Dying in the Lord

Revelation 14:13
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Pastor Colin discusses one of the most remarkable statements in the Bible: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”

He emphasises that what truly matters at the time of death is whether a person dies in their sins or in the Lord. He explains that dying in the Lord means being blessed because one’s deeds will follow them, and they will rest from their labours.

Pastor Colin highlights that serving Christ is hard work but that Christians can look forward to a time in heaven when serving Christ will no longer be laborious. He encourages the congregation to focus on labours that can only be done on earth, such as evangelism and prayer, and stresses the urgency of living a life that glorifies Christ.

To die in the Lord, Pastor Colin explains, means being released from this world, being carried by the angels, and being welcomed into the presence of Jesus. He provides practical advice for living in preparation for dying well, such as living with a clear conscience, forgiving those who have hurt us, and daily dying to one’s self to live for Christ.

In conclusion, he exhorts the congregation to set their minds on things above and anticipate their future home with Jesus, living lives that reflect their faith and readiness for eternity.

1 00:00:00,400 –> 00:00:06,600 Please open your Bible at the Book of Revelation and chapter 14 and verse 13. 2 00:00:06,600 –> 00:00:12,580 And we’re going to read there one of the most remarkable statements in all of the Bible. 3 00:00:12,580 –> 00:00:13,900 Draw your attention to it. 4 00:00:13,900 –> 00:00:15,780 Verse 13 5 00:00:15,780 –> 00:00:19,559 I heard a voice, John says, from heaven saying, 6 00:00:19,559 –> 00:00:22,360 Write this. 7 00:00:22,360 –> 00:00:29,620 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. 8 00:00:29,780 –> 00:00:32,000 Blessed indeed, says the Spirit, 9 00:00:32,000 –> 00:00:37,259 so here is the Holy Spirit affirming the word from heaven, 10 00:00:37,259 –> 00:00:40,020 that they may rest from their labors. 11 00:00:40,020 –> 00:00:46,720 He says, for their deeds follow them. 12 00:00:46,720 –> 00:00:51,080 One day soon all of us will be in another world. 13 00:00:51,080 –> 00:00:55,959 And our purpose in this New Year series is that we should learn everything that we can 14 00:00:55,959 –> 00:01:01,259 about it and do everything we can to prepare ourselves for it. 15 00:01:01,259 –> 00:01:05,980 Last week we began our journey by noting that people die in many different ways, 16 00:01:05,980 –> 00:01:10,680 some through accidents, some through an illness, some through old age. 17 00:01:10,680 –> 00:01:13,400 People die at different times. 18 00:01:13,400 –> 00:01:17,379 The timing and the circumstances vary. 19 00:01:17,379 –> 00:01:25,199 These are important, but we saw last time that they are not the things of ultimate importance. 20 00:01:25,300 –> 00:01:27,260 What really matters is this. 21 00:01:27,260 –> 00:01:31,260 Ultimately, at some point, every one of us will die and 22 00:01:31,260 –> 00:01:36,540 every person who has ever lived, dies in one of two ways, according to the Bible. 23 00:01:36,540 –> 00:01:41,459 We looked last time at John chapter 8, verse 24, where Jesus defines one of them. 24 00:01:41,459 –> 00:01:45,599 He said to people, unless you believe that I am He, 25 00:01:45,599 –> 00:01:50,400 unless you believe that I am the Christ, you will die in your sins. 26 00:01:50,400 –> 00:01:52,360 So that’s one way in which people die. 27 00:01:52,360 –> 00:01:54,480 You can die in your sins. 28 00:01:54,500 –> 00:01:56,320 And today in Revelation chapter 14, 29 00:01:56,320 –> 00:01:59,500 we’re going to look at the other way in which a person can die. 30 00:01:59,500 –> 00:02:05,919 We’ve read these wonderful words, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 31 00:02:07,279 –> 00:02:09,940 So, when you leave this world, you will leave this world, 32 00:02:09,940 –> 00:02:13,119 as everyone else leaves this world, in one of two ways. 33 00:02:14,800 –> 00:02:19,619 Either you will die in your sins, or you will die in the Lord. 34 00:02:19,619 –> 00:02:22,960 And whatever the circumstances or whatever the timing of your death, 35 00:02:22,979 –> 00:02:25,479 that is the thing that ultimately matters. 36 00:02:25,479 –> 00:02:29,300 Folks, as I’ve been thinking about this more and more during this last week, 37 00:02:29,300 –> 00:02:34,639 my mind is just over awed by the incalculable difference between these two. 38 00:02:34,639 –> 00:02:36,559 To die in your sins, 39 00:02:37,940 –> 00:02:42,179 we thought about what that means, to carry your sins into your death with you, 40 00:02:42,179 –> 00:02:45,600 to go out of this world, to go into death and to go through it 41 00:02:45,600 –> 00:02:48,759 and then to stand in the presence of Almighty God 42 00:02:48,759 –> 00:02:52,039 and there you are with your sins still attached to you. 43 00:02:53,000 –> 00:02:55,000 And you are in them. 44 00:02:56,160 –> 00:02:58,919 To die in your sins! 45 00:02:58,919 –> 00:03:03,759 Could there be anything more tragic, anything more awful than this? 46 00:03:05,179 –> 00:03:09,160 Now today we are going to look at the other way in which a person can die. 47 00:03:09,940 –> 00:03:15,300 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 48 00:03:15,839 –> 00:03:18,759 We saw last time that the Lord Jesus on the cross, 49 00:03:18,759 –> 00:03:21,660 he took sins into his death 50 00:03:21,720 –> 00:03:25,259 so that you would not need to take your sins into yours. 51 00:03:26,559 –> 00:03:29,940 To die in the Lord, separated from your sins, 52 00:03:29,940 –> 00:03:32,199 because He carried them far away from you. 53 00:03:32,199 –> 00:03:35,100 Could there be anything more glorious than this? 54 00:03:35,580 –> 00:03:39,020 Could there be anything more different than these two extremities? 55 00:03:39,139 –> 00:03:44,000 Well, this is what we are going to be looking at together in the Bible today. 56 00:03:44,600 –> 00:03:47,240 Now I do hope that you have this verse open in front of you. 57 00:03:47,240 –> 00:03:49,960 I want you to see immediately that this is a promise 58 00:03:49,960 –> 00:03:52,619 that belongs to every Christian. 59 00:03:52,919 –> 00:03:56,199 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, 60 00:03:57,000 –> 00:03:59,600 but it is significantly given, 61 00:03:59,600 –> 00:04:04,919 especially to people who die the most difficult of deaths. 62 00:04:06,399 –> 00:04:08,139 Look at what it says here. 63 00:04:08,139 –> 00:04:13,179 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. 64 00:04:14,580 –> 00:04:17,000 Now, what’s that reference, from now on? 65 00:04:17,480 –> 00:04:20,480 Well, if you glance back to chapter 13, 66 00:04:20,480 –> 00:04:22,600 you will see what is happening in that chapter 67 00:04:22,600 –> 00:04:25,299 is the Great Beast has arisen. 68 00:04:25,299 –> 00:04:29,200 The world is going after the anti-Christ. 69 00:04:29,200 –> 00:04:32,140 And the anti-Christ, verse 7 of chapter 13, 70 00:04:32,140 –> 00:04:34,320 is making war on the saints, 71 00:04:34,320 –> 00:04:36,320 bringing all kinds of trouble to Christians 72 00:04:36,320 –> 00:04:38,480 and all kinds of persecution to them. 73 00:04:38,480 –> 00:04:41,040 As so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ 74 00:04:41,040 –> 00:04:45,019 have died deaths that have been under persecution. 75 00:04:45,019 –> 00:04:46,640 And in verse 10 of chapter 13, 76 00:04:47,100 –> 00:04:48,920 it says if anyone is taken captive, 77 00:04:48,920 –> 00:04:50,420 to captivity he goes. 78 00:04:50,420 –> 00:04:52,200 If anyone is slain by the sword, 79 00:04:52,200 –> 00:04:53,980 with the sword he must be slain. 80 00:04:53,980 –> 00:04:58,980 Here is a call for endurance and faith from the saints. 81 00:05:00,600 –> 00:05:02,859 So you see in the context here are believers 82 00:05:02,859 –> 00:05:04,799 who are paying the ultimate price 83 00:05:04,799 –> 00:05:06,540 for following Jesus Christ. 84 00:05:06,540 –> 00:05:08,859 Some of them are going to die horrible deaths. 85 00:05:10,660 –> 00:05:15,500 And John says I heard a voice from heaven saying… 86 00:05:15,500 –> 00:05:17,420 And remember, he was on the Isle of Patmas 87 00:05:17,420 –> 00:05:19,779 imprisoned himself when he heard this. 88 00:05:20,779 –> 00:05:23,059 I heard a voice from heaven saying, 89 00:05:23,059 –> 00:05:27,019 blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 90 00:05:28,299 –> 00:05:29,760 Now friends, think about this. 91 00:05:30,739 –> 00:05:33,179 If that is true for martyrs who die 92 00:05:33,179 –> 00:05:35,079 the most horrible of deaths, 93 00:05:36,019 –> 00:05:40,119 that they’re blessed to die in the Lord, 94 00:05:41,119 –> 00:05:45,600 how much more true is it for you and for me 95 00:05:46,420 –> 00:05:50,100 as we consider our deaths 96 00:05:50,100 –> 00:05:53,140 in a very different situation from theirs? 97 00:05:54,820 –> 00:05:59,700 Why are we blessed if we die in the Lord? 98 00:06:00,640 –> 00:06:05,640 Some of you have bitten a heart wrenching farewell 99 00:06:06,000 –> 00:06:08,260 to loved ones in these last weeks, 100 00:06:08,820 –> 00:06:11,660 and they’re in Christ. 101 00:06:12,739 –> 00:06:14,839 And this verse is saying to you, 102 00:06:14,839 –> 00:06:18,859 God is saying to you, now be at peace, they’re blessed. 103 00:06:18,859 –> 00:06:21,480 And I want you to see why they are blessed. 104 00:06:22,980 –> 00:06:24,720 Notice what it says. 105 00:06:24,720 –> 00:06:26,299 They are blessed first 106 00:06:27,119 –> 00:06:29,579 because they rest from their labors. 107 00:06:29,579 –> 00:06:32,600 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. 108 00:06:33,480 –> 00:06:35,619 Blessed indeed says the Spirit 109 00:06:36,279 –> 00:06:41,279 that they may rest from their labors. 110 00:06:41,279 –> 00:06:43,480 Let’s focus in on that for a few moments. 111 00:06:43,480 –> 00:06:44,640 Three observations. 112 00:06:46,739 –> 00:06:50,359 Here’s the first, hard work is the distinguishing mark 113 00:06:50,359 –> 00:06:52,480 of people who are in Christ. 114 00:06:52,480 –> 00:06:53,359 That’s one of the ways you know 115 00:06:53,359 –> 00:06:55,239 you’re a Christian, by the way. 116 00:06:55,239 –> 00:06:57,559 It’s a distinguishing mark of a Christian. 117 00:06:58,619 –> 00:07:02,220 Hard work is a distinguishing mark 118 00:07:02,220 –> 00:07:04,660 of people who are in Christ. 119 00:07:04,700 –> 00:07:07,619 They rest from their labors. 120 00:07:09,220 –> 00:07:10,399 Now think about this. 121 00:07:11,500 –> 00:07:15,760 I’ve banged in a few nails and cut a few boards 122 00:07:15,760 –> 00:07:17,200 in the course of my life. 123 00:07:18,239 –> 00:07:21,359 But if I said that I was a carpenter, 124 00:07:21,359 –> 00:07:23,339 any of you guys who are carpenters 125 00:07:23,339 –> 00:07:25,880 would rightly laugh. 126 00:07:25,880 –> 00:07:27,640 Because banging in a few nails 127 00:07:27,640 –> 00:07:30,880 does not make a guy a carpenter, right? 128 00:07:30,899 –> 00:07:34,000 A carpenter is someone who gives his life 129 00:07:34,940 –> 00:07:37,739 to this important work. 130 00:07:39,239 –> 00:07:41,619 Now think about this then, what is a Christian? 131 00:07:43,200 –> 00:07:45,040 A Christian is not simply a person 132 00:07:45,040 –> 00:07:46,559 who says a prayer now and again 133 00:07:46,559 –> 00:07:48,359 or turns up at church once in a while. 134 00:07:48,359 –> 00:07:52,420 No, a Christian is a person who gives himself 135 00:07:52,420 –> 00:07:57,420 or gives herself to a life of following Jesus Christ. 136 00:07:58,179 –> 00:08:01,279 Saying you’re a Christian doesn’t make you a Christian 137 00:08:01,279 –> 00:08:03,140 any more than me saying I’m a carpenter 138 00:08:03,140 –> 00:08:04,859 makes me a carpenter. 139 00:08:04,859 –> 00:08:07,500 The evidence that you are in Jesus Christ 140 00:08:07,500 –> 00:08:10,299 is that the goal of your life is to serve Him. 141 00:08:10,299 –> 00:08:11,619 Now is that true of you? 142 00:08:12,660 –> 00:08:14,140 Well, it’s easier to say that you’re a Christian 143 00:08:14,140 –> 00:08:15,660 than to be one. 144 00:08:17,000 –> 00:08:18,779 How are you doing this? 145 00:08:18,779 –> 00:08:22,399 How is your life marked by a labor for the Lord? 146 00:08:23,700 –> 00:08:25,559 What are you doing in terms of what we thought about 147 00:08:25,600 –> 00:08:26,559 a couple of weeks ago? 148 00:08:26,559 –> 00:08:30,019 Extending yourself in order to live in the light 149 00:08:30,019 –> 00:08:32,500 of the upward call that one day lies ahead of us. 150 00:08:32,500 –> 00:08:34,280 That’s the first observation. 151 00:08:34,280 –> 00:08:36,719 That those who are blessed when they die 152 00:08:36,719 –> 00:08:39,260 are marked by the fact that they rest from their labors. 153 00:08:39,260 –> 00:08:41,080 They give themselves to serving Christ. 154 00:08:41,080 –> 00:08:43,299 It’s what it is to be a Christian. 155 00:08:43,299 –> 00:08:44,799 Here’s the second observation. 156 00:08:44,799 –> 00:08:46,619 Serving Christ is not easy. 157 00:08:47,739 –> 00:08:49,739 I say this by way of encouragement. 158 00:08:50,919 –> 00:08:53,039 The word labor makes this very clear. 159 00:08:53,080 –> 00:08:55,679 The word labor means hard work. 160 00:08:55,679 –> 00:08:58,419 Work that would make you sweat. 161 00:08:58,419 –> 00:09:03,419 And that’s the word that is used 162 00:09:03,440 –> 00:09:07,440 in the description of those who are pressing 163 00:09:07,440 –> 00:09:09,039 hard after Jesus Christ. 164 00:09:09,039 –> 00:09:11,880 It’s hard work to go on serving Him. 165 00:09:11,880 –> 00:09:14,400 If you give your life to following Jesus Christ, 166 00:09:14,400 –> 00:09:16,460 let me tell you honestly, 167 00:09:16,460 –> 00:09:19,039 you will experience what every other Christian 168 00:09:19,039 –> 00:09:19,880 is experiencing. 169 00:09:19,880 –> 00:09:21,340 You’ll face difficulties. 170 00:09:21,340 –> 00:09:23,179 You’ll face discouragements. 171 00:09:23,179 –> 00:09:24,820 You will come to a point in the road 172 00:09:24,820 –> 00:09:26,659 where you face big disappointments. 173 00:09:28,099 –> 00:09:29,280 Labor. 174 00:09:29,280 –> 00:09:30,119 Not easy. 175 00:09:31,500 –> 00:09:33,539 But in Heaven it will be very different. 176 00:09:33,539 –> 00:09:37,039 Oh, in Heaven we will serve Christ, 177 00:09:37,039 –> 00:09:38,820 we’ll look at that later in the series 178 00:09:38,820 –> 00:09:40,799 and think about how wonderful it is. 179 00:09:40,799 –> 00:09:43,739 We will serve Christ, but we will not labor. 180 00:09:43,739 –> 00:09:45,260 Spurgeon says, we’re gonna quote him 181 00:09:45,260 –> 00:09:47,900 a number of times today very beautifully, 182 00:09:47,940 –> 00:09:50,179 whatever the saints do in Heaven 183 00:09:50,179 –> 00:09:53,099 will yield them refreshment 184 00:09:53,099 –> 00:09:56,940 and will never cause them weariness. 185 00:09:58,080 –> 00:10:00,159 and I love this piece when I read it this week. 186 00:10:00,159 –> 00:10:02,119 It brought such strength to my own heart. 187 00:10:02,119 –> 00:10:03,400 I hope it does to yours. 188 00:10:03,400 –> 00:10:08,400 He says, there in Heaven no cold-hearted brethren 189 00:10:08,840 –> 00:10:13,840 will damp our enthusiasm or accuse us of evil motives. 190 00:10:14,820 –> 00:10:17,280 No desponding brethren will warn us 191 00:10:17,320 –> 00:10:19,640 that we are rash when our faith is strong 192 00:10:19,640 –> 00:10:22,099 and obstinate when our confidence is firm. 193 00:10:23,239 –> 00:10:24,960 None will pluck us by the sleeve 194 00:10:24,960 –> 00:10:27,239 and hold us back when we would run the race 195 00:10:27,239 –> 00:10:28,299 with all of our might. 196 00:10:29,200 –> 00:10:32,280 And, none will foretell disaster and defeat 197 00:10:32,280 –> 00:10:33,640 when we confidently know 198 00:10:33,640 –> 00:10:36,880 that God will give us the victory. 199 00:10:38,840 –> 00:10:41,260 It’s hard work serving Jesus Christ, 200 00:10:41,260 –> 00:10:43,679 but the day is coming when you’re going to serve Him 201 00:10:43,679 –> 00:10:45,039 and it will no longer be labor. 202 00:10:45,039 –> 00:10:46,820 They rest from their labor. 203 00:10:48,099 –> 00:10:52,099 And now serve Him in all of the joys and delights 204 00:10:52,099 –> 00:10:53,559 of heaven and itself. 205 00:10:54,440 –> 00:10:55,840 There’s a third observation. 206 00:10:57,400 –> 00:11:02,400 There are works for Christ that can only be done here. 207 00:11:03,400 –> 00:11:06,159 Now, this follows very obviously from the fact 208 00:11:06,159 –> 00:11:08,640 that those who are with Christ, 209 00:11:08,640 –> 00:11:11,500 as every Christian one day will be, 210 00:11:11,500 –> 00:11:13,140 they rest from their labors. 211 00:11:14,119 –> 00:11:15,960 So there is work that you and I can do 212 00:11:16,059 –> 00:11:19,039 for Christ here and now that we cannot do 213 00:11:19,039 –> 00:11:20,820 when we are in His presence 214 00:11:21,679 –> 00:11:24,840 for then we rest from these particular labors. 215 00:11:24,840 –> 00:11:28,679 By the way, pastors will be the first 216 00:11:28,679 –> 00:11:31,320 to be out of a job in heaven. 217 00:11:31,320 –> 00:11:33,719 Think of how wonderful this is. 218 00:11:33,719 –> 00:11:37,919 Why would you need a preacher to speak to you 219 00:11:37,919 –> 00:11:40,760 about the greatness of Jesus Christ 220 00:11:40,760 –> 00:11:45,479 when you can directly see His glories for yourself? 221 00:11:45,520 –> 00:11:46,320 Marvelous. 222 00:11:47,140 –> 00:11:49,119 Why would you need counseling? 223 00:11:49,119 –> 00:11:51,719 Why would you need pastoral care 224 00:11:51,719 –> 00:11:53,880 when all your wounds are healed 225 00:11:53,880 –> 00:11:58,159 and when Jesus Christ has wiped every tear from your eyes? 226 00:11:59,320 –> 00:12:01,479 Oh, and think about this, whatever your work is. 227 00:12:01,479 –> 00:12:04,640 The work that you do that may bring you many frustrations, 228 00:12:04,640 –> 00:12:07,080 it will no longer be needed. 229 00:12:07,080 –> 00:12:09,960 In a new creation, a new heaven and a new earth, 230 00:12:09,960 –> 00:12:12,280 all of us will be serving Christ. 231 00:12:12,280 –> 00:12:14,159 We will be doing it with a new energy. 232 00:12:14,159 –> 00:12:16,400 We will be doing it with a new creativity 233 00:12:16,400 –> 00:12:18,679 and new fulfillment and a new joy, 234 00:12:18,679 –> 00:12:21,239 and we will be doing it in ways that are adapted 235 00:12:21,239 –> 00:12:24,479 to the whole new creation that are beyond 236 00:12:24,479 –> 00:12:27,760 what can enter into our minds and into our hearts. 237 00:12:27,760 –> 00:12:29,200 But no more labor. 238 00:12:30,760 –> 00:12:32,919 By the way, that gives great significance 239 00:12:32,919 –> 00:12:36,020 to your work, whatever it is, this coming week, 240 00:12:37,799 –> 00:12:39,799 because you won’t be doing it in heaven. 241 00:12:41,080 –> 00:12:43,520 And the only chance you have to honor Christ 242 00:12:43,520 –> 00:12:46,119 in doing it is here on earth. 243 00:12:47,520 –> 00:12:52,119 Let that lift your perspective on your daily work. 244 00:12:53,479 –> 00:12:55,239 But then think about this, think about some 245 00:12:55,239 –> 00:12:59,200 of the other things that we won’t be doing in heaven. 246 00:12:59,200 –> 00:13:03,179 We work at them now, but we won’t be doing them then. 247 00:13:05,000 –> 00:13:07,479 The only prayers you will offer 248 00:13:08,599 –> 00:13:11,099 are the prayers you offer while you’re here. 249 00:13:11,960 –> 00:13:16,520 The only evangelism, folks, that we will ever do 250 00:13:17,960 –> 00:13:20,599 is the evangelism that we are committed 251 00:13:20,599 –> 00:13:24,640 to doing here in this world, not there, here. 252 00:13:25,940 –> 00:13:29,359 The only victories over sin and over temptation 253 00:13:29,359 –> 00:13:32,080 you will ever have are the victories 254 00:13:32,080 –> 00:13:33,700 in your struggle here and now. 255 00:13:33,700 –> 00:13:35,039 You will be made perfect here. 256 00:13:35,039 –> 00:13:36,479 The struggle will be no more. 257 00:13:36,479 –> 00:13:39,460 The fight is now, this is when you glorify Christ 258 00:13:39,460 –> 00:13:40,960 in the battle of the Christian life. 259 00:13:40,960 –> 00:13:42,400 Listen, Sunday school teacher, 260 00:13:42,400 –> 00:13:45,140 the only children you will ever teach 261 00:13:46,280 –> 00:13:47,840 are the children that you teach here, 262 00:13:47,840 –> 00:13:49,440 so invest yourself in it. 263 00:13:49,440 –> 00:13:51,359 It is of eternal significance. 264 00:13:51,359 –> 00:13:52,619 You won’t be doing it then. 265 00:13:52,619 –> 00:13:54,520 You are given the chance to do it now. 266 00:13:55,739 –> 00:13:57,799 The only giving you ever release 267 00:13:58,679 –> 00:14:00,599 is going to be the giving you release here. 268 00:14:00,599 –> 00:14:03,299 The only stand you ever take for what is true 269 00:14:03,299 –> 00:14:05,460 and for what is right is the stand you take 270 00:14:05,460 –> 00:14:07,460 for what is true and what is right here. 271 00:14:08,719 –> 00:14:09,799 So, here’s the challenge, 272 00:14:09,960 –> 00:14:11,859 please think about this with me. 273 00:14:11,859 –> 00:14:14,619 We have all eternity to rejoice 274 00:14:14,619 –> 00:14:16,979 in our victories in Jesus Christ, 275 00:14:16,979 –> 00:14:19,460 but we only have a very short time to win them. 276 00:14:20,719 –> 00:14:22,179 A very short time to win them. 277 00:14:23,200 –> 00:14:26,460 Long time to enjoy them, short time to win them. 278 00:14:27,960 –> 00:14:30,140 That’s the urgency of the Christian life. 279 00:14:30,140 –> 00:14:32,739 That’s the urgency of the mission of the gospel. 280 00:14:34,559 –> 00:14:35,979 They rest from their labors, 281 00:14:36,979 –> 00:14:39,179 and there are so many things that 282 00:14:39,179 –> 00:14:40,979 Christ has given us to do here and now 283 00:14:40,979 –> 00:14:42,700 that we can only do here and now 284 00:14:42,700 –> 00:14:44,200 and will not be doing then. 285 00:14:46,159 –> 00:14:48,900 They’re blessed, those who die in the Lord. 286 00:14:48,900 –> 00:14:50,400 Why? 287 00:14:50,400 –> 00:14:54,919 Because they rest from their labors. 288 00:14:55,760 –> 00:14:58,179 Here’s the second reason why you’re blessed 289 00:14:58,179 –> 00:14:59,140 if you die in the Lord. 290 00:14:59,140 –> 00:15:02,500 Only two ways to die, die in your sins or die in the Lord. 291 00:15:02,500 –> 00:15:04,580 Terrible, unimaginably terrible thing 292 00:15:04,580 –> 00:15:07,419 to die in your sins, glorious, wonderful thing 293 00:15:07,419 –> 00:15:08,320 to die in the Lord. 294 00:15:08,320 –> 00:15:09,159 Why? 295 00:15:10,700 –> 00:15:14,219 Because, number two, their deeds follow them. 296 00:15:14,219 –> 00:15:15,419 Do you see what it says? 297 00:15:16,440 –> 00:15:20,500 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, 298 00:15:20,500 –> 00:15:25,500 blessed indeed says the Spirit for their deeds follow them. 299 00:15:29,260 –> 00:15:32,359 This is a wonderful statement and so full of significance. 300 00:15:32,520 –> 00:15:36,219 When Christians enter heaven, 301 00:15:36,219 –> 00:15:41,219 their works are behind them, not in front of them. 302 00:15:42,000 –> 00:15:43,380 That’s very important. 303 00:15:43,380 –> 00:15:48,380 When Christians enter heaven, their deeds, their works, 304 00:15:48,380 –> 00:15:53,099 all the fruit of their Christian life is behind them, 305 00:15:53,099 –> 00:15:55,659 it is not in front of them. 306 00:15:55,659 –> 00:16:00,119 In other words, the Christian does not enter heaven 307 00:16:00,119 –> 00:16:02,239 because of his or her good works. 308 00:16:02,239 –> 00:16:05,520 It’s very clear here, their deeds follow them. 309 00:16:06,440 –> 00:16:10,679 Remember Jesus said, now I go to prepare a place for you. 310 00:16:10,679 –> 00:16:13,640 Jesus is the pioneer of our faith. 311 00:16:13,640 –> 00:16:16,219 He is the one who enters heaven on our behalf 312 00:16:16,219 –> 00:16:19,280 and opens the door and those who follow enter 313 00:16:19,280 –> 00:16:23,039 because of him and their good works follow after them, 314 00:16:23,039 –> 00:16:24,179 not in front of them. 315 00:16:24,179 –> 00:16:26,200 That is very important to grasp. 316 00:16:26,200 –> 00:16:28,640 Good works never lead the way. 317 00:16:29,640 –> 00:16:31,840 It’s a very simple way to grasp this point. 318 00:16:32,880 –> 00:16:34,359 Good works never lead the way 319 00:16:34,359 –> 00:16:36,140 nor open the door into heaven. 320 00:16:36,140 –> 00:16:37,780 Sturgeon makes this point. 321 00:16:37,780 –> 00:16:41,479 Our good deeds do not even walk beside us into heaven. 322 00:16:41,479 –> 00:16:43,539 That is very important. 323 00:16:43,539 –> 00:16:45,359 Let me quote what Sturgeon says, 324 00:16:45,359 –> 00:16:48,919 do they march at our right hand or on our left 325 00:16:48,919 –> 00:16:52,580 as the subjects of cheering contemplation? 326 00:16:52,580 –> 00:16:54,960 In other words, when you are passing through death 327 00:16:54,960 –> 00:16:56,960 into heaven is the thing to think about. 328 00:16:56,960 –> 00:16:58,520 The works that you’ve done 329 00:16:58,640 –> 00:17:00,299 are they going to be your companions 330 00:17:00,299 –> 00:17:02,359 walking by your side into heaven? 331 00:17:03,359 –> 00:17:06,619 And Sturgeon says, no, no. 332 00:17:06,619 –> 00:17:10,319 We dare not take them as companions to comfort us. 333 00:17:11,199 –> 00:17:14,880 They follow us at our heel. 334 00:17:14,880 –> 00:17:17,979 They keep behind us out of sight 335 00:17:19,119 –> 00:17:22,859 and we ourselves, in our desires after holiness 336 00:17:22,859 –> 00:17:24,739 always out march them. 337 00:17:25,599 –> 00:17:27,219 In other words, if you’re truly a Christian, 338 00:17:27,300 –> 00:17:28,979 then your desire to do more for Christ 339 00:17:28,979 –> 00:17:31,959 is always greater than what you’ve already done. 340 00:17:31,959 –> 00:17:33,599 The good works follow, they’re never ahead, 341 00:17:33,599 –> 00:17:37,300 they’re never beside, they’re always behind. 342 00:17:37,300 –> 00:17:40,619 That’s the first thing to notice here. 343 00:17:41,619 –> 00:17:45,760 But thank God that the good deeds of a Christian do follow 344 00:17:47,239 –> 00:17:51,319 and that for this reason there will be great reward. 345 00:17:52,400 –> 00:17:55,880 It is something that again I have found quite staggering 346 00:17:55,900 –> 00:18:00,060 as I’ve just tried to meditate on it these last days. 347 00:18:00,920 –> 00:18:04,839 How can it be that all my sins, which are many, 348 00:18:09,579 –> 00:18:13,020 are erased from the mind and the heart of God 349 00:18:13,020 –> 00:18:17,420 when they’re placed under the blood of Jesus Christ, 350 00:18:17,420 –> 00:18:21,000 and God says, I will remember them no more. 351 00:18:21,939 –> 00:18:25,459 And at the same time my deeds that are too feeble 352 00:18:25,459 –> 00:18:29,640 and they are too few, they somehow live in the memory 353 00:18:30,660 –> 00:18:33,020 and mind of God forever and forever and forever 354 00:18:33,020 –> 00:18:35,599 so that he says, even a cup of cold water 355 00:18:35,599 –> 00:18:37,560 that is given in the name of Jesus Christ 356 00:18:37,560 –> 00:18:40,819 will certainly not go without its reward. 357 00:18:40,819 –> 00:18:42,959 And every tear that’s ever been shed in prayer 358 00:18:42,959 –> 00:18:46,540 and in repentance, is stored up in the heart of God. 359 00:18:46,540 –> 00:18:50,699 The Psalm says he stores these tears as in a bottle 360 00:18:51,500 –> 00:18:55,959 and they are treasured by God forever and forever 361 00:18:55,959 –> 00:18:59,420 and by His grace bring their own reward. 362 00:18:59,420 –> 00:19:01,500 Blessed, blessed. 363 00:19:01,500 –> 00:19:03,819 Why are those who die in the Lord blessed? 364 00:19:03,819 –> 00:19:07,540 They’re blessed because they rest from their labors 365 00:19:07,540 –> 00:19:11,719 and they’re blessed because their deeds follow them. 366 00:19:12,719 –> 00:19:14,380 Let’s not skip over this third thing 367 00:19:14,380 –> 00:19:17,719 which is the most obvious and the most central. 368 00:19:17,739 –> 00:19:21,640 They are blessed because they die in the Lord. 369 00:19:21,640 –> 00:19:26,640 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 370 00:19:27,880 –> 00:19:29,599 Now, see, this is very important. 371 00:19:30,699 –> 00:19:32,859 Not all of the dead are blessed. 372 00:19:34,000 –> 00:19:35,880 Some die in their sins 373 00:19:36,959 –> 00:19:39,020 and as we saw last time, nothing in the world 374 00:19:39,020 –> 00:19:40,739 could be more tragic than that. 375 00:19:42,339 –> 00:19:46,719 But, heaven declares, to every Christian believer, 376 00:19:46,760 –> 00:19:49,199 to every follower after Jesus Christ, 377 00:19:49,199 –> 00:19:52,599 whenever you die, however it happens, 378 00:19:53,359 –> 00:19:56,319 whether it’s suddenly unexpected in an accident, 379 00:19:56,319 –> 00:19:58,280 whether it’s years and years from now, 380 00:20:00,000 –> 00:20:03,599 you are blessed if you die in the Lord. 381 00:20:03,599 –> 00:20:05,719 Isn’t that a great assurance to live with? 382 00:20:06,839 –> 00:20:10,920 You say, what does it mean to die in the Lord? 383 00:20:12,140 –> 00:20:16,060 What would it be like for me, at that moment, 384 00:20:17,719 –> 00:20:20,859 let me offer to you just three very simple words 385 00:20:20,859 –> 00:20:23,319 that I think encapsulate what’s at the heart 386 00:20:23,319 –> 00:20:25,880 of this wonderful, wonderful reality. 387 00:20:27,819 –> 00:20:32,339 To die in the Lord means first to be released, 388 00:20:33,219 –> 00:20:36,900 to be released, you see think of these martyrs 389 00:20:36,900 –> 00:20:39,260 and Johns on the isle of Patmos here 390 00:20:39,260 –> 00:20:41,939 and there are going to be many many more 391 00:20:41,939 –> 00:20:44,140 who are going to suffer very very greatly 392 00:20:44,140 –> 00:20:46,199 down through the Christian centuries. 393 00:20:47,819 –> 00:20:49,719 Here is a believer and he’s imprisoned 394 00:20:49,719 –> 00:20:51,619 and he’s been tortured and his body 395 00:20:51,619 –> 00:20:54,280 has become weakened and he’s surrounded by cursing 396 00:20:54,280 –> 00:20:56,859 and he’s in some dark and awful hole 397 00:20:56,859 –> 00:21:00,420 and he’s surrounded by hatred and he’s in pain 398 00:21:00,420 –> 00:21:03,260 and then in a moment he closes his eyes 399 00:21:04,780 –> 00:21:07,380 and he awakens in the pure light 400 00:21:07,380 –> 00:21:10,300 and joy of the presence of Jesus 401 00:21:11,180 –> 00:21:16,180 and he’s released, to be absent from the body 402 00:21:17,060 –> 00:21:20,160 is to be present with the Lord, Paul says. 403 00:21:21,699 –> 00:21:24,260 Here’s another Christian, not suffering persecution, 404 00:21:24,260 –> 00:21:25,739 someone more like us. 405 00:21:27,420 –> 00:21:30,400 She is enduring though the trial of a severe cancer. 406 00:21:30,400 –> 00:21:32,719 The treatments have become hard to bear. 407 00:21:33,939 –> 00:21:36,939 The energy has sapped, the scope of her life 408 00:21:36,939 –> 00:21:39,260 has become terribly terribly limited. 409 00:21:40,619 –> 00:21:44,459 She closes her eyes in that bed or in that hospice 410 00:21:44,459 –> 00:21:49,459 and opens them in the brilliant light 411 00:21:49,859 –> 00:21:52,380 of the everlasting joy and presence of Jesus. 412 00:21:52,380 –> 00:21:57,380 Released, life, to be away from the body 413 00:21:58,400 –> 00:21:59,760 is to be at home with the Lord, 414 00:21:59,760 –> 00:22:04,380 and the apostle Paul says that is better by far. 415 00:22:04,380 –> 00:22:06,040 However good your life is here, 416 00:22:06,859 –> 00:22:09,020 you cannot live a life that is so good 417 00:22:09,020 –> 00:22:13,339 it gets close to the joy of what will be yours 418 00:22:13,339 –> 00:22:14,859 in the presence of Jesus. 419 00:22:17,219 –> 00:22:18,599 It means to be released. 420 00:22:18,599 –> 00:22:22,319 Second word, it means to be carried, carried. 421 00:22:23,579 –> 00:22:26,479 Jesus told a story about two men who died. 422 00:22:27,439 –> 00:22:30,199 One was a rich man who died in his sins, 423 00:22:30,199 –> 00:22:32,500 lived for himself and was characterized 424 00:22:32,500 –> 00:22:33,859 by greed and indifference. 425 00:22:34,640 –> 00:22:37,920 The other was a poor man called Lazarus 426 00:22:37,920 –> 00:22:39,699 who died in the Lord. 427 00:22:41,420 –> 00:22:45,239 Listen to how Jesus describes the deaths of these two men. 428 00:22:45,239 –> 00:22:48,099 This is in Luke chapter 16, verse 22. 429 00:22:49,219 –> 00:22:54,219 Jesus said, the rich man died and was buried, period. 430 00:22:57,180 –> 00:23:01,479 The rich man died and was buried. 431 00:23:01,479 –> 00:23:03,239 That’s all you can say really. 432 00:23:03,619 –> 00:23:05,319 He went into it and he went through it 433 00:23:05,319 –> 00:23:06,660 completely and utterly alone. 434 00:23:06,660 –> 00:23:08,760 He lived for himself, he died to himself. 435 00:23:10,739 –> 00:23:12,780 And Jesus said the poor man died 436 00:23:12,780 –> 00:23:17,780 and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. 437 00:23:20,640 –> 00:23:22,439 Remember Jesus said that? 438 00:23:22,439 –> 00:23:23,619 Jesus said that. 439 00:23:25,199 –> 00:23:27,079 That’s what it is to die in the Lord. 440 00:23:27,079 –> 00:23:30,099 He was carried by the angels 441 00:23:30,739 –> 00:23:34,280 into Abraham’s bosom. 442 00:23:35,800 –> 00:23:39,319 See die in your sins and you go into death alone. 443 00:23:39,319 –> 00:23:41,579 You live for yourself, you die to yourself, 444 00:23:42,719 –> 00:23:45,160 die in the Lord, you are carried by the angels 445 00:23:45,160 –> 00:23:48,760 into the presence of the Son of God Himself in heaven. 446 00:23:48,760 –> 00:23:51,959 If you die in the Lord you can say this 447 00:23:53,000 –> 00:23:55,900 the Lord is my shepherd. 448 00:23:56,900 –> 00:23:59,760 And even though I walk through the valley 449 00:23:59,839 –> 00:24:02,500 with the SHADOW of death I will fear no evil 450 00:24:02,500 –> 00:24:06,160 for your rod and your staff they comfort me. 451 00:24:07,640 –> 00:24:08,939 He’s gonna walk with you, 452 00:24:10,079 –> 00:24:11,479 He’s gonna carry your through this valley. 453 00:24:11,479 –> 00:24:12,939 It’s a place He’s already been 454 00:24:12,939 –> 00:24:15,140 as we’ll see again next week. 455 00:24:17,280 –> 00:24:21,859 Third word, released, carried, welcomed. 456 00:24:23,619 –> 00:24:26,660 Welcomed, that’s what it is to die in the Lord. 457 00:24:26,660 –> 00:24:29,560 It is to be welcomed into the immediate presence of Jesus 458 00:24:30,219 –> 00:24:33,020 who said I go to prepare a place for you. 459 00:24:34,640 –> 00:24:37,599 The first Christian martyr was a man by the name of Stephen. 460 00:24:38,900 –> 00:24:42,160 He was a deacon of the church, lay person, 461 00:24:43,780 –> 00:24:46,839 boldly confessed his faith in Jesus Christ 462 00:24:46,839 –> 00:24:49,699 and you can read the story in Acts chapter seven, 463 00:24:49,699 –> 00:24:53,439 Stephen confessed Christ and when those 464 00:24:53,439 –> 00:24:56,180 who heard his testimony listened 465 00:24:56,180 –> 00:24:59,060 they became absolutely furious and the Bible tells us 466 00:24:59,300 –> 00:25:02,380 when they heard these things they became enraged 467 00:25:02,380 –> 00:25:05,180 and they ground their teeth at him. 468 00:25:06,540 –> 00:25:09,839 And then I quote from Acts chapter seven, verse 55 469 00:25:09,839 –> 00:25:13,640 but Stephen full of the Holy Spirit gazed into heaven 470 00:25:13,640 –> 00:25:18,640 and he saw the glory of God and Jesus 471 00:25:19,280 –> 00:25:23,280 standing at the right hand of God 472 00:25:23,280 –> 00:25:25,439 and he said behold I see the heavens 473 00:25:26,000 –> 00:25:31,000 and the son of man is standing at the right hand of God. 474 00:25:33,219 –> 00:25:34,859 Now those of you who know your Bibles well 475 00:25:34,859 –> 00:25:38,859 know that after the ascension of our lord Jesus Christ 476 00:25:38,859 –> 00:25:42,579 he is most often spoken of in the Bible 477 00:25:42,579 –> 00:25:45,859 as sitting at the right hand of the father 478 00:25:45,859 –> 00:25:48,760 speaking of the completion of his work. 479 00:25:50,219 –> 00:25:52,739 And Stephen in the moment of his death says 480 00:25:52,739 –> 00:25:55,180 I saw heaven open and I saw that Jesus 481 00:25:55,180 –> 00:25:56,660 was right there standing. 482 00:25:56,660 –> 00:25:58,060 Why was he standing? 483 00:25:58,060 –> 00:25:58,959 You know why. 484 00:26:00,300 –> 00:26:02,219 He’s ready to welcome Stephen Hull. 485 00:26:04,180 –> 00:26:05,459 And that’s how it’s gonna be for you 486 00:26:05,459 –> 00:26:06,719 if you die in the lord. 487 00:26:08,339 –> 00:26:12,859 Release, carried, welcome. 488 00:26:15,900 –> 00:26:17,520 I want in the few minutes that remain 489 00:26:17,520 –> 00:26:21,780 just to make two kinds of applications. 490 00:26:21,780 –> 00:26:23,579 Very briefly and very simply. 491 00:26:23,579 –> 00:26:27,060 There are two ways in which this needs to be applied. 492 00:26:27,060 –> 00:26:29,739 The first is that there are obvious applications 493 00:26:29,739 –> 00:26:32,660 to those who are dying, that is, 494 00:26:32,660 –> 00:26:34,140 not most of us here right now. 495 00:26:34,140 –> 00:26:35,800 It will be all of us one day. 496 00:26:36,900 –> 00:26:40,599 And for all of us, it will be someone else that you know. 497 00:26:42,099 –> 00:26:44,900 We spoke last week about what you might say 498 00:26:44,900 –> 00:26:47,400 to help someone who is not a Christian, 499 00:26:48,319 –> 00:26:51,160 who comes to this moment of death. 500 00:26:54,500 –> 00:26:56,040 I’m asking the question today, 501 00:26:56,040 –> 00:26:58,140 what would you say to a loved one 502 00:26:59,119 –> 00:27:02,160 whose bedside you might be, who is a Christian? 503 00:27:03,280 –> 00:27:04,900 What sort of things would you say 504 00:27:04,900 –> 00:27:06,680 to help them, to encourage them? 505 00:27:07,959 –> 00:27:10,160 Let me just give you some notes or some headlines 506 00:27:10,160 –> 00:27:11,640 that might be useful to you 507 00:27:13,000 –> 00:27:14,640 in ministering to others. 508 00:27:15,119 –> 00:27:16,199 Here’s the first. 509 00:27:17,479 –> 00:27:20,900 Forget what you have done 510 00:27:20,900 –> 00:27:24,079 or failed to do for Jesus Christ. 511 00:27:26,000 –> 00:27:27,479 I’m thinking now about whenever 512 00:27:27,479 –> 00:27:29,319 that moment will come for me. 513 00:27:29,319 –> 00:27:30,719 This is what I need to do. 514 00:27:30,719 –> 00:27:33,540 I need to get my eyes off my ministry. 515 00:27:34,400 –> 00:27:36,640 I need to get my eyes off everything 516 00:27:36,640 –> 00:27:38,239 I’ve tried to do for Christ 517 00:27:38,239 –> 00:27:40,140 and everything that I’ve not done for Christ 518 00:27:40,140 –> 00:27:42,199 that I wish that I had done for Christ. 519 00:27:42,199 –> 00:27:43,479 When the moment of death comes 520 00:27:44,160 –> 00:27:46,579 I’ve got to get my eyes off that. 521 00:27:48,160 –> 00:27:49,439 Remember the good you have done 522 00:27:49,439 –> 00:27:50,280 should be behind you, 523 00:27:50,280 –> 00:27:51,319 not in front of you. 524 00:27:52,359 –> 00:27:53,400 Don’t look there. 525 00:27:54,579 –> 00:27:57,020 Don’t look at the life you have lived for Christ. 526 00:27:57,020 –> 00:27:59,239 Look at the life that Christ has lived for you. 527 00:27:59,239 –> 00:28:00,280 Forget your ministry, 528 00:28:00,280 –> 00:28:01,199 forget your triumphs, 529 00:28:01,199 –> 00:28:02,579 forget your failures. 530 00:28:04,160 –> 00:28:06,079 Look to Jesus and look to what 531 00:28:06,079 –> 00:28:08,579 He has accomplished on the Cross for you. 532 00:28:09,739 –> 00:28:10,839 You may be with someone who says, 533 00:28:10,859 –> 00:28:12,599 I wish I had lived a etter life. 534 00:28:13,939 –> 00:28:14,780 And if they’re a Christian, 535 00:28:14,780 –> 00:28:16,400 this is how you will minister to them. 536 00:28:17,660 –> 00:28:20,959 There is no basis of confidence whatsoever 537 00:28:20,959 –> 00:28:23,160 in what I have done for Jesus Christ, 538 00:28:23,160 –> 00:28:25,199 but every basis of confidence 539 00:28:25,199 –> 00:28:26,420 in the face of death, 540 00:28:26,420 –> 00:28:29,079 in what Jesus Christ has done for me. 541 00:28:29,079 –> 00:28:30,180 Think of it this way. 542 00:28:30,180 –> 00:28:33,400 Our work for Christ is like gold 543 00:28:33,400 –> 00:28:35,119 that is mixed with dross, 544 00:28:35,119 –> 00:28:37,939 and the New Testament says it needs to be refined. 545 00:28:38,939 –> 00:28:41,640 So you can’t ever count on this gold 546 00:28:41,640 –> 00:28:43,079 that’s mixed with dross. 547 00:28:43,079 –> 00:28:44,359 What you need to count on 548 00:28:44,359 –> 00:28:47,540 is the pure gold of what Jesus Christ, 549 00:28:47,540 –> 00:28:48,680 who Jesus Christ is 550 00:28:48,680 –> 00:28:50,180 and what he has accomplished 551 00:28:50,180 –> 00:28:53,140 for you and for me on the cross of Calvary. 552 00:28:53,140 –> 00:28:55,199 Calvary is pure gold. 553 00:28:56,959 –> 00:28:59,459 And the devil can have a field day, 554 00:28:59,459 –> 00:29:02,180 and often does with dying believers 555 00:29:02,180 –> 00:29:03,500 pointing out this weakness, 556 00:29:03,500 –> 00:29:04,339 and that weakness, 557 00:29:04,339 –> 00:29:05,160 and this failure, 558 00:29:05,160 –> 00:29:06,579 and that inadequacy. 559 00:29:06,660 –> 00:29:07,979 Don’t look at what you have done 560 00:29:07,979 –> 00:29:09,040 or what you have fail to do. 561 00:29:09,040 –> 00:29:11,180 Look at Christ. 562 00:29:11,180 –> 00:29:12,599 Your entrance into heaven 563 00:29:12,599 –> 00:29:14,839 does not rest on what you have done for him 564 00:29:14,839 –> 00:29:17,040 but on what he has done for you. 565 00:29:17,040 –> 00:29:18,839 That is the good news of the Gospel, 566 00:29:18,839 –> 00:29:20,119 and you need it in living, 567 00:29:20,119 –> 00:29:22,020 and you’re gonna need it in dying too. 568 00:29:23,479 –> 00:29:25,300 Therefore, flip side of that, 569 00:29:26,319 –> 00:29:31,319 fully embrace what God has done for you in Christ. 570 00:29:32,979 –> 00:29:35,119 It’s a good thing to have scripture 571 00:29:35,239 –> 00:29:37,660 and have lines that run in your mind 572 00:29:37,660 –> 00:29:39,020 that remind you of this. 573 00:29:40,579 –> 00:29:42,020 There’s a little poem that goes back 574 00:29:42,020 –> 00:29:43,359 to my Scottish heritage. 575 00:29:43,359 –> 00:29:44,859 Horatious Boner put it this way, 576 00:29:44,859 –> 00:29:47,619 I’ve never heard outside of Scripture 577 00:29:47,619 –> 00:29:50,180 the Gospel expressed more clearly than this. 578 00:29:51,319 –> 00:29:53,699 Upon a life I did not live. 579 00:29:55,060 –> 00:29:57,439 Upon a death I did not die. 580 00:29:58,780 –> 00:30:02,099 Another’s life, another’s death. 581 00:30:03,020 –> 00:30:05,920 I stake my whole eternity. 582 00:30:05,920 –> 00:30:07,500 That’s the Christian’s position. 583 00:30:08,819 –> 00:30:10,760 I’m not staking anything on me. 584 00:30:11,979 –> 00:30:14,380 I’m staking everything on Christ 585 00:30:15,400 –> 00:30:18,420 as I die in the Lord. 586 00:30:18,420 –> 00:30:22,560 Third, when you come to that moment 587 00:30:22,560 –> 00:30:24,099 when you are helping a friend 588 00:30:24,099 –> 00:30:26,579 who is coming near to it, 589 00:30:26,579 –> 00:30:30,640 rest on the unshakeable promises of God. 590 00:30:32,780 –> 00:30:34,319 You’ve read The Pilgrim’s Progress. 591 00:30:34,319 –> 00:30:36,099 You may remember that when the Christian 592 00:30:36,099 –> 00:30:37,739 comes to the moment of death, 593 00:30:37,739 –> 00:30:40,000 Bunyan pictures it very powerfully 594 00:30:40,000 –> 00:30:42,400 as crossing a river. 595 00:30:42,400 –> 00:30:46,900 And Christian and Hopeful go into this river together 596 00:30:47,900 –> 00:30:50,420 and at one point Christian feels 597 00:30:50,420 –> 00:30:52,859 that he’s gonna be completely overwhelmed. 598 00:30:54,199 –> 00:30:57,099 And Hopeful says to him this marvelous line 599 00:30:57,099 –> 00:31:00,219 in The Pilgrim’s Progress. 600 00:31:00,300 –> 00:31:02,219 He says be of good cheer 601 00:31:02,219 –> 00:31:07,219 because I feel the bottom and it is good. 602 00:31:08,540 –> 00:31:11,819 And that solid foundation that you can walk through 603 00:31:11,819 –> 00:31:15,099 even in death so that this river will not overwhelm you 604 00:31:15,099 –> 00:31:16,819 which is the promise of Scripture. 605 00:31:17,880 –> 00:31:20,520 That foundation is the very promises of God 606 00:31:20,520 –> 00:31:22,500 in which you can rest. 607 00:31:23,380 –> 00:31:25,160 Christ knows His sheep 608 00:31:25,160 –> 00:31:28,900 and not one of them will perish. 609 00:31:29,719 –> 00:31:32,560 He has said whoever comes to Me, 610 00:31:32,560 –> 00:31:35,800 I will never, no not ever turn away. 611 00:31:35,800 –> 00:31:39,119 You can rest your life, you can rest your death, 612 00:31:39,119 –> 00:31:41,160 you can rest your eternity 613 00:31:41,160 –> 00:31:45,780 on the unbreakable promises of God in Jesus Christ. 614 00:31:47,040 –> 00:31:48,280 So that’s why it’s good to store 615 00:31:48,280 –> 00:31:51,180 some Scripture in your mind, the great promises, 616 00:31:51,180 –> 00:31:53,380 and to live in them so you can die with them. 617 00:31:54,819 –> 00:31:57,439 When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 618 00:31:57,459 –> 00:31:59,140 Christ will be with you 619 00:31:59,140 –> 00:32:02,339 and his grace will be sufficient for you. 620 00:32:04,119 –> 00:32:05,800 And here’s the fourth, 621 00:32:05,800 –> 00:32:09,920 count on the grace and the presence of Jesus. 622 00:32:11,439 –> 00:32:13,119 You may find that you’re with someone 623 00:32:13,119 –> 00:32:16,319 who says become very fearful 624 00:32:16,319 –> 00:32:17,680 as they’re getting near to death 625 00:32:17,680 –> 00:32:19,880 and they wonder how am I going to do here, 626 00:32:20,920 –> 00:32:23,420 never been this way before. 627 00:32:23,420 –> 00:32:25,579 May have thought that sometimes yourself. 628 00:32:27,599 –> 00:32:29,939 There’s a wonderful story that Corrie ten Boom told 629 00:32:29,939 –> 00:32:32,260 when she was just a young child 630 00:32:32,260 –> 00:32:35,619 she had become very, very fearful about death 631 00:32:35,619 –> 00:32:37,699 and her father came into her bedroom one night 632 00:32:37,699 –> 00:32:39,199 and found that she was crying 633 00:32:39,199 –> 00:32:41,319 and she explained that this was why 634 00:32:41,319 –> 00:32:43,579 and her father very wisely said this to her. 635 00:32:44,520 –> 00:32:48,579 Corrie, when we go to Amsterdam on the train 636 00:32:49,800 –> 00:32:51,819 when do I give you the ticket? 637 00:32:53,280 –> 00:32:54,900 And Corrie ten boom said to her father, 638 00:32:54,900 –> 00:32:55,859 well you give me the ticket 639 00:32:55,859 –> 00:32:57,439 just before we get on the train. 640 00:32:59,520 –> 00:33:01,079 And her dad said well, 641 00:33:02,000 –> 00:33:04,660 our wise Heavenly Father knows just what 642 00:33:04,660 –> 00:33:07,500 we need at exactly the time that we need it 643 00:33:08,479 –> 00:33:12,020 and when the time comes where some of us have to die 644 00:33:12,020 –> 00:33:13,719 you will look into your heart 645 00:33:13,719 –> 00:33:15,660 and you will find that He gives to you 646 00:33:15,660 –> 00:33:16,880 the strength you need 647 00:33:18,160 –> 00:33:19,119 just in time. 648 00:33:20,479 –> 00:33:22,520 When I walk through the valley 649 00:33:22,540 –> 00:33:23,939 of the shadow of death 650 00:33:25,040 –> 00:33:26,099 you are with me. 651 00:33:27,099 –> 00:33:28,040 You are with me 652 00:33:29,500 –> 00:33:31,640 and your grace will be sufficient 653 00:33:32,680 –> 00:33:33,500 for me. 654 00:33:34,880 –> 00:33:36,680 Well now, you may well have opportunities 655 00:33:36,680 –> 00:33:38,880 to apply these things and to be useful 656 00:33:38,880 –> 00:33:41,099 to someone you really love 657 00:33:41,099 –> 00:33:43,439 either soon or at some time 658 00:33:43,439 –> 00:33:44,839 in the foreseeable future. 659 00:33:46,239 –> 00:33:48,000 But let me make a second application now 660 00:33:48,000 –> 00:33:49,800 just before we close. 661 00:33:49,800 –> 00:33:51,260 There’s an application for the dying. 662 00:33:51,260 –> 00:33:54,300 There’s obviously an application for the living 663 00:33:54,300 –> 00:33:55,900 because the key to dying well 664 00:33:55,900 –> 00:33:58,920 is obviously to live well the whole of our life. 665 00:33:58,920 –> 00:34:01,579 The whole of your life is really a preparation for dying. 666 00:34:01,579 –> 00:34:03,880 The way to die in the Lord 667 00:34:03,880 –> 00:34:05,079 is to live in the Lord. 668 00:34:06,140 –> 00:34:08,219 So let me give these very brief applications 669 00:34:08,219 –> 00:34:09,379 and then we’re through. 670 00:34:10,219 –> 00:34:11,040 Number one, 671 00:34:12,739 –> 00:34:16,719 live then with a clear conscience. 672 00:34:18,780 –> 00:34:20,379 Ask yourself, honestly, 673 00:34:20,379 –> 00:34:22,060 ask yourself right now. 674 00:34:22,060 –> 00:34:25,060 Is there anything in my life now 675 00:34:25,060 –> 00:34:26,840 that I would be ashamed of 676 00:34:26,840 –> 00:34:27,979 if I were to die 677 00:34:27,979 –> 00:34:31,260 and stand in the presence of Jesus Christ tonight? 678 00:34:31,260 –> 00:34:33,020 Ask yourself that question. 679 00:34:33,020 –> 00:34:33,939 Ask it often. 680 00:34:35,320 –> 00:34:37,860 Seek to live with a clear conscience. 681 00:34:39,399 –> 00:34:40,360 And if there is something 682 00:34:40,360 –> 00:34:41,540 that would make you ashamed 683 00:34:41,540 –> 00:34:43,820 in the presence of Jesus Christ right now, 684 00:34:43,820 –> 00:34:44,820 be done with it. 685 00:34:44,820 –> 00:34:47,280 Don’t hold on to anything today 686 00:34:47,280 –> 00:34:48,620 that you would let go of 687 00:34:48,860 –> 00:34:50,139 if you knew that you were to go 688 00:34:50,139 –> 00:34:51,840 into the presence of Jesus today. 689 00:34:51,840 –> 00:34:53,060 That’s how to live well 690 00:34:53,060 –> 00:34:54,600 in order that you may die well. 691 00:34:56,340 –> 00:35:01,179 Second, forgive people who have hurt you. 692 00:35:03,379 –> 00:35:05,399 I say this because it is a wonderful thing 693 00:35:05,399 –> 00:35:06,820 that we can do while we’re living 694 00:35:06,820 –> 00:35:09,320 and it is precisely what the Lord Jesus did. 695 00:35:09,320 –> 00:35:11,399 Do you remember Father forgive them? 696 00:35:12,459 –> 00:35:14,560 They do not know what they are doing. 697 00:35:14,560 –> 00:35:17,540 You say you’ve no idea how much I’ve been hurt. 698 00:35:18,439 –> 00:35:20,080 Well, how much idea do you have 699 00:35:20,080 –> 00:35:22,100 of how much that cross hurt him. 700 00:35:23,439 –> 00:35:24,639 Father, forgive her. 701 00:35:26,159 –> 00:35:27,739 And what’s so very significant 702 00:35:27,739 –> 00:35:29,139 as you read through the New Testament 703 00:35:29,139 –> 00:35:31,899 is that Stephen the first Christian Martyr 704 00:35:31,899 –> 00:35:34,879 took the cue from Jesus as it were 705 00:35:34,879 –> 00:35:37,320 and did exactly the same thing. 706 00:35:38,239 –> 00:35:41,000 He said, Lord, as they were throwing stones at him 707 00:35:42,399 –> 00:35:45,199 he said, Lord do not let this sin be held against them. 708 00:35:46,139 –> 00:35:49,239 The Bible says as far as it is possible, 709 00:35:49,239 –> 00:35:50,820 as far as it depends on you, 710 00:35:52,239 –> 00:35:53,919 seek to live in peace with all men. 711 00:35:53,919 –> 00:35:55,439 Let go of bitterness. 712 00:35:56,439 –> 00:35:58,540 There’s none of it where you’re going. 713 00:35:59,780 –> 00:36:02,959 So seek to be free from it as far as you possibly can now 714 00:36:04,340 –> 00:36:05,939 and set your mind on the things 715 00:36:05,939 –> 00:36:07,840 that are above, where Christ is seated. 716 00:36:09,739 –> 00:36:14,739 Third, practice dying every day. 717 00:36:15,919 –> 00:36:18,379 You say, what in the world do you mean by that? 718 00:36:18,379 –> 00:36:20,360 Well I mean exactly what Jesus meant. 719 00:36:20,360 –> 00:36:23,459 Remember what he said, Luke Chapter 9 and verse 23? 720 00:36:23,459 –> 00:36:28,179 If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself 721 00:36:28,179 –> 00:36:33,060 and take up his cross daily and follow me. 722 00:36:34,020 –> 00:36:36,100 In other words, Jesus is making it very clear 723 00:36:36,100 –> 00:36:38,659 that the Christian life involves 724 00:36:38,659 –> 00:36:41,419 a kind of dying every day. 725 00:36:42,760 –> 00:36:44,560 Now every day there are thoughts 726 00:36:44,560 –> 00:36:46,520 that will come into my mind about me 727 00:36:46,520 –> 00:36:47,540 and how I want my life to be 728 00:36:47,540 –> 00:36:49,639 and that has to be this and that has to be that. 729 00:36:49,639 –> 00:36:52,620 I have to die to myself in order to live for Christ. 730 00:36:53,719 –> 00:36:56,399 I have to say no to myself and no to the flesh 731 00:36:56,399 –> 00:36:59,300 in order to live for the glory of God. 732 00:37:00,520 –> 00:37:02,439 Every day you are dying to yourself, 733 00:37:02,439 –> 00:37:04,280 if you are a Christian, this is what it’s like 734 00:37:04,280 –> 00:37:05,560 in order to live for Christ. 735 00:37:05,560 –> 00:37:08,199 And let me give you just this one more quote from Spurgeon. 736 00:37:08,199 –> 00:37:09,840 I think it’s marvelous, he says, 737 00:37:09,840 –> 00:37:13,040 “‘No man would find it difficult to die 738 00:37:13,040 –> 00:37:15,280 “‘who had died every day. 739 00:37:16,159 –> 00:37:18,959 “‘He would have practiced it so often 740 00:37:18,959 –> 00:37:21,959 “‘that he would only have to die but once more. 741 00:37:21,959 –> 00:37:23,260 “‘It would be rather,’ he says, 742 00:37:23,260 –> 00:37:27,239 “‘like a singer who has gone through the rehearsals 743 00:37:27,239 –> 00:37:31,040 “‘and has but to put forth the notes just once 744 00:37:31,040 –> 00:37:33,300 “‘and then to have it done.’” 745 00:37:34,979 –> 00:37:38,379 I mean, your heart from the things of this world. 746 00:37:38,560 –> 00:37:41,659 Live in the Lord, die in the Lord, 747 00:37:41,659 –> 00:37:43,639 and here’s the very last thing. 748 00:37:43,639 –> 00:37:45,899 Anticipate your future home. 749 00:37:49,320 –> 00:37:53,320 Set your minds on things above, Paul says to Christians 750 00:37:53,320 –> 00:37:55,739 where Christ is seated. 751 00:37:55,739 –> 00:37:58,179 Place your treasure there. 752 00:37:58,179 –> 00:38:00,020 Place your heart there. 753 00:38:03,360 –> 00:38:08,120 When our family moved here from Britain 15 years ago, 754 00:38:08,239 –> 00:38:11,600 my boys just 10 and eight years old, 755 00:38:11,600 –> 00:38:15,780 we committed to buying a home that my wife had never seen. 756 00:38:18,040 –> 00:38:19,520 How many guys have done this? 757 00:38:19,520 –> 00:38:22,139 It’s a high-risk strategy. 758 00:38:22,139 –> 00:38:24,879 But I had come across on a visit, on my own, 759 00:38:24,879 –> 00:38:27,219 just a few months before the family was due to come, 760 00:38:27,219 –> 00:38:29,040 and we had found this house, took photographs. 761 00:38:29,040 –> 00:38:32,100 It just seemed like the most marvelous place. 762 00:38:32,100 –> 00:38:34,000 And I said to Karen, well, here’s the choice we’ve got. 763 00:38:34,000 –> 00:38:36,479 You know, if you feel good about committing to this, 764 00:38:36,540 –> 00:38:38,820 we can do it now, and if not, 765 00:38:38,820 –> 00:38:40,520 then we can get some temporary housing, 766 00:38:40,520 –> 00:38:42,179 and then we can look for something together, 767 00:38:42,179 –> 00:38:44,020 and it’ll be a kind of two-stage move. 768 00:38:44,020 –> 00:38:46,340 She said, go for it, go for it. 769 00:38:48,040 –> 00:38:50,840 And so when we arrived, 770 00:38:51,719 –> 00:38:55,879 she had her mind full of pictures, 771 00:38:55,879 –> 00:38:58,340 little videos, that she had seen 772 00:38:58,340 –> 00:39:00,300 of this house where she had never been. 773 00:39:01,419 –> 00:39:02,260 And you know what? 774 00:39:02,260 –> 00:39:03,179 When we walked in she said, 775 00:39:03,179 –> 00:39:05,280 I can feel that I know this place already. 776 00:39:06,919 –> 00:39:08,040 Immediately at home. 777 00:39:10,120 –> 00:39:12,760 She said, that’s how it’s gonna be for you 778 00:39:12,760 –> 00:39:14,919 when you enter into the presence of Jesus 779 00:39:14,919 –> 00:39:19,919 if you set your mind and your heart on things above. 780 00:39:23,040 –> 00:39:24,439 Is that how you’re living? 781 00:39:25,979 –> 00:39:27,560 Or is it all about this world? 782 00:39:29,739 –> 00:39:32,239 The way to die in the Lord is to live in the Lord. 783 00:39:33,639 –> 00:39:35,959 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord 784 00:39:36,020 –> 00:39:39,500 from now on, blessed indeed says the Holy Spirit, 785 00:39:41,399 –> 00:39:43,379 that they may rest from their labors 786 00:39:45,159 –> 00:39:48,760 and that their deeds may follow them. 787 00:39:48,760 –> 00:39:52,239 Father, may every person within the sound of this message, 788 00:39:52,239 –> 00:39:55,959 through faith in Jesus Christ, live in the Lord 789 00:39:55,959 –> 00:40:00,439 and die in the Lord, for Christ’s sake, amen


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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Sometime soon, we’ll all be in another world. What will it be like? The inner-workings of death seem hidden from us, like a room with the lights turned off. But God has not left us completely in the dark. In the Bible, God tells us the Inside Story of Your Future Life. In this series,

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