Affirm the Sovereignty of God in Prayer

The LORD is in his holy temple; The LORD’s throne is in heaven. PSALM 11:4

God is still on the throne. You may be experiencing fear or frustration, but God is not in a panic. You may not be able to put things right when the foundations are destroyed, but God can. You may not be able to deal with the wicked, but God can, and He will.

David overcame his fear, his frustration, and his temptation to despair by fixing his mind and his heart on God. Here’s how he takes refuge in God. Here’s how he fixes his eyes on the Lord:

  1. The LORD is in his holy temple (11:4)
  2. The LORD’s throne is in heaven (11:4)
  3. His eyes see (11:4)
  4. The LORD tests the righteous (11:5)
  5. His soul hates the wicked (11:5)
  6. Let him rain coals on the wicked (11:6)
  7. For the LORD is righteous (11:7)
  8. He loves righteous deeds (11:7)

The foundations of righteousness do not lie in a culture. They never have. The foundations of righteousness lie in who God is and in what God loves. God is still on the throne!

Fix your mind and heart on God. Take refuge in God. Fix your eyes on Him.

Written by Colin Smith

Read by Sue McLeish



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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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