[Wait] for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.
Jude 21
Patience is what you need when things have not worked out as you hoped. Somewhere deep within every heart there is a dream of life as we want it to be. That dream is placed in your heart by God. The word “wait” reminds us that the dream will never be fulfilled in this life.
Our first parents were driven out of the garden of Eden. Paradise was lost and the dream can no longer be fulfilled here because this world is under a curse. This is very hard for many of us to grasp in the Western world. We easily become confused into thinking that we’re in paradise now.
Imagine buying a sign that says: “This is not paradise.” You might hang it over your front door. It would remind you that you’ll never have “the perfect family.” That would take a lot of pressure off everyone. Some couples ought to put that over the door to their bedroom. Perhaps you need to put it in your car. It would be a great sign to place over the entrance to your church.
The problem for many of us is that we expect more than God has ever promised in this life, and we’re constantly disappointed and frustrated. So, we run up massive debts, only to find out that paradise is beyond our grasp. You cannot create paradise in this world. The sooner you discover this, the sooner you will be able to break free from the pursuit of the advertiser’s dream.
When God calls you to wait, it is a wake-up call to reality. There are discoveries of God’s grace that you can make while you are waiting that you could never make if the longing of your heart was fulfilled. You cannot grow in patience when what you long for is given. The moment it becomes yours, the opportunity to grow has been lost.
Where could the reminder “This is not paradise” most help you right now?