Listener Favourites 2022

We looked at the Top 10 messages that were the most requested, downloaded, and streamed online over the past year and compiled them into this special collection.

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The most common question about heaven is whether we will recognize our loved ones there. The answer is a resounding Yes, grounded in Scripture and the assurance of a perfect communion with God and each other.

Colin Smith

Asaph, the author of Psalm 73, was appointed by King David to be in charge of music in the house of the Lord and played a significant role in the spiritual life of the community. Despite his mature faith and full-time ministry, Asaph faced a crisis where he nearly lost his faith.

Colin Smith

This sermon is part of the series, Restored: How God Can Give Back What You’ve Lost. “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.”  Joel 2:25 Money can be restored. Property can be restored—cars, painting, old houses. Relationships can be restored. But one thing that can never be restored is…Read More

Colin Smith

The key message from today's sermon is the profound truth from Scripture: Matthew 5:8 - "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." This Beatitude from Jesus presents us with the promise and the challenge that purity allows us to behold God himself.

Colin Smith

Pastor Colin draws from Ephesians 6, focusing on how to stand firm in this spiritual battle through several key observations

Colin Smith

Troubles dominated the last chapter of David’s life, and he brought these troubles on himself by his own sin and folly.

Colin Smith

In the sermon on 1 Timothy 3:16, Pastor Colin addressed the meaning of godliness and its relation to the mystery of Christianity - that God was manifested in the flesh through Jesus Christ. The speaker emphasised that being 'God's person' is achievable through the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermon identified how we can live this called life through belief in Jesus Christ.

Colin Smith

“This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death.” (Deuteronomy 33:1)

Colin Smith

Launching our Meet Jesus series, we strive to encounter Jesus Christ in our worship and daily life. This effort is not about maintaining tradition but about engaging with a living Savior. The question to ponder post-service is, "Did you connect with Jesus?"

Colin Smith

The sermon addresses how Christians should respond to fear in light of the recent violence and unrest in the world, particularly after the San Bernardino atrocity. Pastor Colin discusses the unique perspective that faith offers in these trying times.

Colin Smith



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