Faith’s Reward

Hebrews 11
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In his Father’s Day sermon, Pastor Colin expounds on the final part of Hebrews chapter 11 and the opening of chapter 12, concluding a series on the ‘faith chapter’ of the Bible. He conveys the essence of faith as defined in Hebrews 11:1, asserting that faith entails believing and trusting in what God has both revealed and promised. Throughout the series, he has illustrated faith’s many facets using biblical figures who have demonstrated faith in distinct respects, such as obedience, worship, and dependence on God.

Pastor Colin notes that the chapter highlights numerous heroes of faith but acknowledges the constraints of time in covering them all extensively. He delves into the paradox that, despite their commendable faith, these Old Testament faithful did not receive everything God promised within their lifetimes. This, however, is clarified by Hebrews 11:40, which points to a better fulfillment that includes both them and contemporary believers.

Pointing out that these figures of faith were forgiven and filled with the Holy Spirit, Pastor Colin confronts the question of what promises remain unfulfilled. Hebrews 11 asserts that something greater awaits, which will perfect both them and current believers. The sermon offers the analogy of a family waiting on Christmas morning for everyone to be ready before collectively enjoying their gifts, suggesting that Old Testament believers and those since departed are awaiting the final fulfillment of God’s promises to the faithful.

The sermon then bridges to Hebrews Chapter 12, where Pastor Colin likens life to a race in an arena, with the faithful departed championing those still running their earthly course. The focus shifts onto Jesus Christ, emphasised not just as an exemplar of faith but as the founder and perfecter of our faith. Jesus, he remarks, enables and empowers believers to endure through the grace that flows from Him, assuring that the same Jesus who endured the cross will also bring faithful believers into the fullness of His Glory.

1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:02,940 Well, happy Father’s day, everyone. 2 00:00:02,940 –> 00:00:07,640 Please open your Bible at Hebrews chapter 11 and 12, the passage that’s been read for 3 00:00:07,640 –> 00:00:14,560 us as we come to the last message in our series from this wonderful chapter of scripture. 4 00:00:14,560 –> 00:00:21,760 I have so enjoyed every step of the journey as we have looked together at Hebrews and 5 00:00:21,760 –> 00:00:23,420 chapter 11. 6 00:00:23,420 –> 00:00:25,040 We’ve seen what faith is. 7 00:00:25,740 –> 00:00:32,939 Hebrews chapter 11, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things 8 00:00:32,939 –> 00:00:33,939 not seen. 9 00:00:33,939 –> 00:00:39,340 So faith is an assurance and faith is a conviction. 10 00:00:39,340 –> 00:00:47,259 Faith is sure of the things that we hope for because they have been promised by God. 11 00:00:47,259 –> 00:00:53,040 And faith is convinced about things that we have not seen, because they have been revealed 12 00:00:53,040 –> 00:00:54,560 by God. 13 00:00:54,580 –> 00:01:01,680 So from that we said that faith believes what God has revealed and faith trusts what God 14 00:01:01,680 –> 00:01:04,000 has promised. 15 00:01:04,000 –> 00:01:09,199 And from that definition in the very first verse of the chapter, Hebrews 11 shows us 16 00:01:09,199 –> 00:01:14,900 what a life of faith looks like through a series of examples. 17 00:01:14,900 –> 00:01:19,160 And we’ve seen over these weeks that each one of these models or examples of faith 18 00:01:19,279 –> 00:01:25,739 Really highlights one aspect of the faith to which we are called. 19 00:01:25,739 –> 00:01:28,220 Faith listens to God. 20 00:01:28,220 –> 00:01:30,680 Faith walks with God. 21 00:01:30,680 –> 00:01:33,260 Faith fears God. 22 00:01:33,260 –> 00:01:35,720 Faith obeys God. 23 00:01:35,720 –> 00:01:38,800 Faith receives from God. 24 00:01:38,800 –> 00:01:41,260 Faith submits to God. 25 00:01:41,260 –> 00:01:43,720 Faith worships God. 26 00:01:43,720 –> 00:01:45,480 Faith hopes in God. 27 00:01:45,480 –> 00:01:48,019 Faith depends on God. 28 00:01:48,019 –> 00:01:50,580 And faith commits to God. 29 00:01:50,580 –> 00:01:55,720 So faith is like a living tree that is just bursting with fruit. 30 00:01:55,720 –> 00:02:01,760 When you have real faith, all kinds of good things follow. 31 00:02:01,760 –> 00:02:09,479 Now we’ve looked at 10 models or examples of faith that are named in Hebrews and Chapter 32 00:02:09,479 –> 00:02:15,179 11, and clearly from verse 32, we see that the writer to the Hebrews could have called 33 00:02:15,179 –> 00:02:16,919 on many more. 34 00:02:16,919 –> 00:02:20,960 Verse 32, And what more shall I say? 35 00:02:20,960 –> 00:02:30,399 For time would fail me, to tell of Gideon, Berech, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and 36 00:02:30,399 –> 00:02:31,660 all the prophets. 37 00:02:31,660 –> 00:02:36,600 Now you will be very glad this morning to know that I am not, in one message, going 38 00:02:36,600 –> 00:02:43,100 to attempt to tell the stories of Gideon, Berech, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and 39 00:02:43,399 –> 00:02:48,360 of the prophets, for the very simple reason that time would fail me too. 40 00:02:48,360 –> 00:02:58,119 The point here is that the examples of faith are not a few, they are many. 41 00:02:58,119 –> 00:03:08,039 And the writer goes on to describe the achievements and the agonies of the heroes of faith. 42 00:03:08,339 –> 00:03:09,779 Verse 33 lists some of the achievements. 43 00:03:09,800 –> 00:03:13,899 They conquered kingdoms, they enforced justice. 44 00:03:13,899 –> 00:03:17,220 They stopped the mouths of lions. 45 00:03:17,220 –> 00:03:25,199 Verse 35 lists some of the agonies, some of them were tortured, some of them were flogged, 46 00:03:25,199 –> 00:03:26,199 stoned to death. 47 00:03:26,199 –> 00:03:32,899 And verse 38, the world was not worthy of them. 48 00:03:32,960 –> 00:03:37,759 And now today we come to the close of the chapter. 49 00:03:37,759 –> 00:03:40,179 And we all know how it’s going to end. 50 00:03:40,179 –> 00:03:47,919 It’s going to say, some of these heroes of faith achieved great triumphs. 51 00:03:47,919 –> 00:03:55,360 Some of these heroes of faith endured great suffering, but all of them received what God 52 00:03:55,360 –> 00:04:01,940 had promised and have entered into their glorious reward. 53 00:04:01,960 –> 00:04:08,520 Except that that is not how the chapter ends. 54 00:04:08,520 –> 00:04:13,460 Just when we were expecting that our heroes and our heroines were all going to receive 55 00:04:13,460 –> 00:04:22,040 their crowns, we read verse 39, And all these, though commended through their faith, did 56 00:04:22,040 –> 00:04:28,700 not receive what was promised. 57 00:04:28,700 –> 00:04:31,820 You read that and you say, really? 58 00:04:31,859 –> 00:04:37,739 These people, who all these weeks have been held up to us as the models of faith? 59 00:04:37,739 –> 00:04:43,679 And now you’re telling us that none of them, none of them have received what was promised. 60 00:04:43,679 –> 00:04:47,100 That’s what it says. 61 00:04:47,100 –> 00:04:51,279 Abraham did not receive what was promised. 62 00:04:51,279 –> 00:04:55,000 Moses did not receive what was promised. 63 00:04:55,820 –> 00:04:59,880 David did not receive what was promised. 64 00:05:01,760 –> 00:05:11,380 Now, clearly, these Old Testament believers have received many wonderful gifts from God. 65 00:05:11,380 –> 00:05:13,559 Let’s be clear about this. 66 00:05:13,559 –> 00:05:17,760 These Old Testament believers were wonderfully forgiven. 67 00:05:17,760 –> 00:05:23,140 And they were forgiven in precisely the same way as we are today. 68 00:05:23,799 –> 00:05:31,279 We are forgiven as our faith looks back to Jesus and all that he accomplished on the cross. 69 00:05:31,279 –> 00:05:36,660 And in the same way, they were forgiven as their faith looked forward to Jesus 70 00:05:36,660 –> 00:05:40,160 and all that he would accomplish on the cross. 71 00:05:40,160 –> 00:05:45,160 That of course is the whole point of the sacrificial system in the Old Testament. 72 00:05:45,160 –> 00:05:48,619 It was really a way of these people, before the time of Jesus, 73 00:05:48,779 –> 00:05:55,660 expressing trust in the sacrifice that God himself one day would provide. 74 00:05:55,660 –> 00:05:59,200 And you see, it’s on that basis, therefore, that in the Old Testament, 75 00:05:59,200 –> 00:06:00,559 David was able to say, 76 00:06:12,779 –> 00:06:17,179 Yes, these Old Testament believers were wonderfully forgiven, just as we are, 77 00:06:17,779 –> 00:06:22,040 these Old Testament believers received the Holy Spirit, as we do. 78 00:06:23,459 –> 00:06:30,579 Now, for sure the Holy Spirit has been poured out in greater abundance in the New Testament. 79 00:06:31,579 –> 00:06:33,000 But, you read the Book of Judges, 80 00:06:33,000 –> 00:06:38,660 it is very clear that the Spirit of God came rushing upon each of these judges. 81 00:06:39,559 –> 00:06:44,040 And David’s prayer was wonderfully answered by God when he said, 82 00:06:48,059 –> 00:06:53,899 David was anointed with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, for sure. 83 00:06:54,500 –> 00:06:59,299 So, these Old Testament believers received many wonderful gifts from God. 84 00:06:59,299 –> 00:07:01,160 They’re forgiven in the same way as we are. 85 00:07:01,299 –> 00:07:03,640 They received the gift of the Holy Spirit, 86 00:07:03,640 –> 00:07:08,760 and when they died, they went without question into the glorious presence of the Lord in heaven. 87 00:07:09,200 –> 00:07:11,519 Psalm 73 in verse 24 88 00:07:11,660 –> 00:07:15,619 Esau describes the experience of an Old Testament believer. 89 00:07:16,579 –> 00:07:18,100 This is what he says. 90 00:07:28,440 –> 00:07:32,779 That was the experience of Old Testament believers. 91 00:07:46,279 –> 00:07:49,459 And yet Hebrews tells us in verse 39 92 00:07:49,459 –> 00:07:52,600 that they still did not receive what was promised, 93 00:07:52,600 –> 00:07:53,779 which raises the question, 94 00:07:53,779 –> 00:07:55,799 what part of the promise then 95 00:07:55,799 –> 00:07:57,779 have they still not received? 96 00:07:58,959 –> 00:08:00,839 Well, look at what it says, 97 00:08:11,399 –> 00:08:14,600 So now we’re going to be told why, 98 00:08:14,600 –> 00:08:19,600 God had provided something better for us 99 00:08:20,480 –> 00:08:25,480 that apart from us, they should not be made perfect. 100 00:08:27,760 –> 00:08:29,079 Now, by any standards, 101 00:08:29,079 –> 00:08:33,799 Hebrews 11 and verse 40 is a difficult verse to understand. 102 00:08:35,039 –> 00:08:39,239 But the keywords are clearly something better. 103 00:08:40,099 –> 00:08:45,099 What is this something better that God has planned? 104 00:08:46,419 –> 00:08:47,320 Now, it could be, 105 00:08:47,320 –> 00:08:50,440 and there are many who suggest this, 106 00:08:50,440 –> 00:08:53,159 that the writer is making a contrast 107 00:08:53,159 –> 00:08:54,679 between the blessings 108 00:08:54,679 –> 00:08:57,039 that the Old Testament believers enjoyed 109 00:08:57,039 –> 00:08:57,979 and the blessings 110 00:08:57,979 –> 00:09:01,479 that we, as New Testament believers, enjoy today. 111 00:09:01,479 –> 00:09:03,640 But I don’t think that that’s the contrast, 112 00:09:03,640 –> 00:09:04,859 and here’s why. 113 00:09:04,859 –> 00:09:08,239 He speaks here about being made perfect. 114 00:09:09,460 –> 00:09:10,580 Made perfect. 115 00:09:11,580 –> 00:09:12,820 And being made perfect 116 00:09:12,820 –> 00:09:15,239 is not something that happens in this life. 117 00:09:16,179 –> 00:09:17,859 Not for the Old Testament believers, 118 00:09:17,859 –> 00:09:20,080 and certainly not for us today, either. 119 00:09:21,979 –> 00:09:23,859 So the contrast, it seems here, 120 00:09:23,859 –> 00:09:27,260 is not between what they had in this life 121 00:09:27,260 –> 00:09:29,580 and what we have in this life. 122 00:09:30,440 –> 00:09:33,000 The contrast is between the experience 123 00:09:33,000 –> 00:09:37,159 that they and we have on Earth 124 00:09:37,859 –> 00:09:42,179 and the experience that they and we will have 125 00:09:42,179 –> 00:09:44,200 when we are made perfect. 126 00:09:45,239 –> 00:09:47,140 God promised something better 127 00:09:47,140 –> 00:09:49,260 for the Old Testament believers 128 00:09:49,260 –> 00:09:51,099 than anything they ever experienced 129 00:09:51,099 –> 00:09:53,020 in their entire lives in this world. 130 00:09:53,940 –> 00:09:54,960 And in the same way, 131 00:09:54,960 –> 00:09:57,900 God has promised something better for us 132 00:09:57,900 –> 00:10:00,299 than anything we will ever experience 133 00:10:00,299 –> 00:10:02,940 in our lives in this world. 134 00:10:03,799 –> 00:10:05,900 So the point here is not 135 00:10:05,919 –> 00:10:09,500 that our position is different from theirs. 136 00:10:09,500 –> 00:10:11,299 The point is that our position 137 00:10:11,299 –> 00:10:13,239 is exactly the same as theirs. 138 00:10:13,239 –> 00:10:15,500 And that’s why they are such good models 139 00:10:15,500 –> 00:10:17,919 and examples for us. 140 00:10:17,919 –> 00:10:20,080 They lived and died 141 00:10:20,080 –> 00:10:22,760 looking forward to what God had promised 142 00:10:22,760 –> 00:10:24,700 and we will live and die doing the same. 143 00:10:25,599 –> 00:10:27,039 They did not receive 144 00:10:27,039 –> 00:10:29,159 what God had promised in this life 145 00:10:29,159 –> 00:10:31,020 and we will not receive the fullness 146 00:10:31,020 –> 00:10:33,619 of what God has promised in this life either. 147 00:10:34,500 –> 00:10:38,219 Remember of course it was the same with Jesus. 148 00:10:38,219 –> 00:10:41,159 He came preaching the kingdom of God 149 00:10:41,159 –> 00:10:44,239 and he lived and died 150 00:10:44,239 –> 00:10:46,099 in a world that rejected him. 151 00:10:47,020 –> 00:10:49,700 But that was not the end of the story. 152 00:10:49,700 –> 00:10:52,500 God had something better planned for Jesus 153 00:10:52,500 –> 00:10:54,419 than the cross and the grave. 154 00:10:54,419 –> 00:10:55,820 He rose from the dead 155 00:10:55,820 –> 00:10:56,979 and right now, 156 00:10:56,979 –> 00:10:59,340 he is seated at the right hand 157 00:10:59,340 –> 00:11:01,219 of the throne of God. 158 00:11:01,219 –> 00:11:02,659 And in the same way 159 00:11:02,700 –> 00:11:04,299 God has something better 160 00:11:04,299 –> 00:11:06,059 for the Old Testament believers 161 00:11:06,059 –> 00:11:09,780 and something better for us. 162 00:11:09,780 –> 00:11:11,700 And these Old Testament believers 163 00:11:11,700 –> 00:11:13,619 have gone ahead of us 164 00:11:13,619 –> 00:11:15,859 into the presence of the Lord 165 00:11:15,859 –> 00:11:18,739 and there they are waiting. 166 00:11:18,739 –> 00:11:19,880 They’re waiting for us 167 00:11:19,880 –> 00:11:21,039 to finish our race 168 00:11:21,039 –> 00:11:22,780 because this verse tells us 169 00:11:22,780 –> 00:11:25,340 that apart from us, 170 00:11:25,340 –> 00:11:27,299 they will not be made perfect. 171 00:11:28,239 –> 00:11:30,840 Now this makes me think 172 00:11:30,859 –> 00:11:33,500 of Christmas morning 173 00:11:33,500 –> 00:11:35,960 growing up in Edinburgh, Scotland 174 00:11:35,960 –> 00:11:37,739 as a child 175 00:11:37,739 –> 00:11:39,400 and in our families 176 00:11:39,400 –> 00:11:40,520 with so many families 177 00:11:40,520 –> 00:11:41,679 we opened presents 178 00:11:41,679 –> 00:11:43,000 on Christmas morning. 179 00:11:43,000 –> 00:11:44,080 We hung out the stockings 180 00:11:44,080 –> 00:11:45,299 on Christmas Eve 181 00:11:45,299 –> 00:11:46,299 and then we had to wait 182 00:11:46,299 –> 00:11:47,200 until the following morning 183 00:11:47,200 –> 00:11:49,380 to see what wonderful things 184 00:11:49,380 –> 00:11:53,340 had miraculously arrived overnight. 185 00:11:53,340 –> 00:11:57,039 And we had one strict rule 186 00:11:57,039 –> 00:11:59,940 in our family 187 00:11:59,940 –> 00:12:02,219 and it was this 188 00:12:02,219 –> 00:12:03,799 that no one goes into 189 00:12:03,799 –> 00:12:06,239 the living room 190 00:12:06,239 –> 00:12:09,359 until all of us are ready. 191 00:12:09,359 –> 00:12:13,359 We go in together. 192 00:12:13,359 –> 00:12:15,320 And I remember as a little boy 193 00:12:15,320 –> 00:12:17,960 standing outside the living room 194 00:12:17,960 –> 00:12:18,960 waiting for my mother 195 00:12:18,960 –> 00:12:19,960 and my father 196 00:12:19,960 –> 00:12:20,960 to get themselves organised. 197 00:12:20,960 –> 00:12:21,960 It seemed to take forever 198 00:12:21,960 –> 00:12:23,460 for them to get themselves organised 199 00:12:23,460 –> 00:12:24,260 and, when was my 200 00:12:24,260 –> 00:12:25,580 little brother going to come? 201 00:12:25,580 –> 00:12:27,419 No one goes in until we’re all ready 202 00:12:27,419 –> 00:12:29,979 and then we go in 203 00:12:29,979 –> 00:12:30,979 together. 204 00:12:30,979 –> 00:12:32,479 Now, you see, 205 00:12:32,479 –> 00:12:33,479 that is how it is 206 00:12:33,479 –> 00:12:34,840 for the family of God. 207 00:12:34,840 –> 00:12:35,859 The family of faith. 208 00:12:35,859 –> 00:12:38,239 The there are gifts 209 00:12:38,239 –> 00:12:39,400 that God has reserved 210 00:12:39,400 –> 00:12:41,419 for the end time 211 00:12:41,419 –> 00:12:45,340 that we will all receive together 212 00:12:45,340 –> 00:12:47,340 and so for Old Testament believers 213 00:12:47,340 –> 00:12:50,280 and also for our believing loved ones 214 00:12:50,280 –> 00:12:51,099 who have died 215 00:12:51,099 –> 00:12:53,919 and gone into the presence of the Lord, 216 00:12:53,919 –> 00:12:56,479 they are waiting for us 217 00:12:56,479 –> 00:12:59,280 to finish our race 218 00:12:59,280 –> 00:13:00,059 and to join them 219 00:13:00,059 –> 00:13:01,140 and then for all of us 220 00:13:01,140 –> 00:13:02,919 to receive the wonderful things 221 00:13:02,919 –> 00:13:05,559 that God yet has in store together. 222 00:13:05,559 –> 00:13:07,119 So understand this very clearly, 223 00:13:07,119 –> 00:13:10,119 it’s helpful, encouraging and important. 224 00:13:10,119 –> 00:13:12,080 Believers who have died 225 00:13:12,080 –> 00:13:14,099 are with Christ. 226 00:13:14,099 –> 00:13:16,880 They are away from the body. 227 00:13:16,880 –> 00:13:19,359 They are at home with the Lord, 228 00:13:19,359 –> 00:13:22,000 they have the conscious enjoyment 229 00:13:22,000 –> 00:13:24,200 of the presence of the Lord 230 00:13:24,200 –> 00:13:25,539 which is better by far 231 00:13:25,539 –> 00:13:27,080 than anything they have ever known 232 00:13:27,080 –> 00:13:27,919 or could have known 233 00:13:27,919 –> 00:13:30,320 in this life. 234 00:13:30,320 –> 00:13:32,619 But while these believers, 235 00:13:32,619 –> 00:13:33,960 Old Testament believers 236 00:13:33,960 –> 00:13:35,159 and our believing loved ones 237 00:13:35,159 –> 00:13:35,760 who have died 238 00:13:35,760 –> 00:13:37,080 while they are with Christ 239 00:13:37,080 –> 00:13:37,940 it is also true 240 00:13:37,940 –> 00:13:39,140 that they are waiting. 241 00:13:39,140 –> 00:13:41,719 What are they waiting for? 242 00:13:41,719 –> 00:13:42,400 They don’t yet have 243 00:13:42,400 –> 00:13:44,599 the resurrection body. 244 00:13:44,599 –> 00:13:45,239 They don’t yet have 245 00:13:45,239 –> 00:13:46,320 the whole family 246 00:13:46,320 –> 00:13:48,640 gathered together as one. 247 00:13:48,640 –> 00:13:50,039 They don’t yet inhabit 248 00:13:50,039 –> 00:13:50,619 the new heaven 249 00:13:50,619 –> 00:13:51,539 and the new earth 250 00:13:51,599 –> 00:13:52,479 that will be the home 251 00:13:52,479 –> 00:13:55,000 of righteousness. 252 00:13:55,000 –> 00:13:56,619 So, they’re waiting. 253 00:13:56,619 –> 00:13:57,219 They’re waiting on 254 00:13:57,219 –> 00:13:58,320 the glorious return 255 00:13:58,320 –> 00:13:59,960 of our Lord Jesus Christ 256 00:13:59,960 –> 00:14:01,559 because only then 257 00:14:01,559 –> 00:14:03,799 will the whole family be gathered. 258 00:14:03,799 –> 00:14:06,679 Only then will we receive 259 00:14:06,679 –> 00:14:07,900 the resurrection body. 260 00:14:07,900 –> 00:14:09,080 Only then 261 00:14:09,080 –> 00:14:11,179 will we enter into the fullness 262 00:14:11,179 –> 00:14:13,640 of all that God has promised. 263 00:14:13,640 –> 00:14:14,200 So do you see 264 00:14:14,200 –> 00:14:16,179 there is something glorious 265 00:14:16,179 –> 00:14:18,419 that lies ahead 266 00:14:18,419 –> 00:14:20,760 that even those in heaven 267 00:14:20,760 –> 00:14:24,780 have not yet experienced 268 00:14:24,780 –> 00:14:25,659 and in the book 269 00:14:25,659 –> 00:14:27,460 of Revelation 270 00:14:27,460 –> 00:14:30,140 when God gave to the apostle John 271 00:14:30,140 –> 00:14:31,539 a wonderful glimpse 272 00:14:31,539 –> 00:14:32,580 into heaven 273 00:14:32,580 –> 00:14:34,979 he tells us what he saw 274 00:14:34,979 –> 00:14:35,580 And he says this 275 00:14:35,580 –> 00:14:37,260 Revelation six, nine 276 00:14:37,260 –> 00:14:39,419 I saw under the altar 277 00:14:39,419 –> 00:14:41,599 the souls 278 00:14:41,599 –> 00:14:42,500 of those who had been 279 00:14:42,500 –> 00:14:43,780 slain for the word of God 280 00:14:43,780 –> 00:14:45,320 and for the witness 281 00:14:45,320 –> 00:14:46,099 they had born 282 00:14:46,099 –> 00:14:47,940 So he’s seeing the souls 283 00:14:47,940 –> 00:14:50,200 of those who are with Christ 284 00:14:50,200 –> 00:14:51,619 and then notice what he hears 285 00:14:51,619 –> 00:14:54,599 They cried out with a loud voice 286 00:14:54,599 –> 00:14:57,340 O sovereign Lord, holy and true 287 00:14:57,340 –> 00:14:59,299 How long 288 00:14:59,299 –> 00:15:01,119 How long 289 00:15:01,119 –> 00:15:02,260 before you will judge 290 00:15:02,260 –> 00:15:04,200 and avenge our blood 291 00:15:04,200 –> 00:15:05,359 on those who dwell 292 00:15:05,359 –> 00:15:06,599 on the earth 293 00:15:06,599 –> 00:15:07,299 Now notice their question 294 00:15:07,299 –> 00:15:09,080 How long 295 00:15:09,080 –> 00:15:10,719 See they’re waiting 296 00:15:10,719 –> 00:15:11,979 They’re in heaven 297 00:15:11,979 –> 00:15:14,080 They’re with the Lord 298 00:15:14,080 –> 00:15:16,340 but they’re waiting 299 00:15:16,380 –> 00:15:18,719 What are they waiting for? 300 00:15:18,719 –> 00:15:20,919 Well I like to remember it this way 301 00:15:20,919 –> 00:15:22,659 The three Rs 302 00:15:22,659 –> 00:15:25,539 They’re waiting for the resurrection body 303 00:15:25,539 –> 00:15:29,080 They’re waiting for the redeemed family 304 00:15:29,080 –> 00:15:30,159 to be gathered 305 00:15:30,159 –> 00:15:31,900 and they’re waiting 306 00:15:31,900 –> 00:15:34,119 for the restored universe 307 00:15:34,119 –> 00:15:35,460 The new heaven 308 00:15:35,460 –> 00:15:37,359 The new earth 309 00:15:37,359 –> 00:15:40,280 that will be the home of righteousness 310 00:15:40,280 –> 00:15:42,460 forever and forever 311 00:15:42,460 –> 00:15:44,219 Now do you see then 312 00:15:44,400 –> 00:15:46,979 that this is the position right now 313 00:15:46,979 –> 00:15:49,919 of the old testament believers 314 00:15:49,919 –> 00:15:53,539 and of our believing loved ones 315 00:15:53,539 –> 00:15:55,119 who have died 316 00:15:55,119 –> 00:15:57,799 they are with Christ 317 00:15:57,799 –> 00:16:01,539 They’re consciously enjoying the presence of the Lord 318 00:16:01,539 –> 00:16:03,659 but they’re also waiting 319 00:16:03,659 –> 00:16:06,299 they’re waiting for the resurrection 320 00:16:06,299 –> 00:16:07,539 they’re waiting for the reunion 321 00:16:07,539 –> 00:16:08,659 of the redeemed family 322 00:16:08,659 –> 00:16:11,359 they’re waiting for the restoration of all things 323 00:16:11,359 –> 00:16:13,539 restored universe 324 00:16:13,700 –> 00:16:18,719 when the glory of the Lord is revealed 325 00:16:19,460 –> 00:16:20,820 Now here’s the question 326 00:16:20,820 –> 00:16:24,539 what does all of this have to do with us? 327 00:16:24,900 –> 00:16:27,460 These heroes of faith 328 00:16:27,479 –> 00:16:30,559 have run their race 329 00:16:30,559 –> 00:16:32,979 and now we’re told 330 00:16:32,979 –> 00:16:36,280 that we must run ours 331 00:16:36,280 –> 00:16:38,400 And so as Chapter 12 opens 332 00:16:38,400 –> 00:16:41,640 you have this marvelous picture 333 00:16:41,640 –> 00:16:45,719 of the Olympic athlete running a race 334 00:16:45,719 –> 00:16:48,039 in a vast stadium 335 00:16:48,719 –> 00:16:52,559 and the stands are packed with people who are cheering 336 00:16:52,559 –> 00:16:54,219 They’re cheering us 337 00:16:54,219 –> 00:16:57,280 as we run our race 338 00:16:57,280 –> 00:16:59,580 and Hebrews Chapter 12 in verse 1 339 00:16:59,580 –> 00:17:01,260 In the same way 340 00:17:01,260 –> 00:17:06,219 we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses 341 00:17:07,060 –> 00:17:08,599 Abel 342 00:17:08,599 –> 00:17:10,280 Enoch 343 00:17:10,280 –> 00:17:11,619 Noah 344 00:17:11,619 –> 00:17:12,439 Abraham 345 00:17:12,439 –> 00:17:12,979 Sarah 346 00:17:13,000 –> 00:17:13,599 Isaac 347 00:17:13,599 –> 00:17:14,439 Jacob 348 00:17:14,439 –> 00:17:15,800 Joseph 349 00:17:15,800 –> 00:17:16,339 Moses 350 00:17:16,339 –> 00:17:16,939 Rahab 351 00:17:16,939 –> 00:17:21,060 and many many many more beside 352 00:17:21,060 –> 00:17:24,180 They’ve run their race 353 00:17:24,180 –> 00:17:28,099 and now they’re waiting for us to finish ours 354 00:17:28,380 –> 00:17:30,719 So you see how it’s applied to us 355 00:17:30,719 –> 00:17:32,060 Chapter 12 in verse 1 356 00:17:32,060 –> 00:17:39,939 So let us also lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely 357 00:17:39,939 –> 00:17:47,479 And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us 358 00:17:47,479 –> 00:17:50,420 Let us therefore run the race that is set before us 359 00:17:50,420 –> 00:17:53,219 You see the application 360 00:17:53,219 –> 00:17:57,640 They’re done, we’re not done yet 361 00:17:57,640 –> 00:18:00,380 Now the question that follows from this is very clear 362 00:18:00,560 –> 00:18:02,400 Then how are we going to do this? 363 00:18:02,400 –> 00:18:04,300 How are we going to run our race? 364 00:18:04,300 –> 00:18:06,319 We spend all these weeks looking at these heroes 365 00:18:06,319 –> 00:18:07,699 Learning from their examples 366 00:18:07,699 –> 00:18:10,300 But here is the question that becomes so practical for us 367 00:18:10,300 –> 00:18:11,699 How are we going to do this? 368 00:18:11,699 –> 00:18:13,540 How are we going to run our race? 369 00:18:13,540 –> 00:18:16,760 How are we going to do it with endurance? 370 00:18:16,760 –> 00:18:20,180 How are we going to withstand the relentless pressures 371 00:18:20,180 –> 00:18:23,859 That just keep coming to us in the course of our lives? 372 00:18:23,859 –> 00:18:27,140 And the answer is in these three wonderful words 373 00:18:27,140 –> 00:18:29,280 In Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 2 374 00:18:29,400 –> 00:18:33,800 we do it looking to Jesus 375 00:18:35,459 –> 00:18:38,760 Let me make four very simple observations 376 00:18:38,760 –> 00:18:42,199 As we bring this series to a close 377 00:18:42,199 –> 00:18:43,199 The first is this 378 00:18:43,199 –> 00:18:47,420 Faith looks to Jesus 379 00:18:48,260 –> 00:18:53,680 Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us 380 00:18:54,560 –> 00:18:55,959 How? 381 00:18:56,479 –> 00:18:57,560 How are you going to do that? 382 00:18:57,560 –> 00:19:00,540 How are you going to run the race that is set before you 383 00:19:00,540 –> 00:19:01,760 Do you see? 384 00:19:01,760 –> 00:19:05,359 You do it looking to Jesus 385 00:19:07,280 –> 00:19:10,060 So here is the most important thing to know about faith 386 00:19:10,060 –> 00:19:13,640 Christian faith is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ 387 00:19:15,560 –> 00:19:21,119 We have learned about faith from all of these wonderful models and examples in the old testament 388 00:19:21,119 –> 00:19:26,160 But faith is not looking to Abraham or Noah or Moses or Rahab 389 00:19:26,180 –> 00:19:29,479 Faith is looking to Jesus 390 00:19:29,479 –> 00:19:33,520 And we have seen in this series that in fact that is what these old testament heroes were 391 00:19:33,520 –> 00:19:34,520 actually doing 392 00:19:34,520 –> 00:19:40,099 Remember, Jesus said Abraham saw my day 393 00:19:40,099 –> 00:19:43,180 So Abraham was looking to Jesus 394 00:19:43,180 –> 00:19:50,739 We saw in Hebrews chapter 11 that Moses chose the reproach of Christ over all his treasures 395 00:19:50,739 –> 00:19:51,739 of Egypt 396 00:19:51,739 –> 00:19:54,380 So he was looking to Christ 397 00:19:54,380 –> 00:20:00,959 The whole point of Hebrews chapter 11 is that we are in the same position as these old testament 398 00:20:00,959 –> 00:20:01,959 believers 399 00:20:01,959 –> 00:20:05,359 we believe as they believed 400 00:20:05,359 –> 00:20:09,560 we must endure as they endured 401 00:20:09,560 –> 00:20:16,239 we look to Jesus as they looked to Jesus 402 00:20:16,239 –> 00:20:22,079 And we started the series with this very simple definition, from Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 403 00:20:22,079 –> 00:20:23,500 one of what faith is 404 00:20:23,500 –> 00:20:25,959 we said faith believes what God has revealed 405 00:20:25,959 –> 00:20:29,859 and trust what God has promised 406 00:20:29,859 –> 00:20:36,180 but you see it is in Jesus that God has revealed himself 407 00:20:36,180 –> 00:20:38,520 and it is through Jesus 408 00:20:38,520 –> 00:20:41,479 that all that God has promised will be ours 409 00:20:41,479 –> 00:20:45,719 so, faith looks to Jesus 410 00:20:45,719 –> 00:20:48,020 that’s the first thing 411 00:20:48,119 –> 00:20:50,040 here’s the second 412 00:20:50,040 –> 00:20:56,719 Jesus, wonderfully, is more than our example 413 00:20:56,719 –> 00:20:59,000 he’s more than our example 414 00:20:59,000 –> 00:21:00,880 now Jesus is our example 415 00:21:00,880 –> 00:21:03,260 and scripture makes that very clear many times 416 00:21:03,260 –> 00:21:08,359 but thank God he is more than our example 417 00:21:08,359 –> 00:21:09,760 look at how that’s put here 418 00:21:09,760 –> 00:21:14,140 let us run with endurance 419 00:21:14,140 –> 00:21:16,319 the race that is set before us 420 00:21:16,939 –> 00:21:26,420 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith 421 00:21:26,420 –> 00:21:31,180 now this is telling us after a whole chapter of examples 422 00:21:31,180 –> 00:21:35,900 that Jesus is more than our example 423 00:21:35,900 –> 00:21:38,640 thank God for that 424 00:21:38,640 –> 00:21:40,959 think of it this way 425 00:21:40,959 –> 00:21:42,739 you can admire 426 00:21:42,800 –> 00:21:47,619 Michael Jordan defying gravity on a basketball court 427 00:21:47,619 –> 00:21:48,819 but that does not give you 428 00:21:48,819 –> 00:21:52,079 the ability to do what he did 429 00:21:52,079 –> 00:21:53,319 if all you have is an example 430 00:21:53,319 –> 00:21:54,300 if all you have is a model 431 00:21:54,300 –> 00:21:56,260 if all you have look this man can do this 432 00:21:56,260 –> 00:21:57,260 go try 433 00:21:57,260 –> 00:22:00,439 you’re not going to get very far 434 00:22:00,439 –> 00:22:02,839 if all we have is examples 435 00:22:02,839 –> 00:22:05,760 we end up utterly crushed 436 00:22:05,760 –> 00:22:07,579 think about it 437 00:22:07,579 –> 00:22:10,560 if the message of Hebrews chapter 11 438 00:22:10,560 –> 00:22:12,739 was simply this 439 00:22:12,739 –> 00:22:14,920 Enoch walked with God 440 00:22:14,920 –> 00:22:16,599 Noah feared God 441 00:22:16,599 –> 00:22:18,339 Abraham obeyed God 442 00:22:18,339 –> 00:22:20,079 Rahab committed to God 443 00:22:20,079 –> 00:22:21,540 now you get your act together 444 00:22:21,540 –> 00:22:23,119 and follow their example 445 00:22:23,119 –> 00:22:24,459 well if that was the message 446 00:22:24,459 –> 00:22:25,459 we’d all be saying 447 00:22:25,459 –> 00:22:28,760 how can we match up to them? 448 00:22:28,760 –> 00:22:32,420 how can I do better than Abraham? 449 00:22:32,420 –> 00:22:34,199 Moses? 450 00:22:34,199 –> 00:22:36,199 or even more poignantly 451 00:22:36,199 –> 00:22:38,959 if we were simply told 452 00:22:39,160 –> 00:22:41,359 if the message of the bible was 453 00:22:41,359 –> 00:22:43,479 Jesus is our example 454 00:22:43,479 –> 00:22:46,040 and now we must all step up 455 00:22:46,040 –> 00:22:48,160 and live a life like his 456 00:22:48,160 –> 00:22:49,359 well then we would all be saying 457 00:22:49,359 –> 00:22:50,359 well how in the world 458 00:22:50,359 –> 00:22:54,180 can we possibly do that? 459 00:22:54,180 –> 00:22:56,199 so thank god that the message 460 00:22:56,199 –> 00:22:59,040 of this chapter is not 461 00:22:59,040 –> 00:23:01,079 these heroes of faith were great 462 00:23:01,079 –> 00:23:04,119 and so you’d better go and do better 463 00:23:04,119 –> 00:23:05,439 that is not the message 464 00:23:05,439 –> 00:23:07,439 if it was we’d all be completely crushed 465 00:23:09,280 –> 00:23:11,359 here’s the message 466 00:23:11,359 –> 00:23:13,060 the message of this chapter is 467 00:23:13,060 –> 00:23:17,420 that the same faith that was formed in them 468 00:23:17,420 –> 00:23:19,959 has also been formed in you 469 00:23:19,959 –> 00:23:22,239 and Jesus is the one 470 00:23:22,239 –> 00:23:24,939 who has formed that faith 471 00:23:24,939 –> 00:23:26,439 Jesus is more than 472 00:23:26,439 –> 00:23:29,660 an example of faith 473 00:23:29,660 –> 00:23:32,300 Jesus is, notice the word in this verse 474 00:23:32,300 –> 00:23:37,300 the founder of our faith 475 00:23:37,300 –> 00:23:39,579 now what is a founder? 476 00:23:39,579 –> 00:23:40,959 well a founder, very simply 477 00:23:40,959 –> 00:23:44,959 is someone who brings something into being 478 00:23:44,959 –> 00:23:49,140 and Jesus is the founder of our faith 479 00:23:49,140 –> 00:23:50,300 so here you are this morning 480 00:23:50,300 –> 00:23:52,199 and you believe, you have faith 481 00:23:52,199 –> 00:23:55,079 how did this come about? 482 00:23:55,079 –> 00:23:58,439 well, Jesus formed this faith in you 483 00:23:58,439 –> 00:24:00,939 he’s the founder of your faith 484 00:24:00,939 –> 00:24:03,140 he laid hold of you 485 00:24:03,140 –> 00:24:05,479 he opened your eyes 486 00:24:05,760 –> 00:24:06,760 he sent his spirit 487 00:24:06,760 –> 00:24:08,719 and put his spirit within 488 00:24:08,719 –> 00:24:11,760 he brought your faith into being 489 00:24:11,760 –> 00:24:15,520 he’s the founder of your faith 490 00:24:15,520 –> 00:24:17,760 not only is he the founder of your faith 491 00:24:17,760 –> 00:24:20,199 he’s the perfecter of your faith 492 00:24:20,199 –> 00:24:23,140 a founder is someone who brings something into being 493 00:24:23,140 –> 00:24:28,920 a perfecter is someone who brings something to completion 494 00:24:28,920 –> 00:24:31,420 so, notice and remember of course 495 00:24:31,420 –> 00:24:35,219 faith does not make any of us perfect 496 00:24:35,219 –> 00:24:37,640 and we’ve seen throughout this series that 497 00:24:37,640 –> 00:24:39,819 the old testament believers 498 00:24:39,819 –> 00:24:44,219 at their best, are far from perfect 499 00:24:44,219 –> 00:24:46,839 Noah got drunk 500 00:24:46,839 –> 00:24:51,020 Abraham lied about his wife 501 00:24:51,020 –> 00:24:54,479 Moses lost his temper 502 00:24:54,479 –> 00:25:00,040 and Jacob for years was a miserable old man 503 00:25:00,040 –> 00:25:04,000 they were very flawed people as we are 504 00:25:04,000 –> 00:25:06,439 But what we’re being told here is that Jesus will 505 00:25:06,439 –> 00:25:09,599 make them perfect 506 00:25:09,599 –> 00:25:12,500 and he’ll do the same for us 507 00:25:12,500 –> 00:25:15,020 right now our faith is far from perfect 508 00:25:15,020 –> 00:25:16,420 we often feel don’t we 509 00:25:16,420 –> 00:25:18,760 like the man in the New Testament who said 510 00:25:18,760 –> 00:25:20,839 to Jesus, Lord I believe 511 00:25:20,839 –> 00:25:24,180 but please help me with my unbelief 512 00:25:24,180 –> 00:25:25,619 here’s the good news 513 00:25:25,619 –> 00:25:27,819 that prayer is going to be answered for you 514 00:25:27,819 –> 00:25:29,520 and for every one of us 515 00:25:29,520 –> 00:25:31,680 Jesus will perfect your faith 516 00:25:31,699 –> 00:25:34,000 he’s going to bring it to completion 517 00:25:34,000 –> 00:25:36,500 he is going to vindicate your faith 518 00:25:36,500 –> 00:25:38,780 by bringing him into everything 519 00:25:38,780 –> 00:25:40,160 that he has ever promised 520 00:25:40,160 –> 00:25:41,640 and he’s going to do this 521 00:25:41,640 –> 00:25:43,280 when all of the family of God 522 00:25:43,280 –> 00:25:46,719 are wonderfully gathered together 523 00:25:46,719 –> 00:25:50,699 see Jesus is more than an example 524 00:25:50,699 –> 00:25:53,160 he’s the founder and the perfecter of your faith 525 00:25:53,160 –> 00:25:54,560 he’s brought it into being 526 00:25:54,560 –> 00:25:57,000 and he will bring it to completion 527 00:25:58,000 –> 00:26:01,000 Third 528 00:26:01,000 –> 00:26:06,119 Jesus therefore will enable you to endure 529 00:26:07,500 –> 00:26:09,000 now this word endurance 530 00:26:09,000 –> 00:26:12,520 really runs right throughout 531 00:26:12,520 –> 00:26:14,699 the whole passage as a theme 532 00:26:14,699 –> 00:26:17,439 it begins in Hebrews chapter 10 in verse 36 533 00:26:17,439 –> 00:26:19,239 it runs all the way through 534 00:26:19,239 –> 00:26:21,920 to Hebrews chapter 12 in verses 1 and 2 535 00:26:21,920 –> 00:26:23,640 Remember that the book of Hebrews 536 00:26:23,640 –> 00:26:25,560 was first given to Jewish believers 537 00:26:25,880 –> 00:26:28,839 when the Jews were facing really difficult days 538 00:26:28,839 –> 00:26:31,599 we saw right at the beginning of this series 539 00:26:31,599 –> 00:26:32,680 back in chapter 10 that 540 00:26:32,680 –> 00:26:35,920 they were enduring a long hard struggle 541 00:26:35,920 –> 00:26:37,739 with suffering they’d been publicly 542 00:26:37,739 –> 00:26:41,660 exposed to reproach and to affliction 543 00:26:41,660 –> 00:26:44,959 Their property had been plundered 544 00:26:44,959 –> 00:26:47,380 and the strain of the relentless 545 00:26:47,380 –> 00:26:49,459 pressure of being believers 546 00:26:49,459 –> 00:26:51,780 in a hostile culture was just 547 00:26:51,780 –> 00:26:54,199 beginning to tell on them all 548 00:26:54,420 –> 00:26:56,180 and Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 36 549 00:26:56,180 –> 00:26:57,780 therefore the writer says 550 00:26:57,780 –> 00:27:01,699 you have need of endurance 551 00:27:02,300 –> 00:27:03,939 and we read that verse 552 00:27:03,939 –> 00:27:06,540 you have need of endurance 553 00:27:06,540 –> 00:27:09,319 and we say that’s right 554 00:27:09,319 –> 00:27:11,199 that’s me 555 00:27:11,219 –> 00:27:13,920 that’s what I need 556 00:27:13,920 –> 00:27:17,079 I need endurance 557 00:27:17,079 –> 00:27:20,060 but how am I going to get it 558 00:27:20,060 –> 00:27:21,839 and you see Hebrews 11 559 00:27:21,859 –> 00:27:26,160 what’s the answer to that question 560 00:27:26,160 –> 00:27:30,280 endurance comes by faith 561 00:27:30,280 –> 00:27:32,199 but you see that leads us to another question 562 00:27:32,199 –> 00:27:33,199 leads us to thinking 563 00:27:33,199 –> 00:27:34,400 yeah, I hear that 564 00:27:34,400 –> 00:27:35,900 but here’s my question 565 00:27:35,900 –> 00:27:39,920 how does faith enable us to endure? 566 00:27:39,920 –> 00:27:42,160 see, we’ve seen throughout 567 00:27:42,160 –> 00:27:45,699 Hebrews 11 that faith listens to god 568 00:27:45,699 –> 00:27:46,959 and it walks with god 569 00:27:46,959 –> 00:27:47,939 and fears god 570 00:27:47,939 –> 00:27:49,859 and obeys god 571 00:27:49,859 –> 00:27:51,099 and receives from god 572 00:27:51,099 –> 00:27:52,119 and submits to god 573 00:27:52,119 –> 00:27:53,300 and worships god 574 00:27:53,300 –> 00:27:55,099 and hopes in god 575 00:27:55,099 –> 00:27:56,099 and depends on god 576 00:27:56,099 –> 00:27:57,319 and commits to god 577 00:27:57,319 –> 00:28:01,859 but how does faith do these things? 578 00:28:01,859 –> 00:28:04,180 That’s the question 579 00:28:04,180 –> 00:28:07,020 And here’s the answer 580 00:28:07,020 –> 00:28:08,119 Faith does these things 581 00:28:08,119 –> 00:28:14,219 because faith joins us to Jesus 582 00:28:14,219 –> 00:28:15,939 in a spiritual union 583 00:28:16,819 –> 00:28:21,579 in which what is his actually becomes ours 584 00:28:21,579 –> 00:28:24,699 And do you remember how Jesus wonderfully explained this 585 00:28:24,699 –> 00:28:26,020 with an illustration 586 00:28:26,020 –> 00:28:27,680 a beautiful picture that he gave 587 00:28:27,680 –> 00:28:32,079 He said I am the vine 588 00:28:32,079 –> 00:28:34,979 and you are the branches 589 00:28:34,979 –> 00:28:36,040 and you see what that conveys 590 00:28:36,040 –> 00:28:37,619 that the life that is in the vine 591 00:28:37,619 –> 00:28:42,500 actually flows into the branches 592 00:28:42,520 –> 00:28:45,219 Faith joins us in such a living union 593 00:28:45,219 –> 00:28:46,780 with the Lord Jesus Christ 594 00:28:46,780 –> 00:28:48,900 that the life that is in Jesus 595 00:28:48,900 –> 00:28:50,859 actually flows into us 596 00:28:50,859 –> 00:28:54,900 by the power and presence of his Holy Spirit 597 00:28:54,900 –> 00:28:57,739 That’s why the Apostle Paul puts it this way 598 00:28:57,739 –> 00:29:04,500 Christ lives in me 599 00:29:04,500 –> 00:29:08,380 Now when Christ lives in you 600 00:29:08,380 –> 00:29:10,099 he gives you a righteousness 601 00:29:10,099 –> 00:29:13,280 that you would never have on your own 602 00:29:13,280 –> 00:29:16,160 When Christ lives in you 603 00:29:16,160 –> 00:29:17,459 he gives you a strength 604 00:29:17,459 –> 00:29:20,479 that you would never have on your own 605 00:29:20,479 –> 00:29:22,979 When Christ lives in you 606 00:29:22,979 –> 00:29:25,040 he gives you a peace 607 00:29:25,040 –> 00:29:27,660 that you would never have on your own 608 00:29:27,660 –> 00:29:30,400 and when Christ lives in you 609 00:29:30,400 –> 00:29:34,439 he will give you an endurance 610 00:29:34,439 –> 00:29:38,060 that you would never have on your own 611 00:29:38,060 –> 00:29:39,060 And you see that’s the point 612 00:29:39,060 –> 00:29:40,300 the writer is making here 613 00:29:40,300 –> 00:29:41,400 he’s saying now look at 614 00:29:41,400 –> 00:29:45,280 the endurance of Jesus 615 00:29:45,280 –> 00:29:48,959 He endured the cross 616 00:29:48,959 –> 00:29:50,900 and the Saviour who endured the cross 617 00:29:50,900 –> 00:29:53,719 lives in you by his Holy Spirit 618 00:29:53,719 –> 00:29:55,680 and because he lives in you 619 00:29:55,680 –> 00:29:57,800 you’re going to be able to endure 620 00:29:57,800 –> 00:30:02,920 as you run the race that is set before you 621 00:30:02,920 –> 00:30:06,819 Jesus will enable you to endure 622 00:30:06,819 –> 00:30:07,819 And here’s the last thing 623 00:30:08,160 –> 00:30:10,260 Jesus will bring you into 624 00:30:10,260 –> 00:30:12,839 his glorious reward 625 00:30:12,839 –> 00:30:16,199 Looking to Jesus 626 00:30:16,199 –> 00:30:19,479 the founder and perfector of our faith 627 00:30:19,479 –> 00:30:22,979 who for the joy that was set before him 628 00:30:22,979 –> 00:30:24,260 endured the cross 629 00:30:24,260 –> 00:30:27,339 and is seated at the right hand 630 00:30:27,339 –> 00:30:29,719 of the throne of God 631 00:30:29,719 –> 00:30:32,500 So Jesus endured the cross 632 00:30:32,500 –> 00:30:33,839 He’s not there now 633 00:30:33,839 –> 00:30:36,180 he is seated at the right hand 634 00:30:36,380 –> 00:30:38,859 of the throne of God 635 00:30:38,859 –> 00:30:42,359 and notice how he got through the cross 636 00:30:42,359 –> 00:30:44,819 He got through it and he endured 637 00:30:44,819 –> 00:30:50,400 for the joy that was set before him 638 00:30:50,400 –> 00:30:52,099 and I believe that the joy 639 00:30:52,099 –> 00:30:53,439 that was set before him 640 00:30:53,439 –> 00:30:54,599 is another way 641 00:30:54,599 –> 00:30:56,959 of speaking of the something better 642 00:30:56,959 –> 00:30:58,699 of verse 40 643 00:30:58,699 –> 00:30:59,880 that God has planned 644 00:30:59,880 –> 00:31:02,060 for all of his people 645 00:31:02,060 –> 00:31:03,500 or, to put it in a way 646 00:31:03,500 –> 00:31:04,699 that I hope is memorable 647 00:31:05,180 –> 00:31:07,939 what was the joy that was set 648 00:31:07,939 –> 00:31:09,040 before Jesus? 649 00:31:09,040 –> 00:31:11,599 The joy of the redeemed family 650 00:31:11,599 –> 00:31:15,660 bringing together the whole family of God 651 00:31:15,660 –> 00:31:17,260 Jesus will do this 652 00:31:17,260 –> 00:31:18,099 and when he does 653 00:31:18,099 –> 00:31:20,060 not one of his own will be missing 654 00:31:20,060 –> 00:31:23,300 you’re going to be reunited 655 00:31:23,300 –> 00:31:25,880 with loved ones who are already 656 00:31:25,880 –> 00:31:27,099 with the Lord 657 00:31:27,099 –> 00:31:29,099 and what a day of rejoicing 658 00:31:29,099 –> 00:31:30,359 that’s going to be 659 00:31:30,359 –> 00:31:32,540 Jesus said I tell you 660 00:31:32,540 –> 00:31:33,640 there’s going to be many 661 00:31:33,819 –> 00:31:34,920 they’ll come from the east 662 00:31:34,920 –> 00:31:35,959 and from the west 663 00:31:35,959 –> 00:31:36,979 and they’re going to recline 664 00:31:36,979 –> 00:31:38,739 at the table with Abraham 665 00:31:38,739 –> 00:31:40,540 and Isaac and Jacob 666 00:31:40,540 –> 00:31:42,400 in the kingdom of Heaven 667 00:31:43,619 –> 00:31:44,680 brothers and sisters 668 00:31:44,680 –> 00:31:46,920 when that day comes 669 00:31:46,920 –> 00:31:48,099 there will be no divisions 670 00:31:48,099 –> 00:31:49,099 no disputes 671 00:31:49,099 –> 00:31:50,859 no arguments in the 672 00:31:50,859 –> 00:31:52,000 Believing Family 673 00:31:52,000 –> 00:31:54,060 every effect of sin 674 00:31:54,060 –> 00:31:54,979 will be removed 675 00:31:54,979 –> 00:31:56,420 from us all forever 676 00:31:56,420 –> 00:31:59,459 will be made perfect 677 00:31:59,459 –> 00:32:01,160 and the bride of Christ 678 00:32:01,160 –> 00:32:03,420 will be without blemish 679 00:32:04,459 –> 00:32:06,579 and then there’s not only 680 00:32:06,579 –> 00:32:08,140 ahead of us 681 00:32:08,140 –> 00:32:10,060 the joy of the redeemed family 682 00:32:10,060 –> 00:32:10,880 but the joy of 683 00:32:10,880 –> 00:32:12,900 resurrected bodies 684 00:32:13,979 –> 00:32:15,800 your redeemed spirit 685 00:32:15,800 –> 00:32:18,140 is going to be made perfect 686 00:32:18,140 –> 00:32:18,939 in this way 687 00:32:18,939 –> 00:32:20,500 that it will be clothed 688 00:32:20,500 –> 00:32:22,479 with a resurrected body 689 00:32:22,479 –> 00:32:25,400 that will never ache 690 00:32:25,400 –> 00:32:28,280 never tire 691 00:32:28,280 –> 00:32:30,420 and never ever tempt you to sin 692 00:32:30,420 –> 00:32:31,859 isn’t that good news 693 00:32:32,800 –> 00:32:34,699 a body in which you will be able 694 00:32:34,699 –> 00:32:36,199 to serve the Lord 695 00:32:36,199 –> 00:32:38,260 a body in which you will be able 696 00:32:38,260 –> 00:32:41,400 to enjoy the pleasures of the new creation 697 00:32:41,400 –> 00:32:43,380 forever and forever 698 00:32:43,380 –> 00:32:44,479 the redeemed family 699 00:32:44,479 –> 00:32:47,000 the resurrected body 700 00:32:47,000 –> 00:32:49,859 and the joy of the restored universe 701 00:32:49,859 –> 00:32:52,859 we were seeing in Hebrews in chapter 11 702 00:32:52,859 –> 00:32:56,500 that Abraham was looking for a heavenly city 703 00:32:56,500 –> 00:32:58,380 a heavenly city 704 00:32:58,380 –> 00:33:01,400 whose builder and designer is God 705 00:33:01,599 –> 00:33:03,359 and right at the end of the New Testament 706 00:33:03,359 –> 00:33:06,040 the Apostle John in Revelation 21 says 707 00:33:06,040 –> 00:33:09,739 I saw the holy city 708 00:33:09,739 –> 00:33:15,640 coming down out of heaven from God 709 00:33:15,640 –> 00:33:16,939 and he tells us what it is 710 00:33:16,939 –> 00:33:20,800 that makes the city holy 711 00:33:20,800 –> 00:33:26,380 and of course it’s that God himself is there 712 00:33:26,380 –> 00:33:27,380 and so, he writes 713 00:33:27,380 –> 00:33:30,319 I heard a loud voice from the throne 714 00:33:30,439 –> 00:33:35,560 saying, behold, the dwelling place of God 715 00:33:35,560 –> 00:33:37,719 is with man 716 00:33:37,739 –> 00:33:40,719 he shall dwell with them 717 00:33:40,719 –> 00:33:43,119 they shall be his people 718 00:33:43,119 –> 00:33:48,719 and God himself will be with them as their God 719 00:33:48,739 –> 00:33:53,939 and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes 720 00:33:53,959 –> 00:33:57,780 and death shall be no more 721 00:33:58,140 –> 00:34:00,819 neither shall there be mourning 722 00:34:00,819 –> 00:34:02,719 nor crying 723 00:34:02,739 –> 00:34:05,599 nor pain 724 00:34:05,619 –> 00:34:08,820 for the former things have passed away 725 00:34:08,820 –> 00:34:11,719 and he who is seated on the throne 726 00:34:11,739 –> 00:34:17,959 said, behold, I am making everything new 727 00:34:17,979 –> 00:34:19,120 brothers and sisters 728 00:34:19,139 –> 00:34:19,719 in Christ 729 00:34:19,739 –> 00:34:27,239 Jesus is going to bring us into a glorious reward 730 00:34:27,560 –> 00:34:30,060 and therefore 731 00:34:30,080 –> 00:34:34,340 let us run with endurance the race that is 732 00:34:34,360 –> 00:34:37,179 set before us 733 00:34:37,199 –> 00:34:39,739 looking to Jesus 734 00:34:39,760 –> 00:34:41,419 the founder 735 00:34:41,439 –> 00:34:42,979 and perfecter 736 00:34:43,000 –> 00:34:45,219 of our faith 737 00:34:45,239 –> 00:34:47,780 who for the joy that was set before him 738 00:34:47,800 –> 00:34:50,620 endured the cross 739 00:34:50,639 –> 00:34:52,459 and is seated 740 00:34:52,479 –> 00:34:55,159 at the right hand 741 00:34:55,159 –> 00:34:56,899 of the throne 742 00:34:56,919 –> 00:34:58,679 of God 743 00:34:58,719 –> 00:35:01,979 Let’s pray together 744 00:35:02,000 –> 00:35:07,939 Our Father, thank you for the joy you have set before us 745 00:35:07,959 –> 00:35:11,459 The redeemed family 746 00:35:11,479 –> 00:35:14,899 resurrected bodies 747 00:35:14,919 –> 00:35:18,699 a restored universe 748 00:35:18,719 –> 00:35:20,620 Now help us 749 00:35:20,639 –> 00:35:23,739 to lay aside every weight 750 00:35:23,739 –> 00:35:27,639 and the sin that clings so closely 751 00:35:27,659 –> 00:35:30,439 and looking to Jesus 752 00:35:30,459 –> 00:35:36,520 to run with endurance the race that is set before us 753 00:35:36,540 –> 00:35:40,639 Through Jesus Christ, our Lord 754 00:35:40,659 –> 00:35:42,659 Amen


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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Hebrews 11 is an exposition of faith. It begins with a definition, and then gives us models of men and women who exercised faith. The series ‘Living By Faith’ looks at 10 of them to learn what it means for us to live by faith today.

Colin Smith



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