1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:07,020 Please have your Bible open at Marks gospel chapter 11 and we’re taking up the story in verse 27 2 00:00:07,300 –> 00:00:11,300 We’ve come to the Tuesday of what we call Holy Week and 3 00:00:12,040 –> 00:00:17,940 again our Lord Jesus Christ chapter 11 and verse 27 comes to the temple and 4 00:00:18,379 –> 00:00:25,340 what follows from chapter 11 verse 27 through to the end of chapter 12 in Mark’s gospel is a 5 00:00:25,700 –> 00:00:26,879 series of 6 00:00:26,920 –> 00:00:34,779 Questions challenges that were brought to our Lord Jesus Christ and Mark records the answers that our Lord gave 7 00:00:35,759 –> 00:00:36,880 now 8 00:00:36,880 –> 00:00:39,520 Before we get into the questions in specific 9 00:00:40,439 –> 00:00:46,279 It’s interesting to notice that these questions were raised in the temple 10 00:00:46,880 –> 00:00:48,520 Think about it 11 00:00:48,520 –> 00:00:50,360 God’s Son 12 00:00:50,360 –> 00:00:52,360 comes to God’s house 13 00:00:53,259 –> 00:00:58,980 But instead of being welcomed with love he is confronted with hostility and rejection 14 00:00:59,799 –> 00:01:03,299 instead of being the center of worship in God’s house 15 00:01:04,080 –> 00:01:08,500 he becomes the focal point of debate in God’s house and 16 00:01:08,839 –> 00:01:15,699 How tragically that has continued to be the case too often throughout the history of the church 17 00:01:16,139 –> 00:01:22,940 It tells us a great deal about ourselves and about our world and before we launch into this these questions 18 00:01:22,940 –> 00:01:29,459 It’s worth just pausing to say as Jesus Christ looks into your heart. What does he find today? 19 00:01:30,699 –> 00:01:34,620 Does he find in your heart as you have come here? 20 00:01:35,379 –> 00:01:36,739 adoration 21 00:01:36,739 –> 00:01:38,440 worship 22 00:01:38,440 –> 00:01:40,559 thanksgiving and praise or 23 00:01:40,699 –> 00:01:48,320 Or would he find in your heart a long list of complaints and challenges and struggles in relation to his 24 00:01:49,040 –> 00:01:50,339 authority 25 00:01:50,339 –> 00:01:56,820 Well, these are the issues that are before us today, and they’re very personal and very powerful 26 00:01:57,500 –> 00:01:59,779 we’re going to see four questions that 27 00:02:00,260 –> 00:02:01,860 were asked of Jesus 28 00:02:01,860 –> 00:02:07,900 We’re going to try and learn from the questions and then we’ll come back and seek to learn from Jesus answers 29 00:02:08,520 –> 00:02:15,820 Now the first question and it’s recorded from Mark chapter 11 verse 27 right through to chapter 12 and verse 30 00:02:15,899 –> 00:02:18,800 12 you find it Mark 11 27 31 00:02:19,039 –> 00:02:27,100 They asked Jesus by what authority are you doing these things and who gave you authority to do this? 32 00:02:28,360 –> 00:02:34,259 Now this question was asked by the chief priests the teachers of the law and the elders verse 27 33 00:02:34,559 –> 00:02:36,559 This was an official delegation 34 00:02:37,440 –> 00:02:39,440 Remember there on the previous day 35 00:02:39,479 –> 00:02:44,880 Jesus had cleared the money changers and those who were selling doves out of the temple 36 00:02:44,880 –> 00:02:48,059 he’d overturned their tables and he had driven them out and 37 00:02:48,259 –> 00:02:53,660 this is the sort of breach of the peace and so we bring in the lawyers you see that’s what happens and 38 00:02:54,059 –> 00:02:57,479 So the teachers of the law come the scribes were the legal experts 39 00:02:57,600 –> 00:03:02,720 so the the legal crowd come in the lawyers show up along with the chief priests and the elders and 40 00:03:02,720 –> 00:03:06,240 They’re having what really is a kind of an official 41 00:03:06,800 –> 00:03:10,300 Deposition I suppose they’re saying to the Lord Jesus now. We’ve got some questions 42 00:03:10,300 –> 00:03:16,119 We need to know by what right did you do this and who gave you authority to do what you did right here yesterday? 43 00:03:17,080 –> 00:03:24,059 And the answer of course is that Jesus cleared the temple on the basis of his own divine authority as the Son of God 44 00:03:24,759 –> 00:03:30,779 God’s Son has supreme authority over God’s house as he does over all of God’s world 45 00:03:31,380 –> 00:03:35,259 But clearly these men do not recognize that nor do they accept it as 46 00:03:35,740 –> 00:03:39,899 Indeed millions do not recognize the authority of Jesus or accept it today 47 00:03:40,759 –> 00:03:43,979 It is extraordinary isn’t it in the story of the gospel 48 00:03:44,460 –> 00:03:50,399 We have seen the authority of Jesus over nature, the stilling of the storm, over demons 49 00:03:51,020 –> 00:03:53,660 delivering fraught and demented people 50 00:03:54,460 –> 00:03:57,679 Over sickness and over death. We’ve seen the authority of Jesus 51 00:03:58,440 –> 00:04:03,399 Demonstrated but when He comes to the temple it’s a not in my house not in our house 52 00:04:04,240 –> 00:04:08,919 We’re in charge here. You don’t tell us what to do and 53 00:04:09,740 –> 00:04:14,179 So the first thing that we learn about ourselves here. Is that by nature? 54 00:04:15,339 –> 00:04:18,000 We are rebels against God’s authority 55 00:04:18,000 –> 00:04:19,559 Authority 56 00:04:19,559 –> 00:04:25,760 Human nature has never changed. It is our nature to resist God’s truth and to reject God’s Son, our 57 00:04:26,399 –> 00:04:30,959 Natural choice left to ourselves would always be to be our own God to choose our own 58 00:04:31,000 –> 00:04:36,339 Religion to run out on lives and to be in charge of our own house. We are rebels by 59 00:04:37,059 –> 00:04:39,000 nature 60 00:04:39,000 –> 00:04:42,140 Now as we go through these questions I want us to pick up 61 00:04:42,799 –> 00:04:47,260 Some insights from the way that Jesus handles questions and answers 62 00:04:48,519 –> 00:04:53,119 Now as we think about being more proactive in sharing the gospel with unbelievers 63 00:04:53,859 –> 00:05:00,880 It’s good for us to learn from the example of Jesus as to how he handled some of these difficult conversations 64 00:05:01,359 –> 00:05:06,839 Especially when people were antagonistic and so going to pick up an evangelistic insight from each of these 65 00:05:07,320 –> 00:05:10,600 interactions and the first one from this discussion is 66 00:05:11,140 –> 00:05:13,140 simply this don’t be 67 00:05:13,299 –> 00:05:17,619 Intimidated when you’re sharing the gospel rather take the initiative 68 00:05:18,820 –> 00:05:23,459 Want you to notice that Jesus does not answer the hostile question directly 69 00:05:24,040 –> 00:05:26,000 So you don’t need to answer 70 00:05:26,000 –> 00:05:30,339 every question that’s ever asked of you especially if it comes in a hostile kind of way 71 00:05:30,739 –> 00:05:36,119 Jesus pattern was that he spoke openly to those whose hearts were open and he spoke 72 00:05:36,739 –> 00:05:42,320 Indirectly to those whose hearts were closed and to these hostile men 73 00:05:43,100 –> 00:05:44,119 Jesus 74 00:05:44,260 –> 00:05:47,640 Answers with a parable that comes at the beginning of chapter 12 75 00:05:47,859 –> 00:05:52,119 It’s a story about a man who owned his vineyard. He rented it to tenants 76 00:05:52,299 –> 00:05:56,760 He sent servants to the tenants and they killed the servants 77 00:05:57,179 –> 00:06:00,920 he sent his son to the tenants and they killed the son and 78 00:06:01,779 –> 00:06:07,339 Then Jesus says it the conclusion of his story, which is all in answer to their question verse 9 of chapter 12 79 00:06:07,579 –> 00:06:09,820 What will the owner of the vineyard do? 80 00:06:10,679 –> 00:06:14,040 He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others 81 00:06:14,779 –> 00:06:16,779 Now you see what Jesus is doing 82 00:06:17,480 –> 00:06:23,779 he moves the discussion from a theoretical question about his authority to 83 00:06:24,040 –> 00:06:30,799 a personal question about the response that these men are making to him as God’s son 84 00:06:31,519 –> 00:06:33,519 he takes the initiative 85 00:06:33,519 –> 00:06:38,660 To move it away from a theoretical discussion to a personal discussion 86 00:06:39,239 –> 00:06:42,899 about the response of these individual men and their 87 00:06:43,480 –> 00:06:46,440 responsibility towards God and he lays out quite clearly the 88 00:06:46,899 –> 00:06:53,160 Consequences of rejecting the son God has sent into the world and it must have got through because chapter 12 in verse 12 89 00:06:53,480 –> 00:07:00,320 It says that they looked for a way to arrest Jesus because they knew that he had spoken this parable 90 00:07:01,040 –> 00:07:02,040 against 91 00:07:02,040 –> 00:07:04,019 then 92 00:07:04,059 –> 00:07:09,859 So here’s the first question. It’s an official question about the issue of authority from it 93 00:07:09,859 –> 00:07:12,600 We learn something about ourselves and our world that by nature 94 00:07:13,000 –> 00:07:18,540 We are rebels against God we resist his authority and this insight from the way 95 00:07:18,540 –> 00:07:22,339 Jesus handles the discussion don’t be intimidated rather take the initiative 96 00:07:23,720 –> 00:07:25,720 Let’s move on to the second question 97 00:07:26,239 –> 00:07:33,440 Which is a political question about money this runs from chapter 12 verse 13 through 17 98 00:07:34,459 –> 00:07:36,920 Paying taxes to Caesar 99 00:07:36,920 –> 00:07:39,299 Verse 15 is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? 100 00:07:39,839 –> 00:07:42,519 Should we pay or shouldn’t we? 101 00:07:43,839 –> 00:07:45,839 now again Mark tells us that 102 00:07:46,239 –> 00:07:51,500 This question was asked by the Pharisees and by the Herodians 103 00:07:51,579 –> 00:07:54,739 We know that these two groups had already rejected Jesus 104 00:07:55,059 –> 00:08:00,420 but they try to flatter him as they try to catch him in his words verse 13 and 105 00:08:00,500 –> 00:08:05,119 They come up with this very smooth talk verse 14 teacher 106 00:08:05,119 –> 00:08:07,119 We know that you are a man of integrity 107 00:08:07,220 –> 00:08:10,600 You aren’t swayed by men because you pay no attention to who they are 108 00:08:10,839 –> 00:08:15,959 but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth and other trying to present themselves as a 109 00:08:16,980 –> 00:08:20,079 genuine seekers after truth as some people will do 110 00:08:21,220 –> 00:08:25,619 But Jesus sees right through them verse 15. Jesus knew that hypocrisy 111 00:08:26,540 –> 00:08:28,540 strong word that Jesus uses 112 00:08:29,200 –> 00:08:31,200 He knew that hypocrisy 113 00:08:32,099 –> 00:08:37,000 They talk as if they are real followers of Jesus genuine seekers after truth 114 00:08:37,159 –> 00:08:43,260 But Jesus knew that the reality of their hearts was that they did not do what they said. That’s hypocrisy 115 00:08:44,679 –> 00:08:48,820 So I think the second thing that we learn about our own human nature is 116 00:08:50,039 –> 00:08:52,039 That we are not only 117 00:08:52,200 –> 00:08:55,140 Rebels who resist God’s authority, but we are by nature 118 00:08:55,820 –> 00:08:58,200 Hypocrites who avoid God’s command 119 00:08:58,719 –> 00:09:03,739 It is in our fallen human nature to talk better than we act 120 00:09:04,440 –> 00:09:08,559 to present ourselves as being more spiritual than we really are 121 00:09:09,559 –> 00:09:13,340 to kind of hide behind a presentation of self as 122 00:09:14,020 –> 00:09:17,640 being supportive of good and religious and spiritual things 123 00:09:17,739 –> 00:09:22,859 While actually we hold ourselves back from full devotion to Jesus Christ. That’s our nature 124 00:09:23,179 –> 00:09:25,179 Really? 125 00:09:25,280 –> 00:09:29,320 Now again an insight from the way Jesus handles this discussion 126 00:09:30,859 –> 00:09:32,859 When you’re sharing the gospel 127 00:09:33,260 –> 00:09:35,260 don’t be distracted 128 00:09:36,219 –> 00:09:38,219 but stay focused I 129 00:09:38,859 –> 00:09:44,419 Say that because what’s going on in the second question and is very significant for us is 130 00:09:45,340 –> 00:09:48,440 That the Pharisees and the Herodians are 131 00:09:48,559 –> 00:09:54,799 Are trying to get Jesus involved in the great political issue of their day 132 00:09:55,760 –> 00:09:57,619 which was of course 133 00:09:57,619 –> 00:10:01,020 How should we respond to the Roman occupation? 134 00:10:01,580 –> 00:10:03,219 That was the great 135 00:10:03,219 –> 00:10:10,340 political hot potato of the time of Jesus and people were divided as to how the Jews should respond 136 00:10:11,739 –> 00:10:17,679 Now if Jesus had taken a position on this issue as clearly they were asking him to do here 137 00:10:18,440 –> 00:10:21,280 It could only have compromised his mission 138 00:10:22,479 –> 00:10:26,340 Because if he had aligned himself with people on one side 139 00:10:27,260 –> 00:10:33,299 he would have alienated the people on the other side from the message of the gospel and 140 00:10:34,039 –> 00:10:39,119 What we find here is a very important example for us is that Jesus 141 00:10:39,700 –> 00:10:40,840 refuses 142 00:10:40,840 –> 00:10:45,580 to be distracted from the work of the gospel by a political agenda 143 00:10:46,059 –> 00:10:50,700 He is resolute in being focused on his own mission 144 00:10:51,619 –> 00:10:57,719 Now I say that that is an important model and example for us as a church 145 00:10:58,700 –> 00:11:00,700 Let me be clear 146 00:11:01,020 –> 00:11:03,179 It is a good thing for 147 00:11:04,219 –> 00:11:09,039 Christians to be involved in political life as Christian 148 00:11:09,500 –> 00:11:11,500 citizens 149 00:11:11,500 –> 00:11:17,039 Many members of our congregation are actively involved politically 150 00:11:17,859 –> 00:11:19,859 engaged in political parties 151 00:11:20,760 –> 00:11:22,760 serving on governing committees 152 00:11:23,500 –> 00:11:29,260 active in particular campaigns and I thank God for that 153 00:11:30,340 –> 00:11:32,340 it is a good thing a 154 00:11:32,640 –> 00:11:36,719 right thing for us to do as Christian citizens 155 00:11:37,119 –> 00:11:39,280 But it is not 156 00:11:39,960 –> 00:11:42,260 The business of the church 157 00:11:43,380 –> 00:11:49,799 And Jesus makes this very clear in his own focus on mission here that the mission of Jesus 158 00:11:50,559 –> 00:11:55,500 Was not to reform an old community but rather to build a new community 159 00:11:56,440 –> 00:12:00,979 The strategy of Jesus was not to change the law of the land 160 00:12:01,700 –> 00:12:03,979 But to change the hearts of the people 161 00:12:04,780 –> 00:12:09,820 And so when these Pharisees and Herodians tried to suck him into the current political debate 162 00:12:10,080 –> 00:12:15,580 That’s what they’re doing here. They stuff throw him the political hot potato of the day 163 00:12:15,580 –> 00:12:22,580 How do we respond to the Roman occupation what your position on paying taxes to Caesar? Jesus simply refuses to go there 164 00:12:23,179 –> 00:12:30,179 And what does he do? He brings the conversation right back to the issue of how we must respond 165 00:12:30,919 –> 00:12:32,880 to God 166 00:12:32,880 –> 00:12:36,059 For this reason he came into the world 167 00:12:36,880 –> 00:12:39,580 So there’s some very important things for us here 168 00:12:39,580 –> 00:12:44,679 Especially at this time a political question is raised with our Lord Jesus Christ 169 00:12:44,679 –> 00:12:46,780 It’s primarily focused on money 170 00:12:46,780 –> 00:12:52,080 Jesus draws out this fundamental human problem that we are by nature 171 00:12:52,900 –> 00:12:59,500 hypocritical we talk better than we are and we sound more spiritual than we actually act and 172 00:12:59,760 –> 00:13:03,520 we gain this great insight that in the cut and thrust of debates 173 00:13:03,960 –> 00:13:11,219 Where people will try to move the agenda of the church and move the agenda that you have in sharing the gospel 174 00:13:12,700 –> 00:13:14,460 Don’t be distracted 175 00:13:14,460 –> 00:13:17,099 Don’t be distracted. Let us not be distracted 176 00:13:17,900 –> 00:13:18,900 rather 177 00:13:18,900 –> 00:13:20,739 stay focused 178 00:13:20,739 –> 00:13:26,820 Now a third question the third question is theological and it relates to the issue of the resurrection 179 00:13:26,979 –> 00:13:31,219 resurrection this comes in Mark chapter 12 verses 18 to 27 180 00:13:31,760 –> 00:13:37,179 The Sadducees who say that there is no resurrection. I was told when I was a kid 181 00:13:37,179 –> 00:13:39,500 This is how you remember the Sadducees 182 00:13:39,700 –> 00:13:43,119 They didn’t believe in the resurrection and that was how they were sad 183 00:13:43,340 –> 00:13:47,020 You see because you will be sad if you don’t believe in the resurrection 184 00:13:47,440 –> 00:13:50,880 Absolutely miserable position to take but they didn’t believe in the resurrection 185 00:13:51,059 –> 00:13:56,000 They thought that the idea of resurrected bodies beyond this life was laughable and ridiculous 186 00:13:56,979 –> 00:13:58,979 And so being good comedians 187 00:13:58,979 –> 00:14:04,760 They developed this story about a woman where they said well suppose the woman married seven different men 188 00:14:04,760 –> 00:14:07,000 And then they’re all resurrected there Jesus 189 00:14:07,000 –> 00:14:14,640 Can you tell us um, you know in the resurrection who’s to whom will she belong who which one will be her husband in the resurrection? 190 00:14:15,099 –> 00:14:18,039 Now to their minds you see the story that they’d concocted 191 00:14:18,640 –> 00:14:24,099 showed that the whole idea of the resurrection was absurd and laughable and 192 00:14:24,460 –> 00:14:29,359 Ridiculous, and so there is a great deal of cynicism quite clearly in this question 193 00:14:30,460 –> 00:14:34,260 Now I want you to notice how Jesus traces cynicism to its root 194 00:14:35,020 –> 00:14:37,200 He says he’s your problem verse 24 195 00:14:38,099 –> 00:14:41,179 You don’t know the Bible. You don’t know the scriptures and 196 00:14:42,140 –> 00:14:44,140 You do not know the power of God 197 00:14:46,159 –> 00:14:49,479 So here’s a third dimension of our fallen condition 198 00:14:50,359 –> 00:14:56,359 Not only are we rebels who resist God’s Authority not only are we hypocrites who avoid God’s command 199 00:14:57,080 –> 00:15:01,359 But by nature. We are cynics who disregard God’s 200 00:15:02,159 –> 00:15:04,159 power 201 00:15:04,359 –> 00:15:08,659 By the way if you are sharing the gospel with someone or you’re just in conversation 202 00:15:08,940 –> 00:15:10,940 This happens often these days doesn’t it? 203 00:15:10,940 –> 00:15:16,200 You know and someone says to you looking at you as and talking it to you as if you must be an 204 00:15:16,440 –> 00:15:20,900 Intellectual lightweight, or a complete fool. You know how could you possibly believe 205 00:15:22,419 –> 00:15:25,359 That God created the heavens and the earth 206 00:15:26,559 –> 00:15:30,080 Well, here’s a good question to ask that person 207 00:15:31,580 –> 00:15:36,739 You say to them tell me what you believe about God’s power 208 00:15:38,840 –> 00:15:40,840 It’s a good question to ask 209 00:15:41,659 –> 00:15:43,479 Because 210 00:15:43,479 –> 00:15:46,859 You see a person who actually knows God’s power 211 00:15:48,659 –> 00:15:50,500 Will have 212 00:15:50,500 –> 00:15:52,500 no difficulty in believing 213 00:15:53,799 –> 00:15:59,559 The miraculous and that is at the very center of Christian faith the creation 214 00:16:01,440 –> 00:16:03,700 God becoming man in Christ 215 00:16:04,900 –> 00:16:06,520 the resurrection 216 00:16:06,520 –> 00:16:14,000 The new birth another miracle, not just a human change but a divine change making us new creations new heaven and new earth 217 00:16:16,000 –> 00:16:20,599 It all flows from God’s power, which Paul says has been clearly revealed 218 00:16:20,780 –> 00:16:23,479 But here’s the human problem because we’re cynics 219 00:16:23,479 –> 00:16:29,619 We choose to repress it and not to recognize it and to turn away from looking at it 220 00:16:29,619 –> 00:16:31,619 And that’s the root of all unbelief 221 00:16:32,700 –> 00:16:35,380 You do not know the scriptures and 222 00:16:35,440 –> 00:16:37,619 And you do not know God’s power 223 00:16:39,940 –> 00:16:41,940 So here’s another little 224 00:16:42,119 –> 00:16:48,659 Insight that might just help us and encourage us as we share the gospel. Number three don’t be ashamed, but be confident 225 00:16:49,359 –> 00:16:55,500 Some people are very cynical and they will try and embarrass you and they will look down their noses as if you must be intellectually 226 00:16:56,059 –> 00:16:58,979 Very lightweight to believe the Bible at all 227 00:16:59,700 –> 00:17:01,059 You know how can you 228 00:17:01,059 –> 00:17:06,020 seriously believe in a man who was born with no father going up into the sky and 229 00:17:06,219 –> 00:17:09,219 It’s incredible and don’t be ashamed 230 00:17:10,199 –> 00:17:12,199 You be confident 231 00:17:12,900 –> 00:17:20,560 Remember that cynicism grows when a person does not know the power of God and therefore is not even able to grasp the scriptures 232 00:17:21,260 –> 00:17:27,459 And you see once you know, the power of God that changes everything once you come to know the power of God 233 00:17:28,979 –> 00:17:32,160 Then what seemed perhaps in your previous worldview? 234 00:17:32,739 –> 00:17:34,739 fantastic and impossible 235 00:17:35,160 –> 00:17:37,160 Suddenly doesn’t seem so strange 236 00:17:37,859 –> 00:17:39,859 after all 237 00:17:40,579 –> 00:17:47,699 So an official question about authority a political question about money a theological question about 238 00:17:48,339 –> 00:17:50,339 the resurrection 239 00:17:50,540 –> 00:17:52,079 fourthly a 240 00:17:52,079 –> 00:17:53,900 genuine question 241 00:17:53,900 –> 00:18:00,979 about love mark chapter 12 verses 28 to 34 a man comes to Jesus and says Lord of 242 00:18:01,160 –> 00:18:06,859 All the commandments which is the most important and Jesus points him to the answer 243 00:18:07,459 –> 00:18:09,459 That it is the commandment to love 244 00:18:10,819 –> 00:18:16,959 Now this question came from a teacher of the Law verse 28 who evidently was impressed with the teaching of Jesus and 245 00:18:17,640 –> 00:18:24,079 Seemed to be genuinely supportive of what jesus was saying there’s quite a different tone from this man 246 00:18:24,560 –> 00:18:31,540 There’s nothing of the cynicism or the antagonism or the hypocrisy that we’ve seen in the earlier questions 247 00:18:32,760 –> 00:18:34,760 This is a man who sincerely? 248 00:18:35,280 –> 00:18:41,680 wants to live a life that is pleasing to God and he said now, what’s the thing I should really focus on if 249 00:18:42,319 –> 00:18:44,319 I’m trying to do this 250 00:18:45,079 –> 00:18:48,239 The man agrees with the answer that Jesus gives and 251 00:18:49,239 –> 00:18:54,079 Jesus even commends the man verse 34 saying that the man had spoken wisely 252 00:18:54,780 –> 00:18:57,520 and then after this little interaction 253 00:18:58,579 –> 00:18:59,920 Jesus 254 00:18:59,920 –> 00:19:05,839 Says something that is absolutely astonishing in verse 34 please look at it with me 255 00:19:06,880 –> 00:19:11,939 When Jesus saw that the man had answered wisely jesus said to him 256 00:19:12,020 –> 00:19:17,719 Listen, you are not far from the kingdom of God 257 00:19:19,439 –> 00:19:26,239 Now I think when the teacher of the law who was having such a warm conversation with Jesus heard him say this must have stepped back 258 00:19:27,760 –> 00:19:29,760 Not far 259 00:19:30,219 –> 00:19:32,359 what do you mean not far I 260 00:19:34,500 –> 00:19:36,500 Mean here’s this man, who is 261 00:19:37,760 –> 00:19:40,920 Committed to loving God with all his heart so mind and strength 262 00:19:40,920 –> 00:19:41,920 That’s what I’m trying to do 263 00:19:41,920 –> 00:19:46,880 He says and loved his neighbor as himself and Jesus says you you’re not far from the kingdom of God not far 264 00:19:48,520 –> 00:19:50,520 What I have to do to get in 265 00:19:51,500 –> 00:19:57,260 We see what Jesus says you’re not far from the kingdom of God, but not far means not in 266 00:19:59,400 –> 00:20:05,439 So here’s a fourth thing that we learn about our natural human condition and it is that we are strangers 267 00:20:06,640 –> 00:20:08,640 outside of God’s kingdom 268 00:20:08,640 –> 00:20:14,280 Kingdom and with all our sincerity and our best efforts at living a life of love 269 00:20:15,619 –> 00:20:18,420 We may be not far, but that doesn’t get us in 270 00:20:21,060 –> 00:20:23,619 Living a life of love may get you near 271 00:20:24,900 –> 00:20:29,219 But according to Jesus living a life of love won’t get you in that makes you think 272 00:20:30,739 –> 00:20:32,739 Must have made this man think 273 00:20:34,380 –> 00:20:36,599 So here’s evangelism insight number four 274 00:20:37,500 –> 00:20:39,500 As we share the gospel 275 00:20:40,199 –> 00:20:43,760 Let’s be sure that we don’t get confused but rather keep it clear 276 00:20:45,359 –> 00:20:48,199 See some people that we speak with are 277 00:20:49,400 –> 00:20:51,400 living genuinely good lives 278 00:20:52,199 –> 00:20:54,199 The lovely people 279 00:20:54,319 –> 00:20:55,800 sincere 280 00:20:55,800 –> 00:20:57,640 They come to church 281 00:20:57,640 –> 00:20:59,339 They read the Bible 282 00:20:59,339 –> 00:21:01,040 they pray 283 00:21:01,040 –> 00:21:04,599 They agree with what you say. They compliment your ministry 284 00:21:05,199 –> 00:21:12,300 They’re so sincere that you might think that you might be in danger of forgetting that they are really lost 285 00:21:14,719 –> 00:21:18,660 Being a good person won’t save you or anybody else 286 00:21:20,239 –> 00:21:26,160 So when someone says to you and you know, honestly this happens even in interviews within the context of the congregation 287 00:21:26,160 –> 00:21:27,640 the congregation 288 00:21:29,239 –> 00:21:36,400 When someone says to you you know, I love God and I really try to love my neighbour as myself and to live a good life 289 00:21:37,739 –> 00:21:40,520 That may mean that they are near to the kingdom 290 00:21:41,760 –> 00:21:48,459 It does not indicate in itself that they are in the kingdom according to what Jesus says here 291 00:21:49,040 –> 00:21:51,040 So don’t get confused 292 00:21:51,319 –> 00:21:57,599 Because it would be a terrible thing to be like this teacher of the law who was clearly a sincere and religious and in many 293 00:21:57,619 –> 00:21:59,619 ways a godly kind of man 294 00:22:00,079 –> 00:22:06,619 But simply to live your life not far from the kingdom, but not actually in the kingdom 295 00:22:09,640 –> 00:22:15,060 So we’ve gained four insights for evangelism don’t be intimidated take the initiative 296 00:22:16,300 –> 00:22:18,699 Don’t be distracted stay focused 297 00:22:19,540 –> 00:22:24,280 Don’t be ashamed be confident and don’t get confused 298 00:22:24,979 –> 00:22:28,020 Keep it clear as you share the gospel 299 00:22:28,739 –> 00:22:33,260 And we’ve also seen really four faces of our fallen condition 300 00:22:34,119 –> 00:22:37,959 God has absolute authority, but we are rebels who resist his rule 301 00:22:38,680 –> 00:22:43,040 He lays absolute claim to our lives, but we are hypocrites who avoid his command 302 00:22:43,800 –> 00:22:45,300 He has revealed his power 303 00:22:45,300 –> 00:22:51,979 But we are cynics who distrust his word and he has called us to love, but we are strangers who are outside 304 00:22:52,599 –> 00:22:57,579 of his kingdom and you can see here that there is a huge chasm between 305 00:22:58,359 –> 00:23:01,880 Jesus and the questioners at every one of these four points 306 00:23:03,199 –> 00:23:09,079 There is no meeting of minds whatsoever. The conflict is obvious and the cross is inevitable 307 00:23:09,219 –> 00:23:10,140 inevitable 308 00:23:10,140 –> 00:23:13,319 the world is rejecting Jesus and Jesus is 309 00:23:13,459 –> 00:23:20,319 rejecting the world, and the crowds of people in the temple who are listening to these questions and answers are going to have to choose 310 00:23:20,319 –> 00:23:22,319 and to take sides 311 00:23:23,719 –> 00:23:30,699 Because the position of the questioners who are opposed to Jesus and the position of Jesus who is answering them 312 00:23:30,719 –> 00:23:32,719 So clearly they are 313 00:23:33,400 –> 00:23:35,400 irreconcilably different 314 00:23:35,680 –> 00:23:38,400 You have to choose between Jesus and the world 315 00:23:39,119 –> 00:23:41,119 it’s still the same today and 316 00:23:42,400 –> 00:23:47,819 So the question that really flows out of our observing these questions and learning from them 317 00:23:48,119 –> 00:23:52,239 Is what then is it going to mean for us to take our stand with Jesus? 318 00:23:53,880 –> 00:23:59,800 What is it going to mean for us to be true Christians, what does that actually look like in 319 00:24:00,479 –> 00:24:06,900 a situation where the world is rejecting Jesus and Jesus is rejecting the world and 320 00:24:07,699 –> 00:24:12,719 From these four answers that Jesus gives I want simply to draw four 321 00:24:13,640 –> 00:24:15,640 marks of genuine 322 00:24:16,380 –> 00:24:18,380 conversion what it really looks like 323 00:24:18,739 –> 00:24:20,119 when a person 324 00:24:20,119 –> 00:24:23,839 Is turning to take their stand with Jesus Christ 325 00:24:25,439 –> 00:24:32,900 What that looks like first is that to be a true Christian means you end your rebellion against God 326 00:24:34,680 –> 00:24:36,680 Being a coming a Christian 327 00:24:37,260 –> 00:24:39,260 Means that you recognize his authority 328 00:24:40,739 –> 00:24:42,739 Over the world 329 00:24:43,119 –> 00:24:47,099 Over your life past present and future 330 00:24:49,160 –> 00:24:55,619 You know I’m sure all of us in the congregation this morning have questions we’d like to ask God and 331 00:24:56,459 –> 00:24:58,300 One day God will answer 332 00:24:58,300 –> 00:25:03,939 Every one of your questions there’ll be no more tears in your eyes, and there’ll be no more doubts in your mind 333 00:25:04,339 –> 00:25:06,339 But 334 00:25:07,000 –> 00:25:09,000 Becoming a christian 335 00:25:09,319 –> 00:25:15,699 Involves you saying something like this whatever the questions that I have unresolved and whatever the difficulties and struggles 336 00:25:15,719 –> 00:25:20,760 I am facing right now. I will not allow my life to be one long 337 00:25:21,300 –> 00:25:23,300 argument with God 338 00:25:25,040 –> 00:25:31,260 Because I do not want on the last day to be standing among the rebels and the hypocrites and the cynics I 339 00:25:32,260 –> 00:25:36,619 want on the last day to be standing in the presence of God among the worshipers and 340 00:25:37,800 –> 00:25:42,979 That therefore is the choice that I am making now, whatever my unanswered questions 341 00:25:44,680 –> 00:25:50,680 Don’t spend your life fighting God with your long list of questions and complaints 342 00:25:51,660 –> 00:25:53,339 and your 343 00:25:53,339 –> 00:25:55,339 rebellion against God 344 00:25:55,660 –> 00:25:57,660 give up the fight 345 00:25:58,359 –> 00:26:01,640 Submit to his rule and his authority in your life 346 00:26:01,640 –> 00:26:08,819 that is the first part of what it means to stand with Jesus Christ and it’s life transforming and 347 00:26:09,579 –> 00:26:11,699 Liberating when you take that step 348 00:26:14,319 –> 00:26:16,319 Here’s the second 349 00:26:16,880 –> 00:26:19,640 You offer yourself to God unconditionally 350 00:26:20,339 –> 00:26:21,719 verse 351 00:26:21,719 –> 00:26:23,719 17 of chapter 12 352 00:26:24,619 –> 00:26:27,119 give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and 353 00:26:27,959 –> 00:26:29,680 Give to God 354 00:26:29,680 –> 00:26:31,680 What is God’s? 355 00:26:31,719 –> 00:26:34,119 That raises the obvious question. Well, what is God’s? 356 00:26:36,819 –> 00:26:41,579 No, remember Jesus had asked his questioners to give him a coin and 357 00:26:42,260 –> 00:26:45,660 He said whose image is on this coin and 358 00:26:45,660 –> 00:26:51,719 And remember it was the image of Caesar because they were using Roman currency and he said give to Caesar’s what is Caesar’s and to 359 00:26:51,719 –> 00:26:53,719 God what is God’s? 360 00:26:53,760 –> 00:26:55,760 The coin bears 361 00:26:55,979 –> 00:26:57,979 Cesars image 362 00:26:58,540 –> 00:27:01,140 You bear God’s image 363 00:27:03,479 –> 00:27:05,479 You were created in the image of God 364 00:27:06,319 –> 00:27:07,520 and 365 00:27:07,520 –> 00:27:10,359 When Jesus says give to God what is God’s? 366 00:27:11,520 –> 00:27:14,880 He is reminding us that God lays claim to the totality 367 00:27:15,680 –> 00:27:17,680 of our lives 368 00:27:18,680 –> 00:27:20,920 Because we are made stamped 369 00:27:22,380 –> 00:27:25,160 Created in His image, we’re gods 370 00:27:27,839 –> 00:27:29,680 Now 371 00:27:29,680 –> 00:27:31,699 sometimes 372 00:27:31,699 –> 00:27:36,619 Christians try and define what we should give to God and 373 00:27:37,959 –> 00:27:41,819 It sort of fits our culture, you know, give me the checklist give me the bullet points 374 00:27:41,819 –> 00:27:44,699 Tell me what I have to do. What do I owe to God? What should I give to God? 375 00:27:46,300 –> 00:27:49,560 So you will get all kinds of answers to that question and 376 00:27:50,359 –> 00:27:52,359 Many of them very good and helpful 377 00:27:53,900 –> 00:27:58,959 Depending on who you ask you may get answers like this read the Bible and pray for 20 minutes each day 378 00:27:59,939 –> 00:28:01,939 give 10% of your income 379 00:28:02,719 –> 00:28:08,520 Be in a small group get involved in a ministry or whatever it is. Now being specific can be helpful 380 00:28:09,479 –> 00:28:13,680 but the problem with reducing what we give to God to a 381 00:28:14,300 –> 00:28:15,859 formula is 382 00:28:15,859 –> 00:28:20,859 That you lose sight of the fact that God lays claim to the totality of your life 383 00:28:20,859 –> 00:28:27,420 Which is the point that Jesus is making here Life Talent Time Money all things come from him 384 00:28:27,459 –> 00:28:33,660 All things belong to him all things are for him. And we are the stewards 385 00:28:35,619 –> 00:28:41,479 And when Jesus says give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s what he’s calling us to is an 386 00:28:42,160 –> 00:28:43,760 unconditional 387 00:28:43,760 –> 00:28:50,520 self-giving of all that we are and all that we have into the hands of God to live under his sovereign ruling and take it 388 00:28:50,520 –> 00:28:52,520 from there 389 00:28:53,199 –> 00:28:55,300 That’s what it means to take your stand with Jesus Christ 390 00:28:59,319 –> 00:29:05,540 You end your rebellion against God and you offer yourself to God unconditionally 391 00:29:05,619 –> 00:29:07,619 Conditionally 392 00:29:07,699 –> 00:29:13,459 Give to God what is god’s as a person made in his image 393 00:29:15,760 –> 00:29:18,739 And then here’s the third thing I take it from the third question 394 00:29:18,739 –> 00:29:22,160 What does it mean to become a true Christian take your stand with Jesus Christ? Well 395 00:29:22,800 –> 00:29:27,000 It means trusting God’s sovereign power in all things 396 00:29:27,699 –> 00:29:34,459 Remember Jesus said to the cynic you don’t know the scriptures or the power of God when someone becomes a Christian 397 00:29:34,459 –> 00:29:40,859 It involves this great change. You do know the scriptures you believe them you hang your life on what they teach and 398 00:29:41,920 –> 00:29:44,699 In becoming its Christian by definition 399 00:29:44,699 –> 00:29:50,800 You are discovering and knowing the believing and entrusting the power of God 400 00:29:52,459 –> 00:29:55,959 By the way, if you come to the Bible with a materialistic or 401 00:29:56,719 –> 00:30:00,520 Naturalistic worldview, it will not make any sense to you at all 402 00:30:01,180 –> 00:30:07,359 If you want to understand the Bible you have to read it in the light of God’s sovereign power 403 00:30:07,359 –> 00:30:11,319 I think that’s part of what Jesus teaches us here, then it will make sense to you 404 00:30:11,920 –> 00:30:16,239 The birth of Christ the miracles the resurrection the gift of the Holy Spirit 405 00:30:17,180 –> 00:30:19,479 The new birth which is not a humanly 406 00:30:19,959 –> 00:30:20,979 engineer change 407 00:30:20,979 –> 00:30:25,280 But rather the power of God the life of God coming into the soul of a man or a woman 408 00:30:25,640 –> 00:30:30,140 The new heaven and the new earth it all is predicated on God’s power 409 00:30:31,479 –> 00:30:38,599 And becoming a Christian involves discovering the truth of the Bible and discovering the power of God 410 00:30:39,880 –> 00:30:43,380 And this is one of the great blessings of becoming a Christian 411 00:30:44,660 –> 00:30:47,000 that you know that this God of 412 00:30:47,260 –> 00:30:52,900 Sovereign power is for you with you and even by his spirit at work within you 413 00:30:53,520 –> 00:30:58,260 So when you come to know the power of God you can look back even on your past 414 00:30:58,619 –> 00:31:01,020 Before you were a Christian and you can say you know 415 00:31:01,020 –> 00:31:07,560 I see that differently now because God’s hand was on me even then planning good things for my eternal future and 416 00:31:08,579 –> 00:31:15,280 you can look at your life now and you will see it quite differently because you know that this God is with you even though you 417 00:31:15,300 –> 00:31:17,300 cannot see him and 418 00:31:18,420 –> 00:31:24,979 You can look forward with confidence because your future life is in his hand. And if it’s in the hand of the God of Sovereign power 419 00:31:25,680 –> 00:31:28,060 Then you are absolutely secure 420 00:31:29,219 –> 00:31:34,180 This is the God Jesus said who sustained Abraham and Isaac and Jacob through everything 421 00:31:34,180 –> 00:31:39,520 They faced in their lives and he is sustaining them still. He is the God of Abraham Isaac 422 00:31:39,520 –> 00:31:41,959 and Jacob, present tense, still 423 00:31:43,760 –> 00:31:50,560 So a Christian is a person then who is learning to trust God’s Sovereign power in all things and it is in this way that 424 00:31:50,560 –> 00:31:54,660 a Christian faces every circumstance of life 425 00:31:55,219 –> 00:31:57,219 then 426 00:31:57,500 –> 00:32:01,000 here’s the fourth mark of genuine conversion 427 00:32:01,939 –> 00:32:03,800 loving God and 428 00:32:03,800 –> 00:32:06,900 the people He has placed around you 429 00:32:07,920 –> 00:32:11,020 Now notice that are two commands here when Jesus says in verse 430 00:32:11,180 –> 00:32:15,680 30 and 31 that we’re to love God with all our heart soul mind and strength and 431 00:32:16,119 –> 00:32:19,660 we are to love our neighbor as ourselves two commands and 432 00:32:20,479–> 00:32:27,599 And it is important to realize both the consistency of the continuity between them and also the contrast 433 00:32:28,239 –> 00:32:29,839 between them 434 00:32:29,839 –> 00:32:31,839 How are we to love God? 435 00:32:32,699 –> 00:32:37,459 Well, we are to love God with our heart and soul that means it involves our affections 436 00:32:38,400 –> 00:32:40,400 our emotion 437 00:32:40,540 –> 00:32:43,199 We love him 438 00:32:44,140 –> 00:32:49,400 And we are to love him with our minds that means we care about his truth passionately 439 00:32:50,239 –> 00:32:52,260 David says time and again in the Psalms 440 00:32:52,260 –> 00:32:58,319 Oh how I love your law and he didn’t even have the New Testament need to talk about the Old Testament 441 00:32:59,140 –> 00:33:03,420 He says, I love the truth of God and jealous for the truth of God 442 00:33:04,199 –> 00:33:06,739 That’ll be proclaimed and there to be believed 443 00:33:07,880 –> 00:33:10,800 That it be preserved and that it be passed on to others 444 00:33:11,800 –> 00:33:16,800 As you evaluate and develop your own thinking you will be drawn to 445 00:33:17,439 –> 00:33:19,439 thoughts and ideas and 446 00:33:20,520 –> 00:33:27,060 Approaches that exalt God and you’ll be turning away from thoughts and ideas and approaches that diminish God 447 00:33:28,160 –> 00:33:31,520 You’ll turn away from things that make man more and God less 448 00:33:31,520 –> 00:33:35,000 You’ll turn towards things that make God more and man less 449 00:33:35,599 –> 00:33:37,599 Loving with all your mind 450 00:33:38,219 –> 00:33:40,319 your whole worldview your whole thinking 451 00:33:40,979 –> 00:33:44,160 And then you love God with all your strength 452 00:33:44,739 –> 00:33:50,619 which means that we deploy our strength to engage in the work that God is doing in the world and 453 00:33:51,199 –> 00:33:54,540 It’s not so much a matter of saying God. Will you come and bless our work? 454 00:33:54,540 –> 00:33:59,140 it is us saying Lord we want to make ourselves available for your work and 455 00:34:00,479 –> 00:34:06,540 This is part of how we love God. It’s a good question to ask, how is your strength? 456 00:34:07,319 –> 00:34:08,280 that 457 00:34:08,280 –> 00:34:14,679 is all your strength your gift strength your time strength your financial strength every strength of your life 458 00:34:14,699 –> 00:34:19,719 How is your strength being utilized for the advance of the gospel the work of Jesus Christ today? 459 00:34:20,820 –> 00:34:22,820 Because that is part of how you love him 460 00:34:23,719 –> 00:34:26,860 By the deploying of your strength in his work 461 00:34:27,540 –> 00:34:32,320 As a wonderful question for us a great challenge that we faced as a church together 462 00:34:33,100 –> 00:34:35,100 How can the total 463 00:34:35,580 –> 00:34:37,199 strength of 464 00:34:37,199 –> 00:34:38,679 this body 465 00:34:38,679 –> 00:34:44,399 Be most effectively deployed for the advance of the gospel because that is how we show that we love him 466 00:34:46,199 –> 00:34:49,120 To place at his disposal and to 467 00:34:49,979 –> 00:34:51,280 deploy 468 00:34:51,280 –> 00:34:53,280 for his gospel all 469 00:34:53,879 –> 00:34:55,879 That he has trusted to us 470 00:34:56,679 –> 00:34:59,260 That is how we show that we love him 471 00:34:59,979 –> 00:35:07,179 So, how do you love God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength 472 00:35:09,540 –> 00:35:11,540 Now here’s the second command 473 00:35:11,919 –> 00:35:13,919 You to love your neighbor 474 00:35:14,459 –> 00:35:18,860 Now I want you to notice the continuity love God love your neighbor 475 00:35:19,580 –> 00:35:21,580 the same dynamic I 476 00:35:22,179 –> 00:35:24,699 Want you to notice the contrast 477 00:35:25,679 –> 00:35:29,939 Love God with all your heart soul mind and strength love your neighbor. How as 478 00:35:30,760 –> 00:35:32,620 yourself 479 00:35:32,620 –> 00:35:34,620 so both continuity and 480 00:35:35,020 –> 00:35:37,260 A contrast here and they’re both important 481 00:35:38,219 –> 00:35:42,080 We are to love God above ourselves and above all others 482 00:35:43,860 –> 00:35:45,860 We are to love God unconditionally 483 00:35:46,679 –> 00:35:53,300 with every fibre of our being with every power at our disposal with no limitations mind 484 00:35:54,699 –> 00:35:57,120 heart soul strength 485 00:35:58,699 –> 00:36:00,780 You cannot love God too much 486 00:36:03,080 –> 00:36:05,899 But then Jesus says we are to love our neighbor as 487 00:36:06,979 –> 00:36:11,040 Ourselves, let me ask you this question. Is it possible to love yourself too much? 488 00:36:12,300 –> 00:36:14,300 Yes, it is 489 00:36:14,699 –> 00:36:20,239 We’ve all said about someone, you know, she loves herself way too much, you know, he thinks way too much of himself 490 00:36:20,939 –> 00:36:22,939 It’s possible to love yourself too much 491 00:36:23,439 –> 00:36:25,439 Here’s another question 492 00:36:25,860 –> 00:36:27,860 Can you love yourself too little? 493 00:36:28,639 –> 00:36:30,639 Yes, you can love yourself too little 494 00:36:31,199 –> 00:36:34,800 We’ve probably all said if someone who’s not caring for themselves, you know 495 00:36:34,800 –> 00:36:40,080 Just not eating or not sleeping or just working themselves to death 496 00:36:40,080 –> 00:36:41,179 It seems we say you know 497 00:36:41,179 –> 00:36:47,500 He’s he’s really not looking after himself, you know as he should and we’re concerned out of love for that 498 00:36:48,239 –> 00:36:49,300 person 499 00:36:49,300 –> 00:36:52,360 And the truth is that even among the congregation here 500 00:36:52,379 –> 00:36:55,020 some of us need to care for ourselves more and 501 00:36:55,679 –> 00:36:59,260 some of us need to care for ourselves less and 502 00:37:00,100 –> 00:37:05,100 Knowing the difference is a matter of wisdom. And this is an area frankly where we can help one another 503 00:37:06,000 –> 00:37:13,639 if a person who loves you and cares for you says now you need to take better care of yourself you listen to them 504 00:37:14,520 –> 00:37:16,520 maybe a word from the Lord to you and 505 00:37:17,479 –> 00:37:21,679 If a person who really cares for you says, you know, you’re really thinking about yourself too much here 506 00:37:21,760 –> 00:37:26,199 Then you listen to them. It may indeed be a word from the Lord to you 507 00:37:26,199 –> 00:37:32,439 so let’s help one another gain wisdom over this matter because this is not easy we can are in either direction and 508 00:37:32,899 –> 00:37:34,840 Self love needs to be regulated 509 00:37:34,840 –> 00:37:39,040 It can be too much or it can be too little and it’s easy for us to think of examples of both 510 00:37:40,399 –> 00:37:44,979 Now Jesus says love your neighbor in the same way. This also is a need of regulation 511 00:37:46,199 –> 00:37:47,600 because 512 00:37:47,600 –> 00:37:49,919 if you love your neighbor too much 513 00:37:49,919 –> 00:37:51,919 And that is possible 514 00:37:52,580 –> 00:37:55,320 You might make an idol of that person 515 00:37:55,879 –> 00:37:57,879 That’s what would happen or? 516 00:37:58,360 –> 00:38:02,320 You might make yourself a slave to that person 517 00:38:02,699 –> 00:38:04,600 you might become a sort of 518 00:38:04,600 –> 00:38:09,840 doormat as if that person were God in your life, and that is idolatry and that is 519 00:38:10,239 –> 00:38:13,939 Displeasing to God and it is not what Christ calls us to hear 520 00:38:14,620 –> 00:38:20,580 On the other hand if you love your light neighbor too little you might become insensitive to a person 521 00:38:20,580 –> 00:38:27,320 God has placed next to you not caring about them as you ought not looking out for them as you should 522 00:38:28,639 –> 00:38:33,979 So in this matter of our relationships with other people that God has placed around us 523 00:38:33,979 –> 00:38:37,739 Which of course is the meaning of the word neighbor here? We need great wisdom 524 00:38:38,679 –> 00:38:40,679 you love God with 525 00:38:41,219 –> 00:38:48,300 All your heart all your mind all your soul and all your strength, and you love your neighbor as 526 00:38:49,300 –> 00:38:51,300 yourself 527 00:38:51,340 –> 00:38:54,020 Let me quote you Bishop Ryle here who makes this point? 528 00:38:54,040 –> 00:39:00,179 I think very very helpfully he says the marvelous wisdom of this distinction is clear and plain 529 00:39:01,100 –> 00:39:08,520 We may easily error in our affections towards others either by thinking too little or too much of them 530 00:39:09,479 –> 00:39:13,679 We therefore need the rule to love them as ourselves neither more nor less 531 00:39:15,000 –> 00:39:19,520 But we cannot air in our affection towards God when it comes to excess 532 00:39:20,120 –> 00:39:22,419 He is worthy of all that we can give 533 00:39:23,419 –> 00:39:25,419 Therefore we are to love Him 534 00:39:26,520 –> 00:39:28,080 with all our heart 535 00:39:28,080 –> 00:39:30,080 See these words of Jesus are not 536 00:39:31,159 –> 00:39:32,419 sentiment 537 00:39:32,419 –> 00:39:35,659 they’re his command and they’re absolutely practical and 538 00:39:35,659 –> 00:39:38,820 There is a continuity and there is a contrast 539 00:39:39,479 –> 00:39:44,399 You’re to love God with all your heart your soul and your mind and your strength you to love your neighbor as you love yourself 540 00:39:47,419 –> 00:39:52,760 What are the marks then of genuine conversion what does it mean to become a real Christian 541 00:39:53,659 –> 00:39:56,340 It means that you end your rebellion against God 542 00:39:57,139 –> 00:39:59,139 That you offer yourself to God. Unconditionally 543 00:40:00,139 –> 00:40:02,860 That you trust in God’s Sovereign power 544 00:40:03,379 –> 00:40:09,239 and by the Holy Spirit within you you begin to love God and the people that he has placed around you and 545 00:40:11,159 –> 00:40:17,280 Here is the marvelous miracle of God’s grace that is involved in becoming a new creation in Jesus Christ 546 00:40:18,280 –> 00:40:24,120 It’s not just a human redirection of life. It is a new creation by his divine power 547 00:40:25,100 –> 00:40:27,100 To become a Christian 548 00:40:27,139 –> 00:40:29,580 Involves God in his incredible grace 549 00:40:30,580 –> 00:40:37,739 Taking rebels and making us friends who live gladly and joyfully under his rule in our lives 550 00:40:38,939 –> 00:40:40,939 to take hypocrites and 551 00:40:41,139 –> 00:40:45,580 To make of us disciples who are wholly devoted to him 552 00:40:46,580 –> 00:40:48,580 to take cynics and 553 00:40:48,899 –> 00:40:50,659 to make of us 554 00:40:50,659 –> 00:40:55,020 people who know God’s power and believe in his word and 555 00:40:55,679 –> 00:41:01,739 Then to take us outsiders strangers and to bring us into his kingdom of love 556 00:41:02,800 –> 00:41:04,840 That’s what real conversion looks like 557 00:41:05,600 –> 00:41:10,679 that is what it means to be taking your stand with Jesus Christ and 558 00:41:11,219 –> 00:41:13,399 It is his incredible grace 559 00:41:14,120 –> 00:41:16,120 That makes that possible 560 00:41:17,120 –> 00:41:18,760 father 561 00:41:18,760 –> 00:41:20,760 on the last day 562 00:41:22,260 –> 00:41:24,979 We really do not want to be 563 00:41:25,959 –> 00:41:27,959 among the rebels 564 00:41:27,959 –> 00:41:29,959 the hypocrites 565 00:41:30,360 –> 00:41:35,399 The cynics are even the sincere who were not far from the kingdom, but not in it 566 00:41:36,399 –> 00:41:38,399 And 567 00:41:39,760 –> 00:41:43,580 So with all the unanswered questions and all the struggles of our lives 568 00:41:44,820 –> 00:41:51,020 We want to take our stand today with the Lord Jesus Christ as his disciplines his worshipers 569 00:41:53,320 –> 00:41:56,020 By your grace put an end to our rebellion 570 00:41:58,899 –> 00:42:00,899 By your grace 571 00:42:00,979 –> 00:42:04,600 Change our hypocrisy into integrity 572 00:42:06,159 –> 00:42:12,100 By your grace make us people who live trusting in your divine power 573 00:42:14,080 –> 00:42:20,600 And by your grace fill us with love for yourself that will spill over into love for our neighbor 574 00:42:22,560 –> 00:42:24,560 And all those who have placed around us 575 00:42:26,479 –> 00:42:32,399 For these things we ask desiring to glorify you for the sake of and in the name of your Son Jesus Christ 576 00:42:32,399 –> 00:42:35,760 Our Lord and Savior and God’s people together said