God’s Forgiveness

Ephesians 4:25-32
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Pastor Colin delves into the importance of forgiveness, breaking down the fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” This involves understanding our unpaid debts to God due to our failures, and the need to forgive others who have sinned against us.

He underscores that our sins are like debts because we owe God and others a debt of love, which we often fail to pay. Similarly, others owe us the same debt of love, but they too, fail, making them our debtors.

Pastor Colin elaborates on how love is expressed through consideration, empathy, grace, and forgiveness, emphasizing that forgiving others mirrors the forgiveness we receive from God.

He stresses that our capability to forgive arises from understanding and accepting God’s immense forgiveness towards us, especially as demonstrated through Jesus Christ, who paid the ultimate price for our sins on the cross.

In conclusion, Pastor Colin reiterates the profound connection between receiving God’s forgiveness and extending forgiveness to others/

1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:07,940 Well, please open your Bible at Matthew chapter 6 and verse 12 as we continue our series in 2 00:00:07,940 –> 00:00:09,780 the Lord’s Prayer. 3 00:00:09,780 –> 00:00:14,100 And we’re seeing that our Lord Jesus Christ tells us that there are six things that we 4 00:00:14,100 –> 00:00:16,000 should ask of God. 5 00:00:16,000 –> 00:00:22,559 Three of them relate to God and his glory and three of them relates to us and to our 6 00:00:22,559 –> 00:00:23,900 needs. 7 00:00:23,900 –> 00:00:28,580 And we’ve seen that the place to begin is not with ourselves, it’s not with our needs, 8 00:00:29,280 –> 00:00:32,020 but it’s with God and with his glory. 9 00:00:32,020 –> 00:00:42,759 Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. 10 00:00:42,759 –> 00:00:51,500 But then having committed ourselves to honouring God’s name, extending his kingdom and doing 11 00:00:51,500 –> 00:00:59,419 his will, Jesus then invites us to ask the Father for what we need. 12 00:00:59,419 –> 00:01:02,980 Now here’s the question. 13 00:01:02,980 –> 00:01:05,860 What do we need in this world? 14 00:01:05,860 –> 00:01:14,699 You boil it down, what are the most basic things that you need and that I need in this 15 00:01:14,699 –> 00:01:16,980 world? 16 00:01:16,980 –> 00:01:22,959 And Jesus teaches us very clearly here that there are three things that are our most fundamental 17 00:01:22,959 –> 00:01:24,120 needs. 18 00:01:24,120 –> 00:01:26,099 The first is to be sustained. 19 00:01:26,099 –> 00:01:30,480 We looked last week at give this day our daily bread. 20 00:01:30,480 –> 00:01:35,400 Then we have the need to be forgiven because of our many sins. 21 00:01:35,400 –> 00:01:40,599 And then we have the need to be delivered from the many temptations that lurk within 22 00:01:40,599 –> 00:01:45,959 us and the evil that is all around us. 23 00:01:46,139 –> 00:01:51,160 If you think about the various needs of your life—and I encourage you to think about 24 00:01:51,160 –> 00:01:57,000 this, perhaps even over a period of time—you think about the needs of your life, you will 25 00:01:57,000 –> 00:02:04,540 find that they fit under one or another of these three headings. 26 00:02:04,540 –> 00:02:12,960 We need to be sustained, we need to be forgiven, and we need to be delivered. 27 00:02:13,220 –> 00:02:18,699 I wonder if you have ever noticed how each of these three requests for the basic things 28 00:02:18,699 –> 00:02:23,320 that we need in our lives are actually linked together in the Lord’s Prayer. 29 00:02:23,320 –> 00:02:30,020 The word AND occurs for the first time, and it occurs twice right at this point. 30 00:02:30,020 –> 00:02:39,059 Give us this day our daily bread, AND forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our 31 00:02:39,059 –> 00:02:47,080 debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 32 00:02:47,080 –> 00:02:51,559 I’d never noticed this before until I looked at it more carefully this week. 33 00:02:51,559 –> 00:02:57,339 But do you see that these three petitions, the three basic things that we need together, 34 00:02:57,339 –> 00:03:03,639 they’re strung together as if they were one request from Almighty God? 35 00:03:03,639 –> 00:03:09,320 We are asking God to sustain us in a particular kind of life. 36 00:03:09,320 –> 00:03:19,300 Lord, sustain me in a life in which I forgive as I am forgiven. 37 00:03:19,300 –> 00:03:25,080 And sustain me in a life in which I am able to rise above the temptations that I find 38 00:03:25,080 –> 00:03:32,600 within me, and rise above the evil that I see all around me. 39 00:03:32,600 –> 00:03:39,199 And that’s the life that we’re committed to, precisely because we are committed to honouring 40 00:03:39,199 –> 00:03:46,080 God’s name, and to extending his kingdom, and to doing his will. 41 00:03:46,080 –> 00:03:53,080 So now, today then, we come to this fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer, and it is absolutely 42 00:03:53,080 –> 00:03:57,080 vital for us today, and every day. 43 00:03:57,619 –> 00:04:04,759 And we’re going to look at why we need to be forgiven, and why we need to forgive, and 44 00:04:04,759 –> 00:04:12,679 then we’re going to look at how we can be forgiven, and how we can forgive. 45 00:04:12,679 –> 00:04:19,540 There are really four key words in this fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer, debts, debtors, 46 00:04:19,540 –> 00:04:26,299 forgive, and us, and we’re going to look at each of these, together. 47 00:04:26,299 –> 00:04:32,559 So let’s begin with debts, and here we’re looking at why we need to be forgiven. 48 00:04:32,559 –> 00:04:41,339 Jesus says, forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. 49 00:04:41,339 –> 00:04:48,100 Now, it seems quite clear that our Lord Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer on more than one 50 00:04:48,100 –> 00:04:49,559 occasion. 51 00:04:49,559 –> 00:04:54,679 And Luke records that Jesus said forgive us our sins. 52 00:04:54,679 –> 00:05:03,579 And so very clearly putting these side-by-side our sins are being described as debts to God. 53 00:05:03,579 –> 00:05:07,660 And then you see that our Lord here speaks about debtors. 54 00:05:07,660 –> 00:05:12,220 That is people who have sinned against us. 55 00:05:12,220 –> 00:05:16,880 So here’s the reality of our position in this world. 56 00:05:16,880 –> 00:05:19,899 We need to get this settled in our minds. 57 00:05:19,899 –> 00:05:29,540 We sin and we are sinned against, we have debts and we have debtors. 58 00:05:29,540 –> 00:05:36,820 Now in using the language of debt and of debtors, our Lord makes it very clear that each of 59 00:05:36,820 –> 00:05:43,920 us lives within a network of relationships in which we have responsibilities and obligations. 60 00:05:43,920 –> 00:05:45,380 Debts, debtors. 61 00:05:45,380 –> 00:05:50,980 Debt means that there are certain things that I owe to God, and there are certain things 62 00:05:50,980 –> 00:05:58,480 that I owe to other people, and there are certain things that other people owe to me. 63 00:05:58,480 –> 00:06:05,040 Notice that there is only one who stands outside of this network of obligations and that one 64 00:06:05,040 –> 00:06:07,079 of course is God himself. 65 00:06:07,079 –> 00:06:13,660 God is no one’s debtor who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor, 66 00:06:13,779 –> 00:06:18,679 who has ever given a gift to him in order that God should be in his or her debt and 67 00:06:18,679 –> 00:06:21,140 need to repay him or her. 68 00:06:21,140 –> 00:06:34,260 No, God owes us nothing, but we have an obligation to God and we have an obligation to others. 69 00:06:34,260 –> 00:06:41,459 Now, what is this obligation that we have to God and that we have to others? 70 00:06:41,859 –> 00:06:45,859 Well, very clearly the Lord Jesus sums it up for us 71 00:06:45,859 –> 00:06:48,880 in a single word. 72 00:06:48,880 –> 00:06:56,179 Our obligation to God and our obligation to others is summed up in the word love. 73 00:06:56,179 –> 00:07:01,140 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and soul, and mind, and strength. 74 00:07:01,140 –> 00:07:05,059 And love your neighbour as yourself. 75 00:07:05,059 –> 00:07:09,480 That’s our Lord Jesus summary of all of the Ten Commandments. 76 00:07:09,480 –> 00:07:13,600 This is what God requires of us. 77 00:07:13,600 –> 00:07:24,179 Now, when we think about our sins, what usually comes first to mind is things that we have 78 00:07:24,179 –> 00:07:29,239 thought or said or done that are wrong. 79 00:07:29,239 –> 00:07:35,700 But the starting point in understanding the extent of our sin is not so much with what 80 00:07:35,839 –> 00:07:41,220 have done but with what we have failed to do. 81 00:07:41,220 –> 00:07:51,940 We owe God a life of devoted love every hour of every day for the entire course of our 82 00:07:51,940 –> 00:07:53,920 lives. 83 00:07:53,920 –> 00:07:59,239 And what we owe, we have not paid. 84 00:07:59,239 –> 00:08:04,540 And because God calls us to love, we have an obligation not only to love Him but also 85 00:08:04,619 –> 00:08:09,700 to love others, love your neighbor as yourself. 86 00:08:09,700 –> 00:08:18,779 Jesus said, A new commandment, I give to you, that you love one another, just as I have 87 00:08:18,779 –> 00:08:19,799 loved you. 88 00:08:19,799 –> 00:08:26,899 Now, that means, if I can put it in a personal way, I owe it to you to always seek your best 89 00:08:26,899 –> 00:08:28,700 interest. 90 00:08:28,700 –> 00:08:33,419 We owe a debt of love to one another. 91 00:08:33,460 –> 00:08:38,260 We owe a debt of love to your husband, to your wife, to your parents, to your children, 92 00:08:38,260 –> 00:08:43,640 to your neighbors, to your friends, to your employer, to your employees, to your business 93 00:08:43,640 –> 00:08:47,780 partners, and to your colleagues. 94 00:08:47,780 –> 00:08:55,520 Every day of our lives we owe a debt of love to God and a debt of love to each other. 95 00:08:55,539 –> 00:09:02,820 And however much we love, that debt is never fully paid. 96 00:09:02,820 –> 00:09:07,000 That is why Paul says in Romans chapter 13 and verse 8, 97 00:09:07,000 –> 00:09:14,820 let no debt remain outstanding except your continuing debt to love one another. 98 00:09:14,820 –> 00:09:23,979 You have one debt that always remains outstanding, it is never paid off, and that is your debt 99 00:09:23,979 –> 00:09:30,799 of love, your debt to love God and your debt to love others. 100 00:09:31,400 –> 00:09:39,599 Now, Jesus is making this very clear, our sins are debts, they are measured in 101 00:09:39,599 –> 00:09:47,359 our failure to love God and in our failure to love others. 102 00:09:47,359 –> 00:09:54,320 We have not loved God as he has loved us and we have not loved our neighbor as we have 103 00:09:54,559 –> 00:09:56,760 loved ourselves. 104 00:09:56,760 –> 00:10:02,020 And this debt of love, because love is that which God has called us, it is a debt that 105 00:10:02,020 –> 00:10:09,599 we have not paid, and it is a debt that we cannot pay. 106 00:10:09,599 –> 00:10:12,760 So that’s the first thing, why do we need to be forgiven? 107 00:10:12,760 –> 00:10:15,820 Because we have an unpaid debt! 108 00:10:15,820 –> 00:10:18,400 And Jesus makes it very clear. 109 00:10:19,400 –> 00:10:24,739 Now, the second word that’s really important here is the word debtors, and here we’re looking, 110 00:10:24,739 –> 00:10:28,900 of course, at the subject of why we need to forgive. 111 00:10:29,739 –> 00:10:37,380 Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. 112 00:10:37,380 –> 00:10:43,780 Now take in what the Lord Jesus is teaching us here, this means that there will be people 113 00:10:43,840 –> 00:10:51,700 in your life who will not give you what they owe. 114 00:10:51,700 –> 00:11:00,260 God places on you an obligation to love others and God places on others an obligation to 115 00:11:00,260 –> 00:11:06,039 love you, but we live in a fallen world. 116 00:11:06,039 –> 00:11:11,539 And just as you have defaulted in what you owe to God and what you owe to others, so 117 00:11:11,719 –> 00:11:16,520 others will default in what they owe to God and in what they owe to you. 118 00:11:16,520 –> 00:11:19,859 They will be your debtors. 119 00:11:19,859 –> 00:11:28,780 Now, friends, this is a really important principle for us to settle in our own minds and our 120 00:11:28,780 –> 00:11:29,780 hearts. 121 00:11:29,780 –> 00:11:35,419 It will help you greatly to live in this world, if you can settle this in your mind and in 122 00:11:35,419 –> 00:11:36,880 your heart today. 123 00:11:36,880 –> 00:11:42,520 There will be people, and perhaps many in your life, who will fail to give you what 124 00:11:42,520 –> 00:11:44,820 they owe. 125 00:11:44,820 –> 00:11:47,799 They will not love you well. 126 00:11:47,799 –> 00:11:50,260 They will hurt you. 127 00:11:50,260 –> 00:11:53,039 They will disappoint you. 128 00:11:53,039 –> 00:11:59,580 They will not give you the grace that they should give you when you let them down. 129 00:12:00,359 –> 00:12:11,239 They are your debtors, and a debtor is a person who has wronged you in any way. 130 00:12:11,239 –> 00:12:13,679 But here’s the thing. 131 00:12:13,719 –> 00:12:22,760 When another person fails to love me well, I am still under a God-given obligation to 132 00:12:22,760 –> 00:12:26,640 love that other person well. 133 00:12:26,679 –> 00:12:33,080 And that really is the heart of the challenge of living as a Christian in this fallen world. 134 00:12:33,080 –> 00:12:38,960 What does it look like, then, to love other people well? 135 00:12:38,960 –> 00:12:48,179 Now, there is of course a difference between our love for God and our love for others. 136 00:12:48,179 –> 00:12:52,059 Loving God means that we obey all His commands. 137 00:12:52,440 –> 00:12:59,700 Jesus said, if you love me, you will obey my commandments. 138 00:12:59,700 –> 00:13:05,799 So loving God means doing all that God says. 139 00:13:05,799 –> 00:13:11,619 But clearly loving other people does not mean that we are under an obligation to do what 140 00:13:11,619 –> 00:13:14,700 every other person ever tells us to do. 141 00:13:14,700 –> 00:13:19,940 That would be to put others in the position that belongs to God alone. 142 00:13:19,940 –> 00:13:28,440 So what does it mean for us to love other people well? 143 00:13:28,440 –> 00:13:32,859 Let me give you four pointers from the scripture in that regard. 144 00:13:32,859 –> 00:13:35,659 It means first, consideration. 145 00:13:35,659 –> 00:13:41,400 Jesus said in what is often referred to as the Golden Rule in Matthew 7 and verse 12, 146 00:13:41,400 –> 00:13:46,640 do to others what you would have them do to you. 147 00:13:46,640 –> 00:13:51,080 So here’s what it looks like to love other people well in this fallen world. 148 00:13:51,080 –> 00:13:59,219 It means very simply that you put yourself in the shoes of the other person and you try 149 00:13:59,219 –> 00:14:04,900 to look at the situation from his or her point of view. 150 00:14:04,900 –> 00:14:14,239 And then you do for that person what you would hope for if you were the one who was in their 151 00:14:14,239 –> 00:14:15,239 position. 152 00:14:15,840 –> 00:14:22,739 That’s consideration, and it’s the first part of loving other people well. 153 00:14:22,739 –> 00:14:28,559 And then of course we are called to empathy which is another part of loving others well. 154 00:14:28,559 –> 00:14:32,440 The scripture puts it like this, we’re to rejoice with those who rejoice and we’re to 155 00:14:32,440 –> 00:14:35,440 weep with those who weep. 156 00:14:35,440 –> 00:14:40,820 In other words, love doesn’t live in isolation. 157 00:14:40,820 –> 00:14:48,219 Love enters into the joys and sorrows of other people and in that way expands our experience. 158 00:14:48,219 –> 00:14:52,940 It’s a beautiful thing, brothers and sisters. 159 00:14:52,940 –> 00:14:59,419 Love means that other people’s joys are a joy to you, and that gives you more joy in 160 00:14:59,419 –> 00:15:01,460 your life. 161 00:15:01,460 –> 00:15:07,260 And love means that other people’s sorrows are a sorrow to you, and that means that you 162 00:15:07,539 –> 00:15:12,159 take them into your life, and it also means that when you sorrow, others will take some 163 00:15:12,159 –> 00:15:16,539 of that into their lives and will share it with you. 164 00:15:16,539 –> 00:15:19,000 That’s love. 165 00:15:19,000 –> 00:15:23,739 And then love is expressed in grace. 166 00:15:23,739 –> 00:15:30,719 Listen to how Peter puts this, love covers over a multitude of sins. 167 00:15:30,719 –> 00:15:37,000 Now, think about this and think about its importance in this world where we get irritated 168 00:15:37,020 –> 00:15:43,059 with each other, disappointed with each other so often. 169 00:15:43,059 –> 00:15:49,919 When God justified you, he put all your sins under the blood of Jesus, every single one 170 00:15:49,919 –> 00:15:52,020 of them. 171 00:15:52,020 –> 00:15:56,859 That means that God put under the blood of Jesus sins that you were not even aware of 172 00:15:56,859 –> 00:16:01,179 at the time and some sins that you’re probably not even aware of now. 173 00:16:02,099 –> 00:16:08,080 Now, Peter is not talking here, of course, about covering up crimes that need to be exposed. 174 00:16:08,080 –> 00:16:16,520 His point is simply this, God does not take us to task for every sin that we commit. 175 00:16:16,520 –> 00:16:19,979 And therefore, there’s no reason for us to do that towards others. 176 00:16:19,979 –> 00:16:28,799 What God does towards us is that for Christ’s sake, he covers over a multitude of sins. 177 00:16:28,840 –> 00:16:32,140 That is what God has done for us. 178 00:16:32,140 –> 00:16:37,400 And that is what he calls us also, to do for others. 179 00:16:37,400 –> 00:16:46,400 And you know, this grace is the oil of human relationships. 180 00:16:46,400 –> 00:16:50,900 And then loving others well, of course, means one more thing that’s at the heart of this 181 00:16:50,900 –> 00:16:54,640 fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer and that is forgiving. 182 00:16:54,640 –> 00:16:58,760 Forgive one another as God in Christ has forgiven you. 183 00:16:58,840 –> 00:17:03,299 We read earlier from Ephesians and chapter four. 184 00:17:03,299 –> 00:17:11,160 In other words, we are called, as part of loving other people well, to forgive those 185 00:17:11,160 –> 00:17:17,719 who have wronged us, to forgive those who have failed us, to forgive those who have 186 00:17:17,719 –> 00:17:25,099 disappointed us—and we are called to do this as we have been forgiven. 187 00:17:25,099 –> 00:17:37,239 In other words, the starting point for forgiving others is always knowing the extent of the 188 00:17:37,239 –> 00:17:42,140 forgiveness that you have received yourself. 189 00:17:42,140 –> 00:17:52,680 Look at how you have been loved by God, and that will help you to love other people well. 190 00:17:53,140 –> 00:17:57,680 There’s an old hymn written by Robert Murray McShane 191 00:17:57,680 –> 00:18:03,599 I used to sing it growing up in Edinburgh, Scotland, and its words are often a blessing 192 00:18:03,599 –> 00:18:05,839 to me still. 193 00:18:05,839 –> 00:18:10,380 The last verse goes like this, speaking about our salvation in Christ. 194 00:18:10,380 –> 00:18:13,420 Brother, sister, this is true for you today. 195 00:18:14,099 –> 00:18:18,880 Chosen, not for good in me, 196 00:18:18,880 –> 00:18:24,160 Wakened up from wrath to flee, 197 00:18:24,160 –> 00:18:28,339 Hidden in the Saviour’s side, 198 00:18:28,339 –> 00:18:32,859 By the Spirit sanctified, 199 00:18:32,859 –> 00:18:37,400 Teach me, Lord, on earth to show, 200 00:18:37,579 –> 00:18:43,939 By my love, how much I owe. 201 00:18:43,939 –> 00:18:46,819 Do you have a sense today 202 00:18:46,819 –> 00:18:51,660 of how much you owe to Almighty God? 203 00:18:51,660 –> 00:18:53,959 The love that laid hold of you 204 00:18:53,959 –> 00:18:55,140 and laid hold of me 205 00:18:55,140 –> 00:18:58,300 when we were dead in trespasses and sins 206 00:18:58,300 –> 00:19:00,939 and brought us to life in Jesus Christ? 207 00:19:00,939 –> 00:19:05,439 By grace, we have been saved through faith. 208 00:19:05,439 –> 00:19:09,000 Teach me, Lord, on earth to show 209 00:19:10,060 –> 00:19:15,060 by my love, how much I owe. 210 00:19:16,839 –> 00:19:18,959 And that then brings us to the third word 211 00:19:18,959 –> 00:19:21,199 that of course is right at the very center 212 00:19:21,199 –> 00:19:24,040 of this fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer. 213 00:19:24,040 –> 00:19:27,239 We’ve looked at why we need to be forgotten 214 00:19:27,239 –> 00:19:29,359 because we have debts. 215 00:19:29,359 –> 00:19:31,400 We’ve looked at why we need to forgive 216 00:19:31,400 –> 00:19:34,040 because we have debtors, others who have failed us. 217 00:19:34,040 –> 00:19:38,180 Now we come to the question, well, how can we be forgiven? 218 00:19:39,920 –> 00:19:43,459 Forgive us our debt. 219 00:19:46,680 –> 00:19:49,339 Now that is a really big ask. 220 00:19:51,280 –> 00:19:56,119 Imagine going to someone to whom you owe $100,000 221 00:19:57,280 –> 00:20:02,280 and saying, I’m asking you to write off this debt. 222 00:20:04,359 –> 00:20:09,359 And Jesus invites us to make a far bigger ask of God. 223 00:20:13,439 –> 00:20:17,800 When we ask God to forgive us our debts, 224 00:20:17,800 –> 00:20:20,959 we are confessing, not only that we have failed to pay, 225 00:20:20,959 –> 00:20:23,680 but we are actually confessing that we cannot pay. 226 00:20:23,680 –> 00:20:25,819 That’s why we ask him to forgive. 227 00:20:27,079 –> 00:20:30,099 We don’t go to God and ask for terms. 228 00:20:30,260 –> 00:20:32,780 We don’t go to God and say, 229 00:20:32,780 –> 00:20:36,880 no Father I want to make it up to you 230 00:20:36,880 –> 00:20:39,160 by being a good mother from now on, 231 00:20:39,160 –> 00:20:40,880 or a good student from now on, 232 00:20:40,880 –> 00:20:43,760 or a really good Christian from now on. 233 00:20:45,219 –> 00:20:50,199 No, when we pray forgive us our debts, 234 00:20:51,160 –> 00:20:55,260 we are saying to God, I cannot pay you. 235 00:20:55,699 –> 00:21:00,199 I cannot balance my account in your book. 236 00:21:00,199 –> 00:21:03,439 I can’t do it now and I can’t do it ever. 237 00:21:03,439 –> 00:21:06,719 So Father, my only option is to 238 00:21:06,719 –> 00:21:13,260 plead that you in your mercy will forgive my debt, 239 00:21:13,260 –> 00:21:16,680 that you will wipe the slate clean, 240 00:21:16,680 –> 00:21:21,739 and that you will cancel what I owe. 241 00:21:22,579 –> 00:21:26,800 Now, there are two questions here that are really important. 242 00:21:26,800 –> 00:21:29,000 The why and the how. 243 00:21:29,000 –> 00:21:32,560 Let’s take the why first. 244 00:21:32,560 –> 00:21:37,160 Why does a Christian need to pray this prayer? 245 00:21:37,160 –> 00:21:40,319 You see, when we come to 246 00:21:40,319 –> 00:21:44,619 faith and repentance in the Lord Jesus Christ, 247 00:21:44,619 –> 00:21:45,920 the Bible is very clear. 248 00:21:45,920 –> 00:21:49,300 God justifies us fully, completely, 249 00:21:49,380 –> 00:21:53,339 and forever, He drops all charges against us 250 00:21:53,339 –> 00:21:55,760 when we come to him through faith in Jesus, 251 00:21:55,760 –> 00:21:58,579 so that there is now no condemnation 252 00:21:58,579 –> 00:22:02,119 for those who are in Christ Jesus. 253 00:22:02,119 –> 00:22:03,619 Now, here’s the question. 254 00:22:03,619 –> 00:22:08,199 If it is really true that God has removed our sins 255 00:22:08,199 –> 00:22:12,020 as far from us as the East is from the West, 256 00:22:12,020 –> 00:22:14,959 why would any of us need to pray, 257 00:22:14,959 –> 00:22:17,780 forgive us our debts this week? 258 00:22:19,839 –> 00:22:21,680 The answer to that question is simply this. 259 00:22:21,680 –> 00:22:25,300 The point of this prayer is not 260 00:22:25,300 –> 00:22:27,439 that condemnation should be removed. 261 00:22:27,439 –> 00:22:29,800 That’s happened already for those who are in Christ, 262 00:22:29,800 –> 00:22:32,979 and he’s speaking here to his disciples. 263 00:22:32,979 –> 00:22:34,599 The point of this prayer is not 264 00:22:34,599 –> 00:22:36,640 that condemnation should be removed, 265 00:22:36,640 –> 00:22:40,920 but that fellowship with God should be restored. 266 00:22:42,920 –> 00:22:46,300 We are God’s wayward children, 267 00:22:46,839 –> 00:22:51,839 prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, 268 00:22:51,880 –> 00:22:55,339 prone to leave the God I love, 269 00:22:56,520 –> 00:23:01,420 and God’s justified children sin in many ways. 270 00:23:02,339 –> 00:23:06,479 When we sin, our sins do not bring us back 271 00:23:06,479 –> 00:23:10,079 into condemnation, but here’s what happens. 272 00:23:10,079 –> 00:23:14,079 They really do clog up our relationship with God, 273 00:23:14,839 –> 00:23:18,479 and the great desire of God’s children 274 00:23:18,479 –> 00:23:22,959 is always that we should honor His name, 275 00:23:22,959 –> 00:23:24,880 that we should extend His kingdom, 276 00:23:24,880 –> 00:23:26,920 that we should seek to do His will. 277 00:23:26,920 –> 00:23:31,920 We want as God’s children who love Him as our own Father, 278 00:23:32,520 –> 00:23:36,339 we want to walk with Him as closely as it is possible 279 00:23:36,339 –> 00:23:40,319 for a redeemed sinner to do in this world, 280 00:23:40,319 –> 00:23:43,199 to walk with God is our hope, it is our joy, 281 00:23:43,380 –> 00:23:46,000 it is our future, it is our destiny, 282 00:23:46,000 –> 00:23:48,439 and God’s children want as much of this 283 00:23:48,439 –> 00:23:51,560 as we can possibly get right now, 284 00:23:51,560 –> 00:23:54,859 and that’s why we pray, 285 00:23:54,859 –> 00:23:59,459 Father, forgive us our debts. 286 00:24:00,420 –> 00:24:04,500 I don’t want to live an hour of today 287 00:24:05,819 –> 00:24:08,040 distanced from You. 288 00:24:08,920 –> 00:24:13,199 I want to walk, Father, with You as closely 289 00:24:13,199 –> 00:24:16,180 as it is possible for a redeemed sinner 290 00:24:16,180 –> 00:24:18,099 to do in this world. 291 00:24:21,099 –> 00:24:23,560 But then, how can this prayer be answered? 292 00:24:23,560 –> 00:24:25,040 That’s why we need this prayer. 293 00:24:25,040 –> 00:24:29,339 As Christian believers, how can this prayer be answered? 294 00:24:29,339 –> 00:24:32,900 Forgive us our debts. 295 00:24:32,900 –> 00:24:35,420 Write them off. 296 00:24:35,420 –> 00:24:37,780 Cover them over. 297 00:24:37,780 –> 00:24:40,420 All the ways, Lord, that I have failed to love you 298 00:24:40,420 –> 00:24:45,900 and all the ways that I have failed to love others this week, 299 00:24:45,900 –> 00:24:47,859 how can God do that? 300 00:24:47,859 –> 00:24:54,900 How can a just and holy God forgive our repeated failure 301 00:24:54,900 –> 00:24:58,780 to do what He has commanded? 302 00:24:58,780 –> 00:25:00,180 And brothers and sisters, you know 303 00:25:00,180 –> 00:25:06,500 this takes us to the very heart of the Bible’s story. 304 00:25:06,500 –> 00:25:09,619 We are debtors to God and we are not 305 00:25:09,619 –> 00:25:13,380 able to pay the debts that we owe. 306 00:25:13,380 –> 00:25:17,380 And in that position, our only hope 307 00:25:17,380 –> 00:25:22,119 is that someone else will step in and be 308 00:25:22,119 –> 00:25:25,520 willing to pay the debt for us. 309 00:25:25,520 –> 00:25:28,579 And that is what God has done for us wonderfully 310 00:25:28,579 –> 00:25:32,099 in His love and mercy in and through Jesus Christ. 311 00:25:32,099 –> 00:25:37,180 Jesus paid the debt we owe. 312 00:25:37,180 –> 00:25:38,859 How did He do it? 313 00:25:38,859 –> 00:25:40,939 Well, the Son of God came into the world 314 00:25:40,939 –> 00:25:43,880 and then He lived that perfect life of love 315 00:25:43,880 –> 00:25:45,979 that we have not lived. 316 00:25:45,979 –> 00:25:48,939 He did what we failed to do. 317 00:25:48,939 –> 00:25:51,800 He lived the perfect life of love. 318 00:25:51,800 –> 00:25:54,339 He did it for us fully and completely, 319 00:25:54,339 –> 00:25:57,939 and then He laid down that perfect life. 320 00:25:58,040 –> 00:26:00,160 And in laying down His life, 321 00:26:00,160 –> 00:26:05,160 He paid the price for all of our sins. 322 00:26:06,520 –> 00:26:11,020 Oh, praise the One who paid my debt 323 00:26:12,300 –> 00:26:17,000 and raised this life up from the dead. 324 00:26:17,000 –> 00:26:20,180 Jesus paid it all, 325 00:26:20,180 –> 00:26:24,099 all to Him I owe. 326 00:26:24,579 –> 00:26:29,319 Because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross, 327 00:26:29,319 –> 00:26:31,800 we can come to the Father 328 00:26:31,800 –> 00:26:35,819 and say, forgive us our debts 329 00:26:36,920 –> 00:26:39,660 and know that when we ask Him, 330 00:26:39,660 –> 00:26:41,900 He will forgive us. 331 00:26:44,199 –> 00:26:46,079 And whatever our failures, 332 00:26:46,079 –> 00:26:47,839 whatever our sins, 333 00:26:47,839 –> 00:26:49,540 through Jesus Christ, 334 00:26:49,540 –> 00:26:52,359 our fellowship with the Father 335 00:26:52,380 –> 00:26:56,319 will be wonderfully and beautifully restored. 336 00:26:58,579 –> 00:27:01,079 Now we’ve looked at the why. 337 00:27:02,680 –> 00:27:04,380 Why is it that we need to be forgiven? 338 00:27:04,380 –> 00:27:07,079 Why is it that we need to forgive? 339 00:27:08,239 –> 00:27:09,839 We’re looking at the how. 340 00:27:09,839 –> 00:27:12,560 How is it that we can be forgiven? 341 00:27:12,560 –> 00:27:16,000 And now, a really important question. 342 00:27:16,000 –> 00:27:18,280 How can 343 00:27:18,280 –> 00:27:19,479 we 344 00:27:19,479 –> 00:27:20,339 forgive? 345 00:27:21,260 –> 00:27:25,760 And here we’re looking together at the word us. 346 00:27:25,760 –> 00:27:29,020 Forgive us 347 00:27:29,020 –> 00:27:29,939 our debts 348 00:27:30,959 –> 00:27:33,140 as we also have forgiven 349 00:27:34,040 –> 00:27:34,979 our debtors. 350 00:27:36,479 –> 00:27:40,520 Now, it seems to me that this little word us, 351 00:27:41,520 –> 00:27:44,900 that’s what forms the hinge 352 00:27:44,900 –> 00:27:47,599 between us receiving forgiveness from God 353 00:27:47,599 –> 00:27:51,339 and us releasing forgiveness to others 354 00:27:51,339 –> 00:27:53,800 who have sinned against us. 355 00:27:54,880 –> 00:27:58,859 And our Lord Jesus, at the end of the Lord’s prayer, 356 00:27:58,859 –> 00:28:00,540 continues with this theme, 357 00:28:00,540 –> 00:28:03,459 which indicates the importance of it. 358 00:28:03,459 –> 00:28:06,459 Verse 14, for if you forgive others their trespasses, 359 00:28:06,459 –> 00:28:11,459 your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, 360 00:28:12,979 –> 00:28:16,839 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, 361 00:28:16,880 –> 00:28:21,260 neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. 362 00:28:22,280 –> 00:28:23,560 Now, what does that mean? 363 00:28:25,079 –> 00:28:29,699 Well, first, this does not, cannot mean 364 00:28:29,699 –> 00:28:31,959 that that is something that we have to do 365 00:28:31,959 –> 00:28:34,579 in order to earn God’s forgiveness. 366 00:28:35,459 –> 00:28:37,959 We do not say, in the Lord’s prayer, 367 00:28:37,959 –> 00:28:42,959 forgive us our debts because we have forgiven our debtors. 368 00:28:43,520 –> 00:28:46,900 And friends, I just wanna pause here for a moment. 369 00:28:46,900 –> 00:28:51,199 This is really important because forgiveness is not easy. 370 00:28:52,599 –> 00:28:56,060 Sometimes we have to come back to it again and again. 371 00:28:56,060 –> 00:28:57,180 We think we’ve forgiven 372 00:28:57,180 –> 00:28:59,900 and we need to forgive all over again. 373 00:29:01,219 –> 00:29:02,939 And I want you to hear clearly today 374 00:29:02,939 –> 00:29:07,079 that if you are struggling to forgive another person, 375 00:29:07,079 –> 00:29:09,260 God is not saying to you, 376 00:29:09,300 –> 00:29:13,020 hey, no grace for you until you get this one sorted out. 377 00:29:14,859 –> 00:29:15,760 If that was the case, 378 00:29:15,760 –> 00:29:18,400 there wouldn’t be anyone who was ever saved, 379 00:29:20,060 –> 00:29:21,459 but what Jesus is teaching 380 00:29:21,459 –> 00:29:23,579 and we need to feel the full weight of it here 381 00:29:23,579 –> 00:29:27,380 is that there is the closest connection possible 382 00:29:28,420 –> 00:29:31,219 between us receiving forgiveness from God 383 00:29:31,219 –> 00:29:34,939 and us releasing forgiveness to others, 384 00:29:35,219 –> 00:29:40,219 and that connection is embodied in the word us. 385 00:29:40,760 –> 00:29:44,920 It’s not, forgive me my debts, 386 00:29:44,920 –> 00:29:49,199 it’s forgive us our debts. 387 00:29:50,219 –> 00:29:55,219 That means that you want God to forgive 388 00:29:55,760 –> 00:29:58,479 not only the debts that you owe, 389 00:29:59,540 –> 00:30:03,280 but also the debts that others owe, 390 00:30:03,300 –> 00:30:08,119 and that includes the debts that others owe to you. 391 00:30:10,359 –> 00:30:15,359 Us means Father forgive me 392 00:30:17,280 –> 00:30:19,459 as I have failed to love you 393 00:30:19,459 –> 00:30:24,459 and forgive her as she has failed to love me. 394 00:30:28,300 –> 00:30:32,260 The only alternative to this prayer of course would be 395 00:30:32,260 –> 00:30:35,599 Father do not forgive us our debts 396 00:30:35,599 –> 00:30:38,900 as we have not forgiven our debtors. 397 00:30:40,219 –> 00:30:45,219 That would be to say I won’t forgive them Father 398 00:30:45,560 –> 00:30:49,260 and so I don’t want you to forgive them either. 399 00:30:51,199 –> 00:30:53,339 And who would ever want to pray that prayer? 400 00:30:55,280 –> 00:30:58,180 Father do not forgive us would mean 401 00:30:58,180 –> 00:31:00,160 Father do not forgive me. 402 00:31:02,500 –> 00:31:07,500 See the human heart is either hard or soft. 403 00:31:11,219 –> 00:31:14,900 It’s either open or it is closed. 404 00:31:16,359 –> 00:31:19,640 The human heart is either a heart of stone 405 00:31:20,979 –> 00:31:23,780 or it is a heart of flesh. 406 00:31:25,500 –> 00:31:29,040 And if your heart is not open to pour forgiveness out 407 00:31:29,040 –> 00:31:32,140 how is it open for God to pour forgiveness in? 408 00:31:33,219 –> 00:31:38,020 How can I ask God to forgive me my sins 409 00:31:38,020 –> 00:31:43,020 if I am not ready to forgive others their sins? 410 00:31:43,339 –> 00:31:48,339 Forgive us our debts. 411 00:31:50,040 –> 00:31:53,640 Now that of course doesn’t stop you from praying, 412 00:31:53,640 –> 00:31:56,859 Father forgive me when you confess a particular sin 413 00:31:56,859 –> 00:32:01,619 but you cannot ask God for yourself 414 00:32:03,119 –> 00:32:07,560 but you would not want him to give to others. 415 00:32:09,819 –> 00:32:13,219 And that then leads to this question, 416 00:32:13,219 –> 00:32:17,099 how then can we forgive those who have wronged us and 417 00:32:18,119 –> 00:32:21,099 sometimes this seems like the hardest thing of all. 418 00:32:22,300 –> 00:32:23,640 Forgiveness is hard. 419 00:32:23,640 –> 00:32:27,359 It took the suffering of the son of God on the cross 420 00:32:27,359 –> 00:32:29,599 to accomplish it for you and for me. 421 00:32:30,339 –> 00:32:34,380 How can we forgive those who have wronged us? 422 00:32:35,479 –> 00:32:37,040 Well, the first thing to say is that, 423 00:32:37,040 –> 00:32:38,459 of course, it’s not natural. 424 00:32:40,180 –> 00:32:43,420 What naturally happens, what happens most often, 425 00:32:43,420 –> 00:32:47,060 is that sooner or later what goes into your heart 426 00:32:47,060 –> 00:32:49,880 ends up coming out of your heart 427 00:32:49,880 –> 00:32:52,780 and being passed on to someone else. 428 00:32:52,780 –> 00:32:55,979 We all know this and we all see this in multiple ways. 429 00:32:55,979 –> 00:32:58,020 The person who is despised 430 00:32:58,819 –> 00:33:01,560 ends up despising other people. 431 00:33:01,560 –> 00:33:06,560 The person who is deceived ends up deceiving others. 432 00:33:06,579 –> 00:33:11,260 And the tragedy of this is that the very thing 433 00:33:11,260 –> 00:33:14,180 that was so painful to you ends up being the thing 434 00:33:14,180 –> 00:33:16,020 that is channeled through you 435 00:33:16,020 –> 00:33:18,739 to bring pain into the lives of others. 436 00:33:20,160 –> 00:33:25,060 Gandhi described this tragedy well when he said, 437 00:33:25,119 –> 00:33:30,119 an eye for an eye until the whole world is blind. 438 00:33:33,500 –> 00:33:37,339 But Jesus said, you have heard it said, 439 00:33:37,339 –> 00:33:39,260 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, 440 00:33:39,260 –> 00:33:44,260 but I say to you, love your enemies, 441 00:33:46,959 –> 00:33:50,959 pray for those who persecute you. 442 00:33:51,959 –> 00:33:56,239 When you’re wronged by another person, 443 00:33:56,239 –> 00:33:59,079 there are two things that are possible. 444 00:33:59,079 –> 00:34:02,819 The first is that the wrong that’s done to you 445 00:34:02,819 –> 00:34:06,520 will end up coming out from you. 446 00:34:06,520 –> 00:34:09,179 You’ll pass it on to others, 447 00:34:09,179 –> 00:34:12,560 and they’ll be wounded as you were wounded. 448 00:34:12,560 –> 00:34:17,000 And that’s, as we all know, the way of nature. 449 00:34:17,820 –> 00:34:21,060 The second possibility, though, 450 00:34:21,060 –> 00:34:26,679 is that what was done to you will end with you. 451 00:34:26,679 –> 00:34:30,800 That you do not pass it on to others. 452 00:34:30,800 –> 00:34:34,580 And that is the way of grace. 453 00:34:34,580 –> 00:34:39,840 Something better than a world of endless retaliation, 454 00:34:39,840 –> 00:34:42,379 something better than an eye for an eye 455 00:34:42,379 –> 00:34:45,800 and a tooth for a tooth is possible. 456 00:34:46,360 –> 00:34:48,120 And we see it supremely 457 00:34:48,120 –> 00:34:51,919 in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 458 00:34:51,919 –> 00:34:55,219 Listen to these words from 1 Peter, as he describes 459 00:34:55,219 –> 00:34:58,500 what happened as Jesus suffered on the cross. 460 00:34:58,500 –> 00:34:59,500 He says this, 461 00:34:59,500 –> 00:35:02,580 for to this you have been called 462 00:35:02,580 –> 00:35:05,159 because Christ suffered for you, 463 00:35:05,159 –> 00:35:07,479 leaving you an example 464 00:35:08,760 –> 00:35:12,239 that you may follow in his footsteps. 465 00:35:12,239 –> 00:35:15,120 Take in what he’s saying here for a moment. 466 00:35:15,159 –> 00:35:18,239 Peter’s talking about our calling 467 00:35:18,239 –> 00:35:20,739 as Christian believers. 468 00:35:20,739 –> 00:35:22,879 And particularly our calling 469 00:35:22,879 –> 00:35:26,620 when we are wronged by other people. 470 00:35:26,620 –> 00:35:29,800 And he tells us that what we are to do, 471 00:35:29,800 –> 00:35:32,820 what God calls us to do when we are wronged by other people 472 00:35:32,820 –> 00:35:35,780 has been modeled for us by the Lord, Jesus Christ, 473 00:35:35,780 –> 00:35:37,320 he gave us an example 474 00:35:37,320 –> 00:35:41,080 and he did it so that we should follow in his footsteps. 475 00:35:41,080 –> 00:35:42,780 Now what was the example? 476 00:35:43,760 –> 00:35:46,340 Well, the next verse, 477 00:35:46,340 –> 00:35:49,979 when he was reviled, 478 00:35:49,979 –> 00:35:55,479 he did not revile in return. 479 00:35:55,479 –> 00:35:59,100 You think about our Lord Jesus on the cross, 480 00:35:59,100 –> 00:36:01,260 he was mocked, 481 00:36:01,260 –> 00:36:03,620 he was shamed, 482 00:36:03,620 –> 00:36:04,600 he was insulted, 483 00:36:04,600 –> 00:36:09,219 he was treated with utter contempt. 484 00:36:09,439 –> 00:36:13,760 That’s what came to Jesus. 485 00:36:13,760 –> 00:36:18,159 And he could have called 12 legions of angels 486 00:36:18,159 –> 00:36:21,979 to give a multiple of it back. 487 0:36:23,199 –> 00:36:26,040 But Jesus did not do that. 488 00:36:27,199 –> 00:36:29,120 What did he do? 489 00:36:29,120 –> 00:36:30,300 Well, Peter tells us, 490 00:36:30,300 –> 00:36:33,080 when he suffered, 491 00:36:33,080 –> 00:36:36,239 he did not threaten 492 00:36:36,260 –> 00:36:39,340 but continued to entrust himself 493 00:36:39,340 –> 00:36:41,919 to him who judges justly. 494 00:36:44,179 –> 00:36:45,820 And we look at this and we say, 495 00:36:45,820 –> 00:36:48,500 now how did Jesus do that? 496 00:36:48,500 –> 00:36:52,040 And the answer is he prayed the Lord’s Prayer. 497 00:36:54,540 –> 00:36:58,060 Father, forgive them. 498 00:36:59,800 –> 00:37:02,820 They do not know what they are doing. 499 00:37:03,540 –> 00:37:08,280 And then comes this most amazing description 500 00:37:08,280 –> 00:37:11,439 of what actually happened at the cross. 501 00:37:11,439 –> 00:37:12,959 Here’s what Jesus did 502 00:37:12,959 –> 00:37:16,239 in order that this forgiveness should be released. 503 00:37:17,639 –> 00:37:21,760 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree. 504 00:37:23,280 –> 00:37:24,219 That’s what he did. 505 00:37:25,439 –> 00:37:28,000 And he did it so that we might die to sin 506 00:37:28,000 –> 00:37:32,360 and live to righteousness and that is by his wounds 507 00:37:32,360 –> 00:37:34,340 that we are healed. 508 00:37:35,780 –> 00:37:40,280 The shame, the mocking, the spitting, 509 00:37:40,280 –> 00:37:44,840 the reviling, the contempt that was heaped on Jesus. 510 00:37:46,560 –> 00:37:51,239 And then the guilt of our sins that was laid on Jesus, 511 00:37:53,159 –> 00:37:54,439 he did not pass it on. 512 00:37:56,139 –> 00:38:00,020 He bore it in his body on the tree. 513 00:38:00,040 –> 00:38:04,639 He said in effect, this ends here. 514 00:38:06,879 –> 00:38:10,399 And that brother sister is how we are forgiven. 515 00:38:11,580 –> 00:38:13,719 And that is how we have peace with God. 516 00:38:15,500 –> 00:38:18,300 And Peter says, this is an example. 517 00:38:19,719 –> 00:38:20,959 We know that on the cross, 518 00:38:20,959 –> 00:38:22,860 the Lord Jesus Christ made atonement, 519 00:38:22,860 –> 00:38:24,699 we can never make atonement for the world. 520 00:38:24,699 –> 00:38:26,459 That’s something that he did. 521 00:38:26,459 –> 00:38:28,040 It can never be done again. 522 00:38:28,040 –> 00:38:29,959 And only he could ever have done it. 523 00:38:29,959 –> 00:38:32,719 But in this regard, Christ’s suffering on the cross 524 00:38:32,719 –> 00:38:35,080 is an example to us 525 00:38:37,100 –> 00:38:40,500 that we are to follow in his footsteps 526 00:38:42,739 –> 00:38:47,040 and we are never more like the son of God 527 00:38:48,540 –> 00:38:51,560 than when we choose to forgive. 528 00:38:53,639 –> 00:38:56,659 Dr. Jay Popper has a poem that I found helpful 529 00:38:56,659 –> 00:38:58,459 and I’d like just to read it to you. 530 00:39:00,020 –> 00:39:03,840 Forgive our sins as we forgive, 531 00:39:03,840 –> 00:39:07,100 you taught us Lord to pray, 532 00:39:08,139 –> 00:39:12,340 but you alone can give us grace 533 00:39:12,340 –> 00:39:14,300 to live the words we say. 534 00:39:15,399 –> 00:39:20,399 How can your pardon reach an unforgiving heart 535 00:39:21,439 –> 00:39:24,179 that broods on wrongs 536 00:39:24,179 –> 00:39:28,500 and will not let old bitterness depart? 537 00:39:30,080 –> 00:39:32,780 In blazing light, 538 00:39:32,780 –> 00:39:36,800 your cross reveals the truth we dimly knew. 539 00:39:37,679 –> 00:39:42,479 How small the debts men owe to us. 540 00:39:42,479 –> 00:39:45,879 How great our debt to you. 541 00:39:47,159 –> 00:39:52,159 Lord, cleanse the depths within our souls 542 00:39:52,459 –> 00:39:56,120 and bid resentment cease. 543 00:39:57,020 –> 00:40:01,300 Then reconciled to God and man, 544 00:40:01,300 –> 00:40:05,439 our lives will spread your peace. 545 00:40:06,659 –> 00:40:10,159 May that be true of each and every one of us. 546 00:40:10,159 –> 00:40:13,379 Now will you join me in praying together? 547 00:40:15,280 –> 00:40:16,840 Our Father in heaven, 548 00:40:18,600 –> 00:40:20,479 we bow before you, 549 00:40:20,479 –> 00:40:23,699 so grateful for the grace 550 00:40:24,540 –> 00:40:28,840 by which you have reconciled us to yourself 551 00:40:28,840 –> 00:40:32,600 in and through Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Lord. 552 00:40:34,399 –> 00:40:37,020 And we are very conscious today 553 00:40:37,020 –> 00:40:39,879 of being your wayward children. 554 00:40:42,139 –> 00:40:47,139 We are profoundly aware of that which we have thought 555 00:40:48,679 –> 00:40:53,239 and said and done that is displeasing 556 00:40:53,260 –> 00:40:54,860 and dishonoring to you. 557 00:40:56,419 –> 00:41:00,560 Forgive us these sins. 558 00:41:02,399 –> 00:41:04,540 And Father, we are profoundly aware today, 559 00:41:04,540 –> 00:41:05,820 not only of what we’ve done, 560 00:41:05,820 –> 00:41:06,959 but of what we’ve not done. 561 00:41:06,959 –> 00:41:10,239 We have come nowhere near 562 00:41:11,760 –> 00:41:15,439 a life that is fully devoted to love you 563 00:41:15,439 –> 00:41:18,040 with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, 564 00:41:18,040 –> 00:41:20,959 and to love our neighbor as ourselves, not even close. 565 00:41:21,879 –> 00:41:26,719 We are profoundly aware of our debt 566 00:41:26,719 –> 00:41:29,699 and we ask that you will forgive us 567 00:41:30,719 –> 00:41:35,719 for our frequent failure to love others well. 568 00:41:40,239 –> 00:41:43,879 Father, we are sinners, and we have also been sinned against. 569 00:41:45,800 –> 00:41:49,120 We want to bring before you the pain 570 00:41:49,979 –> 00:41:52,100 of where we have been wronged, 571 00:41:53,760 –> 00:41:57,479 and ask that by your grace we will wring out 572 00:41:57,479 –> 00:42:00,979 that pain at the foot of the cross of Jesus. 573 00:42:03,560 –> 00:42:07,000 Father, thank you that through our Lord Jesus Christ, 574 00:42:08,239 –> 00:42:10,639 our many sins can be forgiven. 575 00:42:12,600 –> 00:42:15,439 Thank you that you have promised 576 00:42:15,439 –> 00:42:17,760 to those who come in humble confession 577 00:42:17,760 –> 00:42:21,060 to ask of you that you will put our many sins 578 00:42:21,060 –> 00:42:23,080 behind your back. 579 00:42:23,080 –> 00:42:24,860 Bury them in the depth of the sea. 580 00:42:24,860 –> 00:42:29,000 Remove them as far from us as the East is from the West 581 00:42:29,000 –> 00:42:31,699 through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, 582 00:42:31,699 –> 00:42:34,000 cleansed for us. 583 00:42:34,000 –> 00:42:37,919 Let the blood of Jesus cleanse us 584 00:42:37,919 –> 00:42:41,540 from every sin we pray. 585 00:42:44,000 –> 00:42:47,260 And then Father, give us grace to forgive. 586 00:42:48,239 –> 00:42:50,340 As we ourselves are forgiven, 587 00:42:52,100 –> 00:42:57,100 please help us this week to love other people well. 588 00:42:59,179 –> 00:43:03,659 Grant that we may grow in consideration, 589 00:43:03,659 –> 00:43:08,659 in empathy, in grace, and in forgiveness. 590 00:43:10,620 –> 00:43:14,699 Let the overflow of your grace to us flow out from us 591 00:43:14,739 –> 00:43:17,840 into this harsh and unforgiving world 592 00:43:19,580 –> 00:43:21,340 so that your name will be honored 593 00:43:22,820 –> 00:43:27,820 and your kingdom extended and your will done 594 00:43:29,100 –> 00:43:31,139 through Jesus Christ our Lord 595 00:43:32,219 –> 00:43:35,699 in whose wonderful name we pray, amen.


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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The Lord’s Prayer is like six pegs on which you can hang all our prayers.

Colin Smith



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