Jesus Offers Life to His People

Mark 15:42-16:8

In his sermon, Pastor Colin discusses the final chapter of Mark’s Gospel, focusing on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He highlights the significance of the resurrection as the foundation of the Christian faith, illustrating how Jesus’ victory over death is a message of hope and grace for believers today.

Pastor Colin points out a textual problem regarding the ending of Mark’s Gospel. He explains that many reliable early manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20, suggesting that the Gospel originally ended at verse 8. This abrupt ending, with the women fleeing the tomb in fear and silence, is contrasted with the other Gospels which include resurrection appearances and the Great Commission.

He argues that the silence and fear of the women at the tomb can reflect the state of a Church or believer who, despite knowing the truth of the resurrection, is still gripped by fear and unable to witness effectively. This serves as a powerful challenge for us to move beyond fear and silence to embrace the invitation to meet the risen Christ and receive His power and grace for our lives.

The sermon concludes with an invitation to come to the risen Christ in faith and repentance, urging listeners to fully draw on the grace, mercy, and strength He offers. Pastor Colin uses the analogy of a family inheriting wealth but not using it to illustrate the importance of actively embracing Christ’s resurrection power in transforming our lives.

1 00:00:00,660 –> 00:00:06,220 Please open your Bible then at Mark’s gospel and chapter sixteen. 2 00:00:06,220 –> 00:00:16,639 And today we come to the final chapter of the gospel, where we learn about the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 3 00:00:16,639 –> 00:00:25,260 And the gospel is good news. That is what the word gospel means, of course, because Jesus has conquered death. 4 00:00:25,260 –> 00:00:34,520 He is alive today and he invites us to draw near to him, and to receive the mercy and the grace that he is able to give to us, 5 00:00:34,520 –> 00:00:42,660 the strength that he is able to give to us for our lives, to live a life that is pleasing to God. 6 00:00:42,660 –> 00:00:49,680 Now, before we come to the message of the resurrection this morning, if you’ve got your Bible open at Mark chapter sixteen, 7 00:00:49,680 –> 00:00:59,340 I want us to notice that we are faced with a problem that comes right at the end of Mark’s gospel, and the problem is simply this. 8 00:00:59,340 –> 00:01:04,419 Where does Mark’s gospel end? 9 00:01:04,419 –> 00:01:10,559 If you have the pew Bible, that the church supplies, that is the new international version, 10 00:01:10,559 –> 00:01:17,739 notice that at the end of verse eight and before verse nine, you have these words, 11 00:01:17,739 –> 00:01:31,540 The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16, verses nine through 20. 12 00:01:32,139 –> 00:01:39,599 Now if Mark’s gospel ends at Mark 16 in verse eight, as I believe it did, 13 00:01:39,599 –> 00:01:48,220 let’s look at what we’ve got. Number one, the women visit the tomb and they find 14 00:01:48,220 –> 00:01:55,239 that the stone is rolled away, the tomb is empty. Number two, the angel tells the 15 00:01:55,480 –> 00:02:02,459 women what happened. Verse 6, Jesus has risen and verse 7, they are to go and 16 00:02:02,459 –> 00:02:06,959 they are to tell the disciples that they can meet up with Jesus who has gone 17 00:02:06,959 –> 00:02:15,199 ahead of them into Galilee. Third, the women are overwhelmed with fear, they say 18 00:02:15,199 –> 00:02:22,360 nothing to anyone. Verse 8, trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled 19 00:02:22,360 –> 00:02:30,259 from the tomb, they said nothing to anyone because they were afraid. You read 20 00:02:30,259 –> 00:02:33,839 verse 8, you say, well that’s the end of the gospel? 21 00:02:33,839 –> 00:02:44,100 Come on can’t be! Put this alongside the other Gospels, Matthew, the Great 22 00:02:44,860 –> 00:02:52,820 Commission, go into all the world, make disciples, baptize them in the name of 23 00:02:52,820 –> 00:02:56,899 the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I’ve 24 00:02:56,899 –> 00:03:04,880 commanded you, and lo, I will be with you always. Put it alongside Luke, the promise 25 00:03:04,880 –> 00:03:11,759 of the Holy Spirit, and the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am going to send 26 00:03:11,759 –> 00:03:17,380 you what my Father has promised you. But stay in the city until you are clothed 27 00:03:17,380 –> 00:03:22,399 with power from on high.” And then he was taken up into heaven, out of their sight. 28 00:03:22,399 –> 00:03:30,759 That sounds like an ending to me. John, that beautiful scene where John records 29 00:03:30,759 –> 00:03:36,179 that Peter meets up with Jesus at Galilee, and after a fishing expedition, 30 00:03:36,179 –> 00:03:42,520 Jesus restores Peter. Peter do you love me? You know that I love you, feed my 31 00:03:42,520 –> 00:03:49,119 sheep. Peter do you love me? You know, Lord, that I love you, feed my sheep. Peter do 32 00:03:49,119 –> 00:03:55,740 you love me? Lord, you know that I love you, feed my sheep. And after this, Jesus 33 00:03:55,740 –> 00:04:03,240 said to them all, follow me. And then Mark, trembling and bewildered, the women 34 00:04:03,279 –> 00:04:06,800 went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone because they were 35 00:04:06,800 –> 00:04:14,240 afraid.” I can see why some folks in the early church thought that Mark’s gospel 36 00:04:14,240 –> 00:04:22,440 needed a better ending than that. Can’t you see that? If Mark’s gospel ended at 37 00:04:22,440 –> 00:04:29,839 verse 8, there are no resurrection appearances, no Great Commission, no 38 00:04:29,839 –> 00:04:37,880 ascension into heaven. If indeed Mark’s gospel ends at verse 8, it kind of looks 39 00:04:37,880 –> 00:04:44,320 like an unfinished story. So it is not surprising that folks, at some point 40 00:04:44,320 –> 00:04:50,839 later we do not know when, felt that they had to spice the ending up by adding 41 00:04:50,839 –> 00:04:55,019 things that were already known from the other gospels. And you will find if you 42 00:04:55,019 –> 00:04:58,799 read the longer ending that it includes three resurrection appearances, the Great 43 00:04:58,899 –> 00:05:05,760 Commission, and an account of the ascension. So which way are we to go? The 44 00:05:05,760 –> 00:05:13,260 unfinished story or the longer ending? Now I have to say to you this is not 45 00:05:13,260 –> 00:05:17,260 simply a question of preference. You know it’s not like Burger King with 46 00:05:17,260 –> 00:05:21,739 their marvelous slogan, you know, have it your way. You know, how would you like 47 00:05:21,739 –> 00:05:26,839 your Bible, sir? Would you like it with the unfinished story or would you 48 00:05:26,920 –> 00:05:32,260 personally prefer the longer ending? Have it your way. No it’s not like that. There 49 00:05:32,260 –> 00:05:39,920 really is only one question here, and it’s this. What did Mark write, or to put 50 00:05:39,920 –> 00:05:45,440 it another way, where did Mark finish? And scholars who have studied the 51 00:05:45,440 –> 00:05:51,619 manuscripts and have also studied very carefully the grammar and the style of 52 00:05:51,739 –> 00:05:57,380 of these last 12 verses, verses 9-20, have come to the clear and repeated 53 00:05:57,380 –> 00:06:04,799 conclusion that Mark did indeed end at verse 8. And that verse 9-20 that 54 00:06:04,799 –> 00:06:08,220 these verses were added later. In other words that they were not written by Mark 55 00:06:08,220 –> 00:06:11,579 and that they are therefore not part of the gospel and that the New 56 00:06:11,579 –> 00:06:14,640 International Version and many other versions of the Bible is absolutely 57 00:06:14,640 –> 00:06:19,700 right in separating them off and indicating to us that this was not part 58 00:06:19,899 –> 00:06:25,339 of what Mark originally wrote. So I’m convinced, and we can be very confident, 59 00:06:25,339 –> 00:06:34,859 that Mark ended his gospel at verse 8 and that God intended it to be so. And 60 00:06:34,859 –> 00:06:42,579 that’s the point. I want us to see this morning that God has something to say to 61 00:06:42,579 –> 00:06:49,040 us about the resurrection from this gospel that is distinct from what we 62 00:06:49,079 –> 00:06:51,480 find in the other three. God, after all, 63 00:06:51,480 –> 00:06:57,320 wonderfully has given us four gospels, and each one gives us a distinct witness 64 00:06:57,320 –> 00:07:02,739 to our Lord Jesus Christ. And there is something that God wants us to know from 65 00:07:02,739 –> 00:07:08,279 the ending of this gospel that you will not find in the others, and that is what 66 00:07:08,279 –> 00:07:14,600 I want us to grasp together today. We’re going to focus on three things. The 67 00:07:14,600 –> 00:07:20,480 first is the explanation that the angel gives to the women with regard to the 68 00:07:20,480 –> 00:07:27,079 resurrection of Jesus Christ. Will you focus with me on verses 5 and 6. Mark 69 00:07:27,079 –> 00:07:33,320 says that the women who came to the tombs saw a young man dressed in a white 70 00:07:33,320 –> 00:07:40,359 robe, verse 5. Now Matthew tells us in chapter 28 and verse 5 that they saw an 71 00:07:40,359 –> 00:07:46,679 angel. So what we have here is Mark describing the appearance. The one who 72 00:07:46,679 –> 00:07:51,040 was there looked like a young man dressed in a white robe, 73 00:07:51,040 –> 00:07:56,880 Matthew is describing the identity. Clearly this was an angel who appeared 74 00:07:56,880 –> 00:08:03,660 in the tomb, and the angel said, verse 6, don’t be alarmed. You are looking for 75 00:08:03,660 –> 00:08:12,239 Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified. He has risen. He is not here. See the place 76 00:08:12,239 –> 00:08:21,260 where they laid him. I want you to notice that it is an angel from heaven who 77 00:08:21,260 –> 00:08:26,140 tells the women that Jesus is risen. Have you noticed that before? 78 00:08:26,140 –> 00:08:33,020 It was not that Mary got into the tomb, saw that it was empty, turned around to 79 00:08:33,020 –> 00:08:39,119 Salome and said, you know Salome he must have risen from the dead. That thought 80 00:08:39,119 –> 00:08:48,700 did not even occur to the women. It was the angel who told them. Now that is very 81 00:08:48,700 –> 00:08:53,780 important because some people have the idea that faith is about creating your 82 00:08:53,780 –> 00:08:58,640 own reality. Their suggestion is, you know, that the women and later the 83 00:08:59,260 –> 00:09:03,739 disciples had such an intense desire that Jesus should be with them, that they 84 00:09:03,739 –> 00:09:07,919 kind of created this reality in their own minds, and that if you are inclined 85 00:09:07,919 –> 00:09:12,440 to be a person of faith, then you can also create this reality within your own 86 00:09:12,440 –> 00:09:17,840 mind. But there is no objective reality to correspond to a Jesus who is risen 87 00:09:17,840 –> 00:09:23,679 from the dead. Well what Mark tells us here, makes such a suggestion impossible. 88 00:09:23,719 –> 00:09:30,640 The women went to the tomb, he says, to anoint the body of Jesus. Their minds 89 00:09:30,640 –> 00:09:34,340 were not filled with thoughts of him being alive but filled with thoughts of 90 00:09:34,340 –> 00:09:40,239 him being dead. That’s why they went. The issue that dominated their mind, Mark 91 00:09:40,239 –> 00:09:45,580 tells us on the journey, was who would move away the stone. And even when they 92 00:09:45,580 –> 00:09:49,960 find that the tomb is empty, the thought that Jesus is risen does not occur to 93 00:09:49,960 –> 00:09:57,140 them, they have to be told. And even after they are told by the angel they 94 00:09:57,140 –> 00:10:03,500 are still left bewildered, verse eight, terrified and silent. So there is 95 00:10:03,500 –> 00:10:09,320 absolutely no basis whatsoever here from the evidence that Mark gives to us that 96 00:10:09,320 –> 00:10:14,719 these women were somehow creating their own reality. I tell you that is very 97 00:10:14,940 –> 00:10:22,440 important because I wish, I really wish that I could have one dollar for every 98 00:10:22,440 –> 00:10:28,739 person who has heard the gospel and then said to the person who told them, well 99 00:10:28,739 –> 00:10:34,960 that’s just your interpretation. I tell you I would be a multimillionaire if I 100 00:10:34,960 –> 00:10:41,179 had one dollar for every person who has ever said that. That’s just your 101 00:10:41,359 –> 00:10:48,700 interpretation. Now listen, the resurrection was not the women’s 102 00:10:48,700 –> 00:10:59,140 interpretation. The resurrection is not a believer’s interpretation. The 103 00:10:59,140 –> 00:11:07,859 resurrection is God’s revelation, through an angel sent from heaven, to explain 104 00:11:07,859 –> 00:11:16,200 what the women otherwise would not have guessed nor comprehended. Christian 105 00:11:16,200 –> 00:11:23,500 faith does not hang on personal interpretations. Christian faith hangs on 106 00:11:23,500 –> 00:11:32,260 God’s explanation of what God has done. A Christian is a person who believes 107 00:11:32,340 –> 00:11:38,739 God’s explanation of what God has done. You see, we need not only what God has 108 00:11:38,739 –> 00:11:42,859 done but the explanation. God’s explanation of what he has done. 109 00:11:42,859 –> 00:11:48,539 Otherwise we can never come to faith. Think of it, if all we had at Christmas 110 00:11:48,539 –> 00:11:55,700 was the story of a baby who was born to a virgin we would be stretching our 111 00:11:55,700 –> 00:11:59,940 heads forever trying to work out what the significance of this was. What do we 112 00:11:59,940 –> 00:12:06,539 need? That God should send someone from heaven to explain to us that this is the 113 00:12:06,539 –> 00:12:14,739 Son of God. That this Jesus is God with us, God in the flesh. If all we had on 114 00:12:14,739 –> 00:12:19,340 Good Friday was the record that Jesus died on the cross, we would never know 115 00:12:19,340 –> 00:12:23,900 what this means. We could never understand its significance. It takes God 116 00:12:23,900 –> 00:12:29,760 to give us the explanation. And what is it? God says, this Jesus is dying for your 117 00:12:29,799 –> 00:12:35,219 sins. Christian faith rests on that. And if all we had at Easter was the empty 118 00:12:35,340 –> 00:12:39,479 tomb, we would be… And we were left to our own interpretation, we would never 119 00:12:39,479 –> 00:12:43,400 know what has happened. So God gives us the explanation. This is what you need to 120 00:12:43,400 –> 00:12:51,900 understand. This Jesus who was crucified is risen from the dead. See? The birth, 121 00:12:51,900 –> 00:12:55,520 and the death, and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ are events outside 122 00:12:55,520 –> 00:12:59,900 of our experience. We have no categories for interpreting them unless God should 123 00:12:59,900 –> 00:13:10,400 explain to us what they mean. God gives us the interpretation. God tells 124 00:13:10,400 –> 00:13:16,719 us what happened. And what that means for us is this, that Christian faith does 125 00:13:16,719 –> 00:13:22,880 not rest on our feelings, it doesn’t rest in our insights, it doesn’t rest 126 00:13:23,020 –> 00:13:30,479 on our interpretations. Christian faith rests on God’s explanation of his own 127 00:13:30,479 –> 00:13:40,239 actions revealed to us and recorded for us in the Scriptures. He has risen. Who 128 00:13:40,239 –> 00:13:53,099 says so? God says so. And you can stake your life and your eternity on that. Now 129 00:13:53,099 –> 00:14:03,320 don’t you just feel thankful today that the God of the Bible speaks? That the God 130 00:14:03,320 –> 00:14:08,719 of the Bible makes himself known so that we may know him? That the God of the 131 00:14:09,080 –> 00:14:15,700 Bible reveals the truth so that we may come to him? I tell you, if you don’t 132 00:14:15,700 –> 00:14:20,659 believe in a God who speaks, you don’t believe in the God of the Bible. The God 133 00:14:20,659 –> 00:14:26,260 of the Bible makes himself known to Moses and makes himself known in Jesus 134 00:14:26,260 –> 00:14:31,539 Christ, and it is because he reveals because he makes himself known because he 135 00:14:31,539 –> 00:14:39,239 is known that we have a basis for faith and you can stake your life and your 136 00:14:39,239 –> 00:14:47,059 eternity on God’s Word explaining God’s action in Jesus Christ the one born is 137 00:14:47,059 –> 00:14:51,640 the Son of God and when he died he died for your sins and when the tomb was 138 00:14:51,640 –> 00:15:00,500 empty the reason was he has risen from the dead. Not our interpretation God’s 139 00:15:00,500 –> 00:15:08,380 explanation his Word on which you can state your life and your eternity that’s 140 00:15:08,380 –> 00:15:14,960 the first thing here’s the second Mark gives us a fascinating description of 141 00:15:14,960 –> 00:15:22,099 what happened next used to enjoy a sort of Sports Quiz Program that was over in 142 00:15:22,099 –> 00:15:26,179 the UK I’ve not yet found if there’s a parallel here someone will tell me 143 00:15:26,179 –> 00:15:30,020 afterwards I’m sure but it was one of these things where you ran that they 144 00:15:30,099 –> 00:15:34,900 ran a little bit of film and then they stopped it and the panel were asked the 145 00:15:34,900 –> 00:15:38,219 question what happened next and it was usually an unusual thing you know like a 146 00:15:38,219 –> 00:15:43,280 boxing match and the frame is frozen and the next thing that happened was that in 147 00:15:43,280 –> 00:15:46,419 a freak you know one of the boxers knocked the referee out or something 148 00:15:46,419 –> 00:15:50,780 like that you you had to guess what would happen next you see well if we 149 00:15:50,780 –> 00:15:55,299 freeze-framed Mark’s Gospel after the announcement of the angel what would you 150 00:15:55,299 –> 00:16:01,940 think would happen next you see verse 8 takes us completely by surprise I think 151 00:16:01,940 –> 00:16:06,580 look at what it says they’re told about the resurrection there instructed to go 152 00:16:06,580 –> 00:16:12,539 and see Peter and to pass on the message and and Mark says trembling and 153 00:16:12,539 –> 00:16:19,580 bewildered the women went out and fled from the tomb they said nothing to 154 00:16:19,739 –> 00:16:27,239 anyone because they were afraid now the other gospels make it clear of course 155 00:16:27,239 –> 00:16:32,960 that the women did tell the disciples about the resurrection later but Mark 156 00:16:32,960 –> 00:16:39,940 wants us to know that at first they were silent that is his distinctive witness 157 00:16:39,940 –> 00:16:46,599 and only Mark tells us this let’s take it seriously what do we have 158 00:16:46,599 –> 00:16:57,119 here Christ is risen and the people to whom that message is entrusted are 159 00:16:57,119 –> 00:17:09,099 afraid bewildered and silent you have if I can paint the picture a risen Christ 160 00:17:09,560 –> 00:17:18,839 and Church that is the people to whom the message is entrusted with no 161 00:17:18,839 –> 00:17:30,420 witness no power only fear that is the distinctive witness of Mark’s gospel and 162 00:17:30,420 –> 00:17:34,260 I think that God intended it to be so because it says something very very 163 00:17:34,260 –> 00:17:41,459 powerful Matthew the Great Commission Luke the power of the Holy Spirit John 164 00:17:41,459 –> 00:17:51,359 the call to discipleship Mark the silent Church the church entrusted with the 165 00:17:51,359 –> 00:18:07,640 message but without words and without power inward-looking gripped by fear 166 00:18:09,219 –> 00:18:12,880 that’s why I say that there is a distinctive contribution that the ending 167 00:18:12,880 –> 00:18:16,920 of Mark’s Gospel surprising though it is makes to the total picture of Our Lord 168 00:18:16,939 –> 00:18:23,420 Jesus Christ because did not God intend the ending of this gospel to be the most 169 00:18:23,420 –> 00:18:33,400 profound challenge to the church it is possible for the church to be 170 00:18:33,400 –> 00:18:39,280 evangelical in doctrine to believe in the Incarnation and the substitutionary 171 00:18:39,280 –> 00:18:43,780 Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ and the bodily Resurrection and yet to have 172 00:18:43,859 –> 00:18:51,540 no effective witness in the world no confidence to pursue our God-given 173 00:18:51,540 –> 00:19:01,239 calling and instead to be gripped by fear you study the history of the church 174 00:19:01,239 –> 00:19:05,939 and you’ll see how often that has been the reality and remember Mark is writing 175 00:19:05,979 –> 00:19:14,920 to Christians in Rome and that was exactly the danger that they faced you 176 00:19:14,920 –> 00:19:21,900 read the ending of Mark’s gospel people in trusted with the greatest good news 177 00:19:21,900 –> 00:19:27,199 that has ever been heard and they’re going through life bewildered and their 178 00:19:27,199 –> 00:19:42,500 gripped by fear that can’t be where it ends precisely precisely risen Christ 179 00:19:42,500 –> 00:19:51,300 and those trusted with the news without witness and new part without power that 180 00:19:51,599 –> 00:19:58,140 not the kind of Church we want to be is it that is not the kind of Christianity 181 00:19:58,140 –> 00:20:03,979 you want for yourself is it that is not the kind of Christianity that we want 182 00:20:03,979 –> 00:20:15,260 for our children is it some of us have been brought up believing that Jesus was 183 00:20:15,260 –> 00:20:20,900 born and Jesus died and Jesus was raised we have always accepted these things 184 00:20:21,079 –> 00:20:28,099 but if you’re honest you may say on this Easter morning they have not really made 185 00:20:28,099 –> 00:20:35,060 very much difference to my life and that’s precisely the challenge and the 186 00:20:35,060 –> 00:20:39,300 question I think that the ending of Mark’s gospel raises for us and I think 187 00:20:39,300 –> 00:20:45,719 that we need to face it honestly I think God speaks to us powerfully through the 188 00:20:46,520 –> 00:20:53,119 Maybe you’re a person who believes in the risen Lord Jesus Christ that is why 189 00:20:53,119 –> 00:20:55,520 you’re here joyfully singing the hymns today 190 00:20:55,520 –> 00:21:01,640 but the truth is that your life is dominated by fear there is no witness 191 00:21:01,640 –> 00:21:08,300 that is coming from you there is no power that has yet changed your life it 192 00:21:08,300 –> 00:21:14,560 is a belief and it kind of sits there but it has not yet brought change it has 193 00:21:14,599 –> 00:21:20,000 not brought a new dynamic it has not moved you in a direction as a real 194 00:21:20,000 –> 00:21:29,800 follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and I think as you look into Mark chapter 16 195 00:21:29,800 –> 00:21:35,520 in verse 8 you’re just looking into the mirror haven’t you and I think all of us 196 00:21:35,520 –> 00:21:39,520 seeing what is here would say but this isn’t where we want to be it’s not where 197 00:21:39,520 –> 00:21:42,900 we want to be as a church it’s not what any of us wants to be as individuals 198 00:21:43,280 –> 00:21:47,060 this is not where we want to be this is unfinished there’s something wrong we 199 00:21:47,060 –> 00:21:58,619 need to move from this we can’t end here so I want you to see in verse 7 200 00:21:58,619 –> 00:22:02,819 where mark points us and it’s very wonderful and very significant because 201 00:22:02,819 –> 00:22:07,339 not only does Mark give us the explanation of the angel a description 202 00:22:07,479 –> 00:22:12,920 of what happened next but he gives to us an open-ended invitation that is 203 00:22:12,920 –> 00:22:19,479 wonderfully expressed in verse 7 Angel says to the women go and tell his 204 00:22:19,479 –> 00:22:26,359 disciples in Peter he is going ahead of you into Galilee and there you will see 205 00:22:26,359 –> 00:22:35,380 him just as he has told you now this is a great invitation that the women are to 206 00:22:35,479 –> 00:22:42,699 to pass on to the disciples in the first case the risen Lord Jesus Christ wants 207 00:22:42,699 –> 00:22:47,680 to meet you that’s the message there to say to the disciples the risen Lord 208 00:22:47,680 –> 00:22:52,680 Jesus wants to meet you he’s gone ahead of you you will meet him if you go to 209 00:22:52,680 –> 00:22:59,160 Galilee you will see him there now notice the significance here the 210 00:22:59,160 –> 00:23:04,180 disciples must go to Galilee there is something that the disciples must do 211 00:23:04,180 –> 00:23:10,400 there is an initiative that the disciples must take if they are to 212 00:23:10,400 –> 00:23:18,979 encounter meat the risen Lord Jesus Christ now if you want to know what 213 00:23:18,979 –> 00:23:23,280 happened in Galilee you can read the end of John’s gospel because John tells us 214 00:23:23,280 –> 00:23:27,400 about what happened when the disciples went to Galilee because they did follow 215 00:23:27,400 –> 00:23:31,540 through on the message they eventually got from the women and that was where 216 00:23:31,819 –> 00:23:37,180 was wonderfully restored wonderfully forgiven and wonderfully recommissioned 217 00:23:37,180 –> 00:23:44,459 by our risen Lord Jesus Christ but mark leaves us hanging mark doesn’t tell us 218 00:23:44,459 –> 00:23:53,319 that story and again I’m convinced that that is what God intended Mark simply 219 00:23:53,319 –> 00:24:02,760 leaves the invitation open because you see it’s not simply an invitation for 220 00:24:02,760 –> 00:24:09,280 the disciples it is also an invitation for us not to go to Galilee because he 221 00:24:09,280 –> 00:24:15,640 is not there now but to draw near to him where he is now 222 00:24:15,640 –> 00:24:21,739 which is the Bible says seated at the right hand of the Father but I want you 223 00:24:21,819 –> 00:24:25,500 to think with me for just a moment about the issues that the disciples must have 224 00:24:25,500 –> 00:24:30,640 faced in pondering this question should we go to Galilee of course there were 225 00:24:30,640 –> 00:24:34,180 other resurrection appearances recorded in the other Gospels but I want us to 226 00:24:34,180 –> 00:24:41,040 think about the distinctive witness of Mark this morning put yourself in the 227 00:24:41,040 –> 00:24:49,420 shoes of Peter do I go to Galilee is he there do I 228 00:24:49,420 –> 00:24:56,719 really believe he’s there in several days journey on foot to Galilee if 229 00:24:56,719 –> 00:25:02,739 you’re gonna go to Galilee you’ve got to believe he’s there and then there’s 230 00:25:02,739 –> 00:25:07,859 another question I think if you put yourself in Peter’s shoes do I really 231 00:25:07,859 –> 00:25:13,000 want to meet him I mean he knows everything about me and he certainly 232 00:25:13,000 –> 00:25:18,359 heard me cursing and denying it that I ever knew him I feel kind of wretched 233 00:25:18,400 –> 00:25:22,739 about some of the things I’ve done out I’m not sure I really belong very close 234 00:25:22,739 –> 00:25:28,420 to this Jesus do I really want to meet him anyway do you know these are exactly 235 00:25:28,420 –> 00:25:35,180 the same issues that you will face as you ponder the great invitation to come 236 00:25:35,180 –> 00:25:43,640 in faith and in repentance to the risen Lord Jesus Christ today the only way 237 00:25:43,699 –> 00:25:48,359 that you can come to him is to come in faith which is what it took Peter to 238 00:25:48,359 –> 00:25:54,979 launch out on that journey to Galilee and the only way that you can come to 239 00:25:54,979 –> 00:26:00,439 him is to come to him in repentance that is knowing that you have not lived the 240 00:26:00,439 –> 00:26:06,219 life that he called you to live but realizing that it is far better to come 241 00:26:06,219 –> 00:26:11,199 and to receive his mercy and his grace than simply to remain at a distance from 242 00:26:11,280 –> 00:26:16,119 him because you like the courage to come 243 00:26:16,500 –> 00:26:21,640 so mark gives to us this very very distinctive ending and I think it speaks 244 00:26:21,640 –> 00:26:27,359 to us very very powerfully today Christian faith isn’t a matter of 245 00:26:27,359 –> 00:26:32,579 personal interpretation it rests on God’s revelation Jesus has risen who 246 00:26:32,579 –> 00:26:38,560 says so God says there are many people who have heard this message who have 247 00:26:38,560 –> 00:26:45,540 never been changed by it they somehow have gone through life still gripped by 248 00:26:45,540 –> 00:26:52,619 fear still somewhat bewildered about what life is all about and none of us 249 00:26:52,619 –> 00:26:58,839 wants to stay there but then mark makes it clear there’s this great invitation 250 00:26:58,839 –> 00:27:05,300 Christ wants to meet with those who will come to him and you can come to him 251 00:27:06,199 –> 00:27:10,319 if you’re going to do that you’re gonna have to believe that he’s there as you 252 00:27:10,319 –> 00:27:14,839 draw near to him and faith and in prayer you’re gonna have to gather the courage 253 00:27:14,839 –> 00:27:18,959 to draw near to him knowing that you have not lived a life that is pleasing 254 00:27:18,959 –> 00:27:24,500 or honoring to him that is what it’s like for all of us to draw near to him 255 00:27:24,500 –> 00:27:33,939 to trust him for grace and mercy forgiveness power a new life which is 256 00:27:34,119 –> 00:27:41,239 what comes as his gift to all who draw near to him one illustration and then 257 00:27:41,239 –> 00:27:47,699 we’re through I want you to imagine with me for a moment a family living in 258 00:27:47,699 –> 00:27:56,380 abject poverty and picture it they sleep in a rough shelter where the roof leaks 259 00:27:56,380 –> 00:28:02,819 they have no money they scavenge for food and the kids clothes are in 260 00:28:02,839 –> 00:28:15,420 tatters a distant uncle dies and leaves them ten million dollars that is good 261 00:28:15,420 –> 00:28:26,579 news but the ten million dollars will not change their lives think about it 262 00:28:27,079 –> 00:28:35,839 it is what the ten million dollars can do that will change their lives the ten 263 00:28:35,839 –> 00:28:40,619 million dollars can buy them a home with central heating and air conditioning and 264 00:28:40,619 –> 00:28:45,380 a bedroom for each of the kids the ten million dollars can buy a new wardrobe 265 00:28:45,380 –> 00:28:49,699 for each of the children the ten million dollars can give them a lifetime supply 266 00:28:49,699 –> 00:28:57,839 of the finest pizza or whatever else they chose to eat but suppose the ten 267 00:28:57,839 –> 00:29:05,739 million dollars remained in the bank and was never used never drawn if that 268 00:29:05,739 –> 00:29:11,920 should happen the kids would be in the same clothes the family under the same 269 00:29:11,959 –> 00:29:19,859 leaking roof and with ten million dollars unused in the bank that could 270 00:29:19,859 –> 00:29:26,199 have changed their lives that would be tragic wouldn’t it be tragic 271 00:29:26,739 –> 00:29:32,920 the man who hears the good news about the ten million dollars must go to the 272 00:29:32,920 –> 00:29:43,859 bank he must draw on what has been given to him he must realize the value of this 273 00:29:43,859 –> 00:29:48,439 priceless gift that has been accomplished and has been given and he 274 00:29:48,439 –> 00:29:53,140 must use it he must use it for the purpose for which it has been given 275 00:29:53,140 –> 00:29:57,719 which is to change his life and the lives of others because there is enough 276 00:29:57,880 –> 00:30:04,479 here not only for one family but for many Jesus Christ has come into the 277 00:30:04,479 –> 00:30:12,560 world he died for our sins he rose to bring us to everlasting life he offers 278 00:30:12,560 –> 00:30:19,640 forgiveness and new life by the power of his Holy Spirit and many of us have 279 00:30:19,839 –> 00:30:28,020 heard this but the truth is it has not yet changed your life today I want just 280 00:30:28,020 –> 00:30:31,760 to end with this invitation that really is the point at the end of Mark’s 281 00:30:31,760 –> 00:30:37,400 gospel this risen Christ wants you to come to him he’s come to you now you 282 00:30:37,400 –> 00:30:44,699 must come to him you must draw on all that he has accomplished for you and all 283 00:30:44,699 –> 00:30:53,459 that he offers to you you come to him in faith you come to him in repentance and 284 00:30:53,459 –> 00:30:59,040 then you receive to the full all the grace and mercy and life and strength 285 00:30:59,040 –> 00:31:08,219 and power that flows to you from Christ crucified and risen for you 286 00:31:08,280 –> 00:31:18,079 Mark’s gospels an unfinished story the ending of it will be written in your 287 00:31:18,079 –> 00:31:32,920 life let’s pray together to invite those who feel bewildered in life 288 00:31:32,920 –> 00:31:46,219 facing many fears many doubts I want to invite you to take the step that Peter 289 00:31:46,219 –> 00:31:53,180 and the others took when they made that journey to Galilee want you to draw 290 00:31:53,180 –> 00:31:58,859 near to Jesus Christ at the right hand of the father because you believe that 291 00:31:58,859 –> 00:32:08,000 He is there and because you really want to draw near to him for Jesus all that 292 00:32:08,000 –> 00:32:13,199 you have accomplished in your death and resurrection is sufficient to bring 293 00:32:13,199 –> 00:32:22,319 every person in the gym and every person in the sanctuary into everlasting life 294 00:32:22,319 –> 00:32:26,579 and joy forever and forever 295 00:32:28,920 –> 00:32:35,180 I pray today that those who have not yet drawn on what you have accomplished and 296 00:32:35,180 –> 00:32:42,680 given in Jesus Christ may draw near in faith and repentance today that the 297 00:32:42,680 –> 00:32:49,099 bewildered ending of Mark’s gospel may not mark the end of our lives but that 298 00:32:49,099 –> 00:32:54,619 we may be those who respond with the disciples to the great invitation and 299 00:32:54,699 –> 00:33:01,859 therefore share the everlasting life that Christ offers in his presence 300 00:33:01,859 –> 00:33:08,099 forever and forever and as we pray in Jesus name 301 00:33:08,099 –> 00:33:10,140 amen


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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Sermons on Mark’s Gospel What did it mean for Jesus to give His life a ransom for many? In Part 3 of this series through Mark’s gospel, we’ll explore Jesus’ death and resurrection, and discover what He accomplished. You’ll find new joy in the salvation Jesus came to bring. See also: • The Gospel According

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