Living By Faith

Hebrews 11

Sermons on Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11 is an exposition of faith. It begins with a definition, and then gives us models of men and women who exercised faith. The series ‘Living By Faith’ looks at 10 of them to learn what it means for us to live by faith today.

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Hebrews 11 is an exposition of faith par excellence. Pastor Colin outlines four aims for the upcoming sermon series: to better understand both the nature and function of faith; for non-believers to form faith in their souls through the Word of Christ; for believers to experience growth in faith; and finding the strength to endure hardships through faith.

Colin Smith

Drawing from the faith story of Able, Pastor Colin shares how faith strengthens believers facing persistent pressure. He emphasises that faith is vital to endure such pressures and defines faith as assurance and conviction in things hoped for and unseen.

Colin Smith

By exploring Enoch's faith journey Pastor Colin emphasises how faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. He stressed that faith encompasses believing in what God has revealed and trusting in His promises.

Colin Smith

Join Pastor Colin and explore the story of Noah's faith journey and the theme of 'The Fear of God' including seven observations and three applications.

Colin Smith

Through exporing the faith of Abraham, Pastor Colin underscores that faith involves believing what God has revealed, trusting in His promises and living in faithful obedience

Colin Smith

Today Pastor Colin focuses on Sarah's story of faith. Sarah's faith led her to receive power from God, even when she was past the age of childbearing.

Colin Smith

Today we explore story of Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah, a tale of divine blessing passing through a family line consisting of a weak father, a strong mother, and a troubled son. Isaac is highlighted as a figure of faith despite his seemingly unremarkable life overshadowed by his more prominent relatives.

Colin Smith

Pastor Colin highlights faith’s power to worship God through the example of Jacob, as noted in Hebrews 11:21. Jacob worshipped God on his deathbed with reliance on his staff. Colin reminds us that faith enables worship even amidst weakness and old age.

Colin Smith

While one might expect Joseph's faith to be noted for resisting temptation or interpreting dreams, the Scripture instead points to his instructions concerning his bones at the end of his life as a significant act of faith.

Colin Smith

Today, we delve into the story of Moses, observing God's promise to Abraham about his offspring multiplying immensely, which we saw fulfilled over generations, culminating in the growth of God's people from 70 to around two million by the time of Moses.

Colin Smith

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