A Father’s Wisdom

this is the featured image of the A Father’s Wisdom series

Where your heart is today is a good predictor of where you will be tomorrow. In Proverbs 23, you will hear the voice of a father who is seeking the good of his son, and the voice of God the Father speaking to you. In this two-part series, Pastor Colin opens up Proverbs 23 to help us see the importance of the heart, to find out where the heart goes wrong, and to discover how the heart can be set right.

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My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. (Proverbs 23:26) As I have reflected on these words and the verses that come before, I have found them so rich that I want us to stay here for two weeks. Today we look at The Heart Gone Wrong. Next week we…Read More

Colin Smith

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10) We begin where we ended last time with the prayer of Solomon’s father, David. The word create means to bring into existence something that was not previously there. There’s more here than David asking to be forgiven. He…Read More

Colin Smith

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