Authentic Christianity is about being who you are. What happened when you became a Christian? What changed? What stayed the same? Discover your new identity in Christ.

Linked resources

Embark on a journey of self-discovery. Learn what it means to be a new creation and embrace the profound changes God makes in our lives.

Colin Smith

Dive deep into scripture with us, explore the themes of righteousness and redemption, and learn how to live victoriously over sin.

Colin Smith

Dive into the transformative truth of 1 Corinthians 1:30—Jesus as our holiness, righteousness, and redemption. Uncover the profound significance of being set apart and glorified in Him.

Colin Smith

Explore the transformative shift from a 'white flour gospel' to the nourishing, whole truth of being in Christ. Understand the deeper substance of the Gospel and realise how your new identity empowers you to live freely and confidently.

Colin Smith

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Get your free copy of The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, as well as a free Open the Bible UK bookmark and pen, when you setup a monthly gift of at least £5, or a one-off gift of at least £50…




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