He Leads Me

Psalm 23

Pastor Colin Smith of Open The Bible shares a message focusing on Psalm 23, offering strength and encouragement for these challenging times. Psalm 23, widely cherished for its comforting words, reminds us that the Lord is our shepherd. Pastor Colin emphasized the personal relationship we have with God and our identity as His flock – owned by God because we have been both bought by the blood of Jesus and born into His family through the Spirit. He reassures us that as members of God’s flock, we receive His guidance and sustenance.

In this message, Pastor Colin explored the ways our Good Shepherd leads us, specifically into rest and righteousness, and the profound reasons why – for His name’s sake. He assures us that regardless of life’s inevitable changes and the complexities we may face, God is always directing our path. Encouragement comes from the understanding that we are not alone; our path is one of rest in Christ’s righteousness and active following through the righteousness He calls us to pursue.

1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:07,000 You’re listening to a sermon from pastor Colin Smith of Open the Bible. 2 00:00:07,100 –> 00:00:14,100 To contact us call us at 1-877-OPEN-365 or visit our website OpenTheBible.org Let’s get 3 00:00:17,459 –> 00:00:23,680 the message. Here is Pastor Colin Please open your Bible at Psalm 23. We’re 4 00:00:23,680 –> 00:00:29,959 looking at this best known and best loved of all the psalms in order to find strength 5 00:00:29,959 –> 00:00:35,279 and encouragement for these difficult and dangerous days in which we’re living. 6 00:00:35,279 –> 00:00:40,820 If you were here last week you will recall that we began by seeing that this is a psalm 7 00:00:40,820 –> 00:00:47,820 first about the Lord. The Lord is my shepherd. Every line of this psalm is about who he is 8 00:00:48,540 –> 00:00:54,540 and what he does for his people. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me 9 00:00:54,540 –> 00:01:01,380 beside still waters, he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 10 00:01:01,380 –> 00:01:06,519 But then we also saw that very wonderfully this is a psalm about us. It’s about God 11 00:01:06,519 –> 00:01:13,519 in his relationship with us. The Lord is my shepherd. Every line of this psalm is about 12 00:01:13,839 –> 00:01:20,839 us and what is ours in and through our Lord. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he 13 00:01:20,839 –> 00:01:27,839 leads me besides still waters, he leads me in paths of righteousness for his own name’s 14 00:01:28,139 –> 00:01:31,559 sake. And we saw last time that the very first 15 00:01:31,559 –> 00:01:36,360 and most important thing about the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep is that 16 00:01:36,360 –> 00:01:43,360 the shepherd owns the flock. So when I say, the Lord is my shepherd, it also means that 17 00:01:43,559 –> 00:01:50,559 I am his. And we saw last time that a shepherd takes ownership of sheep in one of two ways. 18 00:01:58,959 –> 00:02:05,959 Either sheep are bought into the flock or they are born into the flock, and we saw that 19 00:02:06,040 –> 00:02:12,199 with regards to our relationship with our shepherd, that both of these things are true. 20 00:02:12,220 –> 00:02:18,100 You were bought with a price. The Lord Jesus ransomed you, purchased you by the shedding 21 00:02:18,100 –> 00:02:24,940 of His own blood. And you have been born into the flock of God – born again by the Spirit 22 00:02:24,940 –> 00:02:31,940 of God through the living and enduring Word of God. So being the flock of God, we are 23 00:02:32,520 –> 00:02:39,520 wholly owned by the shepherd. And the question that is then answered by this very wonderful 24 00:02:40,259 –> 00:02:47,259 psalm is very simply this – what will the shepherd do for the flock that he owns? And 25 00:02:48,160 –> 00:02:52,460 the psalm gives five marvelous answers to that question. We’re going to look at the 26 00:02:52,460 –> 00:02:58,460 first today. That he will lead you, because you are in his flock, because you are his 27 00:02:58,460 –> 00:03:05,139 sheep, he will lead you. Then we will see that he will restore you, he will guard you, 28 00:03:05,199 –> 00:03:09,679 he will feed you, and he will love you forever and forever. 29 00:03:09,679 –> 00:03:16,679 Now today, then, the first of these – the shepherd will lead you. You’re his. Born, 30 00:03:17,899 –> 00:03:23,000 bought, into the flock of God, and here’s what that means. You can absolutely count 31 00:03:23,000 –> 00:03:28,580 on this, that your shepherd, the Lord, will always lead you. Notice that David states 32 00:03:28,580 –> 00:03:35,580 it twice. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he restores 33 00:03:36,160 –> 00:03:43,160 my soul, he leads me in paths of righteousness for his own name’s sake. 34 00:03:43,699 –> 00:03:50,339 Now, do you see, then, that the first blessing – this first wonderful truth – that belongs 35 00:03:50,339 –> 00:03:57,339 to all those who were wholly owned by the Son of God, is that he leads you. And David 36 00:03:58,779 –> 00:04:05,779 states this as a fact, a given. There’s not something that you have to do in order to 37 00:04:08,399 –> 00:04:15,399 make this happen. If you are in the flock of God, this is true of you, this is what 38 00:04:16,000 –> 00:04:22,480 he does for you, he leads you. And what that means very wonderfully, brothers and sisters, 39 00:04:22,480 –> 00:04:27,299 is that whatever is happening in your life and whatever is going on in the world is not 40 00:04:27,299 –> 00:04:34,299 a matter of random chance. We’re not stumbling through life moving from one thing to another. 41 00:04:35,100 –> 00:04:41,299 We’re surprised by what comes, but we are actually being led by a shepherd and the shepherd 42 00:04:41,299 –> 00:04:47,140 is taking us on a journey that will lead us to his own home where we will be with him 43 00:04:47,140 –> 00:04:54,140 forever. And he knows the way that he is going and he leads you on the right path. 44 00:04:54,179 –> 00:05:00,519 Now I want us to look at two things today. The first is where he leads us? And there 45 00:05:00,519 –> 00:05:05,660 are two specific statements about that here in this psalm and then very wonderfully why 46 00:05:05,660 –> 00:05:12,660 he leads us which is explained to us here. First then, where does he lead us? And the 47 00:05:13,339 –> 00:05:20,339 first thing we are told is that the good shepherd leads us into rest. He makes me lie down in 48 00:05:21,160 –> 00:05:28,160 green pastures. He leads me where? Beside still waters. 49 00:05:29,959 –> 00:05:36,959 And these are two very, very beautiful descriptions of rest. Green pastures, of course, are places 50 00:05:37,420 –> 00:05:43,059 where the sheep can graze. Notice that the emphasis here in this verse is not on grazing 51 00:05:43,059 –> 00:05:49,760 but on resting. He makes me lie down in green pastures. Not feeding there but lying down 52 00:05:49,760 –> 00:05:56,640 in green pastures is the point here. He leads me besides still waters. Sheep, of course, 53 00:05:56,640 –> 00:06:02,540 are scared of moving water. When sheep falls into moving water, its fleece will be like 54 00:06:02,540 –> 00:06:08,559 a sponge and soak up so much water that the weight of it will cause it to drown. And, 55 00:06:08,559 –> 00:06:15,040 therefore, good shepherds will dam up a river in order to have quiet pools where the sheep 56 00:06:15,119 –> 00:06:22,119 can drink without the danger of falling into a river. So here are two beautiful descriptions 57 00:06:22,640 –> 00:06:29,640 of rest. There’s a meadow with lush green grass. There are pools of water that provide 58 00:06:31,660 –> 00:06:38,040 a drink at the side. Now, let me just make one or two observations 59 00:06:38,880 –> 00:06:45,880 on rest. And the first is this, that rest does not come easily or naturally to sheep. 60 00:06:50,440 –> 00:06:56,160 By the way, this is so practical today. I wouldn’t ask for a show of hands, but if I 61 00:06:56,160 –> 00:07:01,220 was to ask for a show of hands as to how many of us are just feeling tired and jaded right 62 00:07:01,579 –> 00:07:09,779 think we’d get a pretty good representation. And what we’re being told here is that your 63 00:07:09,779 –> 00:07:20,660 Good Shepherd leads you into what you don’t easily find, rest. Notice, he makes me lie 64 00:07:20,660 –> 00:07:26,260 down. I don’t find it easy to lie down by myself. I don’t find it easy to rest. That’s 65 00:07:26,260 –> 00:07:31,799 what David is saying. Now, think about the analogy that is so wonderful 66 00:07:31,799 –> 00:07:40,299 all the way through this psalm. Why is it difficult for sheep to rest? Well, the answer 67 00:07:40,299 –> 00:07:48,820 to that is that sheep are timid creatures who have very limited means of defending themselves. 68 00:07:48,820 –> 00:07:59,059 I mean if you think about this, a bull can charge, a snake can bite, a skunk can – well, 69 00:07:59,059 –> 00:08:04,179 let’s not go there, shall we? It can spray. It can do its thing, right? It’s got a means 70 00:08:04,179 –> 00:08:10,959 of defending itself. What can a sheep do to defend itself? The only thing a sheep can 71 00:08:10,959 –> 00:08:15,200 do to defend itself is run. Frankly, they’re not very good at that either. You compare 72 00:08:15,220 –> 00:08:21,279 them to deer, they’re pretty slow. Compare them to the wolf, they’re pretty slow. So 73 00:08:21,279 –> 00:08:26,059 if the only means that you have of defending yourself is to be able to run away when a 74 00:08:26,059 –> 00:08:31,160 dog comes, or whatever, then what is your experience of life going to be? You’re going 75 00:08:31,160 –> 00:08:36,059 to be standing on your feet all the time. You’re always going to be on edge because 76 00:08:36,059 –> 00:08:42,340 you know your own vulnerability. You’re always going to be in this position of anxiety, and 77 00:08:42,520 –> 00:08:47,640 therefore find it hard to rest. How can you lie down if your only means of defense is 78 00:08:47,640 –> 00:08:54,640 to run? And maybe that is actually a very powerful picture of where you are today. You 79 00:08:55,239 –> 00:09:01,919 don’t find it easy to rest, don’t find it easy to sleep. Why? Because there is a problem 80 00:09:01,919 –> 00:09:08,919 you need to solve. There is a challenge you need to face. There are fears that are constantly 81 00:09:09,159 –> 00:09:16,159 assailing you, and your mind won’t rest. How am I going to get through this? And so 82 00:09:16,380 –> 00:09:20,659 you lie awake at night, and you’re going over all that has happened and all that might 83 00:09:20,659 –> 00:09:27,000 happen, all that could happen. You need rest, but you don’t know how to find it. 84 00:09:27,000 –> 00:09:32,179 And of course, David has been there. He knows what this is like. In other Psalms he describes 85 00:09:32,679 –> 00:09:39,679 it very vividly. Rest did not come to him easily or naturally. If you think about that, 86 00:09:41,919 –> 00:09:47,400 it’s hardly surprising all those years he spent on the run from King Saul, who was pursuing 87 00:09:47,400 –> 00:09:54,400 him for his life. Years of worry over a divided nation and over a dysfunctional family. The 88 00:09:54,940 –> 00:10:01,940 sheer weight of responsibility that is on this man’s shoulders as the King of God’s 89 00:10:03,039 –> 00:10:07,599 people, the weight of that responsibility. How’s he ever going to rest? And here’s his 90 00:10:07,640 –> 00:10:14,640 answer, the Lord makes me lie down. Now how does the shepherd make the sheep 91 00:10:17,700 –> 00:10:22,419 lie down? Does he come with a stick and beat them? No, no, no, how does the shepherd make 92 00:10:22,719 –> 00:10:29,719 the sheep lie down? By his own presence. Sheep rest when they can see their shepherd. They’ll 93 00:10:34,299 –> 00:10:40,460 only lie down when they feel safe, and the time that they feel safe is when they can 94 00:10:40,460 –> 00:10:47,460 see their shepherd. Try and put yourself in the position of the sheep. You know that you’re 95 00:10:47,960 –> 00:10:54,960 vulnerable. Your only defence is to run, so you stay on your feet, just in case any danger 96 00:10:55,840 –> 00:11:02,840 comes. But when you can see your shepherd right there in the field, when you can see 97 00:11:04,440 –> 00:11:11,440 your shepherd, then you will be able to lie down and rest because if the wolf comes, you 98 00:11:11,599 –> 00:11:16,419 know that the shepherd is there, and the shepherd will deal with the wolf on your behalf. That 99 00:11:16,479 –> 00:11:21,200 is therefore why you can rest. He makes me lie down. 100 00:11:21,200 –> 00:11:26,140 If the shepherd were to leave the field, you would be back on your feet again, watching 101 00:11:26,140 –> 00:11:31,359 out for danger, ready to run, but as long as you can see your shepherd, you will be 102 00:11:31,359 –> 00:11:38,359 able to rest. And David says, this is what my shepherd does for me. He makes me lie down. 103 00:11:38,840 –> 00:11:43,320 And he explains it more directly in verse 4 which we’ll come to later in the series 104 00:11:43,580 –> 00:11:47,679 because even though he says, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, even there 105 00:11:47,679 –> 00:11:54,679 you are with me, if the worst happens, if I go through the valley of the shadow of death, 106 00:11:55,460 –> 00:12:00,580 even there I have nothing to fear because still my shepherd will be with me, and when 107 00:12:00,580 –> 00:12:07,580 I know that he is with me, I can rest. Rest doesn’t come easily or naturally to sheep. 108 00:12:07,580 –> 00:12:14,580 They rest when they can see their shepherd. Therefore, here’s the application to us, the 109 00:12:16,239 –> 00:12:23,239 way to find rest is to keep the shepherd in view. Notice then this very important fact 110 00:12:24,719 –> 00:12:31,719 that the shepherd does not bring rest to the sheep by ridding the world of danger. It’s 111 00:12:32,340 –> 00:12:37,440 not that the shepherd says, Hey, you can rest because this is a wolf free zone. It’s not 112 00:12:38,380 –> 00:12:45,380 wolf free zone. The dangers are out there. The sheep lie down not because the world is 113 00:12:45,820 –> 00:12:51,340 free from danger but because they have the shepherd in view and it is his presence that 114 00:12:51,340 –> 00:12:58,340 gives them rest. Now do you see very practically. This is how then we must address our fears. 115 00:12:58,659 –> 00:13:05,659 I do not face this alone. And whatever may come my shepherd is with me and my shepherd 116 00:13:12,440 –> 00:13:19,440 is the Lord God Almighty. The good shepherd leads his sheep into rest. Rest here and rest 117 00:13:28,340 –> 00:13:32,479 here. He makes me lay down. 118 00:13:32,479 –> 00:13:39,479 And then, secondly, the Good Shepherd leads us into righteousness. He leads me into paths 119 00:13:42,960 –> 00:13:49,960 of righteousness. Now, notice you have a full description of the Christian life right here 120 00:13:50,960 –> 00:13:56,000 in these two phrases. There are times for lying down and for rest, and there are times 121 00:13:56,000 –> 00:13:57,880 for moving forward. 122 00:13:58,200 –> 00:14:03,000 There’s the whole Christian life. We rest in order that we may have strength to follow 123 00:14:03,000 –> 00:14:08,400 Him on the right path. The natural order, you might think, would be that we walk the 124 00:14:08,400 –> 00:14:13,619 right path, and then that we rest. But here it’s the other way around. That’s the gospel 125 00:14:13,619 –> 00:14:20,619 principle, that we rest in order that we may be able to walk in the right path. 126 00:14:21,260 –> 00:14:27,539 The Bible speaks about righteousness in two ways. There is a righteousness that Christ 127 00:14:27,539 –> 00:14:34,539 gives us, and that is what enables us to rest. And then there is a righteousness to which 128 00:14:34,719 –> 00:14:41,719 Christ calls us, and that is what David is speaking of here. The righteousness that Christ 129 00:14:42,479 –> 00:14:49,479 gives us, Paul says in Philippians, I want to be found in Christ, not having a righteousness 130 00:14:51,799 –> 00:14:58,059 of my own that comes from the law but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness 131 00:14:58,059 –> 00:15:05,059 that comes from God and depends on faith. We become right with God not through a righteousness 132 00:15:05,859 –> 00:15:12,859 that we produce, but through the perfect righteousness that Jesus Christ himself gives to us. He 133 00:15:15,940 –> 00:15:21,940 lived that perfect life, and when he laid it down on the cross, he offered up that perfectly 134 00:15:21,940 –> 00:15:26,960 righteous life on our behalf. And, brother or sister, isn’t this wonderful? All the 135 00:15:26,960 –> 00:15:31,140 righteousness you will ever need is given to you fully and freely in the Lord Jesus 136 00:15:31,659 –> 00:15:33,659 Christ. And it becomes yours when you become his. It’s a marvellous thing to be holy-owned 137 00:15:44,619 –> 00:15:51,659 by the Son of God, and that’s why you have rest. The righteousness of Christ is yours 138 00:15:52,320 –> 00:15:59,320 when you are his. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 139 00:16:00,760 –> 00:16:07,380 But now do you see how this fits with Psalm 23? That that is not the end but the beginning 140 00:16:07,380 –> 00:16:12,880 of the Christian life. It is not simply that we lie down and rest in the given righteousness 141 00:16:12,880 –> 00:16:18,719 of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we have received this and have this by faith in him, he calls 142 00:16:18,719 –> 00:16:26,539 us now to follow him in right paths. And that’s what’s referred to here in the words of David. 143 00:16:26,539 –> 00:16:34,760 There is a righteousness to which Christ calls us. Peter puts it this way. He himself bore 144 00:16:34,760 –> 00:16:45,640 our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. There 145 00:16:45,840 –> 00:16:56,539 are right paths that your shepherd calls you to pursue. Right paths, and he will lead you 146 00:16:56,539 –> 00:17:01,640 in them. Clearly, that is what David is talking about here. Paths of righteousness simply 147 00:17:01,640 –> 00:17:13,640 means right paths, and where the shepherd leads you will always be the right path. 148 00:17:13,880 –> 00:17:17,900 You’ve to notice a couple of things here. And the first is that the right path will 149 00:17:17,900 –> 00:17:27,459 not always be an easy path. The psalm makes that very clear. If you look at verse 5, the 150 00:17:27,459 –> 00:17:35,099 right path takes you through the presence of enemies. In verse 4, the right path takes 151 00:17:35,500 –> 00:17:47,479 you through the valley of the shadow of death. But even there your shepherd will lead you. 152 00:17:47,479 –> 00:17:53,739 Psalm 23 makes it very, very clear that the pastures will not always be green and that 153 00:17:53,739 –> 00:18:02,160 the waters will not always be still. When Jesus said to his disciples in the gospels, 154 00:18:02,180 –> 00:18:10,579 let us go to the other side of the lake, remember he led them into a storm, but it was a storm 155 00:18:10,579 –> 00:18:15,760 in which they saw his glory, and it was a storm in which they learned that they could 156 00:18:15,760 –> 00:18:20,780 truly trust him. So the good Shepherd won’t always lead you 157 00:18:20,780 –> 00:18:28,000 beside the still water. Sometimes he’s actually gonna lead you right through the water. In 158 00:18:28,000 –> 00:18:34,260 another Psalm, Psalm 77, we read these remarkable words referring back to when God led his people 159 00:18:34,260 –> 00:18:40,560 through the Red Sea. Your way was through the sea, your path was 160 00:18:40,560 –> 00:18:49,239 through the great waters, your footprints were unseen, but you led your people like 161 00:18:49,239 –> 00:18:57,900 a flock by the hand of Moses and of Aaron. Now, there will be times in your life where 162 00:18:57,900 –> 00:19:02,359 the way in which God leads you seems to be absolutely impossible. That was the situation 163 00:19:02,359 –> 00:19:07,219 of God’s people when they came to the Red Sea, but God was with them, He was leading 164 00:19:07,219 –> 00:19:13,020 them. And there will be times when you find it 165 00:19:13,020 –> 00:19:22,500 hard to detect the presence of God. Notice what he says here, that God’s footprints 166 00:19:22,500 –> 00:19:34,040 were unseen. God led His people through the Red Sea, but there was not a visible evidence 167 00:19:34,040 –> 00:19:39,739 of God’s presence that was given to them in that experience. His footprints were unseen. 168 00:19:39,739 –> 00:19:47,719 There will be times where you will say, now where is God in this? Can’t see Him. Can’t 169 00:19:48,199 –> 00:19:55,119 see Him. figure out what He’s doing. Can’t feel His presence. God’s ways will sometimes 170 00:19:55,119 –> 00:20:00,920 be a mystery to you. That’s what we’re being told here. But you can be sure of this, 171 00:20:00,920 –> 00:20:05,859 that when the Lord is your shepherd, even where you cannot see His footprints, He will 172 00:20:05,859 –> 00:20:14,959 lead you even when His footprints are unseen. And then there will be times when God’s direction 173 00:20:15,000 –> 00:20:18,900 in your life comes through people He puts beside you. Do you see that in this verse 174 00:20:18,900 –> 00:20:26,199 from Psalm 77? You led your people like a flock. How? By the hand of Moses and Aaron. 175 00:20:26,199 –> 00:20:33,400 Seek the wisdom and counsel of other godly people God puts beside you. When you’re trying 176 00:20:33,400 –> 00:20:40,520 to discern a right path. It’s one of the ways that God will lead you. He gives undershepherds 177 00:20:40,859 –> 00:20:51,760 to the flock. He puts other believers around you. You’re not alone on this journey. So we’re looking 178 00:20:51,760 –> 00:20:57,680 at this marvelous blessing that belongs to those who are wholly owned by the Son of God. When 179 00:20:57,680 –> 00:21:03,260 you’re in the flock of God you have this great blessing that He leads you. Where does He lead 180 00:21:03,260 –> 00:21:09,699 you? He leads you into rest and you’ll find it more and more as you keep the shepherd in view. 181 00:21:09,839 –> 00:21:23,880 He leads you into righteousness, and where the shepherd leads is always the right path. He leads 182 00:21:23,880 –> 00:21:36,920 me in paths of righteousness. Now I said earlier it’s so very practical because many of us feel 183 00:21:37,119 –> 00:21:46,760 like we need rest—Jaded. How are we going to find rest and refreshment? And we’ve seen how 184 00:21:46,760 –> 00:21:57,359 the psalm speaks to that. Here we come to another very practical issue—handling change. And I 185 00:21:57,359 –> 00:22:01,020 expect that among us again here this morning, there’ll be many of us will say, 186 00:22:01,160 –> 00:22:10,979 why do things have to continue just to change so relentlessly in my life? Now, that is addressed 187 00:22:10,979 –> 00:22:19,680 right here. You see, he leads me in paths of righteousness. Why does the shepherd have to 188 00:22:19,680 –> 00:22:26,160 lead the sheep? Why can’t the shepherd just leave them where they are? And you will have come across 189 00:22:26,339 –> 00:22:31,900 this in your own life. You’re happy in a particular situation and then something changes. And you say, 190 00:22:31,900 –> 00:22:41,859 Why does it have to change? I liked it as it was. I didn’t want to have to go to another place. Why 191 00:22:41,859 –> 00:22:49,219 couldn’t things have remained as they were? Why does the shepherd have to lead the sheep on? Why 192 00:22:49,219 –> 00:22:55,260 can’t he simply leave them in this lush, green meadow beside these pools of water? Well, the 193 00:22:55,260 –> 00:23:03,060 answer is that a shepherd has two responsibilities. The shepherd has a responsibility to care for the 194 00:23:03,060 –> 00:23:11,119 sheep, and the shepherd has a responsibility to care for the land. When the sheep are put in a 195 00:23:11,119 –> 00:23:17,979 lush field of grass, I mean, they’re given a feast. The problem is that the sheep don’t know 196 00:23:18,020 –> 00:23:25,300 to stop. And if sheep are left in one field for too long, they will eat not only the grass, 197 00:23:25,300 –> 00:23:30,699 but they’ll eat right down to the very roots and they will then leave the field 198 00:23:30,699 –> 00:23:38,780 completely and utterly barren. So, a good shepherd therefore has to have what we might call a land 199 00:23:38,780 –> 00:23:46,540 management plan. And before the field gets to the point where the sheep have overgrazed, 200 00:23:46,540 –> 00:23:55,780 he will move the sheep on. And he moves them on for the very obvious reason that he must now 201 00:23:55,780 –> 00:24:00,540 nourish them somewhere else, and if he did not move them on, they would no longer be nourished 202 00:24:00,540 –> 00:24:09,300 where they were. Now, knowing this will help you when you face change in your life. And we all have 203 00:24:09,300 –> 00:24:18,199 this experience. God puts you in a field where the grass is green. You are happy in the field, 204 00:24:18,199 –> 00:24:24,500 and then when change comes into your life, and it is evident that the shepherd is moving you 205 00:24:25,380 –> 00:24:31,000 don’t want to go. Why can’t I stay here longer? I don’t want this change. I don’t want to have 206 00:24:31,000 –> 00:24:37,339 to leave this field that I love. But do you see that when the shepherd moves you on, 207 00:24:37,339 –> 00:24:42,339 when change is brought into your life, the shepherd is saying to you, Now this is no 208 00:24:42,339 –> 00:24:49,920 longer the field where you will be nourished. I have another place and there I will provide 209 00:24:50,099 –> 00:24:57,099 for you. There I will feed you. There I will make you to lie down. Do not be afraid. This 210 00:24:57,180 –> 00:25:04,680 is the right path. You may not want to move to the new field where the shepherd 211 00:25:04,800 –> 00:25:10,479 will lead you, but he will feed you there. And he will feed you in a way that your soul 212 00:25:10,479 –> 00:25:16,300 would not have been fed if you had continued where you were beyond the time that he intended 213 00:25:16,380 –> 00:25:26,380 you to be there. So trust the shepherd when he moves you on. Trust the shepherd where 214 00:25:26,660 –> 00:25:35,660 change comes into your life. He knows what he is doing, and he leads you where he is 215 00:25:35,920 –> 00:25:45,439 taking you. For a reason. There’s an old hymn that says, in heavenly love abiding, no change 216 00:25:46,040 –> 00:25:56,619 my heart shall fear. And when the Lord is your shepherd, you do not need to fear change because 217 00:25:56,619 –> 00:26:03,619 where the shepherd leads you is always the right path. 218 00:26:03,660 –> 00:26:07,819 Now here’s the last thing, and it’s something very wonderful. We’ve looked at where the 219 00:26:07,819 –> 00:26:17,939 shepherd leads us. Into rest, into righteousness. I want us to see one more thing, and it is 220 00:26:17,939 –> 00:26:26,739 why the shepherd leads us. The Good Shepherd leads us for His name’s sake. 221 00:26:26,739 –> 00:26:34,500 Now friends, it would be so easy to pass over a little phrase like this, but I want us to 222 00:26:34,500 –> 00:26:42,619 see that it is the most wonderful phrase of all. How can I be sure that the shepherd will 223 00:26:42,619 –> 00:26:48,939 lead me? What assurance and confidence can I have that He will, indeed, bring me all 224 00:26:48,939 –> 00:26:56,619 the way home? When you come to a dark valley in your own life, you may have had the experience 225 00:26:56,619 –> 00:27:03,199 of saying, oh I feel like giving up on myself. And when you feel like giving up on yourself, 226 00:27:03,199 –> 00:27:09,280 the thought will occur to you, well I suspect that God must feel like giving up on me too. 227 00:27:09,280 –> 00:27:13,859 How do you know that God will never give up on you? The answer lies in these wonderful 228 00:27:13,859 –> 00:27:23,939 words, for His name’s sake. Why does the shepherd buy the flock? Why does he birth 229 00:27:23,939 –> 00:27:32,479 the flock? The Bible’s answer to that question is for His name’s sake. This is all over 230 00:27:32,479 –> 00:27:37,800 the Scripture, let me just give you two examples. Ezekiel chapter 36, therefore say to the house 231 00:27:37,800 –> 00:27:42,959 of Israel, thus says the Lord God, it is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I’m 232 00:27:42,959 –> 00:27:51,699 about to act, but for the sake of my holy name which you have profaned. I’m not acting 233 00:27:51,699 –> 00:27:56,959 in the first instance for your sake, I’m acting in the first instance for the sake 234 00:27:57,219 –> 00:28:01,959 of my own name. And then God goes on to say and this is why I will sprinkle clean water 235 00:28:01,959 –> 00:28:06,599 on you and make you clean. This is why I will take away a heart of stone and give you a 236 00:28:06,599 –> 00:28:14,540 heart of flesh. Or the prophetic word of Isaiah, God says, I am He who blots out your transgression 237 00:28:14,540 –> 00:28:25,959 for my names, for my own sake, my own sake. It’s a remarkable statement. When God blots 238 00:28:25,959 –> 00:28:35,319 out your transgression, the first reason He does it is not for your sake but for His sake. 239 00:28:35,319 –> 00:28:40,280 Now think through with me why that is of such importance and why it is such marvelous good 240 00:28:40,280 –> 00:28:52,459 news. In His early life the Apostle Paul was among the worst of men. He tells us candidly, 241 00:28:52,459 –> 00:29:07,420 I was a blasphemer, I was violent. And then he says this, that God chose me, the worst 242 00:29:07,420 –> 00:29:19,239 of people, in order to show just how patient He is. God did not choose me the Apostle says 243 00:29:19,239 –> 00:29:25,959 because He saw something lovable in me, I was a blasphemer and a violent man, but I 244 00:29:25,959 –> 00:29:36,479 received mercy for this reason, that in me, the worst, the foremost of sinners, He would 245 00:29:36,479 –> 00:29:44,300 display His perfect patience. Now, I can imagine someone at this point saying, 246 00:29:44,300 –> 00:29:50,979 no, I’m not sure I like this, I like to think that when God looks at me He sees something 247 00:29:50,979 –> 00:30:00,319 beautiful, I like to think that He is drawn to me because of what He sees in me, that 248 00:30:00,319 –> 00:30:09,719 He loves me because He finds something supremely lovable in me, but where would that leave 249 00:30:09,719 –> 00:30:20,079 you when you are no longer beautiful? Where would you be when what God sees in you is 250 00:30:20,079 –> 00:30:29,800 not attractive but is ugly? What would become of you when your persistent and tiresome wayward-ness 251 00:30:29,800 –> 00:30:37,280 makes you far, far, far from lovable? Now friends, here is the really good news. God 252 00:30:37,280 –> 00:30:48,319 does not lead you for your namesake. He leads you for His namesake. He did not set His love 253 00:30:48,319 –> 00:30:55,560 upon you because He saw something wonderful in you. He set His love on you in order to 254 00:30:55,560 –> 00:31:04,920 display His own patience and His patience with you will never run dry. The Good Shepherd 255 00:31:04,920 –> 00:31:11,119 has staked the reputation and the honor of His own name on leading a sinner like you 256 00:31:11,119 –> 00:31:18,380 safely home. He has said, my sheep will never perish, I will not lose a single one of them. 257 00:31:18,380 –> 00:31:25,300 What God is doing in your life is for His namesake. His grace, His patience, His faithfulness 258 00:31:25,300 –> 00:31:31,420 will be put on display forever through the completion of His redeeming work in you. That 259 00:31:31,459 –> 00:31:37,400 is why He will never give up on you. That is why no angel in heaven will ever say, oh, 260 00:31:37,400 –> 00:31:43,660 what a shame it is that that sheep was too weak or too wayward to make it. What a pity 261 00:31:43,660 –> 00:31:48,859 that that one wandered off and somehow never found its own way back. No, God has given 262 00:31:48,859 –> 00:31:55,859 His Word. Every sheep in His flock born and bought will 263 00:31:56,000 –> 00:32:01,719 be brought safely home. Not one of them will be missing, and what has been accomplished 264 00:32:01,719 –> 00:32:08,680 in your life and in mine will be for His praise and glory and honor forever and ever. He’s 265 00:32:08,680 –> 00:32:14,459 staked the honor of His own name on it. Do you see how that gives assurance to a Christian 266 00:32:14,459 –> 00:32:19,619 believer? The strongest assurance you can ever have is that the Good Shepherd has staked 267 00:32:19,699 –> 00:32:25,900 the honor of His own name on your ultimate salvation. So even when you feel like giving 268 00:32:25,900 –> 00:32:35,239 up on yourself, the Good Shepherd will never give up on you. 269 00:32:35,239 –> 00:32:40,500 Do you see today, we’re just really at the beginning of this series, but the central 270 00:32:40,500 –> 00:32:48,099 theme is this, it is the most marvelous thing to be wholly owned by the Son of God, and 271 00:32:48,099 –> 00:32:52,459 it is a marvelous thing to be wholly owned by the Son of God for this reason that when 272 00:32:52,459 –> 00:33:01,900 you’re His, He leads you. He’ll lead you into rest. He’ll lead you into righteousness. 273 00:33:01,900 –> 00:33:09,579 He’ll lead you for His own name’s sake. And that is why He’ll never lose you. That is 274 00:33:09,579 –> 00:33:16,739 why He will never give up on you. And that is why He will bring you all the way safely 275 00:33:17,060 –> 00:33:28,239 home. Let’s pray together. Father thank you for the strong encouragement of Your word. 276 00:33:28,239 –> 00:33:37,260 Some of us are jaded, help us to keep the shepherd in view and so find rest and restoration 277 00:33:37,400 –> 00:33:43,839 for ourselves. Thank you for your irrevocable commitment 278 00:33:43,839 –> 00:33:50,839 to lead us in paths of righteousness and thank you that you have not set your love on us 279 00:33:54,520 –> 00:34:01,520 because of something of something changeable in us, but because of that which is unchangeable 280 00:34:02,520 –> 00:34:09,520 in you, the honor and glory of your own holy name, and in this we trust and for this we 281 00:34:14,280 –> 00:34:21,280 are forever thankful that the Lord is our Shepherd. Hear our prayers in Jesus’ name. 282 00:34:21,600 –> 00:34:23,080 Amen. 283 00:34:23,080 –> 00:34:30,080 If you�ve been listening to a sermon with Pastor Colin Smith at Open The Bible, contact 284 00:34:36,000 –> 00:34:43,899 us at 1-877-Open365 or visit our website, OpenTheBible.org.


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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Sermons on Psalm 23 God has used Psalm 23 to encourage His people for more than 3,000 years. May He use these familiar words to bring strength, hope, comfort, and courage to you today. The 23rd psalm deals with the realities of life. When you face difficult decisions, this psalm is for you. When you

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