Jesus Calls Us to a Life of Repentance

“I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” LUKE 5:32

What is repentance? Is it beating up on yourself? If repentance is beating up on yourself for your failures, then why would Jesus say there is joy in heaven over a sinner who repents (Luke 15:7)? Why would heaven rejoice over people beating up on themselves?

The repentance to which Jesus calls us is something to celebrate. That is why Levi’s first act of repentance is to hold a feast. “And Levi made him a great feast in his house, and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining at table with them” (Luke 5:29). Repentance is not a miserable journey of self-loathing and regret. Repentance brings joy in heaven, and if there is joy over repentance in heaven, there will be joy in repentance for you.

Repentance happens as you follow Jesus. Some think you must clean up your life and get your act together before you can follow Jesus. But if repentance was something you had to do before you follow Jesus, it would be a barrier that none of us could ever get over. Repentance happens when you follow Jesus. The message is not, “Repent so that you can follow Jesus” but, “Follow Jesus and you will be able to repent.”

Repentance deepens over time. We see this in J. I. Packer’s definition of repentance:

Repentance is turning from as much as you know of your sin to give as much as you know of yourself to as much as you know of your God.

As you follow Jesus, you will see more of your sin, you will discover more of yourself, and you will come to know more of God. And as your repentance deepens, you will become more like Jesus; and as you become more like Jesus, your joy will increase.

Turn Packer’s definition of repentance into a prayer.

Written by Colin Smith
Read by Sue McLeish



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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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