Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’”
Mark 14:27
We come to holy ground today as we take this first step into the passion of Jesus: Christ suffered at the hands of His friends. Let’s take in the sweep of Mark 14.
This chapter begins with a dinner in the home of Simon, and it ends with a trial in the house of the High Priest. It begins with Jesus surrounded by His friends; it ends with Jesus surrounded by His enemies. It begins with Jesus surrounded by love; it ends with Jesus surrounded by hatred. It begins with Christ being worshipped, as a woman poured perfume over Him; it ends with Christ being condemned, as men blindfolded Him and then beat Him with their fists.
This is the stripping away of all the human comforts that Jesus enjoyed in His life and all the blessings with which He had been surrounded. What we have here is the breaking up of Christ’s inner circle, the unravelling of His ministry. He poured years into these men, and they’re all gone.
There is much for us to learn from the experience of the disciples, but the big story here is not what happened to Peter, James, and John. Nor is it what happened to Judas. The big story here is what happened to Jesus. Mark’s story is about the suffering of the Son of God, and the failure of His friends is the beginning of His suffering.
What is your reaction to Jesus’ suffering at the hands of His friends?