Prayer and Praise

Lamentations 5:1-22
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Pastor Colin discusses the significance of Lamentations Chapter 5 in his sermon. He highlights that this chapter is unique as it is the first time the grieving people themselves speak, demonstrating the deep shock and sorrow they experienced.

Throughout the sermon, Pastor Colin emphasises the role of a councillor who sits with the people, shares their grief, and guides them through their suffering. This councillor, exemplified by Jesus Christ, helps the people of God find their voice, pray, restore their faith, and regain hope.

He draws parallels between the councillor in Lamentations and the ministry of Jesus, the ‘Wonderful Counsellor,’ who understands and shares in our deepest sorrows. Jesus’ suffering and triumph over it provide a model for divine counselling that leads to prayer, faith, and hope.

Ultimately, Pastor Colin encourages believers to seek solace in Jesus, the Wonderful Counsellor, who perfectly understands and supports them in their times of grief and loss, promising a future where all sorrow will be wiped away.

1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:07,140 You’re listening to a sermon from Pastor Colin Smith of Open the Bible. 2 00:00:07,140 –> 00:00:16,660 To contact us, call us at 1-877-OPEN-365, or visit our website, 3 00:00:16,660 –> 00:00:19,020 Let’s get to the message, here is Pastor Colin. 4 00:00:19,020 –> 00:00:25,639 Well, please turn with me to Lamentations and Chapter 5, the last of this four-week 5 00:00:25,680 –> 00:00:30,100 series in this little-known book in which we’ve been discovering that in every part 6 00:00:30,100 –> 00:00:35,060 of the Bible, God makes provision for his people, and he has made a particular provision 7 00:00:35,060 –> 00:00:41,259 for us in regards to the issue of grief that we have been looking at over these weeks. 8 00:00:41,259 –> 00:00:46,740 Now, our focus will be on the end of Lamentations Chapter 5, though we will also look at some 9 00:00:46,740 –> 00:00:50,500 earlier chapters to get an overview of the whole book. 10 00:00:50,500 –> 00:00:55,939 But I want you to notice first something very striking at the beginning of Lamentations 11 00:00:55,939 –> 00:00:58,939 and Chapter 5. 12 00:00:58,939 –> 00:01:06,760 Remember O Lord, verse one, what has befallen us. 13 00:01:06,760 –> 00:01:10,419 Look and see our disgrace. 14 00:01:10,419 –> 00:01:19,980 Now, the words we and us and our are all over this chapter and here’s the significance of 15 00:01:20,019 –> 00:01:22,720 that. 16 00:01:22,720 –> 00:01:30,239 Lamentations and Chapter 5 is actually the first time that the grieving people themselves 17 00:01:30,239 –> 00:01:31,739 actually speak. 18 00:01:31,739 –> 00:01:36,360 I’ve read quite widely now on lamentations and I’ve yet to find any scholar who does 19 00:01:36,360 –> 00:01:38,339 not affirm that. 20 00:01:38,339 –> 00:01:45,580 The people of God themselves, the grieving people don’t actually speak a word until Lamentations 21 00:01:45,779 –> 00:01:52,339 Chapter 5 and that is the significance of suddenly us seeing the we and the us and the 22 00:01:52,339 –> 00:01:53,339 our. 23 00:01:53,339 –> 00:01:59,419 In other words, and you can understand this, these people have been so shocked, they have 24 00:01:59,419 –> 00:02:05,660 been so stunned, so numbed by the horrendous events that have taken place in their lives 25 00:02:05,660 –> 00:02:12,940 they can hardly take in what has happened to them, they just sit there in silence and 26 00:02:13,880 –> 00:02:17,059 word in chapters 1 to 4. 27 00:02:17,059 –> 00:02:24,020 Only in chapter 5 do the people themselves for the very first time actually begin to 28 00:02:24,020 –> 00:02:26,059 speak. 29 00:02:26,059 –> 00:02:31,259 Now that of course raises a very obvious question, then, who has been speaking in the first four 30 00:02:31,259 –> 00:02:33,660 chapters of the book? 31 00:02:33,660 –> 00:02:39,059 The first answer to that question of course is that the book of Lamentations was written 32 00:02:39,279 –> 00:02:41,179 by Jeremiah. 33 00:02:41,179 –> 00:02:45,440 The tears and the talk and the guilt and the grievance and the hope and healing that we 34 00:02:45,440 –> 00:02:51,580 have been looking at together are poured out through Jeremiah by the power of the Holy 35 00:02:51,580 –> 00:02:55,059 Spirit who moved within him. 36 00:02:55,059 –> 00:03:02,059 But there is very clearly more in Lamentations than Jeremiah himself could fulfill. 37 00:03:02,820 –> 00:03:08,740 Scholars often speak about Lamentations being like a kind of drama in which you hear different 38 00:03:08,800 –> 00:03:14,240 voices. There is the voice of the city. There is the voice of the prophet and now in the 39 00:03:14,240 –> 00:03:19,039 last chapter we finally hear the voice of the people. 40 00:03:19,039 –> 00:03:24,559 Scholars debate how many voices there are in this drama of Lamentations but what I want 41 00:03:24,559 –> 00:03:31,440 us to see today is that there is, and this is true of all scripture, there is one voice 42 00:03:31,440 –> 00:03:37,559 that is more important than all of the rest. 43 00:03:38,220 –> 00:03:44,100 For four chapters the people of God numbed by what they have suffered have been sitting 44 00:03:44,100 –> 00:03:51,100 in silence. Someone else is putting into words what these people could not actually express 45 00:03:53,479 –> 00:04:00,479 for themselves. Someone else is coming alongside them and saying, this is what you have felt 46 00:04:00,699 –> 00:04:07,699 isn’t it. This is what you have taught isn’t it. This is what you have experienced isn’t 47 00:04:08,880 –> 00:04:15,880 it. Now, I am going to call that person today the councillor and I want us to see that what 48 00:04:17,359 –> 00:04:24,359 happens in this remarkable book is that a councillor comes alongside grieving people 49 00:04:25,079 –> 00:04:32,079 and ministers to them in their sorrow and loss. Throughout these four chapters bringing them 50 00:04:32,559 –> 00:04:39,559 to a point in chapter five where finally they are able to speak for themselves. And I think 51 00:04:39,839 –> 00:04:46,359 that the ministry of this person is really a model for what we today would call counselling 52 00:04:46,359 –> 00:04:53,359 at its very best. What I wanted to do today is to introduce this councillor to you. I 53 00:04:53,559 –> 00:04:59,459 want to tell you about his ministry and I want to invite you to seek his help. 54 00:04:59,459 –> 00:05:06,459 Three observations. The first is this, that the councillor sits with the people. If you 55 00:05:07,140 –> 00:05:13,220 turn back now for a moment to chapter one you will see that lamentations begins with 56 00:05:13,220 –> 00:05:20,220 this language of description. As you glance across it there’s no we or our or us here, 57 00:05:21,160 –> 00:05:28,160 the people don’t have any words, they are sitting in silence in their suffering. Someone 58 00:05:28,619 –> 00:05:35,619 comes alongside, you imagine sitting looking over the rubble of this ruined city and someone 59 00:05:37,100 –> 00:05:43,980 comes and sits beside you in your sorrow, and in your grief, and in your tears, and 60 00:05:44,140 –> 00:05:51,140 in your loss. And that person says, verse 1, how lonely sits the city, that once was 61 00:05:51,700 –> 00:05:58,700 full of people. This counsellor is not a detached observer. He is in the grief with the people. 62 00:06:05,920 –> 00:06:12,920 He sits beside them and he weeps with them. Their city is His now. One of the great works 63 00:06:14,059 –> 00:06:21,059 of His city. Their loss is His loss. Their sorrow is His sorrow. And verse by verse, 64 00:06:22,299 –> 00:06:28,459 this counsellor sitting beside the grieving people of God, he holds up the brokenness 65 00:06:28,459 –> 00:06:35,459 of their lives. Every piece- Look at what has happened. He walks them through it. Picture 66 00:06:36,899 –> 00:06:43,579 yourself sitting with a counsellor who is helping you. Supporting you in grief and sorrow 67 00:06:43,619 –> 00:06:50,619 and loss. He does not sit on the other side of a desk. He sits beside you in your sorrow 68 00:06:52,299 –> 00:06:59,299 and he weeps as you weep. And when he speaks he puts into words exactly what you have experienced 69 00:07:04,220 –> 00:07:08,100 and exactly what you are feeling in a way that you could never have put it into words 70 00:07:08,700 –> 00:07:14,739 for yourself. In fact when he speaks, you find yourself completely amazed. How do you 71 00:07:14,739 –> 00:07:19,440 know me so fully and so completely? That’s exactly what I am but I could never have 72 00:07:19,440 –> 00:07:26,100 said it quite like that myself. Now you may have said at different points in 73 00:07:26,100 –> 00:07:32,100 your life if only there was someone who could feel what I feel, but no one can know the 74 00:07:32,739 –> 00:07:38,899 extent of my grief, my sorrow, and my loss. No one can plumb the depths of another human 75 00:07:38,899 –> 00:07:42,940 heart. But you see when you look at lamentations, 76 00:07:42,940 –> 00:07:49,940 that is exactly what we are finding right here. Someone who does plumb the depths of 77 00:07:50,000 –> 00:07:56,160 another human heart. What this book is telling us is that when 78 00:07:56,200 –> 00:08:01,880 the people of God were in a place so dark and so desperate they could not even speak 79 00:08:01,880 –> 00:08:08,880 for themselves, someone came and sat with them, and wept with them as one who knew their 80 00:08:14,779 –> 00:08:21,779 suffering from the inside out. Now surely when you see that, you will feel 81 00:08:22,779 –> 00:08:29,100 with me that this points us forward very wonderfully as the Old Testament constantly does to our 82 00:08:29,100 –> 00:08:36,099 Lord Jesus Christ, who is described as the wonderful counselor, the one who comes alongside 83 00:08:37,119 –> 00:08:44,119 us in our grief and in our sorrow, and ministers to us by His Holy Spirit. In fact, the Lord 84 00:08:45,119 –> 00:08:47,520 Jesus described 85 00:08:47,520 –> 00:08:53,179 himself and his ministry and the work of the Holy Spirit in precisely this way. Our Lord 86 00:08:53,179 –> 00:08:59,679 refers to the Spirit as another counselor. That’s John 14 in verse 16, meaning that 87 00:08:59,679 –> 00:09:06,260 Jesus Christ Himself is the Counselor, and that he fulfills this wonderful counseling 88 00:09:06,260 –> 00:09:11,799 ministry in the lives of the people by the presence of the Holy Spirit. 89 00:09:12,599 –> 00:09:18,840 You see, here is something very wonderful. When you become a Christian the Holy Spirit 90 00:09:18,840 –> 00:09:28,119 of God actually dwells in you. That means that the Holy spirit of God is present with 91 00:09:28,119 –> 00:09:36,880 you in everything you experience, knowing from the inside even your greatest sorrow 92 00:09:36,880 –> 00:09:45,659 and your greatest loss. Because He indwells you He knows everything that you have ever 93 00:09:45,659 –> 00:09:53,059 thought and has experienced everything that you have ever felt. He knows you from the 94 00:09:53,059 –> 00:10:03,340 inside because He dwells in you. So here is a very wonderful truth that is a comfort and 95 00:10:03,539 –> 00:10:09,059 strength to God’s people. God knows you completely. Nothing you have ever thought 96 00:10:09,059 –> 00:10:17,080 or felt is ever hidden from Him. If you should come to a time, brother, sister, 97 00:10:17,080 –> 00:10:23,599 when you are convinced that nobody could ever know what you have endured, or what you have 98 00:10:23,599 –> 00:10:28,500 thought, or what you have felt. No one could ever understand possibly the depths of your 99 00:10:28,500 –> 00:10:40,299 anguish. Remember the counsellor who is in the grief with you, who sits alongside you, 100 00:10:40,299 –> 00:10:49,979 who weeps with those who weep. The counsellor, the wonderful counsellor, he 101 00:10:49,979 –> 00:10:57,859 sits with the people of God in their sorrow and in their loss. That’s the first thing. 102 00:10:58,020 –> 00:11:04,640 Here’s the second. This counsellor speaks to the people of God in their sorrow and in their 103 00:11:04,640 –> 00:11:08,559 loss. Now if you just turn over a page, we’re trying to get the big picture of Lamentations 104 00:11:08,559 –> 00:11:14,299 here today. And if you look at Lamentations chapter three you will see that there is a 105 00:11:14,299 –> 00:11:21,080 very striking change that occurs at this point in the book. Throughout the first two chapters 106 00:11:21,080 –> 00:11:26,400 the counsellor has been speaking for the people, on behalf of the people, putting into words 107 00:11:26,539 –> 00:11:33,539 what they would not have been able to express themselves. Now the counsellor speaks to the 108 00:11:33,539 –> 00:11:44,400 people. Notice he says, I am the man who has seen affliction. I am the man who has seen 109 00:11:44,400 –> 00:11:53,400 affliction. Now suddenly the counsellor now is speaking to us. He’s been speaking for 110 00:11:53,700 –> 00:12:00,700 us. But now he’s speaking to us. And when he speaks to us, he speaks about himself. 111 00:12:02,820 –> 00:12:09,479 He has established a relationship with you. You now know after two chapters that as if 112 00:12:09,479 –> 00:12:15,820 he were inside your skin, he understands what you think and feel and says it better than 113 00:12:15,820 –> 00:12:22,159 you could say it yourself. But now having demonstrated that he knows you completely, 114 00:12:22,159 –> 00:12:30,479 he wants you to know him, and so he begins to speak about himself. Notice what he says. 115 00:12:30,479 –> 00:12:43,640 Verse one, I am the man who has seen affliction. A very distinct title or description that 116 00:12:43,640 –> 00:12:54,880 he gives to himself. The counsellor describes himself as the man. The man. Now notice what 117 00:12:54,880 –> 00:13:03,700 the man tells us about himself. The man suffers under the rod of God’s wrath in verse 1. The 118 00:13:03,700 –> 00:13:12,919 man is driven into the deepest darkness without any light verse 2, and in verse 8 the man 119 00:13:12,919 –> 00:13:19,119 tells us that he will know what it is to call and cry out for God’s help but for God to 120 00:13:19,119 –> 00:13:30,299 shut out his prayer. And then, having described the experience of his own suffering, the man 121 00:13:30,299 –> 00:13:38,239 tells us about his hope, verse 21 and 22. But this I call to mind, and therefore I have 122 00:13:38,239 –> 00:13:49,659 hope, the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. 123 00:13:49,659 –> 00:13:55,840 So what we have here, putting the pieces together then is the ministry of a counselor, a very 124 00:13:55,840 –> 00:14:02,299 wonderful counselor who describes himself as The Man, that’s the title that he takes 125 00:14:02,299 –> 00:14:07,599 here, who comes to the people of God when they’re so stunned and so shocked that they 126 00:14:07,599 –> 00:14:13,159 can’t even put words together to speak for themselves. All they can do is sit in silence 127 00:14:13,159 –> 00:14:18,640 but this wonderful counselor speaks in such a way that the people of God become persuaded 128 00:14:18,640 –> 00:14:24,739 that he knows them completely. With compassion, he holds up each piece of their shattered 129 00:14:24,739 –> 00:14:29,219 lives and says, this is what has happened. Let me walk you through it, line after line, 130 00:14:29,219 –> 00:14:36,580 verse after verse. And now he tells them about himself as if 131 00:14:36,580 –> 00:14:48,039 he was saying I know you and in your sorrow and your loss, I want you to know me. So for 132 00:14:48,039 –> 00:15:00,140 four chapters the people of God are silent. They’re experiencing the ministry of this 133 00:15:00,820 –> 00:15:11,640 counselor who speaks for them and speaks to them. 134 00:15:11,640 –> 00:15:16,419 Let me show you very wonderfully as we come back now to chapter five, where the ministry 135 00:15:16,419 –> 00:15:22,700 of the counselor brings them and where the ministry of our wonderful counselor can bring 136 00:15:22,820 –> 00:15:25,000 us. 137 00:15:25,000 –> 00:15:31,479 Chapter five then, if you follow the flow of the book, is really giving to us the fruit 138 00:15:31,479 –> 00:15:35,539 of the ministry of the counselor. 139 00:15:35,539 –> 00:15:41,400 He’s been speaking, ministering in these ways for and to the people in and out of these 140 00:15:41,400 –> 00:15:49,119 two things for four chapters, and now here is the fruit of his ministry. 141 00:15:49,119 –> 00:15:51,859 Where does the counselor bring the people of God? 142 00:15:51,979 –> 00:15:57,599 He brings them first, obviously, in chapter five, to a place where the very first time 143 00:15:57,599 –> 00:16:02,700 since the devastation they’ve experienced, they are actually able to pray. 144 00:16:02,700 –> 00:16:05,599 That’s where he brings them. 145 00:16:05,599 –> 00:16:08,359 And you see chapter five is a prayer, isn’t it? 146 00:16:08,359 –> 00:16:12,020 It’s God’s people finally able to speak to God himself. 147 00:16:12,020 –> 00:16:17,380 Remember O lord, what has befallen us. 148 00:16:18,380 –> 00:16:24,559 I’ve spoken in each of these weeks about the remarkable group of people that met together 149 00:16:24,559 –> 00:16:31,679 with Karin and myself, folks who had all experience devastating loss, we talked about prayer. 150 00:16:31,679 –> 00:16:40,700 And one and another said how difficulty they found it when they were numbed by the experience 151 00:16:41,580 –> 00:16:46,239 and how distant at times God seemed. 152 00:16:46,239 –> 00:16:49,559 Remember how CS Lewis says, where is God when you need him? 153 00:16:49,559 –> 00:16:55,299 And he writes about his own grief and how when he tried to pray, he felt like the sound 154 00:16:55,299 –> 00:17:00,260 that he heard was the sound of a door being closed in his face and bolting and double 155 00:17:00,260 –> 00:17:06,699 bolting and after that said, Lewis, only silence. 156 00:17:06,699 –> 00:17:15,079 I think most Christians know and experience of saying, I just don’t feel able to pray, 157 00:17:15,079 –> 00:17:18,640 but do you see the significance of this? 158 00:17:18,640 –> 00:17:25,219 That these people have been utterly devastated, are brought by the ministry of the counselor, 159 00:17:25,219 –> 00:17:31,500 finally in chapter five, to a place where they are indeed able to pray. 160 00:17:31,500 –> 00:17:36,300 They speak to God for themselves and they do it here for the very first time. 161 00:17:36,699 –> 00:17:43,180 As you would expect, the prayer that they offer comes out of an agony of heart. 162 00:17:43,180 –> 00:17:45,859 The whole chapter is actually agonizing to read. 163 00:17:45,859 –> 00:17:48,300 We just read the last part of it. 164 00:17:48,300 –> 00:17:53,579 It pours out of them and some of the worst and most horrendous scenarios that they’ve 165 00:17:53,579 –> 00:17:56,420 experienced are finally put into words. 166 00:17:56,420 –> 00:18:02,219 But the significance is that out of an agony of heart, the people of God are actually speaking 167 00:18:02,339 –> 00:18:03,800 to God for themselves. 168 00:18:03,800 –> 00:18:09,920 And that’s a wonderful, wonderful triumph of grace. 169 00:18:09,920 –> 00:18:15,739 By the way, the fact that this prayer, when it finally erupts, comes out of an agony of 170 00:18:15,739 –> 00:18:22,739 heart, reminds us you don’t have to be in a place of having perfect peace and composure 171 00:18:22,739 –> 00:18:24,459 of mind before you can pray. 172 00:18:24,459 –> 00:18:26,660 Isn’t that good news? 173 00:18:26,660 –> 00:18:33,239 You know, if we all had to be in a state of calm and with a sense of order and composed 174 00:18:33,239 –> 00:18:38,300 with a sense of peace before we prayed well we wouldn’t be praying very much because life 175 00:18:38,300 –> 00:18:42,380 doesn’t often bring us to such a place. 176 00:18:42,380 –> 00:18:48,680 Remember when Hannah prayed she was deeply distressed the Bible said and wept bitterly 177 00:18:48,680 –> 00:18:54,380 and the Lord Jesus when He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane said my soul is overwhelmed 178 00:18:54,380 –> 00:18:56,819 with sorrow. 179 00:18:56,819 –> 00:19:02,000 So don’t ever think that you need to be in a composed peaceful frame of mind with a feeling 180 00:19:02,000 –> 00:19:06,900 that all is well before you can pray you can come to God as you are, that’s where the counselor 181 00:19:06,900 –> 00:19:09,780 brings you. 182 00:19:09,780 –> 00:19:14,000 But there’s more, the counselor not only brings people to a place where they can pray, the 183 00:19:14,000 –> 00:19:18,260 counselor establishes God’s people in faith. 184 00:19:18,260 –> 00:19:24,560 So what happens in chapter 5, is they pour out of an agonized heart their words of pain 185 00:19:24,560 –> 00:19:31,579 to God, they lay their sorrow line after line before Him, until it comes to its sum in verse 186 00:19:31,579 –> 00:19:37,819 17, for this our heart has become sick. 187 00:19:37,819 –> 00:19:42,160 For these things our eyes have grown dim. 188 00:19:42,160 –> 00:19:46,739 For Mount Zion lies desolate. 189 00:19:46,780 –> 00:19:53,280 And then notice the next word, but, but. 190 00:19:53,280 –> 00:20:00,439 But you o Lord reign forever, they say. 191 00:20:00,439 –> 00:20:03,839 Your throne endures to all generations. 192 00:20:03,839 –> 00:20:09,339 The city of God lies in ruins. 193 00:20:09,339 –> 00:20:15,319 The temple of God is destroyed. 194 00:20:15,400 –> 00:20:20,359 But God is not tied either to the city or to the temple. 195 00:20:20,359 –> 00:20:33,800 Mount Zion lies desolate but you o Lord reign forever your throne endures to all generations. 196 00:20:33,800 –> 00:20:40,079 There’s a remarkable poem that was written by a soldier who endured the horrors of the 197 00:20:40,099 –> 00:20:51,680 trenches in the first world war. Chaos, carnage all around him. And in the trenches seeing 198 00:20:51,680 –> 00:20:57,939 the chaos of earth below he lifted up his mind and his heart to the throne of God in 199 00:20:57,939 –> 00:21:09,199 heaven and he wrote these words. They cannot shell his temple or dynamite his throne. They 200 00:21:09,359 –> 00:21:18,520 cannot bomb his city or rob him of his own. They cannot take him captive or strike him 201 00:21:18,520 –> 00:21:25,520 deaf or blind or starve him to surrender or make him change his mind. They cannot cause 202 00:21:26,140 –> 00:21:34,939 him panic or cut off his supplies. They cannot take his kingdom or hurt them with their lies. 203 00:21:35,400 –> 00:21:41,400 Though all the world be shattered his truth remains the same his righteous laws still 204 00:21:41,400 –> 00:21:52,880 potent and father still his name. Though we face war and hunger and feel their gold and 205 00:21:53,880 –> 00:22:11,839 The city lies in ruins but your throne Oh God endures forever. That is the most 206 00:22:11,839 –> 00:22:18,880 remarkable statement of faith from people who are grieving the most 207 00:22:18,880 –> 00:22:24,359 astonishing loss and you see that’s what the Counselor’s ministry has brought 208 00:22:24,359 –> 00:22:28,760 them not only are they able to pray out of an agony of heart but there is in the 209 00:22:28,760 –> 00:22:36,640 midst of even this devastation they are established in faith but now here’s 210 00:22:36,640 –> 00:22:42,160 something else that the Counselor very wonderfully does he brings them to a 211 00:22:42,160 –> 00:22:46,939 place where they pray he establishes them in faith and then thirdly he 212 00:22:47,459 –> 00:22:50,900 the people to hope look look at verse 21 213 00:22:50,900 –> 00:23:02,199 Restore us to yourself oh Lord that we may be restored now God is wonderfully 214 00:23:02,199 –> 00:23:07,199 wonderfully honored in this verse and in this prayer because you see what the 215 00:23:07,199 –> 00:23:15,939 people are saying restore us to yourself now God if we have you we can endure 216 00:23:16,719 –> 00:23:26,239 whatever happens there is hope for us and we can face whatever if we have you 217 00:23:26,239 –> 00:23:30,719 and you are for us that’s what they’re saying restore us to yourself 218 00:23:30,719 –> 00:23:41,060 O Lord that we may be restored so here is a counselor this ministry that took 219 00:23:41,060 –> 00:23:45,439 place in the first instance through Jeremiah in the Old Testament but is 220 00:23:45,439 –> 00:23:48,880 clearly pointing us forward to something greater and even more wonderful 221 00:23:48,880 –> 00:23:56,619 a ministry of the counselor that takes place over four chapters that has brought 222 00:23:56,619 –> 00:24:01,040 these grieving people to a place where they could pray where they’re 223 00:24:01,040 –> 00:24:08,040 established in faith and where they are restored to hope 224 00:24:08,040 –> 00:24:13,640 now I want you to notice one more thing here that is very very important today 225 00:24:13,760 –> 00:24:21,260 these people have been able to pray they do indeed have faith and hope but they 226 00:24:21,260 –> 00:24:25,859 still have questions and that’s very significant at the end of this book 227 00:24:25,859 –> 00:24:35,400 notice what it says verse 22, renew our days as of old unless you have utterly 228 00:24:35,400 –> 00:24:42,760 rejected us and you remain exceedingly angry with us and that’s where the book 229 00:24:42,760 –> 00:24:51,060 ends, that’s the last verse, now when you read that you may find yourself thinking 230 00:24:51,060 –> 00:24:56,439 that lamentations would have had a better ending if it stopped at verse 21 231 00:24:56,439 –> 00:25:01,060 I mean look at verse 21 restore us to yourself O Lord and we will be restored 232 00:25:01,380 –> 00:25:15,640 Isn’t that a great ending? Why spoil it by adding verse 22? Well God makes no 233 00:25:15,640 –> 00:25:23,760 mistakes and verse 22 is exactly the right ending for two reasons, number one 234 00:25:23,880 –> 00:25:33,119 Grief is never neat and tidy. People who pray, people who are established in faith, 235 00:25:33,119 –> 00:25:39,280 people who have hope because of the counselor still have questions. Very 236 00:25:39,280 –> 00:25:47,819 important to say that. We walk by faith not by sight and Lamentations chapter 5 237 00:25:48,140 –> 00:25:53,719 verse 22 guards against premature closure. The kind of spirit that says 238 00:25:53,719 –> 00:25:57,000 okay so everything’s all right now then isn’t it. 239 00:25:57,000 –> 00:26:02,260 C.S. Lewis speaks in his marvelous book grief observed about how folks sometime 240 00:26:02,260 –> 00:26:08,760 after his wife died began to use the language of getting over it. He said 241 00:26:08,760 –> 00:26:13,000 well that language may be fine if you’re having an operation for appendicitis get 242 00:26:13,000 –> 00:26:24,780 over it you know. But he says think of it this way if a man loses a leg he may be 243 00:26:24,780 –> 00:26:30,520 able to adjust to life as a one-legged man but his life will never be the same. 244 00:26:30,520 –> 00:26:40,540 It is changed forever. Lamentations ends in a way that recognizes the ongoing 245 00:26:40,540 –> 00:26:47,280 questions and the ongoing pain and the ongoing turmoil that one who prays and 246 00:26:47,280 –> 00:26:53,079 one who believes and one who hopes may yet experience. Very, very important to 247 00:26:53,079 –> 00:26:59,040 say that. The second reason that this is exactly the right ending is that of 248 00:26:59,040 –> 00:27:04,719 course the question at the end of Lamentations is not answered definitively 249 00:27:05,060 –> 00:27:08,780 until many years later. Look at the question again. 250 00:27:23,060 –> 00:27:27,040 You see what the question here is. God’s people are saying, Lord are You done with 251 00:27:27,040 –> 00:27:34,040 us? Is this really the end for us? God’s people knew that He could restore Jerusalem. 252 00:27:40,160 –> 00:27:46,239 At this point they just didn’t know if He would. They knew what God could do, and that 253 00:27:46,239 –> 00:27:52,880 is why they had hope. But they did not at that point know what He would do. And so the 254 00:27:53,339 –> 00:27:58,719 question hangs there. Are you done with us God? 255 00:27:58,719 –> 00:28:04,280 Now to get the definitive answer to that questioning of course we need to roll the bible story 256 00:28:04,280 –> 00:28:11,280 forward nearly 600 years after the book of Lamentations, and the Counselor who’s ministry 257 00:28:13,880 –> 00:28:20,880 is whispered in the pages of Lamentations takes flesh. Jesus Christ is a man of the 258 00:28:23,180 –> 00:28:30,180 kids, our wonderful counselor, and it is Jesus Christ who answers the final question of the 259 00:28:32,000 –> 00:28:36,319 book of Lamentations, and he answered that question at the cross. Are you going to be 260 00:28:36,319 –> 00:28:43,319 angry with us, oh God, forever? Are you done with us? Well God answered that question definitively 261 00:28:45,699 –> 00:28:52,699 by sending his son. He became the man of Lamentations chapter three and verse seven. 262 00:28:53,719 –> 00:29:00,719 Just as he became the servant of Isaiah in chapter 53. And because of the man who suffered 263 00:29:05,239 –> 00:29:12,239 affliction under the rod of God’s wrath the last question of Lamentations in chapter five 264 00:29:14,640 –> 00:29:21,020 is wonderfully, gloriously answered, No, God has not sent his son into the world to condemn 265 00:29:21,260 –> 00:29:24,839 the world but that the world through him might be saved. 266 00:29:24,839 –> 00:29:31,839 God is not done with his people. God will not be angry with his own forever. Why? Because 267 00:29:33,160 –> 00:29:40,160 he himself became the man and endured the wrath, the rod, the anger in himself, in his 268 00:29:40,880 –> 00:29:47,319 body, on the tree. I don’t know if you ever thought about this but it’s made this phrase 269 00:29:47,380 –> 00:29:50,680 just come to me with a whole new sense of meaning. 270 00:29:50,680 –> 00:29:57,680 Could Pontius Pilate, when he had Jesus scourged and then when he had that awful crown of thorns 271 00:30:00,040 –> 00:30:06,760 placed upon the head of Jesus and he brings Jesus out bleeding, beating, and bruised to 272 00:30:06,760 –> 00:30:12,800 mock him before the crowd? And you remember what he said announcing the title of Jesus? 273 00:30:12,800 –> 00:30:19,800 He said, Behold the man! Could he have had any idea that in that moment that he was fulfilling 274 00:30:20,439 –> 00:30:27,439 the prophecy of Lamentations chapter 3 in Verse 1? Jesus Christ is the man. He is the 275 00:30:31,219 –> 00:30:37,160 wonderful counselor who not only sits beside his people in our sorrow and in our loss. 276 00:30:37,180 –> 00:30:43,739 He speaks to his people, making himself known to us. And he is supremely the one who suffers 277 00:30:43,739 –> 00:30:50,500 for his people. And that goes beyond anything that Jeremiah could ever have fulfilled. 278 00:30:50,500 –> 00:30:55,579 The good news of the gospel is that the wonderful counselor who answers the final question of 279 00:30:55,579 –> 00:31:02,579 Lamentations in Chapter 5 has come. He, God, became the man. And when he did he went to 280 00:31:03,219 –> 00:31:10,219 the lowest point, to the darkest place. And that is so important because grieving people 281 00:31:11,939 –> 00:31:18,939 need a savior who knows what it is to suffer. And Jesus Christ knows what it is to suffer. 282 00:31:22,140 –> 00:31:29,140 Edward Schiletto, again, who had experienced all kinds of horrors in the trenches of the 283 00:31:29,260 –> 00:31:36,260 First World War, looked at the world of religion across the globe and he was not impressed. 284 00:31:38,780 –> 00:31:45,780 What he saw in religion was aloofness, remoteness, people worshiping gods who did not seem to 285 00:31:48,380 –> 00:31:55,380 care. And then he discovered Jesus Christ. And he came to believe that God, the God who 286 00:31:55,880 –> 00:32:02,880 is, knows what it is to suffer. And he wrote these words, to our wounds, only God’s wounds 287 00:32:08,119 –> 00:32:15,119 can speak, and not a god has wounds but you alone. 288 00:32:16,119 –> 00:32:23,119 But you alone. A suffering world friends needs a suffering saviour, but we also need a saviour 289 00:32:26,520 –> 00:32:33,520 who has triumphed over his own suffering. So thank God that suffering was not the end 290 00:32:34,599 –> 00:32:40,839 for Jesus Christ. He went into it, but he came through it and he came out of it in 291 00:32:40,859 –> 00:32:47,520 the triumph of his resurrection and this saviour offers himself to every one of us today. In 292 00:32:47,520 –> 00:32:54,520 every circumstance of life including our greatest pain, grief, sorrow and loss. He is the wonderful 293 00:32:54,880 –> 00:32:58,479 counsellor to whom you can come. 294 00:32:58,479 –> 00:33:05,479 I want to end simply by saying this today, if you could see all that there is in Jesus 295 00:33:11,439 –> 00:33:18,439 you would have no more fear and no more doubt. Now none of us is there now. None of us right 296 00:33:19,719 –> 00:33:26,719 now sees all that there is in Jesus, though one day if we are his we will. One day faith 297 00:33:27,680 –> 00:33:34,680 will be turned to sight and when you see all that is in Jesus, all fear will be gone. All 298 00:33:35,560 –> 00:33:42,560 doubt will be gone. Every tear will be wiped from your eye. Your joy will be complete and 299 00:33:45,540 –> 00:33:52,540 it will never end. Until then we walk by faith and not by sight and here is what that means. 300 00:33:53,180 –> 00:34:00,180 The more you see of Jesus, the more you will be able to pray, the more you 301 00:34:08,300 –> 00:34:15,300 will be established in faith and the more you will be restored to hope because that’s 302 00:34:15,719 –> 00:34:22,719 where the ministry of the wonderful Counselor brings the people of God. 303 00:34:26,540 –> 00:34:33,540 Father, we pray that you would take the healing balm of your word and the ministry of our 304 00:34:34,540 –> 00:34:41,540 ministry of our glorious and wonderful Counselor, Jesus Christ, and apply these truths into 305 00:34:46,939 –> 00:34:53,939 the deepest and most wounded places of our hearts, that we, by the work and the ministry 306 00:34:55,760 –> 00:35:02,760 of the Savior, may be brought to a place where we, too, are able to pray – where we, too, 307 00:35:03,919 –> 00:35:10,919 are established in faith – where we, too, are restored to hope. Grant that we may come 308 00:35:11,979 –> 00:35:18,979 to see more and more of what is in Jesus – the One who comes and sits with us and speaks 309 00:35:20,919 –> 00:35:27,919 to us, and through His ministry bring us more and more, to the place where healing begins 310 00:35:28,199 –> 00:35:35,199 – until, one day, faith is gloriously turned to sight, and we shall be with our Lord, and 311 00:35:38,260 –> 00:35:45,260 all tears wipe from our eyes, forever and forever. And we pray these things in His name 312 00:35:45,679 –> 00:35:52,679 and God’s people together said – Amen. 313 00:35:57,919 –> 00:36:05,860 To contact us call us at 1-877-OPEN-365 or visit our website at


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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God has given us an entire book of the Bible that teaches us how to navigate the valley of sorrow and loss. The book of Lamentations is a house for sorrow and a school for compassion. Studying this book will help you better understand what it means to grieve and hope at the same time.

Colin Smith



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