David’s Story, Part 1

1 Samuel 17
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Join us today as we delve into the fascinating story of King David, a character renowned for his remarkable achievements and deep relationship with Jesus Christ. In this episode, Colin will explore the significance of David’s lineage and his connection to the Christmas story. We’ll uncover the promises made to David about a future king whose kingdom would last forever and how these promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Grab your Bible and turn to 1 Samuel Chapter 17 as we embark on this insightful journey.

100:00:01,000 –> 00:00:02,8800200:00:03,740 –> 00:00:09,420Your pastor told me that some of you are big shots in business and in the city.300:00:09,440 –> 00:00:14,600Well, he didn’t exactly use these words, but that’s what he meant.400:00:14,600 –> 00:00:21,360I tell you, whatever you achieve in your life, the most important thing about you will be500:00:21,360 –> 00:00:23,879your relationship to Jesus Christ..600:00:23,879 –> 00:00:26,240Welcome to Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith.700:00:26,600 –> 00:00:30,559I’m David Pick, and Colin, we’re continuing our series, looking at the Christmas story800:00:30,559 –> 00:00:33,200through the eyes of various biblical characters.900:00:33,220 –> 00:00:36,080And today we come to King David.1000:00:36,080 –> 00:00:40,840One of my favorite characters in all of the Bible, I think of David as a great achiever.1100:00:40,919 –> 00:00:46,020I think of what he accomplished in his life and recognized as Israel’s greatest king.1200:00:46,060 –> 00:00:52,919All that he did and yet the greatest thing about him is not his accomplishments, but1300:00:52,919 –> 00:00:54,919his relationship to Jesus Christ.1400:00:54,919 –> 00:00:59,860Of course, Christ is descended from David, but the Bible makes this great emphasis that1500:00:59,860 –> 00:01:03,200there’s a relationship between David and Christ.1600:01:03,200 –> 00:01:07,800Thank God that bi-faith there can be a relationship between Jesus Christ and us, too.1700:01:07,800 –> 00:01:09,500That is something to be grateful for.1800:01:09,500 –> 00:01:12,800So today we’re thinking about the life of King David.1900:01:12,800 –> 00:01:18,940So I hope you’ll be able to join us in your Bible at 1 Samuel and Chapter 17 as we begin2000:01:18,940 –> 00:01:20,260David’s story.2100:01:20,260 –> 00:01:20,919Here’s Colin.2200:01:20,919 –> 00:01:22,419Merry Christmas to you everyone.2300:01:22,419 –> 00:01:24,300It’s wonderful to be here.2400:01:24,300 –> 00:01:27,040You look back to the birth of Jesus.2500:01:27,040 –> 00:01:32,860Where I lived 1,000 years before he came into the world, I looked forward.2600:01:32,860 –> 00:01:39,800But as one who placed my faith in Jesus before he came, just as I hope you’ve put your faith2700:01:39,800 –> 00:01:46,820in Jesus since he came, I’ve had the joy of spending these years in his marvelous,2800:01:46,820 –> 00:01:48,360marvelous presence.2900:01:48,360 –> 00:01:52,120I’m not allowed to tell you what that’s like.3000:01:52,680 –> 00:01:57,839But what I can tell you today is something of my own story, and something about my own3100:01:57,839 –> 00:02:05,779relationship with Jesus that I hope will help you to see just how great he is and what he3200:02:05,779 –> 00:02:09,899can mean to you.3300:02:09,899 –> 00:02:14,919I was the youngest in my family, and some of you know—you never outgrow being the3400:02:14,919 –> 00:02:20,380youngest in your family—it’s not the easiest position in which to be placed.3500:02:20,380 –> 00:02:23,699I had brothers who got to do all of the fun things.3600:02:23,699 –> 00:02:30,380As the youngest, my father Jesse, he had me out watching the sheep.3700:02:30,380 –> 00:02:35,940And I would have loved to have been with my brothers, but that’s how it was for me for3800:02:35,940 –> 00:02:38,860much of my early years.3900:02:38,860 –> 00:02:48,240If someone had come and asked me, David, guess which member of your family will sit as king4000:02:48,240 –> 00:02:49,419on the throne of Israel?4100:02:49,460 –> 00:02:54,940I would never have guessed in a thousand years that it would have been me.4200:02:54,940 –> 00:03:00,800But I can tell you this, that God has plans for your life if you’re a follower of Jesus4300:03:00,800 –> 00:03:04,639that are greater than anything you have ever dreamed.4400:03:04,639 –> 00:03:10,639And seeing it from up there, now I see it more clearly than I ever saw it in my life4500:03:10,639 –> 00:03:12,759down here.4600:03:12,759 –> 00:03:16,199Some of you, of course, will know the stories from my life, you’ll know about some of my4700:03:16,360 –> 00:03:20,820great successes, and you’ll also know about some of my great failures.4800:03:20,820 –> 00:03:26,320No one knew greater happyness than me on the day when they brought the ark of the covenant4900:03:26,320 –> 00:03:27,320to Jerusalem.5000:03:27,320 –> 00:03:29,539Wow, what a fantastic day that was!5100:03:29,539 –> 00:03:35,399I was so happy I danced before the Lord, overwhelmed by joy.5200:03:35,399 –> 00:03:40,880But if you’ve read my story, you will know that I also had my problems.5300:03:40,880 –> 00:03:46,139If some of you think you have problems in your family, read my story.5400:03:46,139 –> 00:03:53,419My son Absalom who rebelled against me and his terrible, terrible end and that awful,5500:03:53,419 –> 00:03:58,500oh, unspeakable thing that happened to my daughter Tamar.5600:03:59,500 –> 00:04:05,080I lived in an evil world a thousand years before the coming of Jesus Christ, and I expect5700:04:05,080 –> 00:04:10,160that you’ve had your fair share and your taste of that, too.5800:04:10,220 –> 00:04:15,940Now you know, people have fallen into the habit of calling me Israel’s greatest king.5900:04:15,940 –> 00:04:21,299Frankly, I wish they wouldn’t do that, but here’s why they do.6000:04:21,299 –> 00:04:26,320When I was king, God gave us victory over our enemies.6100:04:26,320 –> 00:04:33,359Our borders were secure and we lived with peace in our time, and get this, during the6200:04:33,359 –> 00:04:36,220entire period of my reign…6300:04:36,959 –> 00:04:38,239You’ll like this…6400:04:38,660 –> 00:04:43,380Our economy was booming!6500:04:43,380 –> 00:04:46,980Now just thinking about that and being around here, I’m thinking maybe I should stick6600:04:46,980 –> 00:04:51,660around and have a shot at running to be your president.6700:04:52,959 –> 00:04:55,760But I’m not here to talk about myself.6800:04:55,760 –> 00:05:04,359I’m here today to talk to you about my greater son, whose name is Jesus.6900:05:04,459 –> 00:05:05,920Now remember this.7000:05:05,920 –> 00:05:14,959The most important thing in my life is not anything that I achieved as the king of Israel.7100:05:14,959 –> 00:05:22,519The most important thing about me is my relationship with Jesus.7200:05:22,519 –> 00:05:28,519And you will find, in your life, and you will certainly find beyond the period of your life,7300:05:28,559 –> 00:05:34,299that the most important thing for you is your relationship with Jesus.7400:05:34,299 –> 00:05:39,980Your pastor told me that some of you are big shots in business and in the city.7500:05:39,980 –> 00:05:45,119Well, he didn’t exactly use these words, but that’s what he meant.7600:05:45,119 –> 00:05:52,040I tell you, whatever you achieve in your life, the most important thing about you will be7700:05:52,040 –> 00:05:54,839your relationship to Jesus Christ.7800:05:55,200 –> 00:05:59,059You take that from me as the word of a king.7900:05:59,059 –> 00:06:02,220So let me tell you about my relationship with Jesus.8000:06:02,220 –> 00:06:09,040It all began with a promise that God gave to me through the prophet Nathan.8100:06:09,040 –> 00:06:13,700Nathan spoke the truth into my life, as you may remember on many occasions, sometimes8200:06:13,700 –> 00:06:20,739painfully so, but God used this very special man, Nathan, to speak the truth in a very8300:06:20,739 –> 00:06:21,739wonderful way.8400:06:21,739 –> 00:06:26,339You can read about it in second Samuel, chapter 7 and verse 14.8500:06:26,339 –> 00:06:34,179In fact, Nathan became so important in my life that I named one of my own sons after8600:06:34,179 –> 00:06:35,179him.8700:06:35,179 –> 00:06:37,940You might like to remember that.8800:06:37,940 –> 00:06:41,019Here’s what God said to me through Nathan.8900:06:41,019 –> 00:06:49,720God said that after I was dead and gone, He would raise up my offspring to succeed me.9000:06:49,820 –> 00:06:54,119In other words, that there would be a future person who would come from my family line9100:06:54,119 –> 00:07:00,179and God said, He would be the one who would build a house for God’s name.9200:07:00,179 –> 00:07:04,839It was an amazing promise, especially when you think about this.9300:07:04,839 –> 00:07:08,839God never made a promise like that to Moses.9400:07:08,839 –> 00:07:14,480No promise like that was ever given to Joshua or to any of the judges.9500:07:14,480 –> 00:07:17,799This was a promise that was given wonderfully to me.9600:07:17,799 –> 00:07:20,420I can’t get over the privilege of it.9700:07:20,420 –> 00:07:24,420God said, there will be a son in your line, David.9800:07:24,420 –> 00:07:28,200He will arise after your lifetime.9900:07:28,200 –> 00:07:32,839But he will be your offspring and he will be the one to build the house for my name.10000:07:32,839 –> 00:07:38,040Then God said something else about this future person.10100:07:38,040 –> 00:07:47,380God said about him, that he would give to this person the throne forever.10200:07:47,399 –> 00:07:52,380Now I was scratching my head when I heard that word from God, because kings come10300:07:52,380 –> 00:07:53,959and kings go.10400:07:53,959 –> 00:07:57,239Kings rise and kings fall.10500:07:57,239 –> 00:07:59,880No king has a throne that lasts forever.10600:07:59,880 –> 00:08:07,140But God said that this offspring who would come into my line after I had died,10700:08:07,140 –> 00:08:11,040he would be given the throne and his kingdom would last forever.10800:08:11,040 –> 00:08:16,179And then God said something even more astonishing, he said this,10900:08:16,619 –> 00:08:21,760and I will be his father,11000:08:21,760 –> 00:08:27,239and he will be my son.11100:08:27,239 –> 00:08:30,160You’re listening to Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith,11200:08:30,160 –> 00:08:33,219and David Story, one of our Christmas Stories,11300:08:33,219 –> 00:08:38,159which is looking at the story of Christmas through the eyes of various characters from11400:08:38,159 –> 00:08:39,159the Bible.11500:08:39,159 –> 00:08:41,239Don’t forget if you ever miss one of our series,11600:08:41,239 –> 00:08:44,900you can always catch up or go back and listen again online.11700:08:45,000 –> 00:08:45,799Come to our website11800:08:49,179 –> 00:08:53,140Or find us as a podcast and those are on the main podcast sites,11900:08:53,140 –> 00:08:55,619search for Open the Bible UK12000:08:55,619 –> 00:09:00,099Open the Bible is supported entirely by our listeners and if you’re already doing that,12100:09:00,099 –> 00:09:03,200we want to thank you very much for your support.12200:09:03,200 –> 00:09:05,440If that’s something that you haven’t done to date,12300:09:05,440 –> 00:09:07,440but you’re considering doing it,12400:09:07,440 –> 00:09:11,619this month, if you’re able to, begin a new donation to the work of Open the Bible,12500:09:11,619 –> 00:09:14,640a direct debit of £5 per month or more,12600:09:14,799 –> 00:09:17,580or a one-off gift of £50 or more,12700:09:17,580 –> 00:09:20,640we’d love to thank you by sending you three copies12800:09:20,640 –> 00:09:23,580of a beautiful bound edition of John’s Gospel.12900:09:24,219 –> 00:09:25,299I’ll be talking to13000:09:25,299 –> 00:09:29,119Open the Bible’s Amanda Cunningham later in the programme about that.13100:09:29,119 –> 00:09:31,559Back to the message now, here’s Colin.13200:09:31,559 –> 00:09:33,340God said13300:09:33,340 –> 00:09:37,739that this offspring who would come into my line after I had died,13400:09:37,739 –> 00:09:41,619he would be given the throne and his kingdom would last forever13500:09:41,619 –> 00:09:44,119and then God said something even more astonishing.13600:09:45,000 –> 00:09:46,799He said this,13700:09:46,799 –> 00:09:50,219and I will be his father13800:09:51,940 –> 00:09:56,580and he will be my son.13900:09:58,059 –> 00:10:01,880I scratched my head when I heard that word through Nathan.14000:10:03,119 –> 00:10:07,380How could any son of mine14100:10:07,380 –> 00:10:09,979be the son of God?14200:10:09,979 –> 00:10:13,179How could God be father14300:10:13,460 –> 00:10:14,500to my son?14400:10:16,000 –> 00:10:17,840I understand it now14500:10:18,760 –> 00:10:22,619but you can understand it was a complete mystery to me then.14600:10:23,599 –> 00:10:25,719But this was the promise, it was quite clear.14700:10:25,719 –> 00:10:27,719You can read it in your Bible.14800:10:27,719 –> 00:10:32,039The son of God would be born into my family line14900:10:32,039 –> 00:10:33,960and from that day, you will understand15000:10:33,960 –> 00:10:36,479that the eyes of faithful and believing people15100:10:36,479 –> 00:10:41,479were always on my line of descent through the generations.15200:10:41,820 –> 00:10:44,520Well, if you know a little bit about the Bible,15300:10:44,520 –> 00:10:46,320you’ll know the story that followed.15400:10:46,320 –> 00:10:49,440When I died, my son, Solomon, became the king15500:10:49,440 –> 00:10:51,520and he was the one who built the temple.15600:10:51,520 –> 00:10:53,280Of course, I expect some people thought15700:10:53,280 –> 00:10:54,479that that was what was meant15800:10:54,479 –> 00:10:56,419by building a house for God’s name15900:10:56,419 –> 00:10:58,000and in some ways, it was16000:10:58,000 –> 00:11:00,440but Solomon didn’t fulfill the promise16100:11:00,440 –> 00:11:02,679and he ended actually rather badly.16200:11:02,679 –> 00:11:03,900It was very sad.16300:11:05,119 –> 00:11:09,700After him came my grandson, Rehoboam, oh.16400:11:10,580 –> 00:11:15,000Poor fellow didn’t know the first thing about leadership.16500:11:15,979 –> 00:11:17,700As soon as he became king,16600:11:17,700 –> 00:11:19,659he alienated most of the people16700:11:20,700 –> 00:11:22,419and it wasn’t long therefore16800:11:22,419 –> 00:11:24,500before there was someone who rose up16900:11:24,500 –> 00:11:25,780in the north of the country,17000:11:25,780 –> 00:11:28,820a man by the name of Jeroboam, a military leader17100:11:28,820 –> 00:11:31,539and he led a revolt against my grandson17200:11:31,539 –> 00:11:34,539and that resulted in the 10 tribes17300:11:34,539 –> 00:11:36,059in the northern part of Israel,17400:11:36,059 –> 00:11:38,239the huge majority of Israel17500:11:38,239 –> 00:11:40,880declaring independence from the house of David17600:11:40,880 –> 00:11:42,760and they appointed their own king,17700:11:42,760 –> 00:11:43,919turned out to be Jeroboam.17800:11:43,919 –> 00:11:45,280It’s amazing how the military leader17900:11:45,280 –> 00:11:47,820ends up being the king, isn’t it?18000:11:47,820 –> 00:11:48,820That’s what happened.18100:11:49,960 –> 00:11:54,280From then on, it was a line of unbroken disaster18200:11:54,280 –> 00:11:56,919for these 10 tribes that had separated18300:11:56,919 –> 00:11:58,799from the rule of my family line.18400:11:59,719 –> 00:12:04,799One after another, evil kings until the year 722 BC18500:12:04,799 –> 00:12:07,719about 300 years after my time,18600:12:07,719 –> 00:12:12,640when the Assyrians came in and they deported the people18700:12:12,640 –> 00:12:16,020and they overwhelmed all of the armies of the North18800:12:16,020 –> 00:12:18,960so that the Northern area of the kingdom18900:12:18,960 –> 00:12:21,900was left as a complete desolate wasteland.19000:12:23,919 –> 00:12:25,320And then, the king of Assyria,19100:12:25,320 –> 00:12:27,359having scattered all these people,19200:12:28,619 –> 00:12:31,380brought foreigners from all kinds of other nations19300:12:31,380 –> 00:12:34,539and forcibly repatriated them19400:12:34,539 –> 00:12:35,880to live in the Northern kingdom.19500:12:35,919 –> 00:12:38,580Do you know what these folks were called?19600:12:38,580 –> 00:12:42,260Samaritans, you know how much we Jews love them.19700:12:44,140 –> 00:12:47,219Well, that left just two tribes in the south19800:12:47,219 –> 00:12:49,880around Jerusalem continuing to live19900:12:49,880 –> 00:12:53,219under the line descended from me.20000:12:53,219 –> 00:12:54,059Now, to tell you,20100:12:54,059 –> 00:12:56,659my descendants were a bit of a mixed bunch.20200:12:56,659 –> 00:12:59,239Some of them had a heart for God.20300:12:59,239 –> 00:13:03,739A lot of them turned out to be all about themselves.20400:13:03,799 –> 00:13:07,900They continued after the fall of the Northern kingdom20500:13:07,900 –> 00:13:11,679for about another 100 or more years,20600:13:11,679 –> 00:13:14,419but eventually the same disaster that had come20700:13:14,419 –> 00:13:16,859to the north also came to these two tribes20800:13:16,859 –> 00:13:20,820living under the rule of my descendants in the south.20900:13:20,820 –> 00:13:23,580Babylon was the superpower of the day21000:13:23,580 –> 00:13:26,179and Nebuchadnezzar’s armies came along21100:13:26,179 –> 00:13:28,820and marched against Jerusalem.21200:13:28,820 –> 00:13:30,880The city was completely destroyed,21300:13:30,880 –> 00:13:33,099the temple was devastated21400:13:33,099 –> 00:13:36,500and the people who had not fled or had not died21500:13:36,500 –> 00:13:39,520were taken off into exile in Babylon.21600:13:41,500 –> 00:13:45,380Zedekiah was the last king of my line21700:13:45,380 –> 00:13:47,739to sit on the throne in Jerusalem21800:13:48,880 –> 00:13:51,520and the end came for him in the year21900:13:51,520 –> 00:13:55,239586 years before Jesus.22000:13:56,219 –> 00:14:00,260And after that, descendants from my line,22100:14:00,280 –> 00:14:02,760they all lived in obscurity,22200:14:04,179 –> 00:14:06,080most of them living in poverty.22300:14:07,460 –> 00:14:10,500People watched and people waited22400:14:11,919 –> 00:14:15,380to see how God’s promise might be fulfilled.22500:14:15,380 –> 00:14:16,979Of course you know the story that22600:14:16,979 –> 00:14:21,840after 70 years, the people who were in exile,22700:14:21,840 –> 00:14:24,780some of them came back to Jerusalem22800:14:24,780 –> 00:14:27,460and they rebuilt the city walls22900:14:27,460 –> 00:14:29,280and they rebuilt the temple.23000:14:29,500 –> 00:14:31,080You can read about this in the books23100:14:31,080 –> 00:14:32,840of Ezra and Nehemiah,23200:14:34,419 –> 00:14:36,159but I want you to understand this.23300:14:36,159 –> 00:14:38,200When that little community came back,23400:14:38,200 –> 00:14:41,200they had a temple, there was a worshiping people23500:14:42,520 –> 00:14:46,059but they had no Davidic king.23600:14:47,580 –> 00:14:48,700No Davidic king.23700:14:50,000 –> 00:14:51,840They were ruled from that time on23800:14:51,840 –> 00:14:53,500by kings who were foreigners.23900:14:53,500 –> 00:14:55,960Right down to the time of Herod.24000:14:56,039 –> 00:14:57,299There was an Edomite,24100:14:58,419 –> 00:15:02,359no one from my line on the throne since Zedekiah,24200:15:02,359 –> 00:15:05,159600 years before the birth of Jesus.24300:15:06,619 –> 00:15:09,979And so people waited and watched24400:15:09,979 –> 00:15:13,859and wondered 600 years since a Davidic king24500:15:13,859 –> 00:15:15,539has been on the throne,24600:15:15,539 –> 00:15:20,400how will one ever arise from obscurity24700:15:20,400 –> 00:15:23,159to fulfill the promise of God.24800:15:24,000 –> 00:15:28,880Well, I tell you it was a thousand years after my lifetime24900:15:28,880 –> 00:15:30,880before the promise was fulfilled,25000:15:32,140 –> 00:15:34,080and as I watched from above,25100:15:34,080 –> 00:15:38,159I cannot tell you the joy that was in my heart25200:15:38,159 –> 00:15:41,119as he was born.25300:15:42,219 –> 00:15:44,479By the way, have you noticed25400:15:44,479 –> 00:15:49,080that I get a direct personal mention25500:15:49,979 –> 00:15:53,479in the very first verse of the New Testament?25600:15:53,479 –> 00:15:54,880Did you notice that?25700:15:54,880 –> 00:15:56,080Here’s what it says.25800:15:56,080 –> 00:15:59,320Matthew chapter one and verse one.25900:15:59,320 –> 00:16:04,320A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,26000:16:05,159 –> 00:16:07,359the son of David,26100:16:07,359 –> 00:16:10,500my favorite verse in the New Testament.26200:16:11,840 –> 00:16:13,239By the way, while we’re on that,26300:16:13,239 –> 00:16:15,039you might be interested to know,26400:16:15,039 –> 00:16:17,000did you know this?26500:16:17,000 –> 00:16:21,179That both Joseph and Mary26600:16:21,179 –> 00:16:24,280were descended from my line through different sons.26700:16:25,119 –> 00:16:28,640Joseph was my descendant through Solomon26800:16:28,640 –> 00:16:32,520and his line is traced in the gospel of Matthew.26900:16:32,520 –> 00:16:35,919Mary was my descendant through Nathan,27000:16:35,919 –> 00:16:38,599the son that I named after the prophet27100:16:38,599 –> 00:16:43,440and her line is traced in the gospel of Luke.27200:16:43,440 –> 00:16:46,000Both of them are of the royal bloodline.27300:16:47,059 –> 00:16:51,299Both of them living in obscurity, amazing.27400:16:53,099 –> 00:16:56,739Actually, I get a mention all over the Christmas story.27500:16:56,739 –> 00:16:58,940Do you remember when the angel appeared to Mary,27600:16:58,940 –> 00:17:01,679he said that the son that she would bear27700:17:01,679 –> 00:17:04,319would be called the son of the most high27800:17:04,319 –> 00:17:09,319and that God would give him the throne of his father David,27900:17:10,000 –> 00:17:12,880my son on my throne.28000:17:14,020 –> 00:17:16,880And then when Caesar called for that census28100:17:16,880 –> 00:17:19,880and everyone had to return to their own town of origin28200:17:19,880 –> 00:17:23,359in order to register, where did Mary and Joseph go?28300:17:23,359 –> 00:17:26,560But to Bethlehem, which was my hometown.28400:17:28,479 –> 00:17:30,359Now, think about this,28500:17:30,359 –> 00:17:32,000has it ever occurred to you,28600:17:32,000 –> 00:17:35,140I was a shepherd from Bethlehem.28700:17:35,140 –> 00:17:37,359I knew what it was to be out on those hills28800:17:37,359 –> 00:17:38,380watching sheep at night.28900:17:38,380 –> 00:17:40,920That’s what I did, as the youngest brother29000:17:40,959 –> 00:17:45,420for years before God had given me opportunity29100:17:45,420 –> 00:17:46,979to serve in other ways.29200:17:46,979 –> 00:17:49,199I knew what it was like for these guys29300:17:49,199 –> 00:17:51,560who would out on the hills behind Bethlehem29400:17:51,560 –> 00:17:55,079watching sheep on the night when Jesus was born29500:17:55,079 –> 00:17:57,560and the angel of the Lord appeared to them29600:17:57,560 –> 00:17:59,839and the glory of the Lord shone around them.29700:17:59,839 –> 00:18:03,119And you remember what the angel said to them.29800:18:03,119 –> 00:18:04,619Don’t be afraid, he said.29900:18:04,619 –> 00:18:06,579Today, there’s good news of great joy30000:18:06,579 –> 00:18:11,380because today in the town of David, Bethlehem,30100:18:11,380 –> 00:18:15,020they’d renamed it really, because that’s where I came from.30200:18:15,020 –> 00:18:20,020A Savior has been born to you and he is Christ the Lord.30300:18:22,939 –> 00:18:27,939Roll the story forward, because if you end at Christmas,30400:18:28,300 –> 00:18:30,479you really don’t get what it’s all about.30500:18:31,780 –> 00:18:34,420Roll the story forward and you find Jesus30600:18:34,420 –> 00:18:36,400beginning his public ministry.30700:18:37,300 –> 00:18:38,819And he healed people30800:18:39,739 –> 00:18:42,939and folks were astonished at what he did.30900:18:42,939 –> 00:18:44,680On one occasion, you can read about this31000:18:44,680 –> 00:18:46,920in Matthew in chapter 12,31100:18:46,920 –> 00:18:49,140some people found a person31200:18:49,140 –> 00:18:52,959who seemed to be a uniquely difficult case.31300:18:54,219 –> 00:18:59,219This man couldn’t speak and he couldn’t see31400:19:00,359 –> 00:19:02,660and on top of that he was possessed31500:19:02,800 –> 00:19:05,900by many evil spirits, demons.31600:19:06,939 –> 00:19:09,719I guess these folks wanted to test Jesus.31700:19:09,719 –> 00:19:11,060We’ve seen him doing some miracles,31800:19:11,060 –> 00:19:13,780let’s see what he can do with this fellow.31900:19:13,780 –> 00:19:15,500So they brought this fellow who can’t see32000:19:15,500 –> 00:19:17,900and can’t speak and is possessed by many demons32100:19:17,900 –> 00:19:20,859they bring him to Jesus, let’s see what he can do with him.32200:19:20,859 –> 00:19:22,859And you know what Jesus did,32300:19:22,859 –> 00:19:26,119he healed him and delivered him on the spot.32400:19:27,500 –> 00:19:29,979Well, that absolutely astonished everyone.32500:19:29,979 –> 00:19:31,739You could read this in your Bible.32600:19:31,739 –> 00:19:33,619Here’s what people started to say.32700:19:33,619 –> 00:19:37,959They said, could this be the son of David?32800:19:39,520 –> 00:19:43,420Could this Jesus be the one who for all these centuries32900:19:43,420 –> 00:19:45,300and generations we’ve been looking33000:19:45,300 –> 00:19:48,619since God gave the promise to me?33100:19:49,739 –> 00:19:52,300Word about him spread, of course.33200:19:52,300 –> 00:19:54,780And eventually he came to Jerusalem.33300:19:54,780 –> 00:19:57,660Wouldn’t you celebrate this a little nearer to Easter?33400:19:57,680 –> 00:20:00,540There was a day when he came into the city33500:20:00,540 –> 00:20:03,939riding on a donkey and more and more people33600:20:03,939 –> 00:20:05,660had come to the same conclusion33700:20:05,660 –> 00:20:07,099that they expressed that day.33800:20:07,099 –> 00:20:09,739You remember they picked up palm branches33900:20:09,739 –> 00:20:11,680and they said, say it with me,34000:20:11,680 –> 00:20:14,339Hosanna to the son of David.34100:20:16,859 –> 00:20:20,180They’d come to believe that this34200:20:20,180 –> 00:20:23,280is the one in whom that great promise34300:20:23,280 –> 00:20:26,859to me would be fulfilled.34400:20:28,339 –> 00:20:30,180You know, as you read through the Gospels,34500:20:30,180 –> 00:20:34,239Jesus referred to me on many, many occasions,34600:20:34,239 –> 00:20:38,180but my favorite is the time when Jesus34700:20:38,180 –> 00:20:41,579quoted one of my Psalms34800:20:41,579 –> 00:20:46,219and threw the Pharisees into utter confusion.34900:20:46,219 –> 00:20:48,579I wonder if you know this story.35000:20:48,579 –> 00:20:52,859Here’s what I wrote in Psalm 110.35100:20:52,859 –> 00:20:55,020I wrote these words, they’re very important.35200:20:55,020 –> 00:20:57,160In fact, they’re so important35300:20:57,160 –> 00:20:59,979that these words are the most quoted words35400:20:59,979 –> 00:21:01,560from the Old Testament in all35500:21:01,560 –> 00:21:03,359of the New Testament scriptures.35600:21:03,359 –> 00:21:06,239Psalm 110, verse one, here’s what I wrote.35700:21:06,239 –> 00:21:08,380Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,35800:21:08,380 –> 00:21:13,380I said, the Lord, that is, God Almighty, Yahweh,35900:21:15,079 –> 00:21:20,079the Lord, I wrote, said to my Lord,36000:21:22,099 –> 00:21:25,380sit at my right hand until all your enemies36100:21:25,380 –> 00:21:26,500are under your feet.36200:21:28,060 –> 00:21:31,180You see, it had been revealed to me by God36300:21:32,439 –> 00:21:37,439that beside the Almighty Himself would be one36400:21:39,599 –> 00:21:44,599who I could only describe as, my Lord,36500:21:46,560 –> 00:21:49,239and that the Almighty would say to the one36600:21:49,239 –> 00:21:51,719I can only describe as my Lord36700:21:52,760 –> 00:21:56,239that he should sit at the right hand of the Almighty.36800:21:57,280 –> 00:22:00,219And that he should sit there until all his enemies36900:22:00,219 –> 00:22:02,040have been placed under his feet.37000:22:03,520 –> 00:22:05,199It was all a little hazy to me,37100:22:05,199 –> 00:22:06,959but enough was revealed to me37200:22:06,959 –> 00:22:09,839so that I knew that the one I could only describe37300:22:09,839 –> 00:22:14,199as my Lord would be at the right hand of the Almighty37400:22:14,199 –> 00:22:17,660and that all his enemies would be put under his feet,37500:22:17,660 –> 00:22:20,280and I wrote that in Psalm 11037600:22:20,280 –> 00:22:22,660under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,37700:22:22,660 –> 00:22:24,280and it’s so important37800:22:24,280 –> 00:22:26,459that it is the most quoted single statement37900:22:26,560 –> 00:22:29,400from all the Old Testament Scriptures in the New Testament.38000:22:29,400 –> 00:22:30,479I wonder if you knew.38100:22:31,400 –> 00:22:33,880You’ve been listening to David’s Story,38200:22:33,880 –> 00:22:36,140one of our Christmas Story series38300:22:36,140 –> 00:22:38,920on Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith.38400:22:38,920 –> 00:22:40,859Don’t forget, if you ever miss one of the series38500:22:40,859 –> 00:22:42,780or if you want to go back and listen again,38600:22:42,780 –> 00:22:45,380you can do that by coming online to our website,38700:22:45,380 –> 00:22:48,660openthebible.org.uk.38800:22:48,660 –> 00:22:52,140Open the Bible is entirely funded by our listeners,38900:22:52,140 –> 00:22:53,260and we’re very grateful,39000:22:53,260 –> 00:22:55,900so if you already give to the work of Open the Bible,39100:22:55,900 –> 00:22:57,699thank you so much.39200:22:57,699 –> 00:23:00,500If that’s something you’re considering doing in the future,39300:23:00,500 –> 00:23:02,140we have an offer for you this month,39400:23:02,140 –> 00:23:04,140which I hope you’ll be interested in.39500:23:04,140 –> 00:23:05,500During the month of December,39600:23:05,500 –> 00:23:08,300if you are able to set up a new direct debit39700:23:08,300 –> 00:23:09,959to the work of Open the Bible39800:23:09,959 –> 00:23:13,020in the amount of £5 per month or more,39900:23:13,020 –> 00:23:17,140or a one-off gift to Open the Bible of £50 or more,40000:23:17,140 –> 00:23:18,400we’d love to say thank you40100:23:18,400 –> 00:23:22,619by sending you three copies of John’s Gospel.40200:23:22,619 –> 00:23:24,839I recently caught up with Amanda Cunningham,40300:23:24,839 –> 00:23:27,839who is Open the Bible UK’s Operations40400:23:27,839 –> 00:23:29,979and Communications Manager.40500:23:29,979 –> 00:23:33,380And I asked her to tell me more about this free gift.40600:23:33,380 –> 00:23:34,479Thank you, David.40700:23:34,479 –> 00:23:37,300Yes, we are really excited to be giving away40800:23:37,300 –> 00:23:40,319not just one, but three of these ESV40900:23:40,319 –> 00:23:43,160journaling copies of John’s Gospel,41000:23:43,160 –> 00:23:46,339as well as an Open the Bible bookmark41100:23:46,339 –> 00:23:48,579with five questions to reflect on41200:23:48,579 –> 00:23:50,660as you open the Bible.41300:23:50,660 –> 00:23:53,239Each page of sex is a blank page opposite41400:23:53,319 –> 00:23:55,939on lovely thick cream paper,41500:23:55,939 –> 00:23:58,680which means they’re perfect for writing notes,41600:23:58,680 –> 00:24:00,719reflections, or prayers.41700:24:00,719 –> 00:24:03,760Or if you’re giving it to an inquiring friend,41800:24:03,760 –> 00:24:05,239perhaps you could suggest that they41900:24:05,239 –> 00:24:07,680write down any questions that they want to ask you42000:24:07,680 –> 00:24:10,239or anything that they’re struck by.42100:24:10,239 –> 00:24:13,239I also really love the beautiful gold ink42200:24:13,239 –> 00:24:14,760illustrations in the book42300:24:14,760 –> 00:24:17,800and the unique gold foil stamped cover,42400:24:17,800 –> 00:24:20,020which gives it a feel of luxury.42500:24:20,020 –> 00:24:22,160So I definitely wouldn’t feel embarrassed42600:24:22,239 –> 00:24:24,839about giving this gospel as a Christmas gift,42700:24:24,839 –> 00:24:26,400but if you do feel a little nervous42800:24:26,400 –> 00:24:27,979about giving it to someone,42900:24:27,979 –> 00:24:30,400why not bundle it in with a box of chocolates43000:24:30,400 –> 00:24:33,099or the pair of socks that you’re already giving?43100:24:33,099 –> 00:24:36,160After all, what could be a more precious gift43200:24:36,160 –> 00:24:39,199this Christmas than the living Word of God?43300:24:39,199 –> 00:24:42,359And these beautiful illustrated Gospels of John43400:24:42,359 –> 00:24:45,540would be a perfect way to give that gift.43500:24:45,540 –> 00:24:46,839Thank you, Amanda.43600:24:46,839 –> 00:24:49,180So those three copies of John’s Gospel43700:24:49,180 –> 00:24:51,239are our gift to you if you’re able to begin43800:24:51,400 –> 00:24:53,979your new direct debit to the work of Open the Bible43900:24:53,979 –> 00:24:57,699this month in the amount of £5 per month or more44000:24:57,699 –> 00:24:59,500or a one-off gift of £50.44100:25:00,780 –> 00:25:03,900Full details, terms and conditions are on our website.44200:25:03,900 –> 00:25:07,359That’s at openthebible.org.uk.44300:25:07,359 –> 00:25:09,939For Pastor Colin Smith and Open the Bible,44400:25:09,939 –> 00:25:12,160I’m David Pink, and I hope you’ll join us again44500:25:12,160 –> 00:25:14,239next time on Open the Bible.44600:25:15,160 –> 00:25:17,439After David’s great victory over Goliath,44700:25:17,439 –> 00:25:20,319the people of God made him king.44800:25:20,319 –> 00:25:23,040Find out why the people needed a better king44900:25:23,040 –> 00:25:25,119next time on Open the Bible.


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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Christmas Stories brings a fresh perspective on the birth of Jesus as seen through the eyes of those who were there! Speaking in the first person voice of characters such as Joseph, Herod, the Angels, and others, Pastor Colin recalls the story of the coming of Jesus and the hope this gives to all humanity.

Colin Smith



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