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In the sermon on 1 Timothy 3:16, Pastor Colin addressed the meaning of godliness and its relation to the mystery of Christianity - that God was manifested in the flesh through Jesus Christ. The speaker emphasised that being 'God's person' is achievable through the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermon identified how we can live this called life through belief in Jesus Christ.

Colin Smith

Everlasting life and salvation from the final judgement of Almighty God are yours by believing. So, what does it mean to believe? Pastor Colin explains.

Colin Smith

Discover how the manifestation and resurrection of Jesus lay the foundations for godliness, and learn what it means to be 'seen by angels' and 'proclaimed among the nations'.

Colin Smith

Does a more intelligent person have any advantage when it comes to knowing God? Pastor Colin explains why it can actually be a hindrance to knowing God.

Colin Smith

What is the secret to living a godly life? The answer does not lie in some technique, program, or discipline, but in a person. Pastor Colin leads us through 1 Timothy 3:16, which scholars suggest may have been an early Christian creed or hymn. In it, you will discover 6 marvelous statements about Jesus. These

Colin Smith

Godliness is not about having the right technique, or program, or discipline. How can you become the godly man or woman that God has called you to be? Pastor Colin talks about the “mystery” of godliness.

Colin Smith

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