1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:02,840 Would you open your Bible at Psalm 10? 2 00:00:02,840 –> 00:00:05,160 Again, there are Bibles at the back. 3 00:00:05,160 –> 00:00:06,240 Please bring a Bible, 4 00:00:06,240 –> 00:00:08,840 or use one of the Bibles that’s provided. 5 00:00:08,840 –> 00:00:10,520 We do encourage, in this church, 6 00:00:10,520 –> 00:00:13,260 people to have a Bible open, in front of them, 7 00:00:13,260 –> 00:00:15,320 during the preaching of the Word, 8 00:00:15,320 –> 00:00:17,200 so that we can follow what the Bible says, 9 00:00:17,200 –> 00:00:20,160 which is what we’re here to gather together, 10 00:00:20,160 –> 00:00:22,200 because when we open the Bible, 11 00:00:22,200 –> 00:00:25,680 we hear the voice of God. 12 00:00:25,680 –> 00:00:28,400 Now we introduced our series last week, 13 00:00:28,420 –> 00:00:31,639 with Christ in the School of Prayer. 14 00:00:31,639 –> 00:00:35,279 God has given us a whole book of prayers, in the Bible. 15 00:00:35,279 –> 00:00:37,439 It’s called the Book of Psalms, 16 00:00:37,439 –> 00:00:40,000 and it really is, as Josh said earlier, 17 00:00:40,000 –> 00:00:43,919 a kind of training manual for prayer. 18 00:00:43,919 –> 00:00:47,540 And so, when we feel, as I think many of us feel 19 00:00:47,540 –> 00:00:51,200 right now, we need to grow in this whole area of prayer. 20 00:00:51,200 –> 00:00:55,299 The natural place for us to turn is to the Book of Psalms. 21 00:00:55,299 –> 00:00:58,180 And today, we come to Psalm 10, 22 00:00:58,180 –> 00:00:59,900 and just straightaway, I want you to notice 23 00:00:59,900 –> 00:01:03,259 that there are two very striking things about this psalm. 24 00:01:03,259 –> 00:01:04,900 If you wonder where I got the title, 25 00:01:04,900 –> 00:01:07,239 How to Pray When the Wicked Seem to Be Winning, 26 00:01:07,239 –> 00:01:08,419 it’s just by reading the psalm. 27 00:01:08,419 –> 00:01:11,820 It’s very obvious that the wicked are the central focus. 28 00:01:11,820 –> 00:01:13,620 And then the other theme that is obvious 29 00:01:13,620 –> 00:01:18,000 is that God seems, from verse one, to be very far away. 30 00:01:18,000 –> 00:01:20,220 And of course, these two things go together. 31 00:01:20,220 –> 00:01:25,059 When the wicked seem to be winning, God seems to be far away. 32 00:01:25,099 –> 00:01:28,820 So these are the two broad themes of this psalm 33 00:01:28,820 –> 00:01:31,339 that we’re going to look at together today. 34 00:01:31,339 –> 00:01:34,339 Now notice first, then, that David is praying 35 00:01:34,339 –> 00:01:37,940 when the wicked seem to be winning. 36 00:01:37,940 –> 00:01:40,660 There are 18 verses in this psalm, 37 00:01:40,660 –> 00:01:43,459 and 11 of them are given 38 00:01:43,459 –> 00:01:47,459 to a sustained description of the wicked. 39 00:01:47,459 –> 00:01:50,000 So just to go through that, verse two, 40 00:01:50,000 –> 00:01:53,860 in arrogance, the wicked hotly pursue the poor. 41 00:01:53,860 –> 00:01:56,720 Verse three, for the wicked boasts 42 00:01:56,720 –> 00:01:58,459 of the desires of his soul. 43 00:01:58,459 –> 00:02:00,540 Verse four, in the pride his face, 44 00:02:00,540 –> 00:02:03,320 the wicked does not seek God. 45 00:02:03,320 –> 00:02:05,620 Verse five, continues the theme, 46 00:02:05,620 –> 00:02:08,919 his ways prosper, that is, the wicked’s ways prospers. 47 00:02:08,919 –> 00:02:10,979 Verse six, he says in his heart, 48 00:02:10,979 –> 00:02:13,600 that’s the wicked say in his or her heart, 49 00:02:13,600 –> 00:02:15,020 I shall not be moved. 50 00:02:15,020 –> 00:02:17,619 Verse seven, his mouth is filled with cursing. 51 00:02:17,619 –> 00:02:20,539 Verse eight, he sits in ambush in the villages, 52 00:02:20,539 –> 00:02:21,899 and on and on. 53 00:02:21,919 –> 00:02:24,619 So the whole of the first 11 verses 54 00:02:24,619 –> 00:02:26,580 is a sustained description. 55 00:02:26,580 –> 00:02:28,800 One theme, it’s all about the wicked. 56 00:02:28,800 –> 00:02:31,179 So there’s no doubt what this psalm is about. 57 00:02:31,179 –> 00:02:32,699 It’s about wicked people. 58 00:02:32,699 –> 00:02:34,899 It’s about wickedness being on the rise, 59 00:02:34,899 –> 00:02:37,020 evil being on the increase. 60 00:02:37,020 –> 00:02:39,419 It is an outpouring of prayer, 61 00:02:39,419 –> 00:02:43,220 and it is an outpouring of grief and distress 62 00:02:43,220 –> 00:02:46,779 that godly people feel when they see evil 63 00:02:46,779 –> 00:02:50,020 becoming rampant in the land, 64 00:02:50,020 –> 00:02:51,960 and that is the position that David, 65 00:02:51,960 –> 00:02:53,820 the king of Israel was in. 66 00:02:53,820 –> 00:02:55,839 He saw evil multiplying, 67 00:02:55,839 –> 00:03:00,839 and he takes time to lay out the whole problem before God. 68 00:03:01,619 –> 00:03:04,839 Here, as we’re picking up little lessons about prayer 69 00:03:04,839 –> 00:03:09,600 all the way along, here’s one, don’t rush over the problem. 70 00:03:09,600 –> 00:03:12,740 If you’re sharing a problem with someone over lunch, 71 00:03:12,740 –> 00:03:15,779 a friend, you’ll probably spend an hour 72 00:03:15,779 –> 00:03:19,259 just telling the story. 73 00:03:19,279 –> 00:03:21,119 So when you go into the presence of God, 74 00:03:21,119 –> 00:03:23,699 don’t just kinda cut that out with a couple of lines, 75 00:03:23,699 –> 00:03:24,940 Lord you know the problem. 76 00:03:24,940 –> 00:03:27,539 It is very important that David actually lays out 77 00:03:27,539 –> 00:03:29,440 the problem in the presence of God. 78 00:03:29,440 –> 00:03:32,100 He’s unburdening his soul. 79 00:03:32,100 –> 00:03:35,020 And he’s telling God what he’s seeing happen 80 00:03:35,020 –> 00:03:36,779 everywhere around him. 81 00:03:37,919 –> 00:03:40,419 Now, in this unburdening of his soul, 82 00:03:40,419 –> 00:03:43,740 David really gives us a five point profile 83 00:03:43,740 –> 00:03:46,020 of a wicked person. 84 00:03:46,020 –> 00:03:48,779 Five point profile of what wickedness looks like. 85 00:03:49,039 –> 00:03:50,619 Now I want us to pick this up. 86 00:03:50,619 –> 00:03:54,940 The first point in that profile is pride. 87 00:03:54,940 –> 00:03:56,740 Verse two, three, four and six. 88 00:03:56,740 –> 00:03:58,619 Notice that the wicked are proud. 89 00:03:58,619 –> 00:04:03,179 Verse two, in arrogance, the wicked pursues the poor. 90 00:04:03,179 –> 00:04:06,339 Verse three, the wicked boasts, there’s pride 91 00:04:06,339 –> 00:04:07,979 of the desires of his soul. 92 00:04:07,979 –> 00:04:10,520 Isn’t that an interesting phrase? 93 00:04:10,520 –> 00:04:14,899 So everything that a wicked person wants to do 94 00:04:14,899 –> 00:04:17,760 is defined by that person as a virtue. 95 00:04:18,760 –> 00:04:22,540 Here’s a person who wants to go with any inclination 96 00:04:22,540 –> 00:04:25,359 that they find within their own soul 97 00:04:25,359 –> 00:04:27,679 and the reason that it is wicked 98 00:04:27,679 –> 00:04:30,679 to boast of the desires of your soul 99 00:04:30,679 –> 00:04:33,980 is that that is to put yourself in the place of God 100 00:04:33,980 –> 00:04:36,720 who alone is to determine what is good. 101 00:04:36,720 –> 00:04:39,760 Verse four, in the pride of his face, 102 00:04:39,760 –> 00:04:41,540 the wicked does not seek him. 103 00:04:41,540 –> 00:04:43,019 So there’s pride again. 104 00:04:43,019 –> 00:04:44,899 Verse six, in his heart he said, 105 00:04:44,899 –> 00:04:46,640 I shall not be moved. 106 00:04:46,640 –> 00:04:49,140 So the wicked person is characteristically 107 00:04:49,140 –> 00:04:52,100 supremely confident, feels that the future 108 00:04:52,100 –> 00:04:53,640 is with him or her. 109 00:04:53,640 –> 00:04:55,940 Verse six, throughout all generations 110 00:04:55,940 –> 00:04:57,859 I shall not meet with adversity, 111 00:04:57,859 –> 00:05:00,320 so the wicked person seems to be very confident 112 00:05:00,320 –> 00:05:02,779 or at least presents him or herself 113 00:05:02,779 –> 00:05:05,239 as very confident that there is nothing to worry about. 114 00:05:05,239 –> 00:05:08,640 So there’s the first distinctive of wickedness. 115 00:05:08,640 –> 00:05:11,440 It always manifests itself in pride 116 00:05:12,779 –> 00:05:14,880 and whenever you see pride, 117 00:05:14,940 –> 00:05:19,739 you know the root from which it comes, wickedness. 118 00:05:19,739 –> 00:05:22,600 Second distinguishing mark, first proud, 119 00:05:22,600 –> 00:05:24,179 second foul-mouthed. 120 00:05:25,399 –> 00:05:26,579 Foul-mouthed. 121 00:05:26,579 –> 00:05:28,640 Verse three and seven, 122 00:05:28,640 –> 00:05:31,239 the one greedy for gain curses. 123 00:05:32,559 –> 00:05:34,720 Notice that word, curses. 124 00:05:34,720 –> 00:05:38,399 Verse seven, his mouth is filled with cursing 125 00:05:39,420 –> 00:05:41,119 as well as deceit and oppression 126 00:05:41,119 –> 00:05:44,859 and under his tongue are mischief and iniquity. 127 00:05:45,339 –> 00:05:49,059 So whenever you have foul language, 128 00:05:49,059 –> 00:05:51,679 cursing coming either from the mouth 129 00:05:51,679 –> 00:05:54,760 or else just erupting from the heart, 130 00:05:56,399 –> 00:06:00,559 you know the root that it comes from, it’s wickedness. 131 00:06:01,480 –> 00:06:03,140 Number three, greed. 132 00:06:04,079 –> 00:06:05,679 Verse three and verse nine. 133 00:06:05,679 –> 00:06:08,179 The one greedy for gain curses 134 00:06:10,019 –> 00:06:11,839 and renounces the Lord 135 00:06:12,679 –> 00:06:15,779 and he lurks that he may seize the poor 136 00:06:15,779 –> 00:06:17,700 because that’s how he gains 137 00:06:17,700 –> 00:06:19,980 by taking advantage of the poor, 138 00:06:19,980 –> 00:06:21,700 and it is greed that is the root of this 139 00:06:21,700 –> 00:06:25,779 and whenever you see that greed, acquisitiveness, 140 00:06:26,619 –> 00:06:28,880 gaining a foothold in the soul, 141 00:06:28,880 –> 00:06:33,119 you know what it comes from, its root is wickedness. 142 00:06:33,119 –> 00:06:34,480 And then number four, 143 00:06:34,480 –> 00:06:36,519 fourth distinguishing mark of wickedness, 144 00:06:36,519 –> 00:06:39,500 fourth manifestation of it is violence. 145 00:06:39,980 –> 00:06:43,660 Verse nine he lurks in ambush, 146 00:06:43,660 –> 00:06:48,279 notice the picture like a lion in the thicket. 147 00:06:49,899 –> 00:06:51,739 Now a lion in the thicket of course 148 00:06:51,739 –> 00:06:56,739 lies very, very quietly and then suddenly erupts 149 00:06:57,500 –> 00:06:59,380 and that’s the picture. 150 00:06:59,380 –> 00:07:02,660 The wicked person is volatile, 151 00:07:02,660 –> 00:07:06,140 the wicked person is given to outbreaks of rage 152 00:07:06,179 –> 00:07:10,579 that are so destructive, unpredictable, frightening, 153 00:07:10,579 –> 00:07:13,359 everything seems quite quiet and normal in the home 154 00:07:13,359 –> 00:07:15,799 and then this person suddenly springs up, 155 00:07:15,799 –> 00:07:17,859 that’s like the lion you see, offloads 156 00:07:17,859 –> 00:07:20,700 and everyone says, where in the world did that come from? 157 00:07:21,899 –> 00:07:23,459 And actually when you read this Psalm 158 00:07:23,459 –> 00:07:24,899 you realize where it came from, 159 00:07:24,899 –> 00:07:28,679 that the root of it is wickedness, that’s what it is. 160 00:07:28,679 –> 00:07:31,579 And this is a fourth way in which it manifests itself. 161 00:07:32,359 –> 00:07:35,859 It is terribly destructive, like the lion in the thicket. 162 00:07:37,140 –> 00:07:39,660 Number five, the first part of the profile 163 00:07:39,660 –> 00:07:42,160 of a wicked person, that they are godless. 164 00:07:42,160 –> 00:07:44,660 And this runs all throughout the Psalm. 165 00:07:44,660 –> 00:07:47,420 The wicked, verse four, do not seek God. 166 00:07:47,420 –> 00:07:50,500 Verse 13, the wicked renounce God. 167 00:07:51,839 –> 00:07:55,299 But what is very fascinating to me here 168 00:07:55,299 –> 00:07:58,140 is that the Holy Spirit has given us 169 00:07:58,140 –> 00:08:00,779 not only a description of wickedness 170 00:08:00,779 –> 00:08:05,779 but actually an insight into how the wicked person thinks. 171 00:08:07,420 –> 00:08:09,399 So we have this repeated phrase 172 00:08:09,399 –> 00:08:12,920 of what this person’s thoughts are 173 00:08:12,920 –> 00:08:16,260 and what this person says in their heart. 174 00:08:16,260 –> 00:08:19,700 Only the Holy Spirit could reveal that. 175 00:08:19,700 –> 00:08:21,980 But this is being revealed to us in this Psalm. 176 00:08:21,980 –> 00:08:26,440 Now, it comes in three places, verse four, and 11, and 13. 177 00:08:26,440 –> 00:08:28,019 Look at verse four first. 178 00:08:28,200 –> 00:08:32,320 In the pride of his face, the wicked do not seek God. 179 00:08:32,320 –> 00:08:36,179 All his thoughts, so here’s the Holy Spirit revealing 180 00:08:36,179 –> 00:08:39,280 the inner thoughts of a wicked person, 181 00:08:39,280 –> 00:08:44,280 and all his thoughts are, there is no God. 182 00:08:45,479 –> 00:08:46,919 You don’t see this, of course, 183 00:08:46,919 –> 00:08:49,179 this is not immediately manifest, 184 00:08:49,179 –> 00:08:52,219 but what is going on inside the mind of a wicked person, 185 00:08:52,219 –> 00:08:54,239 the Holy Spirit is revealing here, 186 00:08:54,239 –> 00:08:57,619 is that he or she is constantly telling him or herself 187 00:08:57,700 –> 00:08:59,159 there is no God. 188 00:08:59,159 –> 00:09:00,940 It is an active pattern of thought, 189 00:09:00,940 –> 00:09:04,340 and it has to continue to be an active pattern of thought 190 00:09:04,340 –> 00:09:07,619 to keep suppressing, that’s Romans 1, in verse 18, 191 00:09:07,619 –> 00:09:09,460 and following the evidence of God 192 00:09:09,460 –> 00:09:11,580 that such a person finds in their own soul, 193 00:09:11,580 –> 00:09:13,799 let alone in the world around them. 194 00:09:15,039 –> 00:09:16,500 So, we often speak in the church 195 00:09:16,500 –> 00:09:19,859 about preaching the gospel to yourself every day. 196 00:09:19,859 –> 00:09:22,299 As a Christian, I want always to be telling myself 197 00:09:22,299 –> 00:09:25,020 who I am in Christ, and what Jesus Christ 198 00:09:25,020 –> 00:09:27,059 and who Jesus Christ is for me, 199 00:09:27,059 –> 00:09:29,739 and what he has done on my behalf. 200 00:09:29,739 –> 00:09:31,619 Constantly telling myself that, 201 00:09:31,619 –> 00:09:34,940 so that I will be able to live in a Christian way. 202 00:09:34,940 –> 00:09:36,400 What happens for the wicked person 203 00:09:36,400 –> 00:09:39,580 is that that person has to constantly be telling 204 00:09:39,580 –> 00:09:42,020 him or herself, there is no God, there is no God, 205 00:09:42,020 –> 00:09:44,140 so that they can live according to the desires 206 00:09:44,140 –> 00:09:46,039 of their flesh in which they boast. 207 00:09:48,679 –> 00:09:51,320 And here’s the thing that is absolutely fascinating. 208 00:09:52,700 –> 00:09:56,979 While constantly saying there is no God, 209 00:09:56,979 –> 00:10:00,539 all his thoughts are there is no God, verse four, 210 00:10:00,539 –> 00:10:02,719 notice that there are other thoughts 211 00:10:02,719 –> 00:10:07,039 that also simultaneously run in the wicked person’s mind. 212 00:10:08,179 –> 00:10:11,900 Verse 11, in his heart, 213 00:10:11,900 –> 00:10:13,380 so again, we’re getting a revelation 214 00:10:13,380 –> 00:10:15,380 of what’s going on in the wicked person’s heart. 215 00:10:15,380 –> 00:10:17,859 He says in his heart, 216 00:10:17,859 –> 00:10:19,500 God has forgotten, 217 00:10:19,500 –> 00:10:22,659 I know this is a different line of argument than. 218 00:10:22,659 –> 00:10:25,880 Verse 13, why does the wicked renounce God 219 00:10:25,880 –> 00:10:29,799 and say in his heart, same phrase, 220 00:10:29,799 –> 00:10:32,419 you will not call to account? 221 00:10:33,539 –> 00:10:35,559 So I want you to notice something very important. 222 00:10:35,559 –> 00:10:38,679 There’s an obvious contradiction here, isn’t there? 223 00:10:38,679 –> 00:10:41,739 A contradiction that lives in the heart 224 00:10:41,739 –> 00:10:43,280 of the wicked person. 225 00:10:44,159 –> 00:10:46,799 On the one hand all his thoughts are, 226 00:10:46,799 –> 00:10:49,260 verse four, there is no God, 227 00:10:49,260 –> 00:10:52,359 but on the other hand he’s got this alternative line 228 00:10:52,359 –> 00:10:54,580 of thought that’s going on in verse 11 229 00:10:54,619 –> 00:10:57,659 that says God, I’m telling myself there is no God, 230 00:10:57,659 –> 00:11:00,359 but at the same time, I’m saying God is forgotten. 231 00:11:00,359 –> 00:11:01,820 You see the tension there? 232 00:11:01,820 –> 00:11:05,739 Or God will not call to account, verse 13. 233 00:11:06,880 –> 00:11:08,960 Derrick Kidner, who has a wonderful commentary 234 00:11:08,960 –> 00:11:11,979 on the Psalms, calls this, 235 00:11:11,979 –> 00:11:16,419 the inner dialogue of a wicked person. 236 00:11:16,419 –> 00:11:20,380 A wicked person will almost certainly not admit this to you, 237 00:11:20,380 –> 00:11:22,460 very rarely so. 238 00:11:22,460 –> 00:11:24,099 But what the Holy Spirit is telling us here 239 00:11:24,340 –> 00:11:26,859 is that behind what you see in a person 240 00:11:26,859 –> 00:11:29,219 who is deeply resistant to God, 241 00:11:29,219 –> 00:11:33,940 there is invariably an inner dialogue that is going on. 242 00:11:34,960 –> 00:11:37,419 On the one hand, this person is constantly 243 00:11:37,419 –> 00:11:39,059 trying to say to himself, there’s no God, 244 00:11:39,059 –> 00:11:41,200 there’s no God, so I can live as I want. 245 00:11:42,400 –> 00:11:45,039 On the other hand, this person is finding it 246 00:11:45,039 –> 00:11:47,119 very difficult to succeed in 247 00:11:47,119 –> 00:11:49,539 completely eliminating the idea of God. 248 00:11:49,539 –> 00:11:51,219 The sense of the divine presence 249 00:11:51,219 –> 00:11:53,979 keeps coming up in one way or another. 250 00:11:55,020 –> 00:11:58,119 And so he finds himself or she finds herself 251 00:11:58,119 –> 00:11:59,080 saying, well, you know what, 252 00:11:59,080 –> 00:12:00,960 God’s not going to bring anything to account, 253 00:12:00,960 –> 00:12:01,900 nothing’s going to happen, 254 00:12:01,900 –> 00:12:03,919 he never does anything anyway, 255 00:12:03,919 –> 00:12:06,599 and that tension lives. 256 00:12:08,299 –> 00:12:10,260 See, here’s the thing for the wicked person. 257 00:12:10,260 –> 00:12:12,580 However often the person says, 258 00:12:12,580 –> 00:12:14,719 and there may be someone here and you’ve been saying, 259 00:12:14,719 –> 00:12:15,559 oh, there is no God, 260 00:12:15,559 –> 00:12:17,159 I’m just trying to push God away, 261 00:12:19,299 –> 00:12:21,020 but however hard you try and do that, 262 00:12:21,020 –> 00:12:22,599 it’s very hard to push God away 263 00:12:22,640 –> 00:12:26,200 because you yourself are made in the image of God, 264 00:12:26,200 –> 00:12:28,000 you can’t really get away from that. 265 00:12:28,940 –> 00:12:32,000 And the whole world in which you live was created by God 266 00:12:32,000 –> 00:12:35,559 and has manifestations of his invisible glory 267 00:12:35,559 –> 00:12:37,440 and his divine power. 268 00:12:39,039 –> 00:12:41,880 And so here’s this inner tension that is going. 269 00:12:41,880 –> 00:12:43,960 Be greatly encouraged, 270 00:12:43,960 –> 00:12:46,900 when you are praying for someone you care about, 271 00:12:46,900 –> 00:12:49,799 who is deeply resistant to God, 272 00:12:49,799 –> 00:12:52,000 and there’s this hard face, 273 00:12:53,719 –> 00:12:54,619 and remember this, 274 00:12:54,619 –> 00:12:56,400 there’s an inner dialogue that’s going on 275 00:12:56,400 –> 00:12:57,479 within that person. 276 00:12:57,479 –> 00:12:59,719 They may never admit it to you, of course. 277 00:13:01,400 –> 00:13:03,599 He has to keep saying to himself, 278 00:13:03,599 –> 00:13:05,219 she has to keep saying to herself, 279 00:13:05,219 –> 00:13:06,280 there is no God 280 00:13:06,280 –> 00:13:10,840 because their own nature made in the image of God, 281 00:13:10,840 –> 00:13:13,179 let alone the world in which they live, 282 00:13:13,179 –> 00:13:17,960 is always suggesting otherwise. 283 00:13:17,960 –> 00:13:21,219 So here’s is this five-point profile of a wicked person. 284 00:13:21,219 –> 00:13:23,419 Proud, foul mouthed, greedy, 285 00:13:23,419 –> 00:13:26,539 violent and godless, 286 00:13:26,539 –> 00:13:29,619 highly resistant to God. 287 00:13:31,099 –> 00:13:33,840 This is what wickedness looks like. 288 00:13:35,700 –> 00:13:37,140 Now, just before we move on, 289 00:13:37,140 –> 00:13:38,979 what that means for us 290 00:13:38,979 –> 00:13:39,979 is we try and just pick up all 291 00:13:39,979 –> 00:13:42,179 that the scripture has for us. 292 00:13:42,179 –> 00:13:44,239 If ever you see 293 00:13:44,400 –> 00:13:46,239 a trace of pride, 294 00:13:53,239 –> 00:13:55,539 foul mouthed language, 295 00:13:56,960 –> 00:14:00,640 greed, violence 296 00:14:00,640 –> 00:14:02,039 or resistance to God. 297 00:14:02,039 –> 00:14:04,460 If ever you see a trace 298 00:14:05,880 –> 00:14:08,700 of any of these in your own soul, 299 00:14:08,700 –> 00:14:11,520 deal with it decisively. 300 00:14:12,000 –> 00:14:16,820 What I mean by that is confess it to God, 301 00:14:16,820 –> 00:14:20,000 renounce it completely, 302 00:14:21,520 –> 00:14:23,320 ask for the cleansing power 303 00:14:23,320 –> 00:14:24,619 of the blood of Jesus Christ 304 00:14:24,619 –> 00:14:26,979 to be applied to this, 305 00:14:26,979 –> 00:14:29,440 this pride, this cursing, 306 00:14:31,000 –> 00:14:33,440 this greed, this resistance to God, 307 00:14:33,440 –> 00:14:37,859 this eruption that’s taking place within the soul. 308 00:14:38,820 –> 00:14:42,979 This is wickedness, so don’t mess with it. 309 00:14:42,979 –> 00:14:44,340 It is poison, 310 00:14:44,340 –> 00:14:47,080 and if you allow it to take root in your soul, 311 00:14:47,080 –> 00:14:49,700 it has the power to destroy you completely. 312 00:14:52,039 –> 00:14:55,820 Now let’s pick up a lesson from the school of prayer 313 00:14:55,820 –> 00:14:59,380 just very briefly here before we move on. 314 00:15:00,239 –> 00:15:02,739 The very fact that David is praying 315 00:15:02,739 –> 00:15:06,200 with this intensity about wickedness 316 00:15:06,219 –> 00:15:08,159 when the wicked seem to be winning 317 00:15:09,119 –> 00:15:12,559 indicates to us that wickedness is not a new phenomenon, 318 00:15:12,559 –> 00:15:16,599 it only takes new forms. 319 00:15:16,599 –> 00:15:18,280 Wickedness is not a new phenomenon. 320 00:15:18,280 –> 00:15:20,719 It only takes new forms. 321 00:15:20,719 –> 00:15:23,260 In other words, it dresses up in different garb. 322 00:15:24,039 –> 00:15:28,320 In one generation, wickedness is clothed in hypocrisy. 323 00:15:29,159 –> 00:15:33,280 In another generation, it is clothed in defiance. 324 00:15:33,320 –> 00:15:36,179 I think we’re living in a transition in our culture 325 00:15:36,179 –> 00:15:38,039 between these two, 326 00:15:38,039 –> 00:15:40,559 and the world seems to be very, very different. 327 00:15:40,559 –> 00:15:42,479 What I want us to understand from the psalm 328 00:15:42,479 –> 00:15:44,440 is that at root, the wickedness 329 00:15:44,440 –> 00:15:46,960 that runs throughout human nature crosses cultures 330 00:15:46,960 –> 00:15:48,359 and it crosses generations 331 00:15:48,359 –> 00:15:50,919 and there is nothing very, very new under the sun. 332 00:15:52,200 –> 00:15:54,760 I’ve been very interested just to pick up some statistics. 333 00:15:54,760 –> 00:15:57,559 For example, it was always said, 334 00:15:57,559 –> 00:15:58,700 I’ve heard it said many, many times, 335 00:15:58,700 –> 00:16:02,479 about a third of all Americans are in church on Sunday. 336 00:16:03,760 –> 00:16:04,880 The actual number, 337 00:16:04,880 –> 00:16:05,700 and this has been done 338 00:16:05,700 –> 00:16:08,760 by extensive research of an actual head count 339 00:16:08,760 –> 00:16:10,880 as opposed to estimates, 340 00:16:10,880 –> 00:16:14,000 there’s been some extensive research 341 00:16:14,000 –> 00:16:16,840 that has led to a hard figure now 342 00:16:16,840 –> 00:16:20,159 of about 17% only. 343 00:16:20,159 –> 00:16:24,880 17% of people are in church of some form 344 00:16:24,880 –> 00:16:26,599 at least once a month. 345 00:16:26,599 –> 00:16:28,859 That’s defined as regularity. 346 00:16:29,979 –> 00:16:32,479 So suddenly we have moved to a situation. 347 00:16:32,900 –> 00:16:37,900 It appears for 83% of our population in this country 348 00:16:38,799 –> 00:16:40,179 are outside of the church 349 00:16:40,179 –> 00:16:42,599 with a probable exception of Christmas 350 00:16:42,599 –> 00:16:44,280 and perhaps even Easter. 351 00:16:44,280 –> 00:16:48,179 And that feels like a huge huge change 352 00:16:48,179 –> 00:16:50,099 that is going on. 353 00:16:50,099 –> 00:16:52,200 And in one sense it is. 354 00:16:53,500 –> 00:16:55,099 But at the deepest level, 355 00:16:55,099 –> 00:16:57,460 remember this that actually the human heart 356 00:16:57,460 –> 00:16:58,859 is exactly the same. 357 00:16:58,859 –> 00:17:00,780 The change is this. 358 00:17:01,340 –> 00:17:03,280 That in the last generation, 359 00:17:03,280 –> 00:17:06,400 we had more people sitting in church resisting God. 360 00:17:08,619 –> 00:17:10,140 Now we have people, 361 00:17:10,140 –> 00:17:11,719 more people resisting God 362 00:17:11,719 –> 00:17:13,939 and not bothering to show up for the event. 363 00:17:14,939 –> 00:17:16,699 But at the heart, 364 00:17:17,800 –> 00:17:19,180 the core of the thing, 365 00:17:20,359 –> 00:17:22,699 human nature does not actually change. 366 00:17:22,699 –> 00:17:24,760 So John Calvin says very very helpfully, 367 00:17:24,760 –> 00:17:26,699 when we tend to get discouraged 368 00:17:26,699 –> 00:17:29,060 and our faith can be shaken 369 00:17:29,079 –> 00:17:30,839 and we see evil on the rise 370 00:17:30,839 –> 00:17:32,939 and Christians can even be tempted 371 00:17:32,939 –> 00:17:35,020 towards the sin of despair, 372 00:17:35,020 –> 00:17:35,839 he says this, 373 00:17:35,839 –> 00:17:37,680 it will lighten our grief to remember 374 00:17:37,680 –> 00:17:40,000 that nothing befalls us in this day 375 00:17:40,000 –> 00:17:42,239 which the church of God has not experienced 376 00:17:42,239 –> 00:17:43,459 in days of old. 377 00:17:45,000 –> 00:17:45,839 In other words, 378 00:17:45,839 –> 00:17:46,859 it is always the same 379 00:17:46,859 –> 00:17:49,199 we’re dealing with the same issues 380 00:17:49,199 –> 00:17:52,540 that David did 1,000 years before Christ. 381 00:17:55,079 –> 00:17:56,160 And there will be times 382 00:17:56,160 –> 00:17:58,079 when the wicked seem to be winning. 383 00:17:59,619 –> 00:18:01,160 Let’s not be naive 384 00:18:01,160 –> 00:18:02,640 about what we ourselves say 385 00:18:02,640 –> 00:18:04,359 that we believe in regards to sin 386 00:18:04,359 –> 00:18:06,180 and evil and its power. 387 00:18:06,180 –> 00:18:07,560 As Christians, 388 00:18:08,839 –> 00:18:10,880 we say that we believe 389 00:18:10,880 –> 00:18:15,099 that men and women are born sinners, 390 00:18:15,099 –> 00:18:16,439 that it is in their nature 391 00:18:16,439 –> 00:18:18,680 that the default of human nature 392 00:18:18,680 –> 00:18:20,160 is that we are resistant to God, 393 00:18:20,160 –> 00:18:22,099 that we are hostile to God, 394 00:18:22,099 –> 00:18:23,380 then why in all the world 395 00:18:23,380 –> 00:18:25,579 if we actually believe that, 396 00:18:26,579 –> 00:18:29,819 do we so often end up sounding like moralists 397 00:18:29,819 –> 00:18:31,640 or deeply shocked 398 00:18:32,699 –> 00:18:34,859 when sinners demonstrate 399 00:18:34,859 –> 00:18:38,060 that what they want to do is sin, 400 00:18:38,939 –> 00:18:40,219 and when every time 401 00:18:40,219 –> 00:18:42,459 a new piece of technology is developed, 402 00:18:42,459 –> 00:18:45,300 guess what, sinners find a new way 403 00:18:45,300 –> 00:18:49,219 to captivate that for sinful purposes? 404 00:18:49,219 –> 00:18:51,479 Why should that surprise us? 405 00:18:52,579 –> 00:18:54,420 It’s how human nature is. 406 00:18:54,420 –> 00:18:56,500 It’s why we need to be redeemed. 407 00:18:56,500 –> 00:18:58,119 It’s why the only hope of the world 408 00:18:58,119 –> 00:18:59,839 is in Jesus Christ 409 00:18:59,839 –> 00:19:01,739 and in Him crucified. 410 00:19:03,040 –> 00:19:05,040 So this Psalm is immensely helpful. 411 00:19:05,040 –> 00:19:06,219 I come here and I say, 412 00:19:06,219 –> 00:19:08,020 Oh, what we’re experiencing 413 00:19:08,020 –> 00:19:10,380 with this sense of wickedness on the rise 414 00:19:10,380 –> 00:19:11,959 is exactly where David was 415 00:19:11,959 –> 00:19:13,280 1,000 years before Christ. 416 00:19:13,280 –> 00:19:14,119 What’s new? 417 00:19:16,079 –> 00:19:18,160 This is the world in which we live. 418 00:19:19,660 –> 00:19:21,880 This is the world in which we suffer. 419 00:19:22,880 –> 00:19:26,079 This is the world in which we bear witness, 420 00:19:26,920 –> 00:19:30,859 and the more we get off the kind of naive pietism 421 00:19:30,859 –> 00:19:34,520 that can so easily characterize us, 422 00:19:34,520 –> 00:19:36,140 the more we will become Christians 423 00:19:36,140 –> 00:19:39,979 who actually learn how to pray 424 00:19:39,979 –> 00:19:41,680 because of the world in which we live 425 00:19:41,680 –> 00:19:43,939 and the God we have. 426 00:19:43,939 –> 00:19:45,500 And the more we learn how to pray 427 00:19:45,500 –> 00:19:47,660 and the more we learn the nature of this world, 428 00:19:47,660 –> 00:19:51,260 the more we will long for the New Heaven 429 00:19:51,719 –> 00:19:53,839 and the New Earth, 430 00:19:53,839 –> 00:19:55,619 where it will be the home of righteousness, 431 00:19:55,619 –> 00:19:58,459 where sin will be no more! 432 00:19:59,699 –> 00:20:00,959 And if we don’t get it, guess what? 433 00:20:00,959 –> 00:20:02,839 We’ll be comfortable middle-class people 434 00:20:02,839 –> 00:20:05,300 who are saying, how much can God do for me now? 435 00:20:05,300 –> 00:20:07,800 There’s all the difference in the world. 436 00:20:07,800 –> 00:20:09,239 So this kind of praying 437 00:20:09,239 –> 00:20:12,160 is going to change the very nature of who we are. 438 00:20:12,160 –> 00:20:15,359 And it’s precisely the kind of praying we need to learn 439 00:20:15,359 –> 00:20:17,099 when we are experiencing, 440 00:20:17,099 –> 00:20:19,920 in fresh ways, the disturbance 441 00:20:19,959 –> 00:20:23,719 and the dislocation of sensing great shifts 442 00:20:23,719 –> 00:20:27,719 within our own culture and evil wickedness 443 00:20:27,719 –> 00:20:30,660 evidently on the rise. 444 00:20:30,660 –> 00:20:35,660 So pray when the wicked seem to be winning. 445 00:20:37,619 –> 00:20:39,660 Now here’s the second thing. 446 00:20:39,660 –> 00:20:44,660 Pray when God seems far away. 447 00:20:44,660 –> 00:20:49,660 Verse one, why oh Lord 448 00:20:49,660 –> 00:20:53,660 do you stand far away? 449 00:20:53,660 –> 00:20:58,660 Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? 450 00:21:00,660 –> 00:21:02,660 oh this is so helpful 451 00:21:02,660 –> 00:21:07,660 It is hard enough to pray when the wicked seem to be winning 452 00:21:07,660 –> 00:21:09,660 that’s really discouraging 453 00:21:09,660 –> 00:21:12,660 but how in the world are you going to pray 454 00:21:13,660 –> 00:21:17,660 when God seems far away 455 00:21:17,660 –> 00:21:22,660 Now I’m very confident that every Christian knows this experience 456 00:21:22,660 –> 00:21:27,660 In fact, I’ll be absolutely amazed if anyone comes up to me in the foyer afterwards 457 00:21:27,660 –> 00:21:29,660 I say I’m a Christian and I’ve never known what it is to feel 458 00:21:29,660 –> 00:21:30,660 that God is far away 459 00:21:30,660 –> 00:21:32,660 You’ll be a very unusual person 460 00:21:32,660 –> 00:21:36,660 We all know what it is for God to feel far away 461 00:21:36,660 –> 00:21:39,660 and it’s most difficult for us to pray then 462 00:21:39,660 –> 00:21:41,660 And of course these two things go together 463 00:21:41,660 –> 00:21:45,660 When the wicked seem to be winning, of course God seems to be far away 464 00:21:45,660 –> 00:21:49,660 We’re struggling to see how his hand is at work 465 00:21:49,660 –> 00:21:51,660 and it’s very, very difficult to pray 466 00:21:51,660 –> 00:21:53,660 and yet it’s precisely at this time 467 00:21:53,660 –> 00:21:55,660 and out of this experience 468 00:21:55,660 –> 00:21:59,660 David prays this prayer 469 00:21:59,660 –> 00:22:03,660 and it is wonderfully encouraging to me 470 00:22:03,660 –> 00:22:08,660 first to know that even King David experienced this 471 00:22:08,660 –> 00:22:12,660 If even David felt at times that God was far away 472 00:22:12,660 –> 00:22:16,660 then that helps me and I am not unusual 473 00:22:16,660 –> 00:22:18,660 I can pray at such a time 474 00:22:18,660 –> 00:22:23,660 But what is even more encouraging to me is this 475 00:22:23,660 –> 00:22:24,660 Think about it 476 00:22:24,660 –> 00:22:32,660 The Holy Spirit was present with David 477 00:22:32,660 –> 00:22:35,660 and active in David 478 00:22:35,660 –> 00:22:39,660 even when he felt that God was far away 479 00:22:39,660 –> 00:22:41,660 verse 1 480 00:22:41,660 –> 00:22:45,660 This prayer is scripture 481 00:22:45,660 –> 00:22:47,660 Which means that it was actually 482 00:22:47,660 –> 00:22:51,660 breathed out by the Holy Spirit 483 00:22:51,660 –> 00:22:58,660 so we can say that David was praying in the Spirit 484 00:22:58,660 –> 00:23:01,660 even when he felt God was far away 485 00:23:01,660 –> 00:23:04,660 That’s so encouraging to me 486 00:23:04,660 –> 00:23:07,660 I must not read from that that God is absent 487 00:23:07,660 –> 00:23:09,660 God was present with David 488 00:23:09,660 –> 00:23:11,660 and active with David 489 00:23:11,660 –> 00:23:16,660 even when he felt that God was far away 490 00:23:16,660 –> 00:23:17,660 Now, take this to yourself 491 00:23:17,660 –> 00:23:19,660 and get hold of it 492 00:23:19,660 –> 00:23:22,660 because it’s a very important principle 493 00:23:22,660 –> 00:23:23,660 It’s a wonderful encouragement 494 00:23:23,660 –> 00:23:26,660 God is with you, Christian believer 495 00:23:26,660 –> 00:23:29,660 and God is active in you 496 00:23:29,660 –> 00:23:31,660 brother, sister 497 00:23:32,660 –> 00:23:34,660 by his Holy Spirit 498 00:23:34,660 –> 00:23:37,660 even when you feel that He is far away 499 00:23:37,660 –> 00:23:38,660 Period 500 00:23:38,660 –> 00:23:40,660 learn that from this verse 501 00:23:40,660 –> 00:23:43,660 So pray when the wicked seem to be winning 502 00:23:43,660 –> 00:23:45,660 and pray when God seems to be far away 503 00:23:45,660 –> 00:23:48,660 That’s what David models for us here 504 00:23:48,660 –> 00:23:52,660 Now, the question, of course, is how 505 00:23:52,660 –> 00:23:53,660 and 506 00:23:53,660 –> 00:23:56,660 the Holy Spirit 507 00:23:56,660 –> 00:23:58,660 through David’s prayer here 508 00:23:58,660 –> 00:24:01,660 gives us a wonderful model of how to pray 509 00:24:01,660 –> 00:24:02,660 in these circumstances 510 00:24:02,660 –> 00:24:05,660 Notice how the Holy Spirit leads David 511 00:24:05,660 –> 00:24:06,660 in prayer 512 00:24:06,660 –> 00:24:07,660 Let me give it to you under 513 00:24:07,660 –> 00:24:09,660 three very simple headings here 514 00:24:09,660 –> 00:24:10,660 The first is 515 00:24:10,660 –> 00:24:15,660 Stop thinking like the wicked 516 00:24:15,660 –> 00:24:19,660 Stop thinking like the wicked 517 00:24:19,660 –> 00:24:23,660 Now, there is a fascinating turn in this psalm 518 00:24:23,660 –> 00:24:26,660 That happens at verse twelve 519 00:24:27,660 –> 00:24:29,660 And it is almost as if 520 00:24:29,660 –> 00:24:31,660 thinking about the wicked 521 00:24:31,660 –> 00:24:34,660 for the first eleven verses 522 00:24:34,660 –> 00:24:35,660 in the presence of God 523 00:24:35,660 –> 00:24:36,660 wakens David up 524 00:24:36,660 –> 00:24:38,660 to renewed faith in God 525 00:24:38,660 –> 00:24:39,660 It’s very wonderful to 526 00:24:39,660 –> 00:24:41,660 see how this happens 527 00:24:41,660 –> 00:24:42,660 At the start of the prayer 528 00:24:42,660 –> 00:24:43,660 David says verse one 529 00:24:43,660 –> 00:24:45,660 Why, oh Lord, do you stand far away? 530 00:24:45,660 –> 00:24:47,660 Why do you hide yourself? 531 00:24:47,660 –> 00:24:49,660 So God seems to be far away 532 00:24:49,660 –> 00:24:50,660 and remote 533 00:24:50,660 –> 00:24:51,660 and not doing things 534 00:24:51,660 –> 00:24:52,660 and uninvolved 535 00:24:52,660 –> 00:24:54,660 You don’t seem to do anything 536 00:24:54,660 –> 00:24:56,660 God you don’t seem to do anything 537 00:24:56,660 –> 00:24:57,660 God you’re far away 538 00:24:57,660 –> 00:24:58,660 God you’re uninvolved 539 00:24:58,660 –> 00:25:00,660 Wait a minute 540 00:25:00,660 –> 00:25:03,660 That’s what the wicked think, right? 541 00:25:03,660 –> 00:25:04,660 God will forget 542 00:25:04,660 –> 00:25:05,660 God will not bring 543 00:25:05,660 –> 00:25:07,660 anything to account 544 00:25:07,660 –> 00:25:08,660 Wait a minute 545 00:25:08,660 –> 00:25:09,660 It’s almost as if it comes to David 546 00:25:09,660 –> 00:25:10,660 Do you see the parallel 547 00:25:10,660 –> 00:25:12,660 between verse one and verse eleven? 548 00:25:12,660 –> 00:25:14,660 Verse one, David says 549 00:25:14,660 –> 00:25:16,660 Why do you hide yourself 550 00:25:16,660 –> 00:25:17,660 in times of trouble? 551 00:25:17,660 –> 00:25:19,660 Verse eleven, the wicked say 552 00:25:19,660 –> 00:25:20,660 He has hidden his face 553 00:25:20,660 –> 00:25:22,660 and he will never see 554 00:25:22,660 –> 00:25:23,660 And it’s as if by the time 555 00:25:23,660 –> 00:25:24,660 David gets to verse eleven 556 00:25:24,660 –> 00:25:25,660 he suddenly weakens up 557 00:25:25,660 –> 00:25:27,660 and he says wait a minute 558 00:25:27,660 –> 00:25:28,660 I started my prayer 559 00:25:28,660 –> 00:25:29,660 by saying something 560 00:25:29,660 –> 00:25:30,660 that sounds pretty like 561 00:25:30,660 –> 00:25:31,660 what the wicked are saying 562 00:25:31,660 –> 00:25:32,660 every day 563 00:25:33,660 –> 00:25:34,660 That’s crazy 564 00:25:35,660 –> 00:25:37,660 Campbell Morgan says, beautifully 565 00:25:37,660 –> 00:25:38,660 This prayer, it begins 566 00:25:38,660 –> 00:25:39,660 with a complaint 567 00:25:39,660 –> 00:25:40,660 and it ends 568 00:25:40,660 –> 00:25:42,660 with confidence 569 00:25:42,660 –> 00:25:44,660 And David takes 570 00:25:44,660 –> 00:25:46,660 a turn in the course of prayer 571 00:25:46,660 –> 00:25:47,660 This is part of the wonderful 572 00:25:47,660 –> 00:25:48,660 gift of prayer 573 00:25:48,660 –> 00:25:50,660 that it actually changes us 574 00:25:50,660 –> 00:25:51,660 as well as changing things 575 00:25:52,660 –> 00:25:53,660 And as he prays 576 00:25:53,660 –> 00:25:54,660 his eyes are opened 577 00:25:54,660 –> 00:25:55,660 which is why it’s so important 578 00:25:56,660 –> 00:25:57,660 for him to spell out 579 00:25:57,660 –> 00:25:59,660 the nature to the problem 580 00:25:59,660 –> 00:26:00,660 and now he begins to see 581 00:26:00,660 –> 00:26:02,660 something he didn’t see before 582 00:26:02,660 –> 00:26:04,660 Verse eleven is the turning point 583 00:26:04,660 –> 00:26:05,660 of the psalm 584 00:26:05,660 –> 00:26:06,660 David wakens up to 585 00:26:06,660 –> 00:26:07,660 what has been happening 586 00:26:07,660 –> 00:26:08,660 in his own soul 587 00:26:08,660 –> 00:26:10,660 and here it is 588 00:26:10,660 –> 00:26:11,660 the wicked always 589 00:26:11,660 –> 00:26:12,660 discount God 590 00:26:13,660 –> 00:26:14,660 The wicked always say 591 00:26:14,660 –> 00:26:16,660 God’s not going to do anything 592 00:26:16,660 –> 00:26:17,660 and the reason 593 00:26:17,660 –> 00:26:18,660 I’ve become so discouraged 594 00:26:18,660 –> 00:26:19,660 is I ended up 595 00:26:19,660 –> 00:26:20,660 thinking like them 596 00:26:20,660 –> 00:26:21,660 I’ve been looking 597 00:26:21,660 –> 00:26:22,660 at all the trouble 598 00:26:22,660 –> 00:26:23,660 in the world 599 00:26:23,660 –> 00:26:24,660 and I’ve been discounting 600 00:26:24,660 –> 00:26:25,660 God and I’ve given up 601 00:26:25,660 –> 00:26:27,660 on God doing anything 602 00:26:27,660 –> 00:26:28,660 Stop thinking like 603 00:26:28,660 –> 00:26:29,660 the wicked 604 00:26:29,660 –> 00:26:30,660 it’s a wonderful 605 00:26:30,660 –> 00:26:32,660 eye-opening moment 606 00:26:34,660 –> 00:26:35,660 Second 607 00:26:35,660 –> 00:26:37,660 start trusting God 608 00:26:39,660 –> 00:26:40,660 By done with this idea 609 00:26:40,660 –> 00:26:41,660 that can lurk 610 00:26:41,660 –> 00:26:42,660 even in a Christian heart 611 00:26:42,660 –> 00:26:43,660 that God’s never 612 00:26:43,660 –> 00:26:44,660 going to do anything 613 00:26:44,660 –> 00:26:45,660 and start trusting him 614 00:26:45,660 –> 00:26:46,660 Verse 13 615 00:26:46,660 –> 00:26:47,660 Why does the wicked 616 00:26:47,660 –> 00:26:48,660 renounce God 617 00:26:48,660 –> 00:26:49,660 and say in his heart 618 00:26:50,660 –> 00:26:51,660 Verse 14 619 00:26:51,660 –> 00:26:53,660 You do see 620 00:26:53,660 –> 00:26:55,660 and you note mischief 621 00:26:55,660 –> 00:26:56,660 You’re writing it all down 622 00:26:58,660 –> 00:26:59,660 The wicked says 623 00:26:59,660 –> 00:27:00,660 God’s hidden his face 624 00:27:01,660 –> 00:27:02,660 David says you do see 625 00:27:03,660 –> 00:27:04,660 The wicked says 626 00:27:04,660 –> 00:27:05,660 God’s forgotten 627 00:27:05,660 –> 00:27:06,660 David says no 628 00:27:06,660 –> 00:27:07,660 you note mischief 629 00:27:08,660 –> 00:27:09,660 You’re writing it all down 630 00:27:12,660 –> 00:27:13,660 And so as this 631 00:27:13,660 –> 00:27:14,660 marvellous turn 632 00:27:14,660 –> 00:27:15,660 takes place in the prayer 633 00:27:16,660 –> 00:27:17,660 there are some 634 00:27:17,660 –> 00:27:18,660 core convictions 635 00:27:18,660 –> 00:27:19,660 for praying 636 00:27:19,660 –> 00:27:20,660 when the wicked 637 00:27:20,660 –> 00:27:21,660 seem to be winning 638 00:27:22,660 –> 00:27:23,660 Notice how David 639 00:27:23,660 –> 00:27:24,660 particularly 640 00:27:24,660 –> 00:27:25,660 draws 641 00:27:25,660 –> 00:27:26,660 attention in this 642 00:27:26,660 –> 00:27:27,660 prayer to God’s eye 643 00:27:28,660 –> 00:27:29,660 You do see 644 00:27:29,660 –> 00:27:30,660 Verse 14 645 00:27:31,660 –> 00:27:32,660 You do see 646 00:27:33,660 –> 00:27:34,660 You see everything 647 00:27:35,660 –> 00:27:36,660 O God 648 00:27:37,660 –> 00:27:38,660 you’ve seen 649 00:27:38,660 –> 00:27:39,660 what’s happening 650 00:27:39,660 –> 00:27:40,660 in the country 651 00:27:41,660 –> 00:27:42,660 and you see 652 00:27:42,660 –> 00:27:43,660 what is happening 653 00:27:44,660 –> 00:27:45,660 to me 654 00:27:46,660 –> 00:27:47,660 Think of this 655 00:27:47,660 –> 00:27:48,660 as you come into 656 00:27:48,660 –> 00:27:49,660 the presence of God 657 00:27:49,660 –> 00:27:50,660 and how wonderfully 658 00:27:50,660 –> 00:27:51,660 helpful it is 659 00:27:52,660 –> 00:27:53,660 God sees 660 00:27:53,660 –> 00:27:54,660 and knows 661 00:27:54,660 –> 00:27:55,660 and notes down 662 00:27:55,660 –> 00:27:56,660 everything that relates 663 00:27:56,660 –> 00:27:57,660 to you 664 00:27:57,660 –> 00:27:58,660 Nothing is hidden 665 00:27:58,660 –> 00:27:59,660 from Him 666 00:27:59,660 –> 00:28:00,660 If you have been 667 00:28:00,660 –> 00:28:01,660 oppressed 668 00:28:01,660 –> 00:28:02,660 If you have been 669 00:28:02,660 –> 00:28:03,660 mistreated 670 00:28:03,660 –> 00:28:04,660 If you have been 671 00:28:04,660 –> 00:28:05,660 taken advantage of 672 00:28:05,660 –> 00:28:06,660 by an unscrupulous 673 00:28:06,660 –> 00:28:07,660 person 674 00:28:07,660 –> 00:28:08,660 You sometimes say 675 00:28:08,660 –> 00:28:09,660 well nobody 676 00:28:09,660 –> 00:28:10,660 really understands 677 00:28:10,660 –> 00:28:11,660 nobody’s really seen 678 00:28:11,660 –> 00:28:12,660 Oh yet, God has seen 679 00:28:13,660 –> 00:28:14,660 And it’s all known 680 00:28:14,660 –> 00:28:15,660 to Him 681 00:28:16,660 –> 00:28:17,660 The person 682 00:28:17,660 –> 00:28:18,660 who has taken advantage 683 00:28:18,660 –> 00:28:19,660 of you 684 00:28:19,660 –> 00:28:20,660 God knows all about that 685 00:28:20,660 –> 00:28:21,660 it’s all written down 686 00:28:21,660 –> 00:28:22,660 all seen 687 00:28:22,660 –> 00:28:25,660 Very wonderful 688 00:28:25,660 –> 00:28:26,660 And then he focuses 689 00:28:26,660 –> 00:28:27,660 on God’s hand 690 00:28:27,660 –> 00:28:28,660 verse 12 691 00:28:28,660 –> 00:28:29,660 and verse 14 692 00:28:29,660 –> 00:28:30,660 Arise O’Lord 693 00:28:30,660 –> 00:28:31,660 Lift up your hand 694 00:28:31,660 –> 00:28:32,660 Verse 14 695 00:28:32,660 –> 00:28:33,660 You take note 696 00:28:33,660 –> 00:28:34,660 of mischief 697 00:28:34,660 –> 00:28:35,660 that you may 698 00:28:35,660 –> 00:28:36,660 take it 699 00:28:36,660 –> 00:28:37,660 into your hands 700 00:28:37,660 –> 00:28:38,660 Beautiful 701 00:28:39,660 –> 00:28:40,660 The hand of course 702 00:28:40,660 –> 00:28:41,660 is a reference 703 00:28:41,660 –> 00:28:42,660 to strength 704 00:28:42,660 –> 00:28:43,660 And that is why 705 00:28:43,660 –> 00:28:44,660 when in verse 15 706 00:28:44,660 –> 00:28:45,660 it says 707 00:28:45,660 –> 00:28:46,660 break the arm 708 00:28:46,660 –> 00:28:47,660 of the wicked 709 00:28:47,660 –> 00:28:48,660 that means 710 00:28:48,660 –> 00:28:49,660 break the power 711 00:28:49,660 –> 00:28:50,660 of the wicked 712 00:28:50,660 –> 00:28:51,660 Lord use your 713 00:28:51,660 –> 00:28:52,660 divine power 714 00:28:52,660 –> 00:28:53,660 to bring restraint 715 00:28:53,660 –> 00:28:54,660 and ultimately 716 00:28:54,660 –> 00:28:55,660 to bring an end 717 00:28:55,660 –> 00:28:56,660 to the power 718 00:28:56,660 –> 00:28:57,660 of the wicked 719 00:28:57,660 –> 00:28:58,660 And of course 720 00:28:58,660 –> 00:28:59,660 this is a prayer 721 00:28:59,660 –> 00:29:00,660 that God wonderfully 722 00:29:00,660 –> 00:29:01,660 answers in part 723 00:29:01,660 –> 00:29:02,660 now 724 00:29:03,660 –> 00:29:04,660 and will answer 725 00:29:04,660 –> 00:29:05,660 fully 726 00:29:05,660 –> 00:29:06,660 at the end of time 727 00:29:06,660 –> 00:29:07,660 Verse 15 728 00:29:07,660 –> 00:29:08,660 break the arm 729 00:29:08,660 –> 00:29:09,660 of the wicked 730 00:29:09,660 –> 00:29:10,660 call His wickedness 731 00:29:10,660 –> 00:29:11,660 to account 732 00:29:11,660 –> 00:29:12,660 till you 733 00:29:12,660 –> 00:29:13,660 find 734 00:29:13,660 –> 00:29:15,660 no 735 00:29:15,660 –> 00:29:17,660 more 736 00:29:17,660 –> 00:29:18,660 What a day that’s 737 00:29:18,660 –> 00:29:19,660 going to be 738 00:29:19,660 –> 00:29:20,660 when God calls 739 00:29:20,660 –> 00:29:21,660 wickedness 740 00:29:21,660 –> 00:29:22,660 to account 741 00:29:22,660 –> 00:29:23,660 until 742 00:29:23,660 –> 00:29:24,660 He 743 00:29:24,660 –> 00:29:25,660 finds 744 00:29:25,660 –> 00:29:26,660 no 745 00:29:26,660 –> 00:29:27,660 more 746 00:29:27,660 –> 00:29:30,660 and then 747 00:29:30,660 –> 00:29:31,660 when it has all 748 00:29:31,660 –> 00:29:32,660 been judged 749 00:29:34,660 –> 00:29:35,660 and the new 750 00:29:35,660 –> 00:29:37,660 creation is formed 751 00:29:37,660 –> 00:29:38,660 and the people of God 752 00:29:38,660 –> 00:29:39,660 in the home of righteousness 753 00:29:39,660 –> 00:29:40,660 and sin 754 00:29:40,660 –> 00:29:41,660 shall be 755 00:29:41,660 –> 00:29:42,660 no 756 00:29:42,660 –> 00:29:44,660 more 757 00:29:46,660 –> 00:29:47,660 His hand, He’ll 758 00:29:47,660 –> 00:29:48,660 do this by His power 759 00:29:48,660 –> 00:29:49,660 We can’t deliver the 760 00:29:49,660 –> 00:29:50,660 world from evil 761 00:29:50,660 –> 00:29:51,660 not for us, it’s not 762 00:29:51,660 –> 00:29:52,660 for David to… to 763 00:29:52,660 –> 00:29:53,660 deliver the world 764 00:29:53,660 –> 00:29:54,660 from wickedness 765 00:29:54,660 –> 00:29:55,660 how’s He going to 766 00:29:55,660 –> 00:29:56,660 do that? God will do 767 00:29:56,660 –> 00:29:57,660 it! Take it into 768 00:29:57,660 –> 00:29:58,660 your hand! 769 00:29:59,660 –> 00:30:00,660 Now this is a prayer 770 00:30:00,660 –> 00:30:01,660 that God answers 771 00:30:01,660 –> 00:30:02,660 in part now 772 00:30:02,660 –> 00:30:03,660 and fully at the 773 00:30:03,660 –> 00:30:04,660 end of time 774 00:30:04,660 –> 00:30:05,660 and both are 775 00:30:05,660 –> 00:30:06,660 important 776 00:30:07,660 –> 00:30:08,660 It’s in part now 777 00:30:08,660 –> 00:30:09,660 because of course 778 00:30:09,660 –> 00:30:10,660 as we’ve said 779 00:30:10,660 –> 00:30:11,660 long as we are 780 00:30:11,660 –> 00:30:12,660 in this world 781 00:30:12,660 –> 00:30:13,660 we will face 782 00:30:13,660 –> 00:30:14,660 the challenge 783 00:30:14,660 –> 00:30:15,660 of wickedness 784 00:30:15,660 –> 00:30:16,660 it’ll keep breaking 785 00:30:16,660 –> 00:30:17,660 out in new forms 786 00:30:17,660 –> 00:30:18,660 but remember this 787 00:30:18,660 –> 00:30:19,660 and this is 788 00:30:19,660 –> 00:30:20,660 the point of the 789 00:30:20,660 –> 00:30:21,660 prayer 790 00:30:21,660 –> 00:30:22,660 that God in 791 00:30:22,660 –> 00:30:23,660 His mercy 792 00:30:23,660 –> 00:30:24,660 restrains 793 00:30:24,660 –> 00:30:26,660 wickedness 794 00:30:26,660 –> 00:30:27,660 so that however 795 00:30:27,660 –> 00:30:28,660 bad it is 796 00:30:28,660 –> 00:30:29,660 in the world 797 00:30:30,660 –> 00:30:31,660 it would be 798 00:30:31,660 –> 00:30:32,660 worse 799 00:30:32,660 –> 00:30:33,660 if it 800 00:30:33,660 –> 00:30:34,660 were not for 801 00:30:34,660 –> 00:30:35,660 the grace 802 00:30:35,660 –> 00:30:36,660 of God 803 00:30:36,660 –> 00:30:37,660 We call this 804 00:30:37,660 –> 00:30:38,660 common grace 805 00:30:38,660 –> 00:30:39,660 That is the grace 806 00:30:39,660 –> 00:30:40,660 that God 807 00:30:40,660 –> 00:30:41,660 restrains 808 00:30:41,660 –> 00:30:42,660 wickedness 809 00:30:42,660 –> 00:30:43,660 to some 810 00:30:43,660 –> 00:30:44,660 extent 811 00:30:44,660 –> 00:30:45,660 even with 812 00:30:45,660 –> 00:30:46,660 those who do 813 00:30:46,660 –> 00:30:47,660 not know 814 00:30:47,660 –> 00:30:48,660 him 815 00:30:48,660 –> 00:30:49,660 or love 816 00:30:49,660 –> 00:30:50,660 him 817 00:30:50,660 –> 00:30:51,660 Think about 818 00:30:51,660 –> 00:30:52,660 this 819 00:30:52,660 –> 00:30:53,660 Only in 820 00:30:53,660 –> 00:30:54,660 HELL 821 00:30:54,660 –> 00:30:55,660 is the full 822 00:30:55,660 –> 00:30:56,660 extent 823 00:30:56,660 –> 00:30:57,660 of evil 824 00:30:57,660 –> 00:30:58,660 really known 825 00:30:58,660 –> 00:30:59,660 And thank 826 00:30:59,660 –> 00:31:00,660 God this 827 00:31:00,660 –> 00:31:01,660 world 828 00:31:01,660 –> 00:31:02,660 however bad 829 00:31:02,660 –> 00:31:03,660 it is 830 00:31:03,660 –> 00:31:04,660 at its 831 00:31:04,660 –> 00:31:05,660 worst 832 00:31:05,660 –> 00:31:06,660 is still 833 00:31:06,660 –> 00:31:07,660 not 834 00:31:07,660 –> 00:31:08,660 hell 835 00:31:09,660 –> 00:31:10,660 Because 836 00:31:10,660 –> 00:31:11,660 God 837 00:31:11,660 –> 00:31:12,660 mercifully 838 00:31:12,660 –> 00:31:13,660 answers this 839 00:31:13,660 –> 00:31:14,660 prayer and 840 00:31:14,660 –> 00:31:15,660 restrains 841 00:31:15,660 –> 00:31:16,660 in some 842 00:31:16,660 –> 00:31:17,660 degree 843 00:31:17,660 –> 00:31:18,660 the 844 00:31:18,660 –> 00:31:19,660 full force 845 00:31:19,660 –> 00:31:20,660 of the 846 00:31:20,660 –> 00:31:21,660 expression 847 00:31:21,660 –> 00:31:22,420 and the 848 00:31:22,420 –> 00:31:23,439 work of the 849 00:31:23,660 –> 00:31:24,660 wicked 850 00:31:24,660 –> 00:31:25,660 He does not 851 00:31:25,660 –> 00:31:26,660 stop it 852 00:31:26,660 –> 00:31:27,660 but he 853 00:31:27,660 –> 00:31:28,660 restrains 854 00:31:28,660 –> 00:31:29,660 it 855 00:31:29,660 –> 00:31:30,660 in some 856 00:31:30,660 –> 00:31:31,660 degree 857 00:31:31,660 –> 00:31:32,660 however 858 00:31:32,660 –> 00:31:33,660 bad 859 00:31:33,660 –> 00:31:34,660 your 860 00:31:34,660 –> 00:31:35,660 experience 861 00:31:35,660 –> 00:31:36,660 in this 862 00:31:36,660 –> 00:31:37,660 prayer 863 00:31:37,660 –> 00:31:38,660 may 864 00:31:38,660 –> 00:31:39,660 require 865 00:31:39,660 –> 00:31:40,660 more 866 00:31:40,660 –> 00:31:41,660 than 867 00:31:41,660 –> 00:31:42,660 the 868 00:31:42,660 –> 00:31:43,660 excerpt 869 00:31:43,660 –> 00:31:44,660 will 870 00:31:44,660 –> 00:31:45,660 force 871 00:31:45,660 –> 00:31:46,660 this 872 00:31:46,660 –> 00:31:47,660 prayer 873 00:31:47,660 –> 00:31:48,660 into 874 00:31:48,660 –> 00:31:49,660 truth 875 00:31:49,660 –> 00:31:50,660 and 876 00:31:50,660 –> 00:31:51,660 that 877 00:31:51,660 –> 00:31:52,660 is 878 00:31:52,660 –> 00:31:53,660 the 879 00:31:53,660 –> 00:31:54,660 point 880 00:31:54,660 –> 00:31:55,660 of 881 00:31:55,660 –> 00:31:56,660 this 882 00:31:56,660 –> 00:31:57,660 prayer 883 00:31:57,660 –> 00:31:58,660 as 884 00:31:58,660 –> 00:31:59,660 a Christian 885 00:31:59,660 –> 00:32:00,660 believer 886 00:32:00,660 –> 00:32:01,660 I am 887 00:32:01,660 –> 00:32:02,660 experiencing 888 00:32:02,660 –> 00:32:03,660 evil 889 00:32:03,660 –> 00:32:04,660 I know 890 00:32:04,660 –> 00:32:05,660 I will 891 00:32:05,660 –> 00:32:06,660 be glorious 892 00:32:06,660 –> 00:32:07,660 and he will 893 00:32:07,660 –> 00:32:08,660 call wickedness 894 00:32:08,660 –> 00:32:09,660 til a 895 00:32:09,660 –> 00:32:10,660 count 896 00:32:10,660 –> 00:32:11,660 until 897 00:32:11,660 –> 00:32:12,660 there 898 00:32:12,660 –> 00:32:13,660 is 899 00:32:13,660 –> 00:32:14,660 no 900 00:32:14,660 –> 00:32:15,660 more 901 00:32:15,660 –> 00:32:16,660 to that 902 00:32:16,660 –> 00:32:17,660 end 903 00:32:17,660 –> 00:32:18,660 thinking about 904 00:32:18,660 –> 00:32:19,660 God’s eye 905 00:32:19,660 –> 00:32:20,660 he knows it 906 00:32:20,660 –> 00:32:21,660 all 907 00:32:21,660 –> 00:32:22,660 his 908 00:32:22,660 –> 00:32:23,660 hand 909 00:32:23,660 –> 00:32:24,660 the power 910 00:32:24,660 –> 00:32:25,660 of his 911 00:32:25,660 –> 00:32:26,660 hand 912 00:32:26,660 –> 00:32:27,660 to 913 00:32:27,660 –> 00:32:28,660 restrain 914 00:32:28,660 –> 00:32:29,660 now, and 915 00:32:29,660 –> 00:32:30,660 then to 916 00:32:30,660 –> 00:32:31,660 judge 917 00:32:31,660 –> 00:32:32,660 to 918 00:32:32,660 –> 00:32:33,660 the 919 00:32:33,660 –> 00:32:34,660 is 920 00:33:04,660 –> 00:33:05,660 your 921 00:33:05,660 –> 00:33:06,660 throne 922 00:33:06,660 –> 00:33:07,660 and you’re 923 00:33:07,660 –> 00:33:08,660 on the 924 00:33:08,660 –> 00:33:09,660 throne 925 00:33:09,660 –> 00:33:10,660 forever 926 00:33:10,660 –> 00:33:11,660 and 927 00:33:11,660 –> 00:33:12,660 forever 928 00:33:12,660 –> 00:33:13,660 stop 929 00:33:13,660 –> 00:33:14,660 thinking like 930 00:33:14,660 –> 00:33:15,660 the wicked 931 00:33:15,660 –> 00:33:16,660 start 932 00:33:16,660 –> 00:33:17,660 trusting in 933 00:33:17,660 –> 00:33:18,660 God 934 00:33:18,660 –> 00:33:19,660 and here’s 935 00:33:19,660 –> 00:33:20,660 the very 936 00:33:20,660 –> 00:33:21,660 last thing 937 00:33:21,660 –> 00:33:22,660 just briefly 938 00:33:22,660 –> 00:33:23,660 stand 939 00:33:23,660 –> 00:33:24,660 with Christ 940 00:33:24,660 –> 00:33:25,660 in the 941 00:33:25,660 –> 00:33:27,660 school 942 00:33:27,660 –> 00:33:28,660 of prayer 943 00:33:28,660 –> 00:33:29,660 Jesus 944 00:33:29,660 –> 00:33:30,660 would’ve 945 00:33:30,660 –> 00:33:31,660 known 946 00:33:31,660 –> 00:33:32,660 this 947 00:33:32,660 –> 00:33:33,660 Pastor 948 00:34:03,660 –> 00:34:04,660 did 949 00:34:04,660 –> 00:34:05,660 you 950 00:34:05,660 –> 00:34:06,660 think 951 00:34:06,660 –> 00:34:07,660 in 952 00:34:07,660 –> 00:34:08,659 ambush 953 00:34:08,659 –> 00:34:09,659 Oh yes 954 00:34:09,659 –> 00:34:10,659 day after 955 00:34:10,659 –> 00:34:11,659 day 956 00:34:11,659 –> 00:34:12,659 I was 957 00:34:12,659 –> 00:34:13,659 teaching in 958 00:34:13,659 –> 00:34:14,659 the temple 959 00:34:14,659 –> 00:34:15,659 and now 960 00:34:15,659 –> 00:34:16,659 you come 961 00:34:16,659 –> 00:34:17,659 to me 962 00:34:17,659 –> 00:34:18,659 with sword 963 00:34:18,659 –> 00:34:19,659 s and 964 00:34:19,659 –> 00:34:20,659 clubs 965 00:34:20,659 –> 00:34:21,659 as they 966 00:34:21,659 –> 00:34:22,659 arrest 967 00:34:22,659 –> 00:34:23,659 him in 968 00:34:23,659 –> 00:34:24,659 the Garden 969 00:34:24,659 –> 00:34:25,659 of 970 00:34:25,659 –> 00:34:26,659 Gethsemane 971 00:34:26,659 –> 00:34:27,659 did 972 00:34:27,659 –> 00:34:28,659 Jesus 973 00:34:28,659 –> 00:34:29,659 know 974 00:34:29,659 –> 00:34:30,659 the 975 00:34:30,659 –> 00:34:31,659 violence 976 00:34:31,659 –> 00:34:32,659 of the 977 00:35:33,659 –> 00:35:34,659 temple 978 00:35:34,659 –> 00:35:36,659 no 979 00:35:36,659 –> 00:35:37,659 onda 980 00:35:37,659 –> 00:35:38,659 if 981 00:35:38,659 –> 00:35:39,659 God 982 00:35:39,659 –> 00:35:40,659 you 983 00:35:40,659 –> 00:35:41,659 when 984 00:35:41,659 –> 00:35:42,659 you 985 00:35:42,659 –> 00:35:43,659 feel 986 00:35:43,659 –> 00:35:44,659 this 987 00:35:44,659 –> 00:35:45,659 is for 988 00:35:45,659 –> 00:35:46,659 you 989 00:35:46,659 –> 00:35:47,659 calling 990 00:35:47,659 –> 00:35:48,659 you 991 00:35:48,659 –> 00:35:49,659 stand 992 00:35:49,659 –> 00:35:50,659 in 993 00:35:50,659 –> 00:35:51,659 face 994 00:35:51,659 –> 00:35:52,659 and 995 00:35:52,659 –> 00:35:54,659 not 996 00:35:54,659 –> 00:35:55,659 think 997 00:35:55,659 –> 00:35:57,659 like 998 00:35:57,659 –> 00:35:58,659 the 999 00:35:58,659 –> 00:35:59,659 wicked 1000 00:35:59,659 –> 00:36:00,659 and 1001 00:36:00,659 –> 00:36:01,659 Jesus 1002 00:36:01,659 –> 00:36:03,659 that Jesus not only endured wickedness 1003 00:36:03,659 –> 00:36:09,659 you triumphed over it 1004 00:36:09,659 –> 00:36:11,659 you says Peter on the day of Pentecost. You put him to death with the help of wicked men 1005 00:36:11,659 –> 00:36:13,659 but God raised him from the dead 1006 00:36:13,659 –> 00:36:15,659 He raised him up 1007 00:36:15,659 –> 00:36:17,659 and he is king 1008 00:36:17,659 –> 00:36:18,659 forever 1009 00:36:18,659 –> 00:36:19,659 and 1010 00:36:19,659 –> 00:36:20,659 forever 1011 00:36:20,659 –> 00:36:22,659 and this Christ 1012 00:36:22,659 –> 00:36:24,659 here is the desire of the afflicted 1013 00:36:24,659 –> 00:36:27,659 this Christine able to strengthen 1014 00:36:27,659 –> 00:36:29,659 your heart 1015 00:36:29,659 –> 00:36:30,659 and right now 1016 00:36:30,659 –> 00:36:32,659 his hand is held out to 1017 00:36:32,659 –> 00:36:34,659 every person 1018 00:36:34,659 –> 00:36:36,659 whatever you may have done 1019 00:36:36,659 –> 00:36:38,659 whatever wickedness there may have been 1020 00:36:38,659 –> 00:36:40,659 in your life 1021 00:36:40,659 –> 00:36:41,659 and right now his hand is not raised 1022 00:36:41,659 –> 00:36:42,659 in judgment towards you 1023 00:36:42,659 –> 00:36:44,659 its raised in invitation 1024 00:36:44,659 –> 00:36:47,659 towards you 1025 00:36:47,659 –> 00:36:50,659 wickedness is going down 1026 00:36:50,659 –> 00:36:52,659 friends 1027 00:36:52,659 –> 00:36:54,659 but here is the good news for every person today 1028 00:36:54,659 –> 00:36:56,659 you do not need to go down with your 1029 00:36:56,659 –> 00:36:57,659 wickedness 1030 00:36:57,659 –> 00:36:58,580 God 1031 00:36:58,659 –> 00:36:59,659 offers grace and mercy 1032 00:36:59,659 –> 00:37:01,659 to his son Jesus Christ 1033 00:37:01,659 –> 00:37:03,659 so turn to him 1034 00:37:03,659 –> 00:37:05,659 in faith 1035 00:37:05,659 –> 00:37:07,659 come to him in repentance 1036 00:37:07,659 –> 00:37:09,659 and ask him to make 1037 00:37:09,659 –> 00:37:11,659 you a new creation 1038 00:37:11,659 –> 00:37:13,659 even today 1039 00:37:13,659 –> 00:37:15,659 father 1040 00:37:15,659 –> 00:37:17,659 please 1041 00:37:17,659 –> 00:37:20,659 work your word into our hearts 1042 00:37:20,659 –> 00:37:23,659 that 1043 00:37:23,659 –> 00:37:25,659 we may become the kind of people 1044 00:37:25,659 –> 00:37:27,659 who know what it is to pray 1045 00:37:27,659 –> 00:37:29,659 with faith and in the Holy Spirit 1046 00:37:29,659 –> 00:37:31,659 when evil 1047 00:37:31,659 –> 00:37:33,659 is on the rise and even when you feel 1048 00:37:33,659 –> 00:37:36,659 far away and thank you for making that possible 1049 00:37:36,659 –> 00:37:39,659 through your son Jesus Christ 1050 00:37:39,659 –> 00:37:41,659 in whose name we pray 1051 00:37:41,659 –> 00:37:43,659 and everyone said 1052 00:37:43,659 –> 00:37:45,659 Amen