
Philippians 2:5-11
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Pastor Colin shows that worship without the presence of Jesus is empty. He asserts that Jesus is the central element of worship, and recounts a story of believers showing true worship even under harsh prison conditions in China, highlighting that the presence of Jesus made their worship special.

Colin elaborates on the series’ theme, stating that worship is about lifting up the name of Jesus Christ and declaring His glory. He emphasises that without Jesus, worship loses its essence and purpose. He calls for a Christ-focused worship that aligns with the Scriptures, encompassing singing, praying, giving, and mission.

He also speaks of a spiritual blindness that prevents some from seeing Jesus’ glory, encouraging them to ask Jesus for spiritual sight. Colin discusses the relationship between worship and following Jesus, explaining that both elements are deeply interconnected and essential for deepening faith and understanding of Christ.

Turning to Philippians 2, Colin highlights that Jesus, despite His divine nature, humbled Himself and was subsequently exalted by God. He points out that the exalted Christ is humble, and the humble Christ is exalted. This juxtaposition, he explains, showcases Jesus’ unique and all-encompassing glory.

Colin underscores that Jesus has triumphed over death and sin, and has been exalted to the highest place by God the Father. He draws a distinction between a dictator and a king, suggesting that Jesus’ position was given by the Father, and thus honouring Jesus honours the Father as well.

1 00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:05,460 Well, we’re continuing our series today entitled, Worship—What We Do and Why We 2 00:00:05,460 –> 00:00:06,460 Do It. 3 00:00:06,460 –> 00:00:13,200 We saw last time that authentic worship is always God-centered. 4 00:00:13,200 –> 00:00:19,660 In other words, it is our privilege to be lifted by faith out of the boundaries of our 5 00:00:19,660 –> 00:00:27,040 little world, as the senses of the soul are filled with the knowledge of God. 6 00:00:27,120 –> 00:00:34,299 Today I want us to see secondly that authentic worship is focused on Jesus Christ. 7 00:00:34,299 –> 00:00:41,080 Now, I want you to imagine with me a scene in a beautiful restaurant. 8 00:00:41,080 –> 00:00:44,599 You are sitting there at a table for two. 9 00:00:44,599 –> 00:00:49,480 The lights are low, there is soft music that is playing in the background. 10 00:00:49,480 –> 00:00:53,500 Some people are dancing slowly on the floor. 11 00:00:53,500 –> 00:00:56,259 The waiter brings the food to your table. 12 00:00:56,259 –> 00:01:00,380 An aroma rises from the plate as he removes the cover. 13 00:01:00,380 –> 00:01:08,300 You sit at your table, and looking over the candle, you reach out your hand and there 14 00:01:08,300 –> 00:01:12,300 is no one there. 15 00:01:12,300 –> 00:01:21,059 And suddenly, a scene of great beauty has become a scene of great sadness. 16 00:01:21,059 –> 00:01:30,239 When it comes to worship, the one thing that really matters is the presence of Jesus. 17 00:01:30,239 –> 00:01:37,680 You see, the heart of worship is about communion with him, takeaway him, and whatever else 18 00:01:37,680 –> 00:01:43,959 you’ve got amounts to nothing much. 19 00:01:43,959 –> 00:01:48,419 Worship can take place in all kinds of different settings, but whatever the setting, what matters 20 00:01:48,459 –> 00:01:55,860 most is that he is there. 21 00:01:55,860 –> 00:01:58,680 Worship in a beautiful setting like this. 22 00:01:58,680 –> 00:02:05,940 I’ll never forget an old man who’s now with Christ describing to me worship in another 23 00:02:05,940 –> 00:02:08,220 setting. 24 00:02:08,220 –> 00:02:10,979 He was a prisoner for some years in China. 25 00:02:10,979 –> 00:02:17,720 He lived with some other men in appalling conditions and a few of them were believers. 26 00:02:18,559 –> 00:02:24,899 He told me the story one day, I will never ever forget it, of how he and a few believers 27 00:02:24,899 –> 00:02:30,259 on Christmas Day in prison had held a communion service. 28 00:02:30,259 –> 00:02:37,279 We had no priest he said, we had no wine. 29 00:02:37,279 –> 00:02:45,479 All we had was some bread and a little water that we saved in a cup. 30 00:02:45,479 –> 00:02:51,919 But we had the presence of Jesus, and he broke down in tears when he said it. 31 00:02:51,919 –> 00:02:55,600 I’ve never known another communion like it. 32 00:02:55,600 –> 00:03:05,259 Now our series is entitled Worship, what we do and why we do it. 33 00:03:05,259 –> 00:03:13,320 And if you ask the question, what we do, the answer is we lift up the name of the Lord 34 00:03:13,339 –> 00:03:14,899 Jesus Christ. 35 00:03:14,899 –> 00:03:15,899 We miss that answer. 36 00:03:15,899 –> 00:03:18,779 We missed the most important thing. 37 00:03:18,779 –> 00:03:22,119 We are here to declare his glory. 38 00:03:22,119 –> 00:03:27,740 We gather together to enjoy his presence. 39 00:03:27,740 –> 00:03:30,779 And if you ask the question, why do we do that? 40 00:03:30,779 –> 00:03:37,880 We do this because we have been captured and we have been captivated by him. 41 00:03:37,880 –> 00:03:42,339 That is why Jesus Christ is always at the center of Christian worship. 42 00:03:42,399 –> 00:03:44,779 Our songs declare his glory. 43 00:03:44,779 –> 00:03:47,580 Our prayers are offered in his name. 44 00:03:47,580 –> 00:03:50,479 Our giving is for the advance of his kingdom. 45 00:03:50,479 –> 00:03:52,740 Our mission is to proclaim him. 46 00:03:52,740 –> 00:03:55,220 Our baptism is into his name. 47 00:03:55,220 –> 00:03:58,720 Our communion around the Lords table is with him. 48 00:03:58,720 –> 00:04:01,220 He’s at the center of it all. 49 00:04:01,220 –> 00:04:04,380 It’s through him that we know God the Father. 50 00:04:04,380 –> 00:04:09,360 Jesus said, no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses 51 00:04:09,360 –> 00:04:10,520 to reveal him. 52 00:04:10,520 –> 00:04:14,220 We don’t know God apart from Jesus Christ. 53 00:04:14,220 –> 00:04:16,559 It is through him that we’re reconciled to God. 54 00:04:16,559 –> 00:04:21,119 He died, the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God. 55 00:04:21,119 –> 00:04:26,480 And the Scriptures make it clear that our whole identity, who we are, is caught up with 56 00:04:26,480 –> 00:04:28,760 him individually and together. 57 00:04:28,760 –> 00:04:36,100 Individually, we are in Christ if we have faith in him and Christ is in us by the Holy 58 00:04:36,100 –> 00:04:37,100 Spirit. 59 00:04:37,119 –> 00:04:42,140 This is why Paul says, Christ is your life. 60 00:04:42,140 –> 00:04:49,859 And when we gather together, we are indeed corporately the body of Christ. 61 00:04:49,859 –> 00:04:57,119 And the body of Christ, without Christ, is obviously the body of nothing. 62 00:04:57,119 –> 00:05:00,100 Without Christ, we know nothing, we have nothing. 63 00:05:00,100 –> 00:05:03,859 We have nothing to offer to this world. 64 00:05:03,859 –> 00:05:06,739 He’s the center of it all. 65 00:05:06,739 –> 00:05:11,339 And our worship of Jesus is based around the conviction that the fullness of God lives 66 00:05:11,339 –> 00:05:21,220 in him, and that fullness of life is therefore to be found in him. 67 00:05:21,220 –> 00:05:29,059 So worship without Jesus would be like an event marked by the absence of God. 68 00:05:29,059 –> 00:05:31,880 And that’s our focus today. 69 00:05:32,279 –> 00:05:38,760 And the first thing to say is that some folks don’t see the glory of Jesus. 70 00:05:38,760 –> 00:05:40,839 Some folks just don’t see it. 71 00:05:40,839 –> 00:05:46,359 And it’s good to be honest about this because the Bible makes it very plain. 72 00:05:46,359 –> 00:05:50,920 Second Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 4 tells us, the god of this age is a way of 73 00:05:50,920 –> 00:05:59,000 referring to the activity of Satan, the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers 74 00:05:59,000 –> 00:06:02,119 so that they cannot see. 75 00:06:02,119 –> 00:06:05,359 That’s why it’s important not to get angry with unbelievers. 76 00:06:05,359 –> 00:06:11,799 They cannot see, Paul says, the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ. 77 00:06:11,799 –> 00:06:17,640 They see us worshiping, they can’t really relate to it. 78 00:06:17,640 –> 00:06:23,040 They don’t see what a believer sees. 79 00:06:23,040 –> 00:06:28,579 And there will be some here in the congregation this morning, and quite honestly, you would 80 00:06:28,579 –> 00:06:34,940 say, you know, I come and I hear the singing and I hear the praying and I understand there 81 00:06:34,940 –> 00:06:41,540 are many good things going on, but I really don’t see what all the fuss is about over 82 00:06:41,540 –> 00:06:43,760 Jesus. 83 00:06:43,760 –> 00:06:46,040 What really is the big deal? 84 00:06:46,040 –> 00:06:54,420 Now, if that is your position, I want to encourage you to come to him honestly. 85 00:06:54,420 –> 00:07:00,119 Come to him and tell Him, Lord Jesus, I cannot see. 86 00:07:00,119 –> 00:07:04,739 Spiritually, I cannot see, so give me sight. 87 00:07:04,739 –> 00:07:06,660 Ask Him. 88 00:07:06,660 –> 00:07:09,260 I don’t see any glory in you. 89 00:07:09,260 –> 00:07:12,420 Tell Him, if that’s the case. 90 00:07:12,420 –> 00:07:17,500 I don’t feel any great love towards You—other people seem to—I don’t. 91 00:07:17,500 –> 00:07:18,500 Tell Him that. 92 00:07:18,500 –> 00:07:20,059 Be honest. 93 00:07:20,500 –> 00:07:24,600 Lord, whatever it means to worship Jesus, I don’t really know. 94 00:07:24,600 –> 00:07:27,760 I don’t experience it. 95 00:07:27,760 –> 00:07:35,579 There’s obviously something in Jesus that other people see, and I don’t, so help me 96 00:07:35,579 –> 00:07:36,619 to see. 97 00:07:36,619 –> 00:07:40,540 That’s the greatest prayer that you can pray. 98 00:07:40,540 –> 00:07:45,119 And I want to promise you that God will answer it, because this is what the Apostle Paul 99 00:07:45,839 –> 00:07:52,220 God makes his light shine into the darkness of our hearts, and he gives us the light of 100 00:07:52,220 –> 00:07:56,040 the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 101 00:07:56,040 –> 00:08:02,980 The only way that a person comes to see is by God shining his light. 102 00:08:02,980 –> 00:08:10,880 So that that illumination may come within us to understand and perceive the glory that 103 00:08:10,880 –> 00:08:13,940 is in Jesus Christ. 104 00:08:13,980 –> 00:08:18,940 My prayer for this morning is that that may be happening for some of us today, and that 105 00:08:18,940 –> 00:08:22,880 even in these moments God may do that and answer that prayer for you. 106 00:08:22,880 –> 00:08:30,140 That you will see in a new way the unique glory of Jesus Christ, and you’ll see why 107 00:08:30,140 –> 00:08:35,440 he is to be worshipped as you’ve never seen that before. 108 00:08:35,440 –> 00:08:40,840 And the second thing to say about this whole issue is not only are there some people who 109 00:08:40,840 –> 00:08:48,619 don’t see the glory of Jesus, and we come to see it through the light of God, but secondly 110 00:08:48,619 –> 00:08:56,679 there’s a fascinating relationship between worship and following Jesus. 111 00:08:56,679 –> 00:09:04,039 You see we follow because we see his glory. 112 00:09:04,039 –> 00:09:12,400 And it is also true that we see his glory as and because we follow. 113 00:09:12,400 –> 00:09:16,479 Think about how that worked out in the experience of the disciples as it’s told to us in the 114 00:09:16,479 –> 00:09:17,479 gospels. 115 00:09:17,479 –> 00:09:23,559 Peter and Andrew are in their boat on the Lake of Galilee and Jesus comes walking along 116 00:09:23,559 –> 00:09:30,460 the beach and he says come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. 117 00:09:30,460 –> 00:09:34,859 Now I have to assume that at that point they didn’t know much about Jesus but it seems 118 00:09:34,859 –> 00:09:37,739 evident that they knew something about Jesus. 119 00:09:37,739 –> 00:09:44,580 They knew enough to believe that he could deliver on his promise and make something 120 00:09:44,580 –> 00:09:45,900 of their lives. 121 00:09:45,900 –> 00:09:50,440 They found his invitation compelling. 122 00:09:50,440 –> 00:09:55,859 They followed him because they saw his glory. 123 00:09:55,859 –> 00:09:59,859 But it is also true that they saw his glory because they followed him. 124 00:09:59,940 –> 00:10:04,559 There is a complex relationship between these two things and the gospels tell us of how 125 00:10:04,559 –> 00:10:13,940 the disciples grew in their understanding and in their appreciation as they followed. 126 00:10:13,940 –> 00:10:19,460 As they come to know Jesus better they worship him more. 127 00:10:19,460 –> 00:10:22,299 They see him walking on the water for example. 128 00:10:22,299 –> 00:10:24,520 And then we’re told they worship him. 129 00:10:24,520 –> 00:10:27,419 And they recognize that he’s the son of God. 130 00:10:27,419 –> 00:10:35,200 And after he is raised from the dead Thomas worships him and says my Lord and my God. 131 00:10:35,200 –> 00:10:37,679 These things come as they follow him you see. 132 00:10:37,679 –> 00:10:40,320 As they follow, their faith grows. 133 00:10:40,320 –> 00:10:44,599 As they follow, their understanding opens and increases. 134 00:10:44,599 –> 00:10:50,599 As they follow, they learn to worship. 135 00:10:50,599 –> 00:10:53,840 You cannot learn to worship Jesus in a vacuum. 136 00:10:54,799 –> 00:10:58,859 You learn to worship Jesus as you follow him. 137 00:10:58,880 –> 00:11:01,520 That’s the pattern of the Gospels. 138 00:11:01,520 –> 00:11:05,520 Worshiping and following are two sides of the same coin. 139 00:11:05,520 –> 00:11:08,419 You cannot have the one without the other. 140 00:11:08,419 –> 00:11:10,880 Those who worship, follow. 141 00:11:10,880 –> 00:11:13,200 Those who follow, worship. 142 00:11:13,200 –> 00:11:16,340 Those who don’t follow won’t worship. 143 00:11:16,340 –> 00:11:20,719 Those who don’t worship, won’t follow. 144 00:11:20,960 –> 00:11:24,960 God has tied these two things together in an integral way 145 00:11:24,960 –> 00:11:28,539 so that worship is both the source 146 00:11:28,539 –> 00:11:32,799 and the outcome of discipleship. 147 00:11:32,799 –> 00:11:37,080 Following Christ will ignite our worship. 148 00:11:37,080 –> 00:11:38,960 If we have been following Jesus closely 149 00:11:38,960 –> 00:11:40,679 over these last seven days, 150 00:11:40,679 –> 00:11:42,400 we will have a sense of what it means 151 00:11:42,400 –> 00:11:45,559 to come to him in worship today. 152 00:11:45,559 –> 00:11:46,799 But at the same time, 153 00:11:46,799 –> 00:11:49,159 worshiping Christ will ignite our following. 154 00:11:49,159 –> 00:11:50,880 If we engage with Christ today 155 00:11:50,880 –> 00:11:53,599 and we glimpse some of his glory in worship together, 156 00:11:53,599 –> 00:11:57,599 it will ignite passion for our following of Jesus Christ 157 00:11:57,599 –> 00:12:01,520 in the coming week. 158 00:12:01,520 –> 00:12:02,840 If when we gather here, 159 00:12:02,840 –> 00:12:05,520 we are captivated by Jesus Christ, 160 00:12:05,520 –> 00:12:09,440 then we will follow him whatever the cost. 161 00:12:09,440 –> 00:12:12,719 And if we are following him whatever the cost, 162 00:12:12,719 –> 00:12:14,059 then when we gather here, 163 00:12:14,059 –> 00:12:17,479 we will be captivated by him. 164 00:12:18,479 –> 00:12:19,419 Now with that understanding, 165 00:12:19,419 –> 00:12:21,200 let’s turn to Philippians in chapter two. 166 00:12:21,200 –> 00:12:25,640 One of the greatest statements of the glory of Christ 167 00:12:25,640 –> 00:12:27,080 in the whole of the New Testament. 168 00:12:27,080 –> 00:12:29,119 It spells out the captivating 169 00:12:29,119 –> 00:12:34,119 and the compelling glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. 170 00:12:34,159 –> 00:12:36,000 Notice as you turn to this wonderful, 171 00:12:36,000 –> 00:12:38,359 wonderful passage of Scripture, 172 00:12:38,359 –> 00:12:40,760 that it really tells us two things. 173 00:12:40,760 –> 00:12:44,820 First, that the exalted Christ is humble. 174 00:12:44,859 –> 00:12:49,859 And second, that the humble Christ is exalted. 175 00:12:53,859 –> 00:12:58,679 And you see, the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ 176 00:12:58,679 –> 00:13:01,099 is seen in the combination of qualities 177 00:13:01,099 –> 00:13:05,299 that are so diverse that you would never expect 178 00:13:05,299 –> 00:13:06,960 to find them in one person. 179 00:13:08,900 –> 00:13:11,340 It’s not just raw power in Jesus, 180 00:13:11,340 –> 00:13:14,239 it’s his glory is that the one 181 00:13:14,479 –> 00:13:16,359 who has all power is so humble. 182 00:13:18,820 –> 00:13:21,659 It’s not just the meekness of Jesus, 183 00:13:21,659 –> 00:13:24,760 it’s that the one who is so humble is so glorious. 184 00:13:25,619 –> 00:13:26,880 That’s why in the book of Revelation, 185 00:13:26,880 –> 00:13:31,880 he’s described as the lion and he’s described as the lamb. 186 00:13:33,900 –> 00:13:36,760 It’s the fact that he’s both that gives us a glimpse 187 00:13:36,760 –> 00:13:39,440 of the magnificence of his glory. 188 00:13:40,059 –> 00:13:42,359 If you were to draw a diagram of this passage, 189 00:13:42,359 –> 00:13:47,840 of this passage, it would be like a parabola, 190 00:13:47,840 –> 00:13:52,599 a great sweeping curve that comes down like a plane 191 00:13:52,599 –> 00:13:55,039 in a dive and then bottoms out 192 00:13:55,039 –> 00:13:58,640 and then turns to soar again into the heights. 193 00:13:59,960 –> 00:14:03,200 But if we we’re to draw this diagram rightly, 194 00:14:03,719 –> 00:14:07,659 the top of the curve at both ends 195 00:14:07,659 –> 00:14:10,200 would be off our paper 196 00:14:10,200 –> 00:14:13,460 and so would the bottom of the curve. 197 00:14:13,460 –> 00:14:16,739 I say that because you and I cannot 198 00:14:16,739 –> 00:14:20,039 grasp the full extent 199 00:14:20,039 –> 00:14:22,159 of the glory Christ shared 200 00:14:22,159 –> 00:14:24,479 with the Father before he came into the world. 201 00:14:24,479 –> 00:14:27,440 We can’t see the top of that line. 202 00:14:27,440 –> 00:14:29,960 Nor are we able to plumb 203 00:14:29,960 –> 00:14:32,419 the full depths of what 204 00:14:32,460 –> 00:14:33,859 it meant for him to suffer, 205 00:14:33,859 –> 00:14:35,859 and to lay down his life on the cross 206 00:14:35,859 –> 00:14:38,119 as a sacrifice for our sins. 207 00:14:39,479 –> 00:14:41,580 Nor can we know the full height 208 00:14:41,580 –> 00:14:42,940 of the glory that he shares 209 00:14:42,940 –> 00:14:44,619 now that he has ascended 210 00:14:44,619 –> 00:14:46,359 to the right hand of the Father. 211 00:14:46,359 –> 00:14:50,099 His suffering was deeper than we can know 212 00:14:50,099 –> 00:14:53,640 and his glory is higher than we can know. 213 00:14:53,640 –> 00:14:55,580 We cannot see the full height 214 00:14:55,580 –> 00:14:58,299 or the full depth of his glory. 215 00:14:59,380 –> 00:15:01,179 But we can know 216 00:15:02,840 –> 00:15:05,820 that being in very nature God, 217 00:15:07,219 –> 00:15:09,359 he didn’t consider equality with God 218 00:15:09,359 –> 00:15:12,640 something to be grasped or held onto. 219 00:15:14,260 –> 00:15:16,080 But he made himself nothing. 220 00:15:17,380 –> 00:15:19,659 And he took the very nature of a servant 221 00:15:19,659 –> 00:15:21,500 and he was made in human likeness 222 00:15:21,500 –> 00:15:25,380 and being found in appearance as a man 223 00:15:25,380 –> 00:15:29,039 he humbled himself and became obedient to death. 224 00:15:29,039 –> 00:15:30,739 Even death on a cross. 225 00:15:32,919 –> 00:15:34,919 But from there and for that reason 226 00:15:34,919 –> 00:15:37,919 God has exalted him to the highest place 227 00:15:39,020 –> 00:15:41,219 and given him the name that is above every name 228 00:15:41,219 –> 00:15:44,739 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow 229 00:15:44,739 –> 00:15:48,500 in heaven, on Earth, under the Earth 230 00:15:48,500 –> 00:15:52,900 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord 231 00:15:54,440 –> 00:15:57,239 to the glory of God, the Father. 232 00:15:59,520 –> 00:16:01,299 Exalted Christ is humble. 233 00:16:02,780 –> 00:16:06,559 A humble Christ is exalted. 234 00:16:08,179 –> 00:16:11,200 Now there is as much glory in the humbling 235 00:16:11,200 –> 00:16:13,580 of the exalted Christ as there is 236 00:16:13,580 –> 00:16:16,000 in the exalting of the humbled Christ. 237 00:16:18,119 –> 00:16:19,239 But we only have time to look 238 00:16:19,239 –> 00:16:20,400 at the latter of these two 239 00:16:20,400 –> 00:16:22,320 and I want to focus on the second part 240 00:16:22,320 –> 00:16:23,940 therefore of this great statement 241 00:16:23,940 –> 00:16:25,479 about Jesus Christ. 242 00:16:26,440 –> 00:16:28,119 Simply to draw your attention 243 00:16:28,119 –> 00:16:32,000 to three facets of what Paul says 244 00:16:32,760 –> 00:16:37,059 about the glory of our exalted Lord Jesus Christ. 245 00:16:38,359 –> 00:16:39,679 The first is simply this, 246 00:16:39,679 –> 00:16:41,700 that from his statement it is quite clear 247 00:16:41,700 –> 00:16:46,359 that Jesus Christ has triumphed. 248 00:16:46,359 –> 00:16:49,059 You see, Paul speaks of where he was 249 00:16:49,059 –> 00:16:51,000 at the bottom of that curve 250 00:16:51,000 –> 00:16:53,599 when he became obedient to death on a cross 251 00:16:53,599 –> 00:16:57,400 and on that day he bore the sins of the world 252 00:16:57,400 –> 00:16:58,419 and he died. 253 00:16:59,140 –> 00:17:01,460 But he’s not on the cross now. 254 00:17:02,659 –> 00:17:04,300 He is risen from the dead. 255 00:17:04,300 –> 00:17:07,099 He has ascended and he has been exalted 256 00:17:07,099 –> 00:17:11,119 and he is seated at the right hand of the Father in glory. 257 00:17:13,660 –> 00:17:18,660 Now, some of us have come to worship today 258 00:17:20,839 –> 00:17:23,900 and your life is full of pain. 259 00:17:24,439 –> 00:17:27,380 Things just aren’t as you want them to be. 260 00:17:30,280 –> 00:17:33,260 You’re struggling with how to resolve some problem. 261 00:17:35,060 –> 00:17:36,239 You’re looking into the future, 262 00:17:36,239 –> 00:17:38,439 you don’t know how things are going to work out, 263 00:17:39,939 –> 00:17:42,380 and you’re saying in your head, 264 00:17:42,380 –> 00:17:46,099 what on earth has all this got to do with me? 265 00:17:47,420 –> 00:17:50,500 I’m trying to live life 266 00:17:50,540 –> 00:17:52,920 I’m trying to live life. 267 00:17:54,300 –> 00:17:57,719 And here’s this fella talking about the glories of Jesus. 268 00:17:59,420 –> 00:18:01,160 How does that help? 269 00:18:03,939 –> 00:18:06,459 Let me tell you it has everything to do 270 00:18:06,459 –> 00:18:08,680 with precisely where you are. 271 00:18:10,439 –> 00:18:12,800 See what Paul’s telling us, now think about it. 272 00:18:14,359 –> 00:18:17,579 This, Lord Jesus Christ, 273 00:18:17,579 –> 00:18:20,260 came into the mess 274 00:18:21,280 –> 00:18:25,920 of this fallen, sorry, broken, sordid world. 275 00:18:27,699 –> 00:18:29,540 He felt its curse, 276 00:18:31,380 –> 00:18:33,859 he plumbed the depth of its pain, 277 00:18:34,739 –> 00:18:39,119 he faced every one of the onslaughts of Satan, 278 00:18:40,140 –> 00:18:44,420 he knew the pain of being betrayed by his trusted friend, 279 00:18:44,699 –> 00:18:47,739 he faced rejection, and violence, and cruelty, 280 00:18:47,739 –> 00:18:50,439 he experienced what it was to be utterly alone, 281 00:18:52,619 –> 00:18:56,579 he knew what it was to have a human heart broken, 282 00:18:56,579 –> 00:19:00,219 he’s even gone through the darkest valley of death, 283 00:19:00,219 –> 00:19:02,380 he’s faced it all, 284 00:19:03,660 –> 00:19:07,160 he’s gone to the lowest point, that’s what Paul is saying, 285 00:19:09,599 –> 00:19:12,339 and he has come through it, 286 00:19:13,160 –> 00:19:17,180 whatever you face today in some sense, 287 00:19:17,180 –> 00:19:22,180 Jesus Christ has been there done that, 288 00:19:22,719 –> 00:19:25,680 in some sense he has, 289 00:19:26,280 –> 00:19:28,219 and not only has he gone through it, 290 00:19:28,219 –> 00:19:31,719 he has triumphed in it and over it, 291 00:19:32,579 –> 00:19:35,619 God has exalted him 292 00:19:35,619 –> 00:19:38,579 having gone through the depth of the muck of human life 293 00:19:38,579 –> 00:19:39,959 in this sorry world, 294 00:19:40,739 –> 00:19:45,400 and today he is seated at the right hand of God the father, 295 00:19:45,400 –> 00:19:49,280 God has placed him in control, 296 00:19:49,280 –> 00:19:53,040 and I can think of nothing better in all the world 297 00:19:53,040 –> 00:19:54,319 in my darkest moments 298 00:19:54,319 –> 00:19:59,319 than to say my life is in his hands, 299 00:20:01,839 –> 00:20:04,560 to look up to the hands 300 00:20:04,560 –> 00:20:08,359 in which my vulnerable little life are held. 301 00:20:10,760 –> 00:20:15,760 You may not be able to see what is happening but he does, 302 00:20:17,040 –> 00:20:19,719 you may not be able to have a clue 303 00:20:19,719 –> 00:20:22,479 as to how it’s all going to work out, 304 00:20:23,760 –> 00:20:24,719 but he can. 305 00:20:26,800 –> 00:20:29,119 He is in control and he holds every one 306 00:20:29,119 –> 00:20:32,079 of the lives of his people in his hand 307 00:20:32,079 –> 00:20:34,719 and he’s moving the whole of world history 308 00:20:36,839 –> 00:20:38,880 towards its conclusion and its climax 309 00:20:39,239 –> 00:20:41,800 when every eye will see his glory. 310 00:20:46,079 –> 00:20:48,319 You see how worship touches life? 311 00:20:52,280 –> 00:20:55,599 And not just any one of our little personal lives 312 00:20:55,599 –> 00:20:58,400 but do you ever get discouraged 313 00:20:58,400 –> 00:21:00,400 when you look at the state of the world 314 00:21:01,719 –> 00:21:04,680 and sometimes you listen to another news bulletin, 315 00:21:04,680 –> 00:21:06,119 do you sometimes feel, oh, I don’t know, 316 00:21:06,119 –> 00:21:07,160 I can’t take anymore. 317 00:21:09,880 –> 00:21:11,180 Materialism, 318 00:21:14,719 –> 00:21:17,040 sordid nature of advertising. 319 00:21:19,739 –> 00:21:21,640 Endless conflict and war 320 00:21:21,640 –> 00:21:25,160 and terrorism and violence and godlessness. 321 00:21:28,660 –> 00:21:30,619 Where’s it all going to end? 322 00:21:33,079 –> 00:21:34,839 The church seems so weak 323 00:21:34,839 –> 00:21:36,959 and the world seems so vast 324 00:21:36,979 –> 00:21:39,020 and the powers of darkness seems so strong 325 00:21:39,020 –> 00:21:41,400 and the culture seems so overwhelming 326 00:21:41,400 –> 00:21:43,540 and the Christian life seems so difficult 327 00:21:43,540 –> 00:21:45,819 and temptation seems to be powerful. 328 00:21:48,500 –> 00:21:52,979 The answer is Jesus Christ is in control, 329 00:21:52,979 –> 00:21:56,920 he is at the right hand of the father. 330 00:21:59,020 –> 00:22:00,760 That’s why I need to worship, 331 00:22:02,219 –> 00:22:04,099 that’s why I need to fix my eyes on him, 332 00:22:04,099 –> 00:22:06,319 that’s why he needs to be the center of all that we do 333 00:22:06,420 –> 00:22:08,800 because that’s how we live, 334 00:22:11,400 –> 00:22:13,760 because he has triumphed. 335 00:22:13,760 –> 00:22:16,119 We’re not saying I wonder how it’s going to come out. 336 00:22:16,119 –> 00:22:17,699 He has triumphed. 337 00:22:20,479 –> 00:22:25,060 One day the world will see the triumph that is already his. 338 00:22:27,479 –> 00:22:30,000 Not only is Paul telling us that Christ has triumphed 339 00:22:30,000 –> 00:22:35,000 but, secondly, God the Father has exalted him. 340 00:22:35,500 –> 00:22:37,099 Notice verse nine, will you? 341 00:22:37,099 –> 00:22:42,099 Therefore, God has exalted him to the highest place. 342 00:22:42,319 –> 00:22:43,719 Now, that’s very important. 343 00:22:44,880 –> 00:22:48,680 You see, that’s telling us that Christ 344 00:22:48,680 –> 00:22:52,619 did not seize his position of power. 345 00:22:53,479 –> 00:22:57,839 It was given to him by the Father, God. 346 00:22:57,839 –> 00:23:00,939 And the reference there at when the Bible speaks of God 347 00:23:00,939 –> 00:23:02,640 in relation to Jesus Christ, 348 00:23:02,760 –> 00:23:05,739 it is always referring particularly to God the Father. 349 00:23:05,739 –> 00:23:09,699 God the Father exalted him to the highest place. 350 00:23:09,699 –> 00:23:14,099 You see, he held the highest place by right, 351 00:23:14,099 –> 00:23:17,000 that’s the point in verse five and six. 352 00:23:18,119 –> 00:23:21,260 But he didn’t seize onto it, he willingly gave it up, 353 00:23:21,260 –> 00:23:24,859 and therefore, the Father willingly gave it back to him. 354 00:23:26,939 –> 00:23:28,500 Now, you see, this is the big difference 355 00:23:28,500 –> 00:23:30,780 between a King and a Dictator. 356 00:23:31,579 –> 00:23:36,119 A Dictator seizes power, a King is given power. 357 00:23:37,739 –> 00:23:41,719 God the Father exalted God the Son to the highest position. 358 00:23:42,599 –> 00:23:46,099 Therefore, since it was God the Father 359 00:23:46,099 –> 00:23:49,140 who exalted God the Son to the highest position, 360 00:23:49,140 –> 00:23:52,119 when we honor the Lord Jesus Christ, 361 00:23:52,119 –> 00:23:55,839 thereby we are honoring God the Father. 362 00:23:55,839 –> 00:23:58,900 That’s very important for us to grasp. 363 00:23:58,920 –> 00:24:01,560 It was the Father who gave him that position, 364 00:24:01,560 –> 00:24:03,920 therefore in honoring him in that position, 365 00:24:03,920 –> 00:24:06,699 we honor the Father who gave it to him. 366 00:24:07,979 –> 00:24:10,459 That is why Jesus made it very clear 367 00:24:10,459 –> 00:24:13,400 that those who honor the Son honor the Father 368 00:24:13,400 –> 00:24:17,099 and those who do not honor the Son do not honor the Father, 369 00:24:17,099 –> 00:24:19,439 that’s John 5 and verse 23. 370 00:24:20,359 –> 00:24:22,780 Think of it this way, just to make it clear. 371 00:24:22,780 –> 00:24:24,479 Suppose a friend of yours dies, 372 00:24:26,060 –> 00:24:27,719 and his last request is that 373 00:24:27,760 –> 00:24:31,040 all gifts in his memory should be given 374 00:24:31,040 –> 00:24:33,380 to Northwest Community Hospital. 375 00:24:35,319 –> 00:24:38,540 And you say, I don’t care about Northwest Community Hospital, 376 00:24:38,540 –> 00:24:41,079 I’m gonna give it to some other charity, okay? 377 00:24:42,260 –> 00:24:45,520 If you see that, do you honor him and his memory 378 00:24:45,520 –> 00:24:47,260 or dishonor him and his memory? 379 00:24:49,680 –> 00:24:54,680 See, God the Father is honored by our worship of Jesus 380 00:24:54,920 –> 00:24:56,920 because it is the Father who chose 381 00:24:56,920 –> 00:24:58,839 to put the Son in the highest place, 382 00:24:58,839 –> 00:25:01,699 and so when you put Jesus in the highest place, 383 00:25:01,699 –> 00:25:04,099 you are saying, I agree with God the Father. 384 00:25:06,800 –> 00:25:09,319 If we do not put Jesus in the highest place, 385 00:25:09,319 –> 00:25:11,560 then we’re saying, I disagree with God the Father, 386 00:25:11,560 –> 00:25:13,239 and that’s the issue that’s at the crux 387 00:25:13,239 –> 00:25:14,719 of the first sermon ever preached 388 00:25:14,719 –> 00:25:17,660 on the day of Pentecost, in Acts chapter two. 389 00:25:17,660 –> 00:25:18,959 God is exalted. 390 00:25:20,079 –> 00:25:21,199 God is exalted. 391 00:25:23,280 –> 00:25:25,619 That is why, you see, Paul ends the statement here 392 00:25:25,660 –> 00:25:30,060 by saying every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord, 393 00:25:30,060 –> 00:25:35,060 and notice the last phrase, to the glory of God the Father. 394 00:25:36,579 –> 00:25:39,319 This is how we express God centeredness 395 00:25:39,319 –> 00:25:43,640 by Christ focus in all that we do. 396 00:25:45,140 –> 00:25:46,439 Now here’s the last thing. 397 00:25:48,300 –> 00:25:50,599 Christ is triumphed. 398 00:25:50,599 –> 00:25:53,199 It’s God the Father who has exalted him. 399 00:25:54,079 –> 00:25:57,280 And thirdly, Paul gives us this great statement 400 00:25:57,280 –> 00:26:00,060 and confession that Jesus Christ is Lord, 401 00:26:00,060 –> 00:26:02,719 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow 402 00:26:02,719 –> 00:26:07,719 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord 403 00:26:08,239 –> 00:26:11,359 to the glory of God the Father. 404 00:26:12,439 –> 00:26:16,420 Jesus is Lord. 405 00:26:18,540 –> 00:26:21,079 Now, the important thing to grasp here 406 00:26:21,079 –> 00:26:24,339 is what kind of statement this is. 407 00:26:26,859 –> 00:26:28,839 Is this a statement of opinion 408 00:26:30,199 –> 00:26:32,880 that you can legitimately debate? 409 00:26:34,880 –> 00:26:38,079 Or is it ultimately a statement of reality 410 00:26:39,160 –> 00:26:41,219 to which it is wise to conform? 411 00:26:42,800 –> 00:26:44,439 As we think about these two for a moment, 412 00:26:44,439 –> 00:26:46,500 let me try and illustrate the difference. 413 00:26:47,680 –> 00:26:49,640 Let me give you this statement. 414 00:26:49,680 –> 00:26:53,619 Muhammed Ali is the greatest. 415 00:26:53,619 –> 00:26:55,020 Remember the great boxer? 416 00:26:55,020 –> 00:26:58,479 And he said that, Muhammed Ali, I’m the greatest. 417 00:26:58,479 –> 00:26:59,920 Now there’s a statement. 418 00:26:59,920 –> 00:27:02,459 Muhammed Ali is the greatest. 419 00:27:03,760 –> 00:27:08,420 It is an opinion that can be legitimately debated. 420 00:27:09,699 –> 00:27:14,319 He may indeed have been the greatest boxer of all time, 421 00:27:14,540 –> 00:27:19,540 but some people think that Rocky Marciano was better. 422 00:27:20,939 –> 00:27:24,920 And debates like that will go on for time and for eternity. 423 00:27:24,920 –> 00:27:29,099 They will never be resolved and they never can be resolved 424 00:27:29,099 –> 00:27:31,699 because in their very nature 425 00:27:31,699 –> 00:27:36,119 this is a statement of personal opinion. 426 00:27:37,040 –> 00:27:38,880 Muhammed Ali is the greatest. 427 00:27:38,880 –> 00:27:42,239 He thought that, thousands of other people also think that. 428 00:27:42,739 –> 00:27:44,680 Not everybody thinks that. 429 00:27:44,680 –> 00:27:48,180 It is an opinion that you can legitimately debate. 430 00:27:49,479 –> 00:27:51,180 Let me give you another statement. 431 00:27:53,839 –> 00:27:57,760 It’s 28 degrees in Chicago today. 432 00:27:59,040 –> 00:28:03,099 When you hear it is 10 below in Chicago, 433 00:28:04,839 –> 00:28:08,319 that statement is a reality 434 00:28:08,319 –> 00:28:11,339 to which it is wise to conform. 435 00:28:13,040 –> 00:28:16,739 If you wrap up well when it’s 10 below in Chicago, 436 00:28:16,739 –> 00:28:17,920 you will be warm. 437 00:28:19,040 –> 00:28:21,660 If you go out in a t-shirt 438 00:28:21,660 –> 00:28:23,760 when it’s 10 degrees below in Chicago, 439 00:28:23,760 –> 00:28:27,119 in the mistaken belief that you can create your own reality, 440 00:28:28,400 –> 00:28:32,579 you will soon be suffering from hypothermia, will you not? 441 00:28:34,119 –> 00:28:35,459 Now here’s the question. 442 00:28:36,400 –> 00:28:40,459 When Paul says Jesus is Lord, 443 00:28:42,459 –> 00:28:44,939 is he making a statement of personal opinion 444 00:28:44,939 –> 00:28:48,880 or is this ultimately a statement of verifiable fact? 445 00:28:48,880 –> 00:28:50,119 It’s a crucial question. 446 00:28:52,199 –> 00:28:54,260 When he says Jesus is Lord, 447 00:28:54,260 –> 00:28:56,859 is it like Muhammad Ali is the greatest 448 00:28:58,680 –> 00:29:00,900 or is it like the temperature in Chicago? 449 00:29:03,839 –> 00:29:07,839 Now, obviously, the statement Jesus is Lord 450 00:29:08,739 –> 00:29:11,459 is not verifiable by everybody today. 451 00:29:12,520 –> 00:29:14,400 Not everybody makes this confession. 452 00:29:15,680 –> 00:29:18,219 Therefore, most people assume 453 00:29:19,099 –> 00:29:22,699 that it is therefore a statement of personal opinion 454 00:29:22,699 –> 00:29:25,400 believed by many people, particularly in the West, 455 00:29:25,400 –> 00:29:28,459 rather similar to Muhammad Ali is the greatest. 456 00:29:29,780 –> 00:29:31,880 But I want you to look in these last moments 457 00:29:31,880 –> 00:29:33,839 more closely at what Paul is saying. 458 00:29:33,839 –> 00:29:34,900 I hope you have your Bible open 459 00:29:34,900 –> 00:29:36,979 because I want you to see it in the Bible. 460 00:29:38,520 –> 00:29:41,359 He speaks here of Christ being confessed 461 00:29:42,439 –> 00:29:43,800 in heaven, 462 00:29:45,400 –> 00:29:46,800 on earth, 463 00:29:47,839 –> 00:29:49,699 and under the earth. 464 00:29:49,699 –> 00:29:51,300 Now notice the three categories. 465 00:29:52,400 –> 00:29:55,219 Heaven is the home of angels who worship Him. 466 00:29:57,239 –> 00:29:59,839 Earth is the home of human beings, 467 00:29:59,839 –> 00:30:02,619 some of whom worship Him and some of whom do not. 468 00:30:04,780 –> 00:30:07,199 Under the earth is a biblical way of referring 469 00:30:07,199 –> 00:30:10,000 to the home of the devil, the demons and the powers 470 00:30:10,000 –> 00:30:14,859 of darkness who are the sworn enemies of Christ. 471 00:30:16,640 –> 00:30:19,660 Now if the statement Jesus is Lord 472 00:30:19,660 –> 00:30:22,119 were a matter of personal opinion, 473 00:30:22,119 –> 00:30:26,680 you could be certain that it would be confessed 474 00:30:26,680 –> 00:30:29,739 in heaven where He is loved. 475 00:30:29,739 –> 00:30:31,479 But you could be equally certain that 476 00:30:31,479 –> 00:30:33,599 if it was an expression of personal opinion, 477 00:30:33,599 –> 00:30:36,599 the statement Jesus is Lord would never be confessed 478 00:30:36,599 –> 00:30:38,760 in hell figuring He is hated. 479 00:30:40,640 –> 00:30:45,640 Paul is saying that every being in the universe 480 00:30:46,479 –> 00:30:49,160 in heaven, the angelic beings. 481 00:30:49,160 –> 00:30:51,280 On earth, all human beings. 482 00:30:51,280 –> 00:30:53,500 And under the earth, all demonic beings. 483 00:30:53,500 –> 00:30:55,400 But every being in the universe 484 00:30:55,400 –> 00:31:00,400 will personally verify that Jesus is Lord. 485 00:31:01,780 –> 00:31:04,640 All will make this confession is what he’s saying. 486 00:31:04,640 –> 00:31:06,380 Not just believers. 487 00:31:07,339 –> 00:31:11,339 What he’s saying is that the enemies of Jesus 488 00:31:11,339 –> 00:31:15,160 will on the last day make the same confession 489 00:31:15,160 –> 00:31:16,459 as his friends. 490 00:31:17,619 –> 00:31:21,619 In other words, Satan and Gabriel 491 00:31:21,619 –> 00:31:24,839 will both confess that Jesus is Lord. 492 00:31:27,359 –> 00:31:30,540 Joseph Stalin, who died according to 493 00:31:30,540 –> 00:31:32,560 the testimony of his daughter, 494 00:31:32,560 –> 00:31:34,839 with his fist raised towards heaven, 495 00:31:34,839 –> 00:31:36,060 and then he fell back on his pillow, 496 00:31:36,540 –> 00:31:37,959 and that’s how Joseph Stalin died. 497 00:31:39,280 –> 00:31:42,599 Joseph Stalin and Billy Graham 498 00:31:42,599 –> 00:31:45,619 will both confess that Jesus is Lord. 499 00:31:47,359 –> 00:31:52,359 John Lennon, Tom Cruise, Michael Jordan, 500 00:31:53,699 –> 00:31:58,699 John McEnroe, Babe Ruth, Pastor Colin, 501 00:31:58,959 –> 00:32:03,959 and you will all confess that Jesus is Lord.” 502 00:32:09,180 –> 00:32:11,560 What Paul is saying is this is the one reality 503 00:32:14,219 –> 00:32:15,500 that nobody can avoid. 504 00:32:18,000 –> 00:32:20,500 Some will make this confession on the last day 505 00:32:20,500 –> 00:32:22,140 with the greatest joy. 506 00:32:23,420 –> 00:32:25,599 Some will make this confession on the last day 507 00:32:25,599 –> 00:32:26,900 with the greatest sorrow. 508 00:32:28,939 –> 00:32:30,079 Some will say, 509 00:32:30,079 –> 00:32:32,119 Jesus is Lord, 510 00:32:32,119 –> 00:32:35,160 and I missed the purpose of my life. 511 00:32:38,180 –> 00:32:39,459 Jesus is Lord, 512 00:32:39,459 –> 00:32:42,180 and what I’ve lost can no longer be found. 513 00:32:44,540 –> 00:32:46,140 Jesus is Lord. 514 00:32:46,140 –> 00:32:47,300 And in resisting Him, 515 00:32:47,300 –> 00:32:49,780 I have ultimately destroyed myself. 516 00:32:55,579 –> 00:32:57,079 And others will make tis confession 517 00:32:57,079 –> 00:32:58,339 with the greatest joy. 518 00:32:59,400 –> 00:33:00,140 No! 519 00:33:00,459 –> 00:33:02,040 others will say, 520 00:33:02,040 –> 00:33:05,400 this is the purpose for which I was created. 521 00:33:05,400 –> 00:33:07,880 Jesus is Lord. 522 00:33:09,420 –> 00:33:11,079 And I have found the One 523 00:33:11,079 –> 00:33:12,800 who all my life I was seeking, 524 00:33:12,800 –> 00:33:13,819 and in finding Him, 525 00:33:13,819 –> 00:33:15,140 I have found myself. 526 00:33:15,140 –> 00:33:16,020 Now at last, 527 00:33:16,020 –> 00:33:16,920 I am at home. 528 00:33:19,680 –> 00:33:21,119 Every tongue will confess 529 00:33:21,119 –> 00:33:22,660 that Jesus is Lord. 530 00:33:22,660 –> 00:33:25,000 Now, it’s so important to understand today, 531 00:33:25,000 –> 00:33:25,979 we’re not saying, 532 00:33:25,979 –> 00:33:27,140 Jesus is my Lord 533 00:33:27,140 –> 00:33:29,319 so He must be Lord of everybody. 534 00:33:30,180 –> 00:33:31,479 That’s not what we’re saying, 535 00:33:31,479 –> 00:33:33,040 that would be imposition. 536 00:33:34,020 –> 00:33:34,959 That is what our culture 537 00:33:34,959 –> 00:33:36,479 is arguing so strongly against, 538 00:33:36,479 –> 00:33:37,619 you can’t tell someone else 539 00:33:37,619 –> 00:33:38,540 just because you believe in 540 00:33:38,540 –> 00:33:40,079 you can’t tell somebody else, you see. 541 00:33:40,079 –> 00:33:41,219 We’re not saying, 542 00:33:41,219 –> 00:33:42,280 Jesus is my Lord 543 00:33:42,280 –> 00:33:43,900 so He must be everybody else’s. 544 00:33:43,900 –> 00:33:44,920 We’re saying, 545 00:33:44,920 –> 00:33:48,099 Jesus is Lord of everything 546 00:33:48,099 –> 00:33:51,160 and therefore He must be Lord of me. 547 00:33:52,219 –> 00:33:54,000 It is not a statement of personal opinion 548 00:33:54,000 –> 00:33:56,260 that will be debated for eternity, 549 00:33:56,420 –> 00:33:58,739 it is a statement of verifiable fact 550 00:33:58,739 –> 00:34:00,599 that will be verified by every person 551 00:34:00,599 –> 00:34:03,439 who’s ever lived on the last day. 552 00:34:03,439 –> 00:34:05,859 Till then we walk by faith not by sight. 553 00:34:08,820 –> 00:34:11,560 That is what the Apostle Paul is saying for us here. 554 00:34:13,580 –> 00:34:15,340 And if it is true that every person 555 00:34:15,340 –> 00:34:16,159 who has ever lived, 556 00:34:16,159 –> 00:34:17,820 including the enemies of Christ, 557 00:34:17,820 –> 00:34:20,040 will one day confess that He is Lord, 558 00:34:20,040 –> 00:34:21,520 either to their everlasting joy 559 00:34:21,520 –> 00:34:23,399 or to their everlasting sorrow. 560 00:34:23,419 –> 00:34:25,840 Then nothing is more urgent 561 00:34:27,419 –> 00:34:31,860 than that I conform my life to that reality. 562 00:34:33,899 –> 00:34:35,959 That means becoming a follower 563 00:34:37,939 –> 00:34:42,659 and a worshiper of Jesus. 564 00:34:45,100 –> 00:34:46,100 Is that who you are? 565 00:34:51,919 –> 00:34:52,959 You know I’m laid with a prayer, 566 00:34:53,100 –> 00:34:54,679 but I’m really gonna end with something different. 567 00:34:55,620 –> 00:34:56,879 I’m going to play a short tape, 568 00:34:56,879 –> 00:34:58,219 it just last four minutes, 569 00:34:58,219 –> 00:35:00,959 and then we’re gonna sing a final song. 570 00:35:00,959 –> 00:35:03,560 It’s a tape of Dr. S. M. Lockridge, 571 00:35:03,560 –> 00:35:07,300 a man with a remarkable gift of speaking 572 00:35:07,300 –> 00:35:11,219 in a style that I could not begin to attempt. 573 00:35:11,219 –> 00:35:14,199 I want you to enjoy the richness of the truth 574 00:35:15,040 –> 00:35:16,320 of a man just caught up 575 00:35:16,320 –> 00:35:19,560 in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, 576 00:35:19,560 –> 00:35:21,919 and I think in an inimitable style 577 00:35:21,959 –> 00:35:24,120 confessing his greatness and glory. 578 00:35:24,120 –> 00:35:29,120 As you hear the multiple facets of the truth of Jesus, 579 00:35:29,679 –> 00:35:31,840 let it be the response of your heart 580 00:35:31,840 –> 00:35:36,840 to say from within amen and to glorify him. 581 00:35:36,919 –> 00:35:39,139 As for these moments, we listen. 582 00:35:39,139 –> 00:35:43,320 The Bible says my king is a seven-way king. 583 00:35:43,320 –> 00:35:45,280 He’s the king of the Jews. 584 00:35:45,280 –> 00:35:46,820 That’s a racial thing. 585 00:35:46,820 –> 00:35:48,899 He’s the king of Israel. 586 00:35:48,899 –> 00:35:50,479 That’s a national thing. 587 00:35:50,520 –> 00:35:52,620 He is a king of righteousness. 588 00:35:52,620 –> 00:35:54,280 He’s the king of the ages. 589 00:35:54,280 –> 00:35:55,800 He’s the king of heaven. 590 00:35:55,800 –> 00:35:57,580 He’s the king of glory. 591 00:35:57,580 –> 00:36:01,979 He’s the king of kings and he’s the Lord of lords. 592 00:36:01,979 –> 00:36:03,040 That’s my king. 593 00:36:05,040 –> 00:36:07,399 Well I wonder, do you know him? 594 00:36:07,399 –> 00:36:08,260 David said, 595 00:36:08,260 –> 00:36:11,580 the heavens declare the glory of God 596 00:36:11,580 –> 00:36:14,100 and the fundaments show his handiwork. 597 00:36:14,100 –> 00:36:18,620 My king is a sovereign king. 598 00:36:18,639 –> 00:36:23,340 No means of measure can define his limitless love. 599 00:36:23,340 –> 00:36:27,639 No farseeing telescope can bring into visibility 600 00:36:27,639 –> 00:36:30,719 the coastline of his soulless supply. 601 00:36:30,719 –> 00:36:35,479 No barrier can hinder him from pouring out his blessing. 602 00:36:35,479 –> 00:36:37,959 He’s enduranly strong. 603 00:36:37,959 –> 00:36:40,760 He’s entirely sincere. 604 00:36:40,760 –> 00:36:43,399 He’s eternally steadfast. 605 00:36:43,399 –> 00:36:45,719 He’s immortally grateful. 606 00:36:45,719 –> 00:36:48,040 He’s empirely powerful. 607 00:36:48,040 –> 00:36:50,620 He’s impartially merciful. 608 00:36:50,620 –> 00:36:51,800 Do you know him? 609 00:36:51,800 –> 00:36:55,239 He’s the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed 610 00:36:55,239 –> 00:36:57,520 the horizon of this world. 611 00:36:57,520 –> 00:36:59,320 He’s God’s son. 612 00:36:59,320 –> 00:37:01,239 He’s a sinner’s savior. 613 00:37:01,239 –> 00:37:04,159 He’s the centerpiece of civilization. 614 00:37:04,159 –> 00:37:07,520 He stands in the solitude of himself. 615 00:37:07,520 –> 00:37:10,379 He’s August and he’s unique. 616 00:37:10,379 –> 00:37:14,199 He’s unparalleled, he’s unprecedented. 617 00:37:14,199 –> 00:37:17,320 He is the lost-est idea in literature. 618 00:37:17,419 –> 00:37:20,939 He’s the highest personality in philosophy. 619 00:37:20,939 –> 00:37:25,000 He is the supreme problem in higher criticism. 620 00:37:25,000 –> 00:37:28,419 He’s the fundamental doctrine of true theology. 621 00:37:28,419 –> 00:37:32,780 He is the causal necessity for spiritual religion. 622 00:37:32,780 –> 00:37:35,080 He’s the miracle of the age. 623 00:37:36,040 –> 00:37:37,219 Yes, he is. 624 00:37:37,219 –> 00:37:40,139 He is the superlative of everything good 625 00:37:40,139 –> 00:37:41,979 that you choose to call him. 626 00:37:41,979 –> 00:37:46,979 He’s the only one qualified to be an all-sufficient savior. 627 00:37:47,360 –> 00:37:49,520 I wonder if you know him today. 628 00:37:49,520 –> 00:37:52,320 He supplies strength for the weak. 629 00:37:52,320 –> 00:37:55,659 He’s available for the tempted and the tried. 630 00:37:55,659 –> 00:37:58,320 He sympathizes and he saves. 631 00:37:58,320 –> 00:38:01,120 He strengthens and sustains. 632 00:38:01,120 –> 00:38:03,879 He guards and he guides. 633 00:38:03,879 –> 00:38:05,820 He heals the sick, 634 00:38:05,820 –> 00:38:07,760 he cleanses the lepers. 635 00:38:07,760 –> 00:38:09,719 He forgives sinners. 636 00:38:09,719 –> 00:38:11,639 He discharges debtors. 637 00:38:11,639 –> 00:38:13,600 He delivers the captive. 638 00:38:13,600 –> 00:38:15,459 He defends the feeble. 639 00:38:15,500 –> 00:38:17,320 He blesses the young. 640 00:38:17,320 –> 00:38:19,500 He serves the unfortunate. 641 00:38:19,500 –> 00:38:21,540 He regards the age. 642 00:38:21,540 –> 00:38:23,560 He rewards the diligent 643 00:38:23,560 –> 00:38:25,840 and he beautifies the meager. 644 00:38:25,840 –> 00:38:27,659 I wonder if you know him. 645 00:38:27,659 –> 00:38:31,139 Well, this is my King. 646 00:38:31,139 –> 00:38:32,540 He is the key. 647 00:38:32,540 –> 00:38:34,639 He’s the key to knowledge. 648 00:38:34,639 –> 00:38:37,219 He’s the well spring of wisdom. 649 00:38:37,219 –> 00:38:39,659 He’s the doorway of deliverance. 650 00:38:39,659 –> 00:38:41,699 He’s the pathway of peace. 651 00:38:41,699 –> 00:38:44,300 He’s the roadway of righteousness. 652 00:38:44,300 –> 00:38:46,620 He’s the highway of holiness. 653 00:38:46,620 –> 00:38:48,979 He’s the gateway of glory. 654 00:38:48,979 –> 00:38:50,280 Do you know him? 655 00:38:50,280 –> 00:38:53,479 Well, his office is manifold, 656 00:38:53,479 –> 00:38:55,879 his promise is sure, 657 00:38:55,879 –> 00:38:57,899 his life is matchless, 658 00:38:57,899 –> 00:39:00,040 his goodness is limitless, 659 00:39:00,040 –> 00:39:02,500 his mercy is everlasting, 660 00:39:02,500 –> 00:39:04,860 his love never changes. 661 00:39:04,860 –> 00:39:06,979 His word is enough. 662 00:39:06,979 –> 00:39:09,120 His grace is sufficient. 663 00:39:09,120 –> 00:39:11,239 His reign is righteous 664 00:39:11,239 –> 00:39:13,500 and his yoke is easy 665 00:39:13,500 –> 00:39:16,219 and his burden is light. 666 00:39:16,219 –> 00:39:18,520 I wish I could describe him to ya, 667 00:39:18,520 –> 00:39:19,899 but he’s indescribable. 668 00:39:32,620 –> 00:39:34,939 Yes, he’s indescribable. 669 00:39:34,939 –> 00:39:37,379 He’s incomprehensible. 670 00:39:37,379 –> 00:39:39,159 He’s invincible. 671 00:39:39,159 –> 00:39:40,899 He’s irresistible. 672 00:39:41,020 –> 00:39:43,899 Well, you can’t get him out of your mind. 673 00:39:43,899 –> 00:39:47,020 You can’t get him off of your hand. 674 00:39:47,020 –> 00:39:50,540 You can’t outlive him and you can’t live without him. 675 00:39:50,540 –> 00:39:53,800 Well, the Pharisees couldn’t stand, 676 00:39:53,800 –> 00:39:56,500 but they found out they couldn’t stop him, 677 00:39:56,500 –> 00:39:59,379 Pilate couldn’t find any fault in him. 678 00:39:59,379 –> 00:40:03,540 The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree. 679 00:40:03,540 –> 00:40:05,840 Herod couldn’t kill him. 680 00:40:05,840 –> 00:40:07,620 Death couldn’t handle him, 681 00:40:07,620 –> 00:40:09,840 and the grave couldn’t hold him. 682 00:40:09,959 –> 00:40:10,800 Yeah! 683 00:40:12,560 –> 00:40:14,500 That’s marty! 684 00:40:14,500 –> 00:40:15,600 That’s marty!


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Colin Smith

Trustee / Founder and Teaching Pastor

Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near – So Far. Colin is the Founder and Teaching Pastor for Open the Bible. Follow him on X formerly Twitter.

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Every Sunday morning, millions of believers gather for worship. We sing, pray, give, preach, baptize, and share the Lord’s Supper. That’s what we do—but why do we do it? This series will help you get beyond the discussion of worship style, and help you to explore the spiritual values that drive authentic worship.

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