:33,040 –> 00:24:35,239and during his time in prison,51500:24:35,280 –> 00:24:37,140he wrote this Christian classic51600:24:37,140 –> 00:24:40,719that is a story about a man who takes a journey51700:24:40,719 –> 00:24:42,819from a city called Destruction51800:24:42,819 –> 00:24:44,239to the celestial city,51900:24:44,239 –> 00:24:46,500which is his way of speaking about heaven52000:24:46,500 –> 00:24:50,239and it is full of profound insight52100:24:50,239 –> 00:24:51,859into the Christian life.52200:24:51,859 –> 00:24:54,040It’s so easy to read52300:24:54,040 –> 00:24:55,920and it is so rich52400:24:55,920 –> 00:24:57,439in what we can learn from it.52500:24:57,439 –> 00:24:58,739Well, we’d love to send you52600:24:58,739 –> 00:25:00,660a copy of Pilgrim’s Progress52700:25:00,660 –> 00:25:02,800as our way of saying thank you for supporting52800:25:03,800 –> 00:25:04,699Financially.52900:25:04,699 –> 00:25:07,439Full terms and conditions on our website53000:25:11,439 –> 00:25:13,660For Open The Bible and Pastor Colin Smith53100:25:13,660 –> 00:25:14,739I’m David Pick.53200:25:14,739 –> 00:25:15,859Thank you for joining us53300:25:15,859 –> 00:25:17,800and I hope we’ll see you again soon.53400:25:22,380 –> 00:25:24,479Do you know what Christ has done53500:25:24,479 –> 00:25:26,619to free us from sin’s power?53600:25:26,619 –> 00:25:29,420Find out next time on Open The Bible.