100:00:00,880 –> 00:00:09,180The heavens and the earth we think of as being so substantial so strong so enduring, rolled200:00:09,180 –> 00:00:16,240up like a robe. And Peter says in keeping with God’s promise we are looking for a new300:00:16,240 –> 00:00:23,040heaven and a new earth. Jesus says Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words, that400:00:23,040 –> 00:00:28,920are more solid than the ground you walk on, will never pass away.500:00:29,299 –> 00:00:31,920Welcome to Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith.600:00:31,920 –> 00:00:35,660I am David Pick. Glad you could be with us today and Colin, today we’re continuing700:00:35,660 –> 00:00:39,980the message from Mark 13 and what Jesus says about the future.800:00:39,980 –> 00:00:45,240Yeah, and there are really two questions here. One is, what should we expect in this world?900:00:45,240 –> 00:00:53,040And we saw last time that Jesus speaks of wars, disasters, persecution. That should1000:00:53,040 –> 00:00:58,360frame our expectation. There are some Christians who seem always to be disappointed. Why is1100:00:58,360 –> 00:01:03,439there trouble and suffering and so forth? Well, Jesus says, in this fallen world, this1200:01:03,439 –> 00:01:09,599is what it’s like. That should shape our expectations. But then the real question that1300:01:09,599 –> 00:01:15,540becomes important then in this suffering world is, well, why should we hope? And we’re1400:01:15,540 –> 00:01:21,599going to get onto that today. Because the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back in glory1500:01:21,599 –> 00:01:26,199and He is with His people until He comes back and when He does, He’s going to lift His1600:01:26,360 –> 00:01:31,000people up into His presence. What a day that’s going to be! We can’t think about that day1700:01:31,000 –> 00:01:36,839too often. To anticipate the joy of what lies ahead so that we’re renewed and we’re strengthened1800:01:36,839 –> 00:01:41,019in the middle of the really tough stuff that you may be facing today.1900:01:41,019 –> 00:01:46,959So if you can, open your Bible with us at Mark 13. As we continue the message, Jesus2000:01:46,959 –> 00:01:49,699is coming for His people. Here’s Collin.2100:01:49,699 –> 00:01:54,260We come to probably the toughest chapter in Mark’s Gospel. So I hope you’re briaced and2200:01:54,400 –> 00:02:01,959Let me promise you this. It is full of glorious truth that will lift our hearts and lift our2300:02:01,959 –> 00:02:06,580lives. But I do hope you will have your Bible open in front of you. There’s much to learn2400:02:06,580 –> 00:02:11,580here, and I want us to follow closely in the Bible together, particularly as this is not2500:02:11,580 –> 00:02:17,339the most familiar nor the easiest chapter in Mark’s Gospel for us to grasp together.2600:02:17,339 –> 00:02:24,020Mark’s Gospel chapter 13. And here we’re going to focus in on verses 14 through 31. Verses2700:02:24,300 –> 00:02:29,46014 through 31. Now, I have to say that these are verses that are especially difficult to2800:02:29,460 –> 00:02:36,460understand, and even in our own congregation there will be different ideas as to how these2900:02:36,500 –> 00:02:43,300verses should be interpreted. Some writers see these verses as all future, relating to3000:02:43,300 –> 00:02:50,300the great tribulation. But again, notice verse 14. Jesus says to Peter, James, John and Andrew,3100:02:50,460 –> 00:02:56,820when you see the abomination that causes desolation–so he’s talking about something that they would3200:02:56,820 –> 00:03:02,960see–it can’t all be future. And then I’ve read folks this week who see3300:03:02,960 –> 00:03:07,899Jesus’ words here in these verses as all past, relating to the destruction of Jerusalem,3400:03:07,899 –> 00:03:13,320but verse 24 speaks about something that has not happened yet and relates to His second3500:03:13,440 –> 00:03:21,039coming, the darkening of the sun and the stars shooting off from their courses, and the time3600:03:21,039 –> 00:03:25,479in verse 26, when the Son of Man will come in clouds and great power and glory, so it3700:03:25,479 –> 00:03:31,360can’t all be past either–it’s clearly future. Now how are we to think about this?3800:03:31,360 –> 00:03:38,119Well William Hendrickson, in his commentary points out that often in prophecy, you find3900:03:38,539 –> 00:03:45,539events that are telescoped into one. And he has a useful analogy. He says it’s rather4000:03:45,960 –> 00:03:50,720like when you look at a range of mountains and you say, I’m going to climb that mountain.4100:03:50,720 –> 00:03:54,559And you begin to climb up the hill, and then you discover the mountain peak you were looking4200:03:54,559 –> 00:03:58,960at is actually behind the hill that you’re on, and that there’s a big valley in between,4300:03:58,960 –> 00:04:03,820and that what you thought was one, looking from a distance is actually two hills that4400:04:04,160 –> 00:04:07,300appeared as one from the vantage point at which you looked.4500:04:07,300 –> 00:04:13,000I know from experience, that can be very, very discouraging, indeed. Climbing on hills4600:04:13,000 –> 00:04:17,920in Scotland and finding I’m not on the one that I thought I was trying to get to the4700:04:17,920 –> 00:04:18,899top of.4800:04:18,899 –> 00:04:23,880Now, I want you to see that this is not unusual in prophecy, and so I’m going to take a moment4900:04:23,880 –> 00:04:27,959to give you two examples. You might like to turn in to them.5000:04:28,000 –> 00:04:31,320The first is in Joel and chapter two.5100:04:31,320 –> 00:04:34,980Joel and chapter two.5200:04:34,980 –> 00:04:39,100You find the book of Daniel, then move forward a little bit through Hosea, and then you get5300:04:39,100 –> 00:04:41,380to Joel and chapter two.5400:04:41,380 –> 00:04:48,380And, I want you to see here, how Joel telescopes together the day of Pentecost, that happened5500:04:49,500 –> 00:04:54,100two thousand years ago, and the day of the judgement, which is still future and still5600:04:54,100 –> 00:04:55,899to come.5700:04:55,899 –> 00:04:59,299But in Joel it kind of looks like they’re all the same thing, though actually they’re5800:04:59,299 –> 00:05:00,760two hills.5900:05:00,760 –> 00:05:04,579Though from Joel’s vantage point, you might easily think that they were one.6000:05:04,579 –> 00:05:07,519Look at Joel two twenty eight.6100:05:07,519 –> 00:05:10,459I will pour out my spirit on all people.6200:05:10,459 –> 00:05:14,059Your sons and daughters will prophesy, and your old men will dream dreams, and your young6300:05:14,059 –> 00:05:15,779men will see visions.6400:05:15,779 –> 00:05:19,459Now that was fulfilled at Pentecost, and we know that because Peter said so.6500:05:19,459 –> 00:05:23,420He said, this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.6600:05:23,420 –> 00:05:25,339And quoted these very verses.6700:05:25,920 –> 00:05:31,679But if you look on at what Joel says in the same prophecy, he says in verse thirty one.6800:05:31,679 –> 00:05:35,100The sun will be turned to darkness, the moon will be turned to blood before the coming6900:05:35,100 –> 00:05:37,899of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.7000:05:37,899 –> 00:05:40,839That did not happen at Pentecost.7100:05:40,839 –> 00:05:43,820That relates to the day of Christ coming, it’s the judgment day.7200:05:43,820 –> 00:05:49,500So from Joel’s vantage point he’s looking forward and he sees the events of Pentecost7300:05:49,500 –> 00:05:50,899and the events of the judgment day.7400:05:50,899 –> 00:05:55,260It looks as if it’s all one thing, and he speaks as on telescope together.7500:05:55,380 –> 00:05:59,459And actually as we move forward in the timeline of history, we see it’s more than one thing.7600:05:59,459 –> 00:06:05,380It’s two hills separated by a valley, 2,000 years so far.7700:06:05,380 –> 00:06:09,859Let me give you a second example, just these two examples, but I want you to see the pattern.7800:06:09,859 –> 00:06:15,160Isaiah chapter eleven, Isaiah chapter eleven.7900:06:15,160 –> 00:06:20,899Here we find Isaiah the prophet telescoping the first coming and the second coming of8000:06:20,899 –> 00:06:23,100the Lord Jesus Christ.8100:06:23,100 –> 00:06:26,459Notice verse one, Isaiah 11.8200:06:41,660 –> 00:06:42,959That’s already happened.8300:06:42,959 –> 00:06:45,299This is the birth of Jesus.8400:06:45,299 –> 00:06:49,040This is the ministry of Jesus, where he said the spirit of the Lord is upon me.8500:06:49,040 –> 00:06:50,040This has happened.8600:06:51,000 –> 00:06:53,540This is fulfilled in the first coming of Christ.8700:06:53,540 –> 00:06:56,899But then if you look at what he says in the same prophecy, in verse four,8800:07:07,279 –> 00:07:09,899Jesus didn’t do that during his earthly ministry.8900:07:09,899 –> 00:07:13,040That relates to the day of judgment that is still to come.9000:07:13,040 –> 00:07:19,940But Isaiah looking forward sees these, what we now know to be two hills, but they’re9100:07:19,940 –> 00:07:25,339telescoped together in the prophecy and they look to Isaiah9200:07:28,420 –> 00:07:32,660Now let’s come back to Mark’s gospel chapter 13 and verse 14.9300:07:32,660 –> 00:07:37,019And we’ll see that the same thing pertains here.9400:07:37,019 –> 00:07:43,480So think of it this way, it’s almost like a hologram where you have two images superimposed9500:07:43,480 –> 00:07:47,540on each other and one minute you’re looking at one, the next minute you’re looking at9600:07:47,540 –> 00:07:53,239the other cause they’re both in the image superimposed together.9700:07:53,239 –> 00:08:03,519Now in verse 14 Jesus speaks about the abomination that causes desolation, this was first spoken9800:08:03,519 –> 00:08:08,619about by Daniel the prophet several times in his prophecy, for example chapter 11 in9900:08:08,619 –> 00:08:17,440verse 31 he speaks about a king whose army would desecrate the temple, abolish the daily10000:08:17,440 –> 00:08:24,079sacrifice, and set up the abomination that causes desolation, that’s Daniel 11 and verse10100:08:24,079 –> 00:08:25,76031.10200:08:25,760 –> 00:08:28,679The question is when did that happen?10300:08:28,679 –> 00:08:38,119Well it actually happened once already before the birth of the Lord Jesus, some centuries10400:08:38,119 –> 00:08:47,280after Daniel but more than 150 years before the coming of Jesus Antiochus Epiphanes marched10500:08:47,280 –> 00:08:54,380into the temple in Jerusalem and erected a pagan altar in the temple desecrating it,10600:08:54,380 –> 00:08:59,039and the disciples knew that that had happened, it was part of their history 150 years before10700:08:59,039 –> 00:09:01,359Jesus.10800:09:01,359 –> 00:09:07,000But now Jesus says this thing that Daniel spoke about you’re going to see another manifestation10900:09:07,000 –> 00:09:12,500of it in your own lifetime, verse 14, when you see he says to his disciples the abomination11000:09:13,500 –> 00:09:21,099And it did, as the Roman armies in the year AD 70 marched into Jerusalem with their standards11100:09:21,099 –> 00:09:27,179bearing the emblem of the emperor, desecrated the temple and destroyed the whole of the11200:09:27,179 –> 00:09:30,539city of Jerusalem.11300:09:30,539 –> 00:09:36,739But clearly that desecration points beyond even that to another hilltop, as it were,11400:09:36,739 –> 00:09:41,159that the New Testament also speaks of, a time still to come.11500:09:41,340 –> 00:09:47,580Paul speaks in 2 Thessalonians chapter two verse four about how the man of lawlessness,11600:09:47,580 –> 00:09:57,580the Antichrist will set up in God’s temple proclaiming himself to be God.11700:09:59,099 –> 00:10:05,179So clearly there is a future reference here as well as an imminent reference.11800:10:05,179 –> 00:10:11,400And Jesus speaks about these future days as being a days of unequal distress.11900:10:11,400 –> 00:10:20,359Verse 19 those will be days of distress, unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world12000:10:20,359 –> 00:10:28,380until now and never to be equaled again.12100:10:28,419 –> 00:10:35,500And let me suggest to you that we really need to feel the weight of this.12200:10:35,500 –> 00:10:42,380See, there are different opinions within our own congregation and among Christians12300:10:42,380 –> 00:10:51,979more widely, as to where we will be during this time of Great Tribulation.12400:10:51,979 –> 00:10:59,500Some Christians think that we will endure this time of Great and unparalleled distress.12500:10:59,500 –> 00:11:07,099Other Christians believe that the Lord will take us home about half way through.12600:11:07,099 –> 00:11:12,580Probably most of us believe that the Church will be taken into the presence of the Lord12700:11:12,580 –> 00:11:13,580Jesus12800:11:13,580 –> 00:11:15,520before this happens.12900:11:15,520 –> 00:11:22,960That is, we believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church.13000:11:22,960 –> 00:11:29,119And if we believe that, it is easy for us to think,13100:11:29,119 –> 00:11:35,099well, we don’t need to worry, because we’ll be gone.13200:11:35,099 –> 00:11:41,460And I say, how selfish can you get?13300:11:41,460 –> 00:11:45,780Just last Sunday, we faced the teaching of Jesus,13400:11:45,780 –> 00:11:51,760love your neighbor as yourself.13500:11:51,760 –> 00:11:57,780The intensity of suffering in this great tribulation13600:11:57,780 –> 00:12:04,500will be so severe—the intensity of the labor pains—13700:12:04,500 –> 00:12:06,340that Jesus says, verse 20,13800:12:06,659 –> 00:12:09,260if God had allowed these days to continue,13900:12:09,260 –> 00:12:11,400if he didn’t step in and shorten them,14000:12:11,400 –> 00:12:16,000no one would survive!14100:12:16,000 –> 00:12:20,719But for the sake of his own people,14200:12:20,719 –> 00:12:23,520God steps in.14300:12:23,520 –> 00:12:26,219Now, I want you to notice how he does that.14400:12:26,219 –> 00:12:28,119First, in verse 24,14500:12:32,820 –> 00:12:34,880In those days following that distress,14600:12:34,880 –> 00:12:35,979the sun will be darkened14700:12:36,140 –> 00:12:37,880and the moon will not give its light,14800:12:37,880 –> 00:12:39,580the stars will fall from the sky14900:12:39,580 –> 00:12:42,179and the heavenly bodies will be shaken…15000:12:42,179 –> 00:12:43,260Well think about it.15100:12:43,260 –> 00:12:49,099If the sun is darkened and the moon doesn’t have any light to reflect,15200:12:49,099 –> 00:12:51,039and without the gravitational pull,15300:12:51,039 –> 00:12:54,859the whole of the solar system begins to split apart,15400:12:54,859 –> 00:12:58,039stars shooting off their orbits,15500:12:58,039 –> 00:13:03,460down to their doom,15600:13:03,460 –> 00:13:08,080then the Bible speaks several times of God shaking the heavens,15700:13:08,080 –> 00:13:12,280and that’s what Jesus refers to here.15800:13:12,280 –> 00:13:13,340He steps in in that way15900:13:13,340 –> 00:13:16,539and He steps in another more wonderful way.16000:13:16,539 –> 00:13:19,340Jesus Christ will come in power and glory.16100:13:19,340 –> 00:13:21,719Verse 26 – at that time,16200:13:21,719 –> 00:13:24,979men will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds16300:13:24,979 –> 00:13:29,900with great power and with glory.16400:13:29,900 –> 00:13:33,020And so in the mercy of God these days of unequalled distress16500:13:33,059 –> 00:13:36,539are shortened as Christ steps in16600:13:36,539 –> 00:13:38,880and the days of unequalled distress16700:13:38,880 –> 00:13:42,679now give way to days of unequalled joy16800:13:42,679 –> 00:13:46,299for all of God’s people.16900:13:46,299 –> 00:13:51,039And notice the joy – first we will share in the joy17000:13:51,039 –> 00:13:54,719of seeing Jesus Christ,17100:13:54,719 –> 00:13:58,619at that time men will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds17200:13:58,619 –> 00:13:59,960and we’ll see His power17300:14:00,159 –> 00:14:04,479and we will see His glory.17400:14:04,479 –> 00:14:07,859Second, we will share the joy of being gathered together17500:14:07,859 –> 00:14:11,359by Christ with all of His people.17600:14:11,359 –> 00:14:13,599Verse 27, He will send His angels17700:14:13,599 –> 00:14:16,039and gather His elect from the four winds,17800:14:16,039 –> 00:14:21,039from the ends of the Earth to the ends of the heavens.17900:14:21,400 –> 00:14:22,679The gathering of all Christ’s people –18000:14:22,679 –> 00:14:24,700all the believers who are already with Him18100:14:24,700 –> 00:14:26,440already being gathered from Heaven,18200:14:26,440 –> 00:14:28,520all the believers who are living on earth18300:14:28,619 –> 00:14:32,080being gathered into His presence coming to Him.18400:14:33,979 –> 00:14:35,739Now again, you will find different opinions,18500:14:35,739 –> 00:14:36,580even among us,18600:14:36,580 –> 00:14:38,320and certainly more broadly among Christians18700:14:38,320 –> 00:14:41,719as to where exactly we will be at this time.18800:14:41,719 –> 00:14:43,799Will we be in Heaven coming with the Lord18900:14:43,799 –> 00:14:46,359because we’ve already been taken into His presence19000:14:46,359 –> 00:14:48,559or will we be among those who are on Earth19100:14:48,559 –> 00:14:50,799who are gathered together with those who have died19200:14:50,799 –> 00:14:53,400and brought together by the power of the Lord19300:14:53,400 –> 00:14:54,780Jesus Christ.19400:14:56,119 –> 00:14:57,780Whichever way you take that,19500:14:58,859 –> 00:15:03,479we will be part of this great event19600:15:03,479 –> 00:15:08,479being gathered together by the Lord Jesus Christ,19700:15:08,719 –> 00:15:12,479all the people in His presence in Heaven coming with Him,19800:15:12,479 –> 00:15:15,119all the people who are looking to Him on the Earth19900:15:15,119 –> 00:15:16,479being gathered to Him20000:15:17,719 –> 00:15:21,979to be forever with the Lord.20100:15:21,979 –> 00:15:24,500You’re listening to Pastor Collin Smith on Open the Bible20200:15:24,500 –> 00:15:28,200and a message called Jesus is Coming for His People.20300:15:28,219 –> 00:15:31,140It’s part of our series, The Gospel According to Jesus20400:15:31,140 –> 00:15:33,159and if you’ve missed any of the series to date20500:15:33,159 –> 00:15:35,000or if you want to go back and listen again,20600:15:35,000 –> 00:15:36,880you can always do that by coming online20700:15:36,880 –> 00:15:40,799to our website openthebible.org.uk.20800:15:40,799 –> 00:15:43,260Back to the message now, we’re in Mark 13.20900:15:43,260 –> 00:15:44,340Here’s Collin.21000:15:44,340 –> 00:15:47,559Here are the great future events21100:15:47,559 –> 00:15:50,280that inspire our hope today.21200:15:51,799 –> 00:15:54,460We will share the joy of seeing Christ.21300:15:55,200 –> 00:15:59,580We will share the joy of being gathered with his people.21400:16:01,280 –> 00:16:03,859And then there’s one more thing that Jesus just points to21500:16:03,859 –> 00:16:06,840and it’s beyond even these two events21600:16:06,840 –> 00:16:09,280and it’s in verse 31, Jesus says,21700:16:09,280 –> 00:16:14,280Heaven and earth will pass away.21800:16:17,840 –> 00:16:20,820My words won’t pass away, but notice what he says.21900:16:20,940 –> 00:16:25,940Heaven and earth will pass away.22000:16:29,520 –> 00:16:31,299There’s a lovely reference in the book of Hebrews.22100:16:31,299 –> 00:16:33,020I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed it.22200:16:33,020 –> 00:16:37,059Hebrews 1, the writer there says22300:16:37,059 –> 00:16:41,960the heavens and the earth are the work of your hands,22400:16:41,960 –> 00:16:46,960they will perish, but you will remain.22500:16:48,140 –> 00:16:49,940And then the writer to the Hebrews says22600:16:49,960 –> 00:16:51,400of the heavens and of the earth22700:16:51,400 –> 00:16:54,580they will all wear out like a garment.22800:16:55,820 –> 00:17:00,820You will roll them up like a robe.22900:17:03,020 –> 00:17:03,919You know, the Bible said that23000:17:03,919 –> 00:17:06,140about the heavens and the earth,23100:17:06,140 –> 00:17:11,140that God will roll them up like a robe.23200:17:13,099 –> 00:17:15,239The heavens and the earth that we think of23300:17:15,239 –> 00:17:18,699as being so substantial, so strong, so enduring,23400:17:18,699 –> 00:17:20,859rolled up like a robe.23500:17:22,099 –> 00:17:24,520And Peter says in keeping with God’s promise,23600:17:24,520 –> 00:17:29,520we are looking for a new heaven and a new earth.23700:17:29,859 –> 00:17:31,979Jesus says heaven and earth will pass away,23800:17:31,979 –> 00:17:33,900but my words that are more solid23900:17:33,900 –> 00:17:38,900than the ground you walk on will never pass away.24000:17:39,640 –> 00:17:41,560Whether the new heaven and the new earth,24100:17:41,560 –> 00:17:45,839we’re to think of it as totally new creation24200:17:45,839 –> 00:17:48,660separate from even the matter of creation now24300:17:48,760 –> 00:17:50,479or whether we are to think of, you know,24400:17:50,479 –> 00:17:52,280the earth melts with fervent heat24500:17:52,280 –> 00:17:53,660and therefore will be purged24600:17:53,660 –> 00:17:56,140and therefore renewed and redeemed.24700:17:56,140 –> 00:17:57,739There are different ideas on that.24800:17:57,739 –> 00:18:01,420But what is clear is that the heavens and the earth24900:18:01,420 –> 00:18:03,000will be so wonderfully new.25000:18:03,000 –> 00:18:05,439There will be no place for evil.25100:18:05,439 –> 00:18:07,839There will be a new cosmos25200:18:09,160 –> 00:18:13,119that Peter says will be the home of righteousness.25300:18:13,119 –> 00:18:15,459Now think about this.25400:18:15,500 –> 00:18:19,300That is why you and I need to become new creations25500:18:19,300 –> 00:18:20,400in Christ now,25600:18:21,599 –> 00:18:23,800so that we will be able to participate25700:18:23,800 –> 00:18:26,500in his new creation then.25800:18:26,500 –> 00:18:29,140That is why we need to receive the righteousness25900:18:29,140 –> 00:18:30,979of Jesus Christ now,26000:18:30,979 –> 00:18:32,859so that we will be able to be part26100:18:32,859 –> 00:18:34,219of the new heaven and new earth26200:18:34,219 –> 00:18:36,680that is the home of righteousness then.26300:18:36,680 –> 00:18:38,280Because without being a new creation26400:18:38,280 –> 00:18:40,599and without having the righteousness of Christ,26500:18:40,599 –> 00:18:42,780how could we possibly be part of the new creation26600:18:42,780 –> 00:18:44,619that is the home of righteousness,26700:18:44,699 –> 00:18:47,859which is where the whole of God’s sovereign plan26800:18:47,859 –> 00:18:49,280for history is going.26900:18:50,939 –> 00:18:53,619And so it is that Jesus Christ came into the world27000:18:53,619 –> 00:18:55,500to seek and to save the lost.27100:18:55,500 –> 00:18:58,079We saw him saying that in Mark’s Gospel27200:18:58,079 –> 00:19:00,119in chapter 10, verse 45.27300:19:01,199 –> 00:19:02,160He came into the world27400:19:02,160 –> 00:19:04,780because there’s something you need saving from27500:19:05,780 –> 00:19:07,920and something you need saving for.27600:19:09,180 –> 00:19:10,979You need to be saved from the judgment27700:19:10,979 –> 00:19:12,339of the old creation27800:19:12,359 –> 00:19:15,380and saved for life in the new creation.27900:19:15,380 –> 00:19:18,260And that is why Christ goes to the cross28000:19:18,260 –> 00:19:19,099and that is why,28100:19:19,099 –> 00:19:21,439and we’ll see this as we follow the story,28200:19:21,439 –> 00:19:23,099when he hangs on that cross,28300:19:23,099 –> 00:19:24,979the sun is darkened28400:19:26,459 –> 00:19:29,060because he’s actually bearing the judgment28500:19:29,060 –> 00:19:31,459that is to come on behalf28600:19:31,459 –> 00:19:35,420of all who will turn to him in repentance and faith28700:19:35,420 –> 00:19:37,260so that you may enter the new world.28800:19:38,500 –> 00:19:41,119He rises to offer the power of his risen life28900:19:41,160 –> 00:19:43,280and a remade life to you29000:19:44,319 –> 00:19:49,020if you will come to him in faith and in repentance.29100:19:51,239 –> 00:19:55,160This teaching has many things that are hard to understand29200:19:56,439 –> 00:20:00,140but oh, it is full of practical relevance to our lives.29300:20:01,319 –> 00:20:03,780If you hear the words of the Lord Jesus here,29400:20:03,780 –> 00:20:05,160will you allow his teaching29500:20:05,160 –> 00:20:08,339to shape your expectations of life in this world, really?29600:20:09,140 –> 00:20:11,680If you find yourself tipped into a situation29700:20:11,680 –> 00:20:13,900for which you could not possibly be prepared,29800:20:13,900 –> 00:20:16,920will you rely on the promise of his Spirit29900:20:16,920 –> 00:20:19,619to be with you, to guide you to give you what to say?30000:20:21,380 –> 00:20:24,319And then just in these last moments,30100:20:24,319 –> 00:20:27,219two other quick applications, they’re so important.30200:20:28,579 –> 00:20:31,880Jesus says, we don’t know the time when he is going to come30300:20:33,459 –> 00:20:35,319but we are to live in the light of it, now.30400:20:35,739 –> 00:20:37,479We are to watch, we are to pray,30500:20:37,479 –> 00:20:40,040we are to be alert, we are to be on our guard.30600:20:41,979 –> 00:20:46,979If you knew the time of the Lord Jesus coming,30700:20:48,819 –> 00:20:53,319you would fight temptation more vigorously30800:20:53,319 –> 00:20:54,619than you did last week.30900:20:56,500 –> 00:20:58,900You would endure suffering more joyfully31000:20:58,900 –> 00:21:00,760than you did last week.31100:21:01,839 –> 00:21:04,040You would examine yourself and you would confess31200:21:04,180 –> 00:21:06,020your sins more than you did last week.31300:21:06,020 –> 00:21:08,400You would witness love and serve more urgently31400:21:08,400 –> 00:21:09,380than you did last week.31500:21:09,380 –> 00:21:11,579You would give yourself to the Lord more fully31600:21:11,579 –> 00:21:14,239and completely than you did last week and so would I.31700:21:15,719 –> 00:21:18,380If we knew the date of the Lord Jesus coming,31800:21:18,380 –> 00:21:22,359we would find it much easier to go into work tomorrow31900:21:22,359 –> 00:21:24,339and say everything here is gonna pass away,32000:21:24,339 –> 00:21:26,160one thing that matters is that I honor32100:21:26,160 –> 00:21:27,920and that I’m faithful to Jesus Christ32200:21:27,920 –> 00:21:29,099in everything that I do.32300:21:29,099 –> 00:21:30,420And you see what he’s saying,32400:21:30,420 –> 00:21:32,579that’s how we’re to live every day.32500:21:33,420 –> 00:21:35,599That’s the effect of the knowledge32600:21:35,599 –> 00:21:39,420of his sure coming upon our daily lives.32700:21:40,739 –> 00:21:42,280And here’s the very last thing.32800:21:44,219 –> 00:21:46,359We don’t know how everything will work out.32900:21:46,359 –> 00:21:48,500There are many things not clearly revealed to us,33000:21:48,500 –> 00:21:52,780but Christ has clearly revealed the end of the story.33100:21:53,719 –> 00:21:55,560You know how it will end.33200:21:57,160 –> 00:21:59,900Evil will be overthrown.33300:22:00,479 –> 00:22:02,640Christ will be exalted.33400:22:03,719 –> 00:22:06,760His people will be gathered to himself.33500:22:08,719 –> 00:22:10,339The Heavens and the Earth will be33600:22:10,339 –> 00:22:12,939liberated from bondage to decay.33700:22:14,300 –> 00:22:17,140And we will see33800:22:17,140 –> 00:22:20,140His face.33900:22:20,140 –> 00:22:22,300A reminder from Pastor Colin today34000:22:22,300 –> 00:22:25,660that we need to have realistic expectations.34100:22:25,660 –> 00:22:27,060You’re listening to Open the Bible34200:22:28,040 –> 00:22:29,540with Pastor Colin Smith34300:22:29,540 –> 00:22:30,459and a message called34400:22:30,459 –> 00:22:32,920Jesus Is Coming for His People.34500:22:32,920 –> 00:22:34,739If you live within traveling distance34600:22:34,739 –> 00:22:35,459of Cheltenham,34700:22:35,459 –> 00:22:36,979the heart of the Cotswolds,34800:22:36,979 –> 00:22:38,459you might want to book a ticket34900:22:38,459 –> 00:22:40,819for Cotswolds Bible Festival.35000:22:40,819 –> 00:22:41,800It takes place on35100:22:41,800 –> 00:22:44,339November 23rd, 202435200:22:44,339 –> 00:22:45,300and it features35300:22:45,300 –> 00:22:47,939Pastor Colin Smith as main speaker.35400:22:47,939 –> 00:22:49,339The Cotswolds Bible Festival35500:22:49,339 –> 00:22:50,599aims to encourage35600:22:50,599 –> 00:22:52,599and equip those of all ages35700:22:52,599 –> 00:22:54,020to follow Jesus.35800:22:54,020 –> 00:22:55,099The event takes place35900:22:55,099 –> 00:22:56,959at Cheltenham Ladies College36000:22:56,959 –> 00:22:58,280and you can obtain tickets36100:22:58,280 –> 00:23:01,140at www.cotswoldsbiblefestival.com36200:23:01,140 –> 00:23:04,459That’s www.cotswoldsbiblefestival.com36300:23:04,459 –> 00:23:05,319Open the Bible36400:23:05,319 –> 00:23:07,819is a listener supported ministry.36500:23:07,819 –> 00:23:09,260We’re able to make the program36600:23:09,260 –> 00:23:10,819and podcast available36700:23:10,819 –> 00:23:12,079as well as all the things36800:23:12,079 –> 00:23:13,739that happen behind the scenes36900:23:13,739 –> 00:23:16,020because of your financial support.37000:23:16,020 –> 00:23:17,680So, thank you for giving to37100:23:17,680 –> 00:23:19,800and supporting the ministry.37200:23:19,800 –> 00:23:20,599If that’s something37300:23:20,599 –> 00:23:21,780you haven’t done till now37400:23:21,780 –> 00:23:23,339but you’d like to begin37500:23:23,339 –> 00:23:25,140by setting up a direct debit37600:23:25,160 –> 00:23:27,380of £5 per month or more37700:23:27,380 –> 00:23:29,939or a one-off gift of £5037800:23:29,939 –> 00:23:30,640you’ll not only be37900:23:30,640 –> 00:23:31,880supporting the work38000:23:31,880 –> 00:23:33,099but also we’d like to say38100:23:33,099 –> 00:23:34,660thank you by sending you38200:23:34,660 –> 00:23:37,219a copy of R.C. Sproull’s book38300:23:37,219 –> 00:23:38,479The Advent of Glory38400:23:38,479 –> 00:23:40,90024 Devotions for Christmas.38500:23:40,900 –> 00:23:42,819Colin, some people would be38600:23:42,819 –> 00:23:43,619so familiar with the38700:23:43,619 –> 00:23:44,699Christmas story38800:23:44,699 –> 00:23:46,660We feel we know it so well38900:23:46,660 –> 00:23:47,959so, how would this book39000:23:47,959 –> 00:23:49,300be beneficial?39100:23:49,300 –> 00:23:49,979Well, the challenge39200:23:49,979 –> 00:23:50,920when we’re familiar39300:23:50,920 –> 00:23:52,239with the Christmas story39400:23:52,239 –> 00:23:53,680is that we can very easily39500:23:53,760 –> 00:23:55,040take it for granted39600:23:55,520 –> 00:23:56,979and so what we need to do39700:23:56,979 –> 00:23:59,319is to stop and to think39800:23:59,319 –> 00:24:01,939and to wonder and to worship39900:24:01,939 –> 00:24:03,280and this devotional40000:24:03,280 –> 00:24:04,479by R.C. Sproull40100:24:04,479 –> 00:24:06,479is just a marvellous help40200:24:06,479 –> 00:24:08,140for being able to do that40300:24:08,140 –> 00:24:10,959He’s picked out 24 words40400:24:10,959 –> 00:24:11,819that are at the heart40500:24:11,819 –> 00:24:12,880of the Christmas story40600:24:12,880 –> 00:24:13,780I mean the words like40700:24:19,599 –> 00:24:21,319and he has just four pages40800:24:21,319 –> 00:24:22,760on each of these40900:24:22,760 –> 00:24:24,300There’s insight41000:24:24,300 –> 00:24:25,359so that the story41100:24:25,359 –> 00:24:27,079comes fresh to you41200:24:27,079 –> 00:24:29,160It’s an absolute delight41300:24:29,160 –> 00:24:30,760and it will be a gift41400:24:30,760 –> 00:24:31,760I think for anyone41500:24:31,760 –> 00:24:32,680to use in41600:24:32,680 –> 00:24:34,459preparation for Christmas41700:24:34,719 –> 00:24:35,640Well we love to send you41800:24:35,640 –> 00:24:37,400a copy of R.C. Sproull’s book41900:24:37,420 –> 00:24:38,719The Advent of Glory42000:24:38,719 –> 00:24:39,780to say thank you for42100:24:39,780 –> 00:24:41,420setting up a new direct debut42200:24:41,420 –> 00:24:42,420to the work of42300:24:42,420 –> 00:24:43,420Open the Bible42400:24:43,420 –> 00:24:45,280for £5 per month or more42500:24:45,280 –> 00:24:47,739or a one-off gift of £5042600:24:47,739 –> 00:24:49,520Full details and terms42700:24:49,520 –> 00:24:50,520and conditions are42800:24:50,520 –> 00:24:51,359on our website42900:24:51,400 –> 00:24:53,219just open the bible dot org dot uk43000:24:53,239 –> 00:24:55,959and you can give online43100:24:55,959 –> 00:24:56,959For Open the Bible43200:24:56,959 –> 00:24:57,959and Pastor Colin Smith43300:24:57,959 –> 00:24:58,959I’m David Pick43400:24:58,959 –> 00:24:59,959and I hope you’ll be able43500:24:59,959 –> 00:25:02,239to join us again next time43600:25:02,239 –> 00:25:16,599Jesus went to the cross alone43700:25:16,599 –> 00:25:19,699Find out why next time on Open the Bible