How God Seeks and Saves

Luke 19:10

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Luke 19:10

Jesus is the Son of Man who came to seek and save the lost. But how does He seek and save us?

How God seeks people who ignore Him: This is why Jesus came into the world. God became man. The invisible God revealed Himself and made Himself known to us in Jesus Christ: “No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known” (John 1:18). When you come to know Jesus, you have come to know God.

Jesus looks for people who aren’t looking for Him. Peter, James, and John weren’t seeking Him at all when He stepped into their lives and said, “Follow me.”

How God saves people who provoke Him: This is why Jesus died on the cross. Brutal men scourged Him, mocked Him, struck Him on the head, spit on Him, pressed a crown of thorns on Him, and then nailed Him to the cross. Those who did this were secular men who did not know God and religious men who claimed to know God. This is what we did to the Son of God. On the cross, Jesus, with arms spread, said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Think about it. “I spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people… who provoke me to my face continually” (Isa. 65:2-3). This is what God was doing at the cross.

God seeks people who’ve ignored Him and saves people who’ve provoked Him. And when you see who He is, you will want to turn to Him, trust Him, know Him and follow Him.

Reflect on how God has sought you and/or how God has saved you through Jesus Christ.



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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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